repukes wont fight for lower gas prices


Feb 16, 2012
They know because of the BUFFOON gw bush and the devil chaney gas prices are now structured where the Gov. cant control gas prices to any large degree.I have sugested Boycotting a large oil company to let big biz oil know we are tired of being Ripped Off but the repukes on this board have attacked that idea,I guess they all are invested in big oil.
Motive is generally the most difficult thing to establish.

We can all GUESS what motivates people to do what they do, but that's all it is...a guess.
Prices are set by the market world wide. The amount of gas available and the demand for gas are what make up the price. Any government action to change the price by fiat results in shortages. Which is what we lived through in the 70's

Trying to increase the supply of oil is trying to decrease the price of oil. The republicans have been arguing for years we need to drill domestically. In other words, they have been working for lower prices.

The democrats have been demanding we reduce the amount of oil domestically produced. Reducing production reduces supply wich drives up prices.

In other words, Democrats have been demanding higher priced oil. One of Obama's cabinet secratraries even baldly stated that his goal was to get US oil prices in line with Europe, where gas is sold by the quart for more than we usually pay for the gallon
They know because of the BUFFOON gw bush and the devil chaney gas prices are now structured where the Gov. cant control gas prices to any large degree.I have sugested Boycotting a large oil company to let big biz oil know we are tired of being Ripped Off but the repukes on this board have attacked that idea,I guess they all are invested in big oil.

Wow,well go for it,park the car,turn off the furnace,unplug the fridg ,unless this is all hot air!

Still its the BUUUUUSH truly amazing.
They know because of the BUFFOON gw bush and the devil chaney gas prices are now structured where the Gov. cant control gas prices to any large degree.I have sugested Boycotting a large oil company to let big biz oil know we are tired of being Ripped Off but the repukes on this board have attacked that idea,I guess they all are invested in big oil.

You are a moron of galactic proportions. No wonder you favor the Dums.
They know because of the BUFFOON gw bush and the devil chaney gas prices are now structured where the Gov. cant control gas prices to any large degree.I have sugested Boycotting a large oil company to let big biz oil know we are tired of being Ripped Off but the repukes on this board have attacked that idea,I guess they all are invested in big oil.

Your belief that government can control prices only shows what a moron you are.
Prices are set by the market world wide. The amount of gas available and the demand for gas are what make up the price. Any government action to change the price by fiat results in shortages. Which is what we lived through in the 70's

Trying to increase the supply of oil is trying to decrease the price of oil. The republicans have been arguing for years we need to drill domestically. In other words, they have been working for lower prices.The democrats have been demanding we reduce the amount of oil domestically produced. Reducing production reduces supply wich drives up prices.

In other words, Democrats have been demanding higher priced oil. One of Obama's cabinet secratraries even baldly stated that his goal was to get US oil prices in line with Europe, where gas is sold by the quart for more than we usually pay for the gallon

Keep telling that lie. We are not stupid. Question? What is the biggest EXPORT in dollars going OUT of the USA? Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil

How on earth will drilling for more domestic oil lower the price of gas for Americans when they export everything the refineries refine in excess of the level that keeps their profits at this current state?

Stop telling lies. Just fucking stop it! It is asshole liars like you that keep the American public ignorant. Fuck You!
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Prices are set by the market world wide. The amount of gas available and the demand for gas are what make up the price. Any government action to change the price by fiat results in shortages. Which is what we lived through in the 70's

Trying to increase the supply of oil is trying to decrease the price of oil. The republicans have been arguing for years we need to drill domestically. In other words, they have been working for lower prices.The democrats have been demanding we reduce the amount of oil domestically produced. Reducing production reduces supply wich drives up prices.

In other words, Democrats have been demanding higher priced oil. One of Obama's cabinet secratraries even baldly stated that his goal was to get US oil prices in line with Europe, where gas is sold by the quart for more than we usually pay for the gallon

Keep telling that lie. We are not stupid. Question? What is the biggest EXPORT in dollars going OUT of the USA? Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil

How on earth will drilling for more domestic oil lower the price of gas for Americans when they export everything the refineries refine in excess of the level that keeps their profits at this current state?

Stop telling lies. Just fucking stop it! It is asshole liars like you that keep the American public ignorant. Fuck You!

oil companies export our fuel because of regulations you democrats put in place that hurt their they go overseas. its not really a brain buster, its basic economics.
Well, that's and out right lie. Because we are the ones fighting for energy independence. We are the one who were pushing the Pipeline. We want driling, nuclear, solar, wind, water, any form of energy.

We arent the one making laws that makes getting energy more difficult and thus raising the prices.
Prices are set by the market world wide. The amount of gas available and the demand for gas are what make up the price. Any government action to change the price by fiat results in shortages. Which is what we lived through in the 70's

Trying to increase the supply of oil is trying to decrease the price of oil. The republicans have been arguing for years we need to drill domestically. In other words, they have been working for lower prices.The democrats have been demanding we reduce the amount of oil domestically produced. Reducing production reduces supply wich drives up prices.

In other words, Democrats have been demanding higher priced oil. One of Obama's cabinet secratraries even baldly stated that his goal was to get US oil prices in line with Europe, where gas is sold by the quart for more than we usually pay for the gallon

Keep telling that lie. We are not stupid. Question? What is the biggest EXPORT in dollars going OUT of the USA? Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil Oil

How on earth will drilling for more domestic oil lower the price of gas for Americans when they export everything the refineries refine in excess of the level that keeps their profits at this current state?

Stop telling lies. Just fucking stop it! It is asshole liars like you that keep the American public ignorant. Fuck You!

If Anyone needs to get Fucked, It's you Huggy. Really Really bad, I might add. Let's make a List of Everyone that thinks Huggy needs a Happy Ending. :D
Well, that's and out right lie. Because we are the ones fighting for energy independence. We are the one who were pushing the Pipeline. We want driling, nuclear, solar, wind, water, any form of energy.

We arent the one making laws that makes getting energy more difficult and thus raising the prices.

Exactly. We also benefit in many ways with a stronger infrastructure.
Motive is generally the most difficult thing to establish.

We can all GUESS what motivates people to do what they do, but that's all it is...a guess.

By responding to this post, one must assume you understand and agree. You really must be the first.
But they will fight to subsidize oil companies. Odd that.

We dont subsidize oil companies.

But if we did, it would be because it produces more energy. You see, in order to drive the price down you have to produce more than people demand.
But they will fight to subsidize oil companies. Odd that.

Meanwhile Obama and his EPA work to close Oil Refineries and Power generating plants across the Country. Gas is going up because of regulations designed and implemented by the Dems. Oil Refineries are closing because they can not afford to stay in business due to new regulations regulations the Dems created and the EPA is pushing. Regulations in some cases that the EPA made up from whole cloth.

On top of that over 100 of less then 600 coal fired power plants will close in the next 2 years because of regulations the EPA created and have been ordered to enforce AFTER the election by Obama.

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