Request for safety pin emoji

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Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
This is a request that USMB add a safety pin emoji to the current array. It shows Solidarity with our Progressive brothers who are terrified that President Trump would touch them in places they'd rather not, or take them off the climate change research dole.

Whaddya say?
I heard that Trump is going to unleash multiple category 6 hurricanes on January 20. We can stop them with safety pins. Better make them with sturdy clasps tho, just in case.
Yanno when I joined this site it was right after the 2012 election, and one of the first avatars I saw and still remember was --- Frank's.

It was a guy lying down who couldn't bear to get out of bed.

Irony filings.
This is a request that USMB add a safety pin emoji to the current array. It shows Solidarity with our Progressive brothers who are terrified that President Trump would touch them in places they'd rather not, or take them off the climate change research dole.

Whaddya say?
This is a request that USMB add a safety pin emoji to the current array. It shows Solidarity with our Progressive brothers who are terrified that President Trump would touch them in places they'd rather not, or take them off the climate change research dole.

Whaddya say?


Do they need play dooh, coloring books, and counseling?


yeah, this is a good idea.

I'd also like a baby rattle added to the like, funny and agree etc., ratings system until the sniveling dissipates.

This would be a public service to reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome for folks having to type "stop being a $^&#^# crybaby" repeatedly for the next four years.
This is a request that USMB add a safety pin emoji to the current array. It shows Solidarity with our Progressive brothers who are terrified that President Trump would touch them in places they'd rather not, or take them off the climate change research dole.

Whaddya say?
babies are up in arms over the idea...
I heard that Trump is going to unleash multiple category 6 hurricanes on January 20. We can stop them with safety pins. Better make them with sturdy clasps tho, just in case.

How quickly you all forget your hysteria over Jade Helm, your silly lies about FEMA, caskets, ammo and much much more.

CrusaderFrank is one of the biggest babies of all and conveniently forgets how he whined and howled about the certain doom of Ebola. Do a search. CrusaderFrank believed The Walking Dead is a documentary.

All you RWNJ traitors might want to consider the most important fact here - Your incessant lies and whining notwithstanding, Obama never ever tried to take any of your rights and freedoms away from you. OTOH, that is the very hallmark of the right. You might also want to consider that its not just libs, progressives, Dems whose rights and freedoms are under very grave threat by Trump's wish to gut much of the US Constitution. Count your blessings traitors - as much as the right wants to end the constitution, as of right now, they can't.
I heard that Trump is going to unleash multiple category 6 hurricanes on January 20. We can stop them with safety pins. Better make them with sturdy clasps tho, just in case.

How quickly you all forget your hysteria over Jade Helm, your silly lies about FEMA, caskets, ammo and much much more.

CrusaderFrank is one of the biggest babies of all and conveniently forgets how he whined and howled about the certain doom of Ebola. Do a search. CrusaderFrank believed The Walking Dead is a documentary.

All you RWNJ traitors might want to consider the most important fact here - Your incessant lies and whining notwithstanding, Obama never ever tried to take any of your rights and freedoms away from you. OTOH, that is the very hallmark of the right. You might also want to consider that its not just libs, progressives, Dems whose rights and freedoms are under very grave threat by Trump's wish to gut much of the US Constitution. Count your blessings traitors - as much as the right wants to end the constitution, as of right now, they can't.

For the record, I've never owned a gun. I dont think Obama is a bad guy. I think Obama was hemmed in to some degree by political realities.. I didn't vote in this election.

I'm an environmentalist. I protested on behalf of old growth redwood forests during the 90s and spent 8 days in jail after my tree sit.

Now I'm more of a green libertarian. A green tea partier, if you will. I focus on my personal responsibility to refrain from befouling the environment.

I like to poke fun at hysteria on each side of the aisle. Your post seems pretty hysterical. What parts of the Constitution do you believe Trump is planning to over-ride?
I heard that Trump is going to unleash multiple category 6 hurricanes on January 20. We can stop them with safety pins. Better make them with sturdy clasps tho, just in case.

How quickly you all forget your hysteria over Jade Helm, your silly lies about FEMA, caskets, ammo and much much more.

CrusaderFrank is one of the biggest babies of all and conveniently forgets how he whined and howled about the certain doom of Ebola. Do a search. CrusaderFrank believed The Walking Dead is a documentary.

All you RWNJ traitors might want to consider the most important fact here - Your incessant lies and whining notwithstanding, Obama never ever tried to take any of your rights and freedoms away from you. OTOH, that is the very hallmark of the right. You might also want to consider that its not just libs, progressives, Dems whose rights and freedoms are under very grave threat by Trump's wish to gut much of the US Constitution. Count your blessings traitors - as much as the right wants to end the constitution, as of right now, they can't.

For the record, I've never owned a gun. I dont think Obama is a bad guy. I think Obama was hemmed in to some degree by political realities.. I didn't vote in this election.

I'm an environmentalist. I protested on behalf of old growth redwood forests during the 90s and spent 8 days in jail after my tree sit.

Now I'm more of a green libertarian. A green tea partier, if you will. I focus on my personal responsibility to refrain from befouling the environment.

I like to poke fun at hysteria on each side of the aisle. Your post seems pretty hysterical. What parts of the Constitution do you believe Trump is planning to over-ride?

1. I did not mention guns.
2. I did not say dump is "planning to over-ride" any part of the US Constitution. Since he knows just as much about the Articles of the US Constitution, he also doesn't know he cannot "over-ride". See Article 5 and note that thanks to the willful ignorance of the RW traitors, he just might be able to pull it off.
3. I said dump "wishes to gut much of the Constitution".
4. I have explained this several times and the nutters don't seem to get it. OTOH, dump himself was very open about what parts of the Constitution he wants to destroy and the trumpkins have said they're okay with that. A partial list follows:

Amendments 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19. (There's one I'm forgetting but I don't feel like looking it up.)

