Repubs NAACP, Dems KKK?

From 1868 through the early 1870s the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) functioned as a loosely organized group of political and social terrorists. The Klan's goals included political defeat of the Republican Party and the maintenance of absolute white supremacy in response to newly gained civil and political rights by southern blacks after the Civil War (1861-65). They were more successful in achieving their political goals than they were with their social goals during the Reconstruction era.

Ku Klux Klan in the Reconstruction Era
Crickets from Pogo.

Is there a question in the back?

I'm looking at your link. It's a nice addition to my library but it reconfirms what I just said about the Klan's origins:

>> Origins

The KKK was formed as a social group in Tennessee in 1866. The name probably came from the Greek word kuklos, meaning "circle."

The Ku Klux Klan was a loosely organized group of political and social terrorists during the Reconstruction, whose goals included political defeat of the Republican Party and the maintenance of absolute white supremacy in response to newly gained civil and political rights by southern blacks after the Civil War.

Klan was an alliterative version of "clan," thus Ku Klux Klan suggested a circle, or band, of brothers. With the passage of the Military Reconstruction Acts in March 1867, and the prospect of freedmen voting in the South, the Klan became a political organization. Former Confederate general Nathan Bedford Forrest probably served as the Grand Wizard, or overall leader, of the Klan and certainly played a significant role in its organized spread in early 1868. <<
I don't see anything taking issue with what I've already posted. Was there something else?
If it wasn't started by Democrats (which was the question in the OP), why would their goal be to "defeat the Republican Party"?

Because at the time... the Republican Party didn't even EXIST in the South. It was viewed as an arm of the Federal government, "interfering". The Fed is of course the Fed but the war over states rights had just been fought and the RP, the Union League and Federal authorities coming down from the North were seen as occupying forces. Which, after all, they were -- it took several years for the various states to be readmitted.

We have to understand, this world wasn't like it is now where we have the two parties we're familiar with. The Republican Party was formed in 1854 and ran its first Presidential candidate in 1856 (John Frémont). Neither Frémont, nor Lincoln in either 1860 or 1864, ran for office in the South. Republican ballots didn't appear in the South until 1868. Even in Kentucky, a border/neutral state and Lincoln's birth state, didn't run his name until 1864.

Lincoln's election was entirely from the North and West. In the mid-19th century you didn't go to the polls and get presented with a master list of all the candidates from the various parties -- the political party itself printed a ballot with its candidates, and you picked up the one you wanted. The Republican party didn't print any in the South until 1868.

In 1860 Lincoln of course got zero electoral votes from the South. Exactly the same number of EVs as the Democrat Steven Douglas got -- zero. The South had already walked out of the Democratic convention and had run its own candidates (two of them) who took the whole Southern vote. That left Lincoln and Douglas splitting the rest, which ended up in Lincoln's favor. There were actually four major candidates in that election.

It wasn't seen as a matter of "this party" and "that party" as we have today. It was "us here" and "them from up there" and a military occupation. So the idea of the Republican Party as a real political party also wouldn't exist until well after the war, and wouldn't be taken seriously by the conservative white South until much later. In the interim it won the black vote, and still had it in 1909 when the NAACP was formed. On Lincoln's 100th birthday.
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Because at the time... the Republican Party didn't even EXIST in the South. It was viewed as an arm of the Federal government, "interfering". The Fed is of course the Fed but the war over states rights had just been fought and the RP, the Union League and Federal authorities coming down from the North were seen as occupying forces. Which, after all, they were -- it took several years for the various states to be readmitted.
Bullshit. Lincoln was elected in 1860 and ended the Civil War. The first Klan started in 1865 and their purpose was to defeat the Republicans. Whether they were on the ballot or not is irrelevant.
Because at the time... the Republican Party didn't even EXIST in the South. It was viewed as an arm of the Federal government, "interfering". The Fed is of course the Fed but the war over states rights had just been fought and the RP, the Union League and Federal authorities coming down from the North were seen as occupying forces. Which, after all, they were -- it took several years for the various states to be readmitted.
Bullshit. Lincoln was elected in 1860 and ended the Civil War. The first Klan started in 1865 and their purpose was to defeat the Republicans. Whether they were on the ballot or not is irrelevant.

You just asked why they'd be resisting Republicans. I answered. You can't answer or analyze that question without understanding what "Republican" meant in that time and place. I gave you that too.

And no, the Klan's founders' purpose wasn't political at all. It was a goof by bored young men, nothing more. All that other shit came in when the vigilante thuggery got involved -- as your link describes in some detail, thanks for that.

