Repubs have a legit beef w/ IG findings, so why are they telling more lies?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
Riiiiight....All the underlings acted totally independently, with no knowledge of their actions whatsoever by their superiors.

I bet you're a big enough rube to believe that GHWB wasn't "in the loop" viz. the Iran-Contra guns-for-cocaine scam too.
“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
Your closing statement is the most important one, always has been. It is consistently ignored.

I don't know what will happen internally as a result of the IG's report, but the fact that try as they might, they could find no evidence of political motivation for the investigation--should be a cue for us to start ignoring all this yammering to the contrary.
but the fact that try as they might, they could find no evidence of political motivation for the investigation

Riiiiight just numerous texts and acts that demonstrated blatant political bias and scheming and not one senior official in the DOJ or FBI was held accountable. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:
Riiiiight....All the underlings acted totally independently, with no knowledge of their actions whatsoever by their superiors.
There is no evidence members of the admin knew about the FBI investigation. Sorry if you find the facts don't fit your erroneous, preconceived notions.
As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

Given........... It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton................shouldn't Dems be rightly complaining about pro-Trump bias in the FBI?
You will notice that Russian asset Donald Trump and his horde of lickspittles consistently fail to mention the FBI investigation uncovered massive Russian interference in the 2016 election. The investigation caught the Russians red-handed and in real time.

You have to wonder why Trump and his horde of lickspittles fail to acknowledge this.

These findings completely legitimize that investigation.

The end.
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“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
Your closing statement is the most important one, always has been. It is consistently ignored.

I don't know what will happen internally as a result of the IG's report, but the fact that try as they might, they could find no evidence of political motivation for the investigation--should be a cue for us to start ignoring all this yammering to the contrary.
The fact that all those "deep state conspiracists" (what a joke) had the power to torpedo Trump's candidacy but didn't blows up the paranoid lunacy the Groper-in-Chief (and right wing media) has been promoting..........and still promotes.
“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
Here's why Goebbels:

If Schiff acknowledged that there were problems with FISA, and how this whole 3 year long siege against The White House started, then why did he Deny DUE Process, write new rules for impeachment inquiries which favored only him and only The Democrat Party's ability to dominate The Inquiry with Their Narrative? If Schiff really wanted to get to "The Truth" he would have allowed The Fake Whistleblower to testify and be cross examined like he said he would.

The Entire Process was tainted with BIAS despite Schiff Acknowldeging that the entire reason he was there was based on false pretenses and propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Obama.

This btw is why they had to make up non existent, fake crimes that do not appear in US Code. Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are imaginary offenses.

Schiff knows that, Nadler knows, that Schummer knows that, Pelosi knows that, Waters knows that, Swalwell knows that. The entire Democrat party knows that.

Yet they REFUSED to allow a Fair and Balanced Process. This is entirely political, entirely about them wanting to win in 2020, and was entirely partisan from start to finish.
“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
Here's why Goebbels:

If Schiff acknowledged that there were problems with FISA, and how this whole 3 year long siege against The White House started, then why did he Deny DUE Process, write new rules for impeachment inquiries which favored only him and only The Democrat Party's ability to dominate The Inquiry with Their Narrative? If Schiff really wanted to get to "The Truth" he would have allowed The Fake Whistleblower to testify and be cross examined like he said he would.

The Entire Process was tainted with BIAS despite Schiff Acknowldeging that the entire reason he was there was based on false pretenses and propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Obama.

This btw is why they had to make up non existent, fake crimes that do not appear in US Code. Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are imaginary offenses.

Schiff knows that, Nadler knows, that Schummer knows that, Pelosi knows that, Waters knows that, Swalwell knows that. The entire Democrat party knows that.

Yet they REFUSED to allow a Fair and Balanced Process. This is entirely political, entirely about them wanting to win in 2020, and was entirely partisan from start to finish.
Gee, what a steaming pile of shit. Nothing you wrote is true.
Riiiiight....All the underlings acted totally independently, with no knowledge of their actions whatsoever by their superiors.
There is no evidence members of the admin knew about the FBI investigation. Sorry if you find the facts don't fit your erroneous, preconceived notions.
If you really believe that, you're a bigger dumb fuck that I had already come to believe...And brother, that's saying something.
“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton.

None of those pro trump FBI agents were leading the investigation against donald trump

Strock, page, mccabe and others were known trump haters
“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
Here's why Goebbels:

If Schiff acknowledged that there were problems with FISA, and how this whole 3 year long siege against The White House started, then why did he Deny DUE Process, write new rules for impeachment inquiries which favored only him and only The Democrat Party's ability to dominate The Inquiry with Their Narrative? If Schiff really wanted to get to "The Truth" he would have allowed The Fake Whistleblower to testify and be cross examined like he said he would.

