Repubs vote down Plan B: Who says they are obstructionists?


VIP Member
May 30, 2012
Anyone paying attention to the goat rodeo formerly known as the House of Representatives knew, before noon on Thursday, that Republicans were screwed.

So, over the cliff (curb) we go. Taxes go up on everyone. Then, end of January, the senate will propose their own bill to give the tax reduction from Bush back to those making under $250K in taxable income. So, what do the repubs do then??
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Granny says, "Dat's right - dey don't care `long as dey keep feedin' from the public trough...
Political Bickering Hurts US Economy
December 24, 2012 - Continued political bickering in the United States is hurting stock and commodity prices and slowing spending by some U.S. holiday shoppers.
Oil was selling at below $89 a barrel Monday, as traders worried that an economic downturn could cut demand for energy. U.S. stocks were down in early trading, while European and Asian stocks were mixed at the close. A report Friday showed a decline in consumer confidence, which could hurt the consumer spending that drives most U.S. economic activity.

U.S. President Barack Obama, his Democratic Party allies in Congress and opposition Republicans are locked in a stalemate over spending and taxes. They are seeking an agreement on whether or not to raise taxes only on the rich and where and how much to cut spending by the end of this year. If they fail, some drastic across-the-board tax hikes and spending cuts go into effect automatically.

Many economists warn raising taxes and cutting spending will reduce demand in the U.S. economy and push it back into recession. An economic downturn in the world's largest economy could hurt demand for products from the many nations that sell things to the United States, hurting their economies as well.

Political Bickering Hurts US Economy

See also:

Senators point fingers as fiscal cliff closes in
Tue, Dec 25, 2012 - US senators bickered on Sunday over who was to blame for lurching the country toward a year-end “fiscal cliff,” bemoaning the lack of a deal days before the deadline, but bridging no differences in the debate.
With the collapse on Thursday of US House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner’s plan to allow tax rates to rise on incomes of more than US$1 million, Senator Joe Lieberman said: “It’s the first time that I feel it’s more likely we’ll go over the cliff than not,” meaning that higher taxes for most Americans and painful federal agency budget cuts would be in line to go ahead. “If we allow that to happen it will be the most colossal consequential act of congressional irresponsibility in a long time, maybe ever in American history because of the impact it’ll have on almost every American,” said Lieberman, an independent.

If US President Barack Obama and Congress cannot reach a deal by Monday, the so-called “fiscal cliff” looms. About US$536 billion in tax increases, touching nearly all Americans would begin to take effect next month, because various federal tax cuts and breaks expire at year’s end. Also, about US$110 billion in spending cuts divided equally between the military and most other federal departments would be automatically triggered.

The fear is that the combination of tax increases and spending cuts would push the fragile US economy back into recession. Senator Jon Barrasso, a member of the Republican leadership, predicted that the new year would come without an agreement, and he faulted the White House. “I believe the president is eager to go over the cliff for political purposes. He senses a victory at the bottom of the cliff,” he said.

Democratic Senator Kent Conrad, chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, was incredulous at Barrasso’s assertion that “there is only one person that can provide the leadership” on such a matter vital to the nation’s interests. “There are 535 of us that can provide leadership. There are 435 in the House, 100 in the Senate and there is the president, all of us have a responsibility here,” he said. “And, you know what is happening? What is happening is the same old tired blame game. He said/she said. I think the American people are tired of it. What they want to hear is what is the solution?”

More Senators point fingers as fiscal cliff closes in - Taipei Times
What was Obama's Plan again?
His current objective is to play like his Health Care Plan is not the highest tax hike in American History by continuing to call it "something else," but at the end of the day, the American taxpayer is footing the bill for this.

Additionally, when Democrats make pledges and promises on election day, they shouldn't be shocked that their threats to disparage their political opponents via the bully pulpit would be met with a certain holding their feet to the fire on those promises they made, but never, never, never intended to keep.

Here's just one promise made, Obama's pledge to anyone who'd vote for him that he would reduce the deficit by half by 2012. Well, he has exactly 7 days to keep his promise, and he's $16.4 trillion dollars away from a deficit, and don't look now, but it's doubled since he took office.

[ame=]Obama PROMISES To Cut Deficit In Half By 2012 - YouTube[/ame]

National Debt Clock

A thread titled "Repubs vote down Plan B: Who says they are obstructionists?" Has seven posts. Four of which bash Obama. :confused:
A thread titled "Repubs vote down Plan B: Who says they are obstructionists?" Has seven posts. Four of which bash Obama. :confused:

Correction: 8 posts, five bashing Obama. :cool:

yes liberals are on the run here. Do you know one who is able to defend the liberal philosophy or even say what it is???

There is no 'liberal philosophy'. Makes for a nice boogeyman though.
Did you notice a bunch of cons being cons. Can not help themselves. First they try humor, which is never funny, because cons have no sense of humor. They just think they do. Then they try insults. But no one pays attention, because they are just cons. That is what they do. They are incapable of discussing substance. For instance, if the subject of this thread had been dems meeting to st up a plan to simply defeat repubs, no matter what, then cons would be going nuts. Calling those dems un-american heathens. And, of course, they would be correct. But, since it was republicans doing these things, then it would be just fine by the cons. Because cons lack integrity, completely.
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