The second (1915) Klan played off the thuggery part from its beginning with a fiery cross on Stone Mountain (the cross being inspired by the imagery in Birth of a Nation -- it wasn't part of the first Klan). That, much bigger Klan, was opposed to blacks, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, homosexuals, communists and loose women. It wasn't political either, though once it grew it did start dabbling in politics, though Simmons always maintained it was a "social club". More accurately it was a self-appointed hyperconservative moral police force, in effect an American Taliban.

I like how it took you an hour to look all that shit up hoping to find holes in my treatise. Yanno just before I hit "post" on a thread like that, I buy stock in Google. Ka-ching ka-ching.
Because at the time... the Republican Party didn't even EXIST in the South. It was viewed as an arm of the Federal government, "interfering". The Fed is of course the Fed but the war over states rights had just been fought and the RP, the Union League and Federal authorities coming down from the North were seen as occupying forces. Which, after all, they were -- it took several years for the various states to be readmitted.
Bullshit. Lincoln was elected in 1860 and ended the Civil War. The first Klan started in 1865 and their purpose was to defeat the Republicans. Whether they were on the ballot or not is irrelevant.

You just asked why they'd be resisting Republicans. I answered. You can't answer or analyze that question without understanding what "Republican" meant in that time and place. I gave you that too.

And no, the Klan's purpose wasn't political at all. It was a goof by bored young men, nothing more. All that other shit came in when the vigilante thuggery got involved -- as your link describes in some detail, thanks for that.

The second (1915) Klan played off the thuggery part from its beginning with a fiery cross on Stone Mountain (the cross being inspired by the imagery in Birth of a Nation -- it wasn't part of the first Klan). That, much bigger Klan, was opposed to blacks, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, homosexuals, communists and loose women. It wasn't political either, though once it grew it did start dabbling in politics, though Simmons always maintained it was a "social club". More accurately it was a self-appointed hyperconservative moral police force, in effect an American Taliban.

I like how it took you an hour to look all that shit up hoping to find holes in my treatise. Yanno just before I hit "post" on a thread like that, I buy stock in Google. Ka-ching ka-ching.
Sorry to disappoint you but I don't spend every waking hour answering your bullshit comments. And if the Klan's purpose was "not political at all", why did they run ads like this?

Because at the time... the Republican Party didn't even EXIST in the South. It was viewed as an arm of the Federal government, "interfering". The Fed is of course the Fed but the war over states rights had just been fought and the RP, the Union League and Federal authorities coming down from the North were seen as occupying forces. Which, after all, they were -- it took several years for the various states to be readmitted.
Bullshit. Lincoln was elected in 1860 and ended the Civil War. The first Klan started in 1865 and their purpose was to defeat the Republicans. Whether they were on the ballot or not is irrelevant.

You just asked why they'd be resisting Republicans. I answered. You can't answer or analyze that question without understanding what "Republican" meant in that time and place. I gave you that too.

And no, the Klan's purpose wasn't political at all. It was a goof by bored young men, nothing more. All that other shit came in when the vigilante thuggery got involved -- as your link describes in some detail, thanks for that.

The second (1915) Klan played off the thuggery part from its beginning with a fiery cross on Stone Mountain (the cross being inspired by the imagery in Birth of a Nation -- it wasn't part of the first Klan). That, much bigger Klan, was opposed to blacks, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, homosexuals, communists and loose women. It wasn't political either, though once it grew it did start dabbling in politics, though Simmons always maintained it was a "social club". More accurately it was a self-appointed hyperconservative moral police force, in effect an American Taliban.

I like how it took you an hour to look all that shit up hoping to find holes in my treatise. Yanno just before I hit "post" on a thread like that, I buy stock in Google. Ka-ching ka-ching.
Sorry to disappoint you but I don't spend every waking hour answering your bullshit comments. And if the Klan's purpose was "not political at all", why did they run ads like this?


The Klan ran advertisements?

Don't think so.

History is history. I can't change it because it's inconvenient. You can't either.
Saw this on twitter, and must admit, I had no clue. Is it true?

most liberals aren't aware that Republicans founded the #NAACP, while Democrats founded the #KKK

Back to the OP, this kind of points out the pitfalls of Twitter and similar antisocial media -- it's got a limit of I believe 140 characters per message (?) --- a question or statement like this with the complexities of the Civil War, its aftermath and its roots back to Quincy Adams is way too much to handle in 140 characters. 140 thousand really wouldn't even be enough. It's no substitute for actual book learning. I think this kind of limitation dumbs us down and creates meme-mythology. Thank you for bringing it into the spotlight Gracie.
Saw this on twitter, and must admit, I had no clue. Is it true?

most liberals aren't aware that Republicans founded the #NAACP, while Democrats founded the #KKK