The Entire Process was tainted with BIAS despite Schiff Acknowldeging that the entire reason he was there was based on false pretenses and propaganda paid for by Hillary Clinton and Obama.

This btw is why they had to make up non existent, fake crimes that do not appear in US Code. Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are imaginary offenses.

Schiff knows that, Nadler knows, that Schummer knows that, Pelosi knows that, Waters knows that, Swalwell knows that. The entire Democrat party knows that.

Yet they REFUSED to allow a Fair and Balanced Process. This is entirely political, entirely about them wanting to win in 2020, and was entirely partisan from start to finish.
Gee, what a steaming pile of shit. Nothing you wrote is true.
100% of what I wrote was True. How the mods let you shit on our forum everyday with propaganda and lies and flame bait every day is beyond me.
but the fact that try as they might, they could find no evidence of political motivation for the investigation

Riiiiight just numerous texts and acts that demonstrated blatant political bias and scheming and not one senior official in the DOJ or FBI was held accountable. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:
What the IG found were numerous “ texts and messages” from FBI agents CELEBRATING Trump’s win so...
but the fact that try as they might, they could find no evidence of political motivation for the investigation

Riiiiight just numerous texts and acts that demonstrated blatant political bias and scheming and not one senior official in the DOJ or FBI was held accountable. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:
What the IG found were numerous “ texts and messages” from FBI agents CELEBRATING Trump’s win so...

aka, whining rw trumpdrones deflecting reality with spin.
“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
Without evidence? Lol. Barr knows Durham’s findings. Findings through having more tools at his disposal than Horowitz had. Can’t wait to see you eat crow when that report is released.
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“The IG’s investigation did identify issues and errors in the FISA process, including potential misconduct.”

That quote, acknowledging the problems associated with the part of the FBI investigation pertaining to Carter Page, comes from Adam Schiff. It's an honest assessment of the IG's findings and one Schiff should be credited for making. I am hard pressed to find a similar reaction from Repubs to the overarching conclusion by Horowitz that the investigation in to the Trump campaign was warranted and not effected by political bias.

Most notably, both Billy the Bagman and Individual 1 have told lies about the findings. For example, Barr claims (without evidence) Crossfire Hurricane was an operation directed by the “incumbent government,” meaning the Obama admin, to “spy on political opponents.” But the IG report did not find any WH briefings on Crossfire Hurricane or even that AG Lynch was aware of it. It goes on in some detail to explain all of the witnesses they interviewed told the IG that the FBI did not try to recruit members of the Trump campaign, did not send human resources to collect information in Trump campaign headquarters or Trump campaign spaces, and did not ask human resources to join the Trump campaign or otherwise attend campaign related events as part of the investigation. So..........Barr once again has deceitfully mis-characterized a DoJ report, the first one being Mueller's.

As for the Liar-in-Chief, well, he did what he does...............lie. He did so by saying the report shows there was an attempted overthrow of the government. But there is nothing in the report that supports that accusation. In fact, the IG found that political bias did not factor into the probe. It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the IG report should have been disappointing to Trump, yet he disingenuously suggests (lies) it’s even worse than he expected.

And now we come to the crushing blow, putting to rest the grand conspiracy theory the FBI was out to get Trump. The investigation was ongoing during the campaign for the presidency, YET NOT A SINGLE FBI AGENT DISCLOSED THE EXISTENCE OF THE INVESTIGATION TO THE MEDIA.

What better way to sabotage Trump's candidacy would there have been than to leak to the press the probe in to Russian contacts with the campaign before the election? BUT NO ONE DID.
It even turned up text messages of FBI agents hoping Trump would beat Hillary Clinton.

None of those pro trump FBI agents were leading the investigation against donald trump

Strock, page, mccabe and others were known trump haters
My prediction, since Horowitz found the personal views of agents involved (Strzok, Page, McCabe, and others) in the investigation did not influence it, is the next step for Trumpette's...........seeing as Horowitz's report rebuts their allegations about the by necessity Horowitz will be labeled part of the non-existent "deep state."
That's what happens to anyone who is viewed as not being on the Conman-in-Chief's side.
but the fact that try as they might, they could find no evidence of political motivation for the investigation

Riiiiight just numerous texts and acts that demonstrated blatant political bias and scheming and not one senior official in the DOJ or FBI was held accountable. :icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes::icon_rolleyes:
What the IG found were numerous “ texts and messages” from FBI agents CELEBRATING Trump’s win so...

aka, whining rw trumpdrones deflecting reality with spin.
Your deflection/spin dually noted.

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