Requiring Massachusetts Schools to teach the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian and Greek Genocides, and oth


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This is a pretty interesting article and as usual there's a lot to be learned from the comments.

The Phony Anti-Defamation League’s Genocide Legislation

Why did I testify at the Massachusetts State House on Oct. 7 against legislation that would require public schools to teach the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian and Greek Genocides, and other genocides and “atrocities”?

Good question, especially as I’m an Armenian American journalist and activist. My Christian grandparents landed on these shores over 120 years ago.

My answers:

  • A brazenly two-faced, alleged civil/human rights group — the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — wrote and sponsored the legislation (566 & S.327).
  • The legislation itself has problems.
  • Schools have been utterly careless in scrutinizing the programs and curricula proposed or created by outside organizations such as the ADL.
This article goes far beyond Armenian American issues. It’s about how the ADL and similar groups intimidate and/or hoodwink respectable American organizations, schools, and institutions.
This is a pretty interesting article and as usual there's a lot to be learned from the comments.

The Phony Anti-Defamation League’s Genocide Legislation

Why did I testify at the Massachusetts State House on Oct. 7 against legislation that would require public schools to teach the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian and Greek Genocides, and other genocides and “atrocities”?

Good question, especially as I’m an Armenian American journalist and activist. My Christian grandparents landed on these shores over 120 years ago.

My answers:

  • A brazenly two-faced, alleged civil/human rights group — the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — wrote and sponsored the legislation (566 & S.327).
  • The legislation itself has problems.
  • Schools have been utterly careless in scrutinizing the programs and curricula proposed or created by outside organizations such as the ADL.
This article goes far beyond Armenian American issues. It’s about how the ADL and similar groups intimidate and/or hoodwink respectable American organizations, schools, and institutions.
Read the Powell Memorandum. And by he way, america was founded upon genocide. Folks don't want our kids to learn that anymore than they want any of us to know we're participating in genocide now..
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Folks don't want our kids to learn that anymore than they want any of us to know we're participating in genocide now..
That's what I was thinking while reading the article- I wonder why that's never mentioned?
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayana.

There is nothing wrong with teaching about how violent people can be. It stresses the importance of not allowing these things to ever happen again. What is there to complain about? I was taught about the Holocaust when I was in high school. It certainly was instructive of how not to treat people. So many died, most in permanent structures built solely to carry out wholesale murder, and so many lost entire generations of relatives. White-washing history does no good.

Somebody just seems to have something against the ADL.
This is a pretty interesting article and as usual there's a lot to be learned from the comments.

The Phony Anti-Defamation League’s Genocide Legislation

Why did I testify at the Massachusetts State House on Oct. 7 against legislation that would require public schools to teach the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian and Greek Genocides, and other genocides and “atrocities”?

Good question, especially as I’m an Armenian American journalist and activist. My Christian grandparents landed on these shores over 120 years ago.

My answers:

  • A brazenly two-faced, alleged civil/human rights group — the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — wrote and sponsored the legislation (566 & S.327).
  • The legislation itself has problems.
  • Schools have been utterly careless in scrutinizing the programs and curricula proposed or created by outside organizations such as the ADL.
This article goes far beyond Armenian American issues. It’s about how the ADL and similar groups intimidate and/or hoodwink respectable American organizations, schools, and institutions.

Until it is clarified WHO caused it, this historical event of the Holocaust to be aught in schools must be on hold.

There are new explanations of why it was such a condition in those concentration camps, explanations which guide to be caused by the allies rather than Hitler orders.

If the Holocaust is taught in schools as special topic, it must be in a way to be open to discussions. Students; like we do, have plenty access to the internet, and they having the opportunity to read the opposite side of that historical event, it might cause their rejection not only to that topic but to the education curriculum in general.

We live today a different world where students learn about current and past history by their own just using their lap top or cellular phone. Perhaps in former years when this easy access to information was not available, in those former years, it was very easy to teach them the selected school curriculum without troubles of any kind .

From my part, I still can't understand how and why is all this fuss about the Holocaust which is just a common consequence of any war at any time in history. I still can't understand why those "cries" for people who died 70 years ago and today still are demonstrations of "suffering" as if those people died just yesterday. It makes no sense.

There are lots of controversies surging from the Holocaust records, and it is not recommendable the teaching of if in schools because in reality is not part of American history as for deserving a special chapter.

Unless until is clarified who caused the Holocaust.
This is a pretty interesting article and as usual there's a lot to be learned from the comments.

The Phony Anti-Defamation League’s Genocide Legislation

Why did I testify at the Massachusetts State House on Oct. 7 against legislation that would require public schools to teach the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian and Greek Genocides, and other genocides and “atrocities”?

