Repubs will keep control

Yep Mueller closing in on Trumps inner circle

Mueller's days are numbered. And Rosenstein. :laughing0301:
And trump too How will he stop the House from investigating his slimy butt? His russia connections etc etc ??
If this is going to be the dems agenda, then they are overplaying their hand, Ed. 2020 might not treat them well.
I agree but trump won't get away with whatever he's hiding ,,,like his taxes etc etc BTW going out for dinner will get back soon

What makes you think Trump is "hiding" anything? Did he make campaign promises under false pretext, and not deliver what he promised? Not that I'm aware of, he seems to have delivered far more than he promised.

Oh, I get it: "He "looks" like he's hiding something, right? He "looks" guilty, therefore he must be.

yes mr galt he was going to drain the swamp ,,seems to me he brought it with him ,,,

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