Repubs will keep control

My humble prediction....Dems take the House with a majority of 34-36.
Message to the mods.....

Go fuck yourselves.

You claim my thread describing a blue wave vs a normal win was "similar" to this topic as your excuse to merge them.... it clearly IS NOTHING LIKE THIS TOPIC.

You are very similar to a retard however with that dumbass conclusion...
America has seen what works so the Republicans will keep charge

Thank you yes

you have to give have to gave links....

you have to tell us what's happening ...with figures with news...............

know what I mean???????????????????/
America has seen what works so the Republicans will keep charge

Thank you yes

you have to give have to gave links....

you have to tell us what's happening ...with figures with news...............

know what I mean???????????????????/
with a 55/45 senate, i guess then that all 55 senators can tell Maxine and her wigs to GFT.
America has seen what works so the Republicans will keep charge
Thats deep man. The Republicans seem more motivated. They fear the caravan. They fear transgender people. They fear universal healthcare, sort of. Fear gets ppl out to vote.
Its not fear its common sense. Let one caravan in and then you have the next and then the next and so on how many is to much ?
My 5 year old granddaughter shouldn't have to share a bathroom with a grown man who thinks they are a women, that shit ain't right and if it ever happens I going to stomp a tranny into a stain.

If you want to see government run health care look no further than the VA

So you are scared about immigrants, and immigrants built the country. Get enough and we can beat China in the GDP to pay for Spaceforce war.

You are scared of transvestites in the bathroom with your 5 year old. I say you have more to worry about from priests. But yeah, anyone touches the kid and I'll help u beat them down.

Then you say the governemnt sucks. The government of the Manhatten Project, the government of Reagan and the government of our military. Sorry, you get some winners and losers but I like America and where our government and immigrants have taken us.
Common sense you loon not fear I thought I was specific on each of my points.
America has seen what works so the Republicans will keep charge
Thats deep man. The Republicans seem more motivated. They fear the caravan. They fear transgender people. They fear universal healthcare, sort of. Fear gets ppl out to vote.
Its not fear its common sense. Let one caravan in and then you have the next and then the next and so on how many is to much ?
My 5 year old granddaughter shouldn't have to share a bathroom with a grown man who thinks they are a women, that shit ain't right and if it ever happens I going to stomp a tranny into a stain.

If you want to see government run health care look no further than the VA

So you are scared about immigrants, and immigrants built the country. Get enough and we can beat China in the GDP to pay for Spaceforce war.

You are scared of transvestites in the bathroom with your 5 year old. I say you have more to worry about from priests. But yeah, anyone touches the kid and I'll help u beat them down.

Then you say the governemnt sucks. The government of the Manhatten Project, the government of Reagan and the government of our military. Sorry, you get some winners and losers but I like America and where our government and immigrants have taken us.
Common sense you loon not fear I thought I was specific on each of my points.
There was nothing common sense about buying into Trump's fear mongering about the friggin caravan. That was pure cynicism and you fell for it
Democrats take the House
Republicans keep the Senate

the polls have been saying that for months ...
The slim democrat majority in congress can spend the next two years making fools of themselves but the executive branch, half of the legislative branch and a majority in the judicial branch spells control.

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