Good question, especially as I’m an Armenian American journalist and activist. My Christian grandparents landed on these shores over 120 years ago.

My answers:

  • A brazenly two-faced, alleged civil/human rights group — the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — wrote and sponsored the legislation (566 & S.327).
  • The legislation itself has problems.
  • Schools have been utterly careless in scrutinizing the programs and curricula proposed or created by outside organizations such as the ADL.
This article goes far beyond Armenian American issues. It’s about how the ADL and similar groups intimidate and/or hoodwink respectable American organizations, schools, and institutions.

Until it is clarified WHO caused it, this historical event of the Holocaust to be aught in schools must be on hold.

There are new explanations of why it was such a condition in those concentration camps, explanations which guide to be caused by the allies rather than Hitler orders.

If the Holocaust is taught in schools as special topic, it must be in a way to be open to discussions. Students; like we do, have plenty access to the internet, and they having the opportunity to read the opposite side of that historical event, it might cause their rejection not only to that topic but to the education curriculum in general.

We live today a different world where students learn about current and past history by their own just using their lap top or cellular phone. Perhaps in former years when this easy access to information was not available, in those former years, it was very easy to teach them the selected school curriculum without troubles of any kind .

From my part, I still can't understand how and why is all this fuss about the Holocaust which is just a common consequence of any war at any time in history. I still can't understand why those "cries" for people who died 70 years ago and today still are demonstrations of "suffering" as if those people died just yesterday. It makes no sense.

There are lots of controversies surging from the Holocaust records, and it is not recommendable the teaching of if in schools because in reality is not part of American history as for deserving a special chapter.

Unless until is clarified who caused the Holocaust.

Did you cry when Stormfront was shut down?
This is a pretty interesting article and as usual there's a lot to be learned from the comments.

The Phony Anti-Defamation League’s Genocide Legislation

Why did I testify at the Massachusetts State House on Oct. 7 against legislation that would require public schools to teach the Jewish Holocaust, Armenian and Greek Genocides, and other genocides and “atrocities”?

Good question, especially as I’m an Armenian American journalist and activist. My Christian grandparents landed on these shores over 120 years ago.

My answers:

  • A brazenly two-faced, alleged civil/human rights group — the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) — wrote and sponsored the legislation (566 & S.327).
  • The legislation itself has problems.
  • Schools have been utterly careless in scrutinizing the programs and curricula proposed or created by outside organizations such as the ADL.
This article goes far beyond Armenian American issues. It’s about how the ADL and similar groups intimidate and/or hoodwink respectable American organizations, schools, and institutions.

Until it is clarified WHO caused it, this historical event of the Holocaust to be aught in schools must be on hold.

There are new explanations of why it was such a condition in those concentration camps, explanations which guide to be caused by the allies rather than Hitler orders.

If the Holocaust is taught in schools as special topic, it must be in a way to be open to discussions. Students; like we do, have plenty access to the internet, and they having the opportunity to read the opposite side of that historical event, it might cause their rejection not only to that topic but to the education curriculum in general.

We live today a different world where students learn about current and past history by their own just using their lap top or cellular phone. Perhaps in former years when this easy access to information was not available, in those former years, it was very easy to teach them the selected school curriculum without troubles of any kind .

From my part, I still can't understand how and why is all this fuss about the Holocaust which is just a common consequence of any war at any time in history. I still can't understand why those "cries" for people who died 70 years ago and today still are demonstrations of "suffering" as if those people died just yesterday. It makes no sense.

There are lots of controversies surging from the Holocaust records, and it is not recommendable the teaching of if in schools because in reality is not part of American history as for deserving a special chapter. Unless until is clarified who caused the Holocaust.

There are no "new explanations" for the Holocaust or any "controversies surging from the Holocaust records," and it certainly was not "just a common consequence of any war at any time in history."
  • The Nazis made public speeches regarding their desire to wipe an entire religion and calling people of the Jewish faith all sorts of names and accusing them of all sorts of crimes, even the grandmothers, housewives, and children.
  • The Nazis built permanent structures whose sole purpose was to carry out wholesale murder, although in more remote places, they just rounded up the local Jews and shot them in front of open trenches.
  • The Nazis forced everyone of the Jewish faith to wear a symbol indicating their religion, regardless of age, sex, occupation, or any other characteristic.
  • The Nazis purposely rounded up non-combatants, and herded them into ghettos and then extermination camps in a very well-organized fashion.
  • The Nazis stole everything they could from the people they murdered. Occasionally, something valuable is found and returned to the family.
  • The murders of these people were not the result of any confusion in the chaos of battle. They were not "collateral damage."
  • There is plenty of evidence in the form of witness testimony, including both survivors and members of the Allied forces, including an extraordinary amount of photographic evidence, some of it left by the Nazis.
  • After WWII was over, people spent years trying to find out what happened to their loved ones, and many born after the war had to be told what happened to their grandparents and aunts and uncles.
  • There is a history stretching back centuries before the 1930's in Europe of phony people who claimed to worship Jesus as the messiah attempting to wipe out the Jewish religion.
Note that the lesson involves other attempts at genocide as well, Armenian, Greek. Native American also must be mentioned.