Granted that dump mentioned a couple of those only once or twice (that I know of) and has flip-flopped, denied he said what is on video and so on. Just his usual lies. But others are basically his platform.

He has said he wants to run up the debt by many $trillions (Reagan made the US a debtor nation and if rump gets what he wants, he will turn us into a 3rd world nation - there will two classes in the US. His and the rest of us who are paying for his ego for generations to come), he said wages are too high, he said he wants to take health insurance away from us (flip flopped a couple of times on that one) he said he will slash taxes for his 1% cronies (and himself - indeed, he's already suing DC for the 2nd time in as many months about the amount of his taxes). He openly used international spies to get him where he is now. He said (twice, once it was one of his sleazy kids) he would not serve but that Mike Sharia Law Pence would rule the kingdom while rump was out "making America great again". Apparently that will be in the form of more of his fascist, alt-right rallies, ginning up the ignorant rabid right to go out and kill people of color, especially if they're wearing a head scarf!

I could go on and on but it comes down to -- rump is a criminal, a common thug. His reign will make Nixon and Reagan look like squeaky clean choir boys.

Read up and down this board to see that the RW traitors are in favor of gutting the US Constitution.
I heard that Trump is going to unleash multiple category 6 hurricanes on January 20. We can stop them with safety pins. Better make them with sturdy clasps tho, just in case.

How quickly you all forget your hysteria over Jade Helm, your silly lies about FEMA, caskets, ammo and much much more.

CrusaderFrank is one of the biggest babies of all and conveniently forgets how he whined and howled about the certain doom of Ebola. Do a search. CrusaderFrank believed The Walking Dead is a documentary.

All you RWNJ traitors might want to consider the most important fact here - Your incessant lies and whining notwithstanding, Obama never ever tried to take any of your rights and freedoms away from you. OTOH, that is the very hallmark of the right. You might also want to consider that its not just libs, progressives, Dems whose rights and freedoms are under very grave threat by Trump's wish to gut much of the US Constitution. Count your blessings traitors - as much as the right wants to end the constitution, as of right now, they can't.

For the record, I've never owned a gun. I dont think Obama is a bad guy. I think Obama was hemmed in to some degree by political realities.. I didn't vote in this election.

I'm an environmentalist. I protested on behalf of old growth redwood forests during the 90s and spent 8 days in jail after my tree sit.

Now I'm more of a green libertarian. A green tea partier, if you will. I focus on my personal responsibility to refrain from befouling the environment.

I like to poke fun at hysteria on each side of the aisle. Your post seems pretty hysterical. What parts of the Constitution do you believe Trump is planning to over-ride?

1. I did not mention guns.
2. I did not say dump is "planning to over-ride" any part of the US Constitution. Since he knows just as much about the Articles of the US Constitution, he also doesn't know he cannot "over-ride". See Article 5 and note that thanks to the willful ignorance of the RW traitors, he just might be able to pull it off.
3. I said dump "wishes to gut much of the Constitution".
4. I have explained this several times and the nutters don't seem to get it. OTOH, dump himself was very open about what parts of the Constitution he wants to destroy and the trumpkins have said they're okay with that. A partial list follows:

Amendments 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 19. (There's one I'm forgetting but I don't feel like looking it up.)

Granted that dump mentioned a couple of those only once or twice (that I know of) and has flip-flopped, denied he said what is on video and so on. Just his usual lies. But others are basically his platform.

He has said he wants to run up the debt by many $trillions (Reagan made the US a debtor nation and if rump gets what he wants, he will turn us into a 3rd world nation - there will two classes in the US. His and the rest of us who are paying for his ego for generations to come), he said wages are too high, he said he wants to take health insurance away from us (flip flopped a couple of times on that one) he said he will slash taxes for his 1% cronies (and himself - indeed, he's already suing DC for the 2nd time in as many months about the amount of his taxes). He openly used international spies to get him where he is now. He said (twice, once it was one of his sleazy kids) he would not serve but that Mike Sharia Law Pence would rule the kingdom while rump was out "making America great again". Apparently that will be in the form of more of his fascist, alt-right rallies, ginning up the ignorant rabid right to go out and kill people of color, especially if they're wearing a head scarf!

I could go on and on but it comes down to -- rump is a criminal, a common thug. His reign will make Nixon and Reagan look like squeaky clean choir boys.

Read up and down this board to see that the RW traitors are in favor of gutting the US Constitution.

Nice dystopian piece of creative writing. I'll shelve it next to the ones about Obama sending red-blooded Americans to Fema camps.
Safety Pin science is settled. We have Consensus. 97% of the people surveyed like this design

Safety Pin science is settled. We have Consensus. 97% of the people surveyed like this design


Yes, let's not look too closely at the methodology of the survey that rendered the 97℅ consensus. That would be aiding and abetting the traitors
This is a request that USMB add a safety pin emoji to the current array. It shows Solidarity with our Progressive brothers who are terrified that President Trump would touch them in places they'd rather not, or take them off the climate change research dole.

Whaddya say?
those pins can stop a bullet?... the safety pin cant stop a bullet,but it can at least keep your pants up.... just saying....
Notice that not one RWNJ traitor actually had the courage and/or patriotism to address my post. The wilful ignorance, the stubborn rush toward the edge of the cliff and the apparent refusal to believe what dump said is still very strong in the trumpkins.

The real irony is that the very people who voted for this hot mess will be the most harmed by it.

What's done is done. That's why the alt-right scum, ISIS, Putin and China are all celebrating.
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