Back to the OP, this kind of points out the pitfalls of Twitter and similar antisocial media -- it's got a limit of I believe 140 characters per message (?) --- a question or statement like this with the complexities of the Civil War, its aftermath and its roots back to Quincy Adams is way too much to handle in 140 characters. 140 thousand really wouldn't even be enough. It's no substitute for actual book learning. I think this kind of limitation dumbs us down and creates meme-mythology. Thank you for bringing it into the spotlight Gracie.
Which is why I brought it here. I learned something new even at 63 years old.
Twitter is great for finding pics for my Pinterest....and short spurts about tv shows and whatnot. This time, someone I follow retweeted that comment and I was like....huh?
So..I trusted my pals here to fill me in and not be limited to 140 characters. :)
Saw this on twitter, and must admit, I had no clue. Is it true?

most liberals aren't aware that Republicans founded the #NAACP, while Democrats founded the #KKK

Back to the OP, this kind of points out the pitfalls of Twitter and similar antisocial media -- it's got a limit of I believe 140 characters per message (?) --- a question or statement like this with the complexities of the Civil War, its aftermath and its roots back to Quincy Adams is way too much to handle in 140 characters. 140 thousand really wouldn't even be enough. It's no substitute for actual book learning. I think this kind of limitation dumbs us down and creates meme-mythology. Thank you for bringing it into the spotlight Gracie.
Which is why I brought it here. I learned something new even at 63 years old.
Twitter is great for finding pics for my Pinterest....and short spurts about tv shows and whatnot. This time, someone I follow retweeted that comment and I was like....huh?
So..I trusted my pals here to fill me in and not be limited to 140 characters. :)

Verbose as I get, if I had a limit like that I'd .... I'd....

Because at the time... the Republican Party didn't even EXIST in the South. It was viewed as an arm of the Federal government, "interfering". The Fed is of course the Fed but the war over states rights had just been fought and the RP, the Union League and Federal authorities coming down from the North were seen as occupying forces. Which, after all, they were -- it took several years for the various states to be readmitted.
Bullshit. Lincoln was elected in 1860 and ended the Civil War. The first Klan started in 1865 and their purpose was to defeat the Republicans. Whether they were on the ballot or not is irrelevant.

You just asked why they'd be resisting Republicans. I answered. You can't answer or analyze that question without understanding what "Republican" meant in that time and place. I gave you that too.

And no, the Klan's purpose wasn't political at all. It was a goof by bored young men, nothing more. All that other shit came in when the vigilante thuggery got involved -- as your link describes in some detail, thanks for that.

The second (1915) Klan played off the thuggery part from its beginning with a fiery cross on Stone Mountain (the cross being inspired by the imagery in Birth of a Nation -- it wasn't part of the first Klan). That, much bigger Klan, was opposed to blacks, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, homosexuals, communists and loose women. It wasn't political either, though once it grew it did start dabbling in politics, though Simmons always maintained it was a "social club". More accurately it was a self-appointed hyperconservative moral police force, in effect an American Taliban.

I like how it took you an hour to look all that shit up hoping to find holes in my treatise. Yanno just before I hit "post" on a thread like that, I buy stock in Google. Ka-ching ka-ching.
Sorry to disappoint you but I don't spend every waking hour answering your bullshit comments. And if the Klan's purpose was "not political at all", why did they run ads like this?


The Klan ran advertisements?

Don't think so.

History is history. I can't change it because it's inconvenient. You can't either.
I just posted one. Like you said, you can't change history, even if it's inconvenient.
Saw this on twitter, and must admit, I had no clue. Is it true?

most liberals aren't aware that Republicans founded the #NAACP, while Democrats founded the #KKK

Back to the OP, this kind of points out the pitfalls of Twitter and similar antisocial media -- it's got a limit of I believe 140 characters per message (?) --- a question or statement like this with the complexities of the Civil War, its aftermath and its roots back to Quincy Adams is way too much to handle in 140 characters. 140 thousand really wouldn't even be enough. It's no substitute for actual book learning. I think this kind of limitation dumbs us down and creates meme-mythology. Thank you for bringing it into the spotlight Gracie.
Which is why I brought it here. I learned something new even at 63 years old.
Twitter is great for finding pics for my Pinterest....and short spurts about tv shows and whatnot. This time, someone I follow retweeted that comment and I was like....huh?
So..I trusted my pals here to fill me in and not be limited to 140 characters. :)

Verbose as I get, if I had a limit like that I'd .... I'd....

