Require immunizations or face exile?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Seems like a no-brainer to me. If parents wanna not get their kids immunized fine. Ship em off to some middle-of-nowhere locale where they and all the other non-immunized people can live and rapidly die-off together.

Why we let people opt out of this if then their kids are in schools with immunized kids is beyond me. Wanna endanger yourself fine, more power to ya, just stay the hell away from me.
I didn't get immunized and I'm just fine. Both my sons didn't get immunized and they turned out just fine.

Immunizations are pushed by Big Pharma and the schools that get kickbacks for the number of shots they give.

It's just a Big Scam.
I didn't get immunized and I'm just fine. Both my sons didn't get immunized and they turned out just fine.

Immunizations are pushed by Big Pharma and the schools that get kickbacks for the number of shots they give.

It's just a Big Scam.

People without auto insurance are just fine. People with absolutely no health insurance are just fine too. People without locks on their house door are just fine too.
Because the government is all about forcing people to give up their rights, right?

Glad to see you admitting to being a statist asshole.
I haven't had the flu in 25 years. I've never been poked in the arm with God knows what.

We're not going anywhere.
For the 'no shots for me' crowd google 'measles on the rise'

...due to unvaccinated...over and over.
For the 'no shots for me' crowd google 'measles on the rise'

...due to unvaccinated...over and over.

Google Jenny McCarty, a liberal Democrat, and then blame Republicans.

I heard about her. People should follow any mention of her as a valid informational source, "Was that before or after you whored yourself on tv selling e-cigs?"

Not exactly a health authority. :)

Google, 'jenny mcarthy e-cig' select images. Kinda hot actually. :)
Vaccines bypass all of our bodies' defense system and go directly to all organs.
Vaccines are Dangerous

U.S. Government Says Vaccines are Dangerous

Immunization vs. Vaccination Homeopathy Center of HoustonHomeopathy Center of Houston

9 Magic Words Prove Vaccines Are Unavoidably Unsafe
Vaccines are they safe Proof is in the numbers

Breastfeeding better than vaccines at preventing infection -
Immunology of Breastmilk Breastfeeding

Instead of requiring all parents to vaccinate their children, all mothers should be required to breastfeed (that includes using a breast pump) or use fully screened/tested donor milk.
Immunity comes from a healthy beginning, lifestyle, diet, etc---not chemicals being injected into your bloodstream.
Also, the infectious diseases vaccines were created for were on the decline since before vaccines were thought of.

Real history Vaccines not responsible for halting infectious diseases of 20th century -

Disease decline before introduction of immunisation Vaccination News

Vaccines are Big Money for Big Pharma

Big Pharma and Vaccines
I didn't get immunized and I'm just fine. Both my sons didn't get immunized and they turned out just fine.

Immunizations are pushed by Big Pharma and the schools that get kickbacks for the number of shots they give.

It's just a Big Scam.

I never (well, very very rarely) get sick. I haven't ever been vaccinated.
Seems like a no-brainer to me. If parents wanna not get their kids immunized fine. Ship em off to some middle-of-nowhere locale where they and all the other non-immunized people can live and rapidly die-off together.

Why we let people opt out of this if then their kids are in schools with immunized kids is beyond me. Wanna endanger yourself fine, more power to ya, just stay the hell away from me.

So what would you suggest for families like my brother's, where the kids aren't immunized but they're also not in school, youth sports or anything like that?
...Why we let people opt out of this if then their kids are in schools with immunized kids is beyond me. Wanna endanger yourself fine, more power to ya, just stay the hell away from me.

If it hasn't already been said, non-immunized kids mixing with immunized kids should only be an issue if the immunizations aren't effective.
Freedom is the right to refuse.........Freedom is the right to be fat...........Freedom is the right to be stupid............

Exile any that don't agree with ya............

I don't think so.
...Why we let people opt out of this if then their kids are in schools with immunized kids is beyond me. Wanna endanger yourself fine, more power to ya, just stay the hell away from me.

If it hasn't already been said, non-immunized kids mixing with immunized kids should only be an issue if the immunizations aren't effective.

Have you fully read the inserts of vaccines? Or the ingredients list?
The CDC states that vaccines aren't effective for everyone.

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