
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?

I did, half the nation is tarded.
So you just created this to be a troll thread? Your op was a 'nothing', it made no point, only asked a question. And as I figured, you have no answer, you just want to troll.
I have plenty of answers. But I asked the question and you have failed to do anything other than be a partisan troll.

Why would I present a well thought out answer to a question that you cant even comprehend? We already know you learned nothing from such a failure to perform and that you do not want to learn anything from it.

It's all right though, continue to lose. No skin off my back anymore.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?

Haha nope they’ll keep preaching “open carry” for guns and other cowboy wannabe nonsense.

And that’s why we, the Democrats today say:

We. Are. Winning.
Haha nope they’ll keep preaching “open carry” for guns and other cowboy wannabe nonsense.

And that’s why we, the Democrats today say:

We. Are. Winning.
Is that really what you think sunk them this cycle?

They can continue to repeat that all they want, it had nothing to do with the poor performance.
I have plenty of answers. But I asked the question and you have failed to do anything other than be a partisan troll.

Why would I present a well thought out answer to a question that you cant even comprehend? We already know you learned nothing from such a failure to perform and that you do not want to learn anything from it.

It's all right though, continue to lose. No skin off my back anymore.

So you don't have an answer. Thanks.
More nothing.

This is a view you already had. It is something that is also not going to happen. So you will get a repeat of tonight in 2 years without all the headwinds.
Right, it won't change because the rules favor Democrats in large urban areas. The new rules should not remain in place due to things like ballot harvesting.
As I have to keep stating, you thought that before the election.

So many on the right seem to think that 'learning' means reinforcing my priors.
Why should us sane folks stoop to the level of those crazy enough to vote for someone like Fetterman?
DId you?

The problem is, that you guys screamed the fucking end of the world is here, and normal people looked out their windows and see, things are just fine. No real shortages at the store, no hoard of Mexicans burning the hood... You know, unlike what we had in 2020, when thing truly were messed up.

The big problem was that the GOP only talked about stuff that matters to their base. Sure, inflation is bad, but it's not like the GOP has any idea how to fix it.
Lol, the destruction was in liberal run shitholes. Trump offered the democrat governors and mayor's the national guard to stop it. Of course they didn't do it. Nice try trying to spin your bullshit.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
Roe v Wade. This is why conservatives say never underestimate the GOP's ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.
Roe v Wade. This is why conservatives say never underestimate the GOP's ability to pull defeat from the jaws of victory.
This certainly did have an impact. i do not think it was a deciding factor though. You really think that it impacted the election enough to see these results?
This certainly did have an impact. i do not think it was a deciding factor though. You really think that it impacted the election enough to see these results?
I don't. It is simply the new voting format.
This certainly did have an impact. i do not think it was a deciding factor though. You really think that it impacted the election enough to see these results?
Then you underestimate how pissed of women are over this. RvW was the only hope Dems had this election cycle, and the SCOTUS idiots handed it to them on a silver platter.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
Yes we did. We found out there are a lot more bat shit crazy Moon Bat idiots in this country that we suspected.
Then you underestimate how pissed of women are over this.

That would be unfortunate for the right though. There is noting you can do about it and the party is certainly not going to start supporting abortion all of the sudden. I guess we will know when exit polling is all settled and analyzed.
Yes we did. We found out there are a lot more bat shit crazy Moon Bat idiots in this country that we suspected.
Another one simply confirming priors.

So far we have had one poster actually capable of answering the question...
As I have to keep stating, you thought that before the election.

So many on the right seem to think that 'learning' means reinforcing my priors.

Correct, I thought that before the election and still do. I mean fuck, we put Pelosi, Biden, Kamala, AOC etc. etc. into office didn't we?

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