Which is why I don't talk much there. And when I do, I hve 2 typ lyk ths so I cn gt al th wrds in. Oy.
The Democrats:

    • Democrats fought to expand slavery while Republicans fought to end it.
    • Democrats passed those discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws.
    • Democrats supported and passed the Missouri Compromise to protect slavery.
    • Democrats supported and passed the Kansas Nebraska Act to expand slavery.
    • Democrats supported and backed the Dred Scott Decision.
    • Democrats opposed educating blacks and murdered our teachers.
    • Democrats fought against anti-lynching laws.
    • Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, is well-known for having been a “Kleagle” in the Ku Klux Klan.
    • Democrat Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia, personally filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for 14 straight hours to keep it from passage.
    • Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil right laws enacted by Republicans.
    • Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a “yellow dog” than vote for a Republican, because the Republican Party was known as the party for blacks.
    • Democrat President Woodrow Wilson, reintroduced segregation throughout the federal government immediately upon taking office in 1913.
    • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first appointment to the Supreme Court was a life member of the Ku Klux Klan, Sen. Hugo Black, Democrat of Alabama.
    • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s choice for vice president in 1944 was Harry Truman, who had joined the Ku Klux Klan in Kansas City in 1922.
    • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt resisted Republican efforts to pass a federal law against lynching.
    • Democrat President Franklin D. Roosevelt opposed integration of the armed forces.
    • Democrat Senators Sam Ervin, Albert Gore, Sr. and Robert Byrd were the chief opponents of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
    • Democrats supported and backed Judge John Ferguson in the case of Plessy v Ferguson.
    • Democrats supported the School Board of Topeka Kansas in the case of Brown v The Board of Education of Topeka Kansas.
    • Democrat public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, in Birmingham, Ala., unleashed vicious dogs and turned fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators.
    • Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox “brandished an ax hammer to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant.
    • Democrat Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963, declaring there would be segregation forever.
    • Democrat Arkansas Governor Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of Little Rock public schools.
    • Democrat President John F. Kennedy opposed the 1963 March on Washington by Dr. King.
    • Democrat President John F. Kennedy, had Dr. King wiretapped and investigated by the FBI.
    • Democrat President Bill Clinton’s mentor was U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright, an Arkansas Democrat and a supporter of racial segregation.
    • Democrat President Bill Clinton interned for J. William Fulbright in 1966-67.
    • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright signed the Southern Manifesto opposing the Supreme Court’s 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
    • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright joined with the Dixiecrats in filibustering the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964.
    • Democrat Senator J. William Fulbright voted against the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
    • Southern Democrats opposed desegregation and integration.
Democrats opposed:

Republicans gave strong bi-partisan support and sponsorship for the following legislation:

The Republicans:

    • Republicans enacted civil rights laws in the 1950’s and 1960’s, over the objection of Democrats.
    • Republicans founded the HBCU’s (Historical Black College’s and Universities) and started the NAACP to counter the racist practices of the Democrats.
    • Republicans pushed through much of the ground-breaking civil rights legislation in Congress.
    • Republicans fought slavery and amended the Constitution to grant blacks freedom, citizenship and the right to vote.
    • Republicans pushed through much of the groundbreaking civil rights legislation from the 1860s through the 1960s.
    • Republican President Dwight Eisenhower sent troops into the South to desegregate the schools.
    • Republican President Eisenhower appointed Chief Justice Earl Warren to the Supreme Court, which resulted in the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education decision.
    • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois, not Democrat President Lyndon Johnson, was the one who pushed through the civil rights laws of the 1960’s.
    • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois wrote the language for the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
    • Republican Senator Everett Dirksen from Illinois also crafted the language for the Civil Rights Act of 1968 which prohibited discrimination in housing.
    • Republican and black American, A. Phillip Randolph, organized the 1963 March by Dr. King on Washington."
From here..
The Democrat Party VS the Republican Party: Who is the True Champion of the Ending Slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Black Community
Wow, nice cutting and pasting. And not a single thought anywhere.
The list of truth is a LONG one but you can DENY it as it was written by a Negro. Because YOU are a racist.
I'm a racist in denial because I know the conservatives were white and confederate and pro slavery?
You belong to and defend a racist party namely democrats.
Republicans are 90% white. Democrats are everyone else. So it's the Democrats, not southern whites who are racist.
Saw this on twitter, and must admit, I had no clue. Is it true?

most liberals aren't aware that Republicans founded the #NAACP, while Democrats founded the #KKK

Yeah yeah. 3,247th right wing post this year alone from a right winger popping his/her buttons with pride, after finding out about the old time republicans freeing the blacks, and can't wait to spread the news. This used to be learned in the schools and is no surprise to some of us. Hate to inform you that the republican party of old was not the same as the present republican party that really does not like blacks, which is why they vote overwhelmingly democrat, and will continue to do so.
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