
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
The party also has a trio of "leaders" (McCarthy, McTurtle, & McDaniel) who refused to support and fund candidates in races that were winnable.

You really think that didn't play a significant part of the big red popcorn fart?
All the Election Fraud Machinery from 2020 was still in place. America will rarely see fair elections again until enough people care to remove the bullshit Democrats put in place to try to turn America into a One Party Rule like California has established.

Fraud is a Democrat's Best Friend.

America is circling the drain.
Do you really believe that? Oh my gosh you probably believe in unicorns, the tooth fairy, and that professional wrestling is real.
It's amazing what can be accomplished when almost the entirety of the mainstream and social media works 24/4 for the globalist party in order to convince the American populace that freedom is slavery and ignorance strength.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?

Part of the answer.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
The lesson to be learned is that Republicans have to encourage giving welfare to those who live in slums.
Republicans did more than squeak by. The GOP ousted the Pelosi dynasty and the jury is still out with the senate. A Fox babe said it best that the Country is split and both sides are firmly intrenched in their own beliefs. If Pa. democrats were so motivated that they elected a brain dead racist because they hate Trump, it's their embarrassment to live with.
Republicans did more than squeak by. The GOP ousted the Pelosi dynasty and the justy is still out with the senate. A Fox babe said it best that the Country is split and both sides are intrenched in their own beliefs. If Pa. democrats were so motivated that they elected a brain dead racist because they hate Trump, it's their embarrassment to live with.
Living here in PA I can tell you that part of the reason Oz lost was a bad undertow from a poor GOP candidate for Gov. that affected Oz in some swing areas. Mind you Mastriano is a decent man just a poor candidate.
All the Election Fraud Machinery from 2020 was still in place. America will rarely see fair elections again until enough people care to remove the bullshit Democrats put in place to try to turn America into a One Party Rule like California has established.

Fraud is a Democrat's Best Friend.

America is circling the drain.
:thankusmile: best damn post on this stupid thread. no surprise one of USMBS most biggest resident trolls trys to laugh off those facts,. what trolls like the op ignore is the same domion machines that stole the votes in 2020,the dems were loudly complaining about in stealing votes from them before 2016.Now when it is in FAVOR of them,they are quiet all of a sudden on how unreliable they are.
1. If Manchin switches parties, the GOP could take the senate, we'll see, he should be tired of being shit on by now.

Why would he? He frankly has more power as the 50th Democrat than the 51st Republican.

2. Republicans learned that democrats lie, and the MSM repeats the lies until they becomes the truth. (if Republicans win America's democracy is over), (Clyburn: if Republicans win the world is over), (the View: surburban women are cockroaches if they vote Republican), (if Republicans win they will make abortions illegal all over the US), etc.

Uh, you guys helped create that image. You know, storming the capitol, threatening to change election laws in swing states so you win, etc. Oh, yeah, and overturning Roe v. Wade.

3. The 2024 election will NOT be a blue wave. It will be after 2-more years of Biden and the dem's stupid policies. The dems will have many more senate seats to defend, so the Republicans should keep the House, take the senate and the Whitehouse. Who do the dems have to beat a Republican like Desantis?

Assuming a very popular Biden doesn't run again, Pritzker or Newsom would make fine candidates.

The bigger problem you have is that a contest between Trump and DeSantis would wreck your party. Trump might even do what he threatened to do in 2012, run as a third party candidate if his ring isn't kissed.


Fucking Duh, there just isn't that much to cut.

Here, let me help you out.


National Defense, Social Security, Medicare, and interest on the debt make up 69% of the budget. None of those things can really be cut. Social programs include Medicaid, which can't be cut, either.

So let me know what you can cut to even make up the deficit, much less pay down the debt.

Make the goddam rich pay their fair share.
Go back to pre-covid voting rules and you would see a significant change. Democrats don't want to do that. That is all you really need to know about what is going on. I'm not necessarily talking about cheating, but rather ballot harvesting, etc. That heavily favors Democrats in large, highly populated areas.

Except you guys lost the popular vote in 2018 before the rules were instituted.. you lost in 2016 as well, we just use this bizarre system called an Electoral College (that no one else in the world uses to select leaders, nor anywhere else in the US).

More people voting is a good thing. Helping people vote is wonderful. People shouldn't have to navigate an obstacle course to vote.
Lol, the destruction was in liberal run shitholes. Trump offered the democrat governors and mayor's the national guard to stop it. Of course they didn't do it. Nice try trying to spin your bullshit.

The National Guard wasn't going to help the riots that only happened because of Trump's racism.
They certainly wouldn't have helped the Plague and Recession that Trump brought.

They stopped Obama, or did you forget that?
Not really. Obama was easily re-elected and the ACA remained in force.
You just had an election where the opposing president essentially has the worst popularity ever. With the economy mid crash. An inflation rate through the roof and the cost of those things people need even more so. A map that looked fantastic. Increasing war weariness over Ukraine let alone the other FP disasters that have happened in the last 2 years. Shortages still happening all over the place with local stores regularly running out of basic staples. Basically, we could not have stacked the deck better.

And you still barely squeaked by underperforming every single projection out there. You could not even beat the senate candidate that could barely even speak.

The real question is...

Did you learn anything at all from it?
Yes, Democrats don't give a shit about how badly Biden has screwed things up!
It's amazing what can be accomplished when almost the entirety of the mainstream and social media works 24/4 for the globalist party in order to convince the American populace that freedom is slavery and ignorance strength.


If the best issue your side had was, "Oh my Gosh, there's a transgender person reading a story to kids", then you guys had pretty weak sauce.

The problem was that you guys really only appealed to your batshit crazy base.
So what you are arguing is that you are blaming Biden for the things Trump fucked up, or at least not fixing them fast enough, because you know by 2024, most of those things will be better.

The real problem was that the GOP offered no other alternative. They didn't appeal to anyone but their base. Trump is a large part of the problem, he motivated Democrats to get to the polls, to be sure. But the GOP's problems go far beyond Trump. Trump is just a symptom.
Really? Miami-Dade went red in case you failed to notice.
No, Biden will be forced to sign legislation passed by a Republican House and Senate or suffer the consequences.

Uh, wow, did you fail civics in grammar school. Besides the fact there won't be a Republican Senate, and the house will be a very weak majority, the president has a lot of power on his own in the lack of action by Congress.

Did you guys learn nothing from the Teabaggers or the Contract on America?

Really? Miami-Dade went red in case you failed to notice.

Meh, one county? Big whup.

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