Why do some people feel so much better when they learn that somebody who doesn't believe like they do or doesn't look like them is no longer breathing. How disgusting is that.
There are no "new explanations" for the Holocaust or any "controversies surging from the Holocaust records," and it certainly was not "just a common consequence of any war at any time in history."
  • The Nazis made public speeches regarding their desire to wipe an entire religion and calling people of the Jewish faith all sorts of names and accusing them of all sorts of crimes, even the grandmothers, housewives, and children.
  • The Nazis built permanent structures whose sole purpose was to carry out wholesale murder, although in more remote places, they just rounded up the local Jews and shot them in front of open trenches.
  • The Nazis forced everyone of the Jewish faith to wear a symbol indicating their religion, regardless of age, sex, occupation, or any other characteristic.
  • The Nazis purposely rounded up non-combatants, and herded them into ghettos and then extermination camps in a very well-organized fashion.
  • The Nazis stole everything they could from the people they murdered. Occasionally, something valuable is found and returned to the family.
  • The murders of these people were not the result of any confusion in the chaos of battle. They were not "collateral damage."
  • There is plenty of evidence in the form of witness testimony, including both survivors and members of the Allied forces, including an extraordinary amount of photographic evidence, some of it left by the Nazis.
  • After WWII was over, people spent years trying to find out what happened to their loved ones, and many born after the war had to be told what happened to their grandparents and aunts and uncles.
  • There is a history stretching back centuries before the 1930's in Europe of phony people who claimed to worship Jesus as the messiah attempting to wipe out the Jewish religion.
Note that the lesson involves other attempts at genocide as well, Armenian, Greek. Native American also must be mentioned.

Why do some people feel so much better when they learn that somebody who doesn't believe like they do or doesn't look like them is no longer breathing. How disgusting is that.

Most of your "points" are just whistleblower stuff. You mentioned "witness".

Let me tell you this way. The "witness" said he saw Nazis forcing tens of people inside a room, gas was released, and immediately the door was opened and the dead bodies were removed and another group of people was forced to get inside and gas was used again to kill them... and so forth.

What a great stupidity is believing in such a "witness". Look, in order to remove the assumed corpses from a room which was used as a gas chamber, you must have to have an exhaust system to remove the gas, and for prevention reasons you must wait until the room is clear of that poison, and looking at the size of the room, such will take at least hours, not minutes but hours to become safe to enter. And there is not a single evidence that those exhaust systems ever existed. Then, the version of the witness is simply lunacies.

And I am telling you this, not because I have something against a certain ethnic group, but because SCIENCE.

When you apply SCIENCE, such gas chambers never existed.

Do you think that Nazis will proudly take pictures of concentration camps with people dying of starvation? Are you nuts? With what purpose?

Making a review, the pictures were taken with a total different reason.

The Nazis wanted to show the world what the allies bombings are causing in German dominions, destroying food centers, medical posts and manufacturers, destroying roads, bombing 24/7 the 365 days of the year, for 5 years, dropping millions of TONS of bombs, because the motto was to destroy the German machine at all cost.

So, this is the collateral damage. The concentration camps far away from Berlin where in miserable status not because Hitler orders but because the bombings destroying everything.

You can observe a same scenario in Iraq. In order to prevent Iraqi soldiers access to water, then water pools and pipe lines were destroyed with bombs from airplanes. This caused lack of water for people in cities. Even it was a famous picture of an American soldier sharing his water with a Iraqi child. This is called "collateral damage".

Hitler never ordered to kill Jews but to humiliate them, a kick on their butts was allowed.

The pictures had a complete different purpose. But, the winners of the war just changed it and accommodate it to their favor. Hitler was out of power, it was easy to put all the deaths on him.

Besides, here in the US, as an example, 200,000 Indians were murdered in a period of just few years in California alone, in order to take their lands.

The school students never receive this kind of information which happened here, in the US.

Do you think that those assumed murdering of foreign people are more important than the murdering that happened here?

Of course not.

Then, who cares about what happened 70 years ago in the other continent with just a certain ethnic group as well? If you want to cry for that, then fine, but the rest is not obligated to cry with you. I cried my father for a few days, and that's all. I must keep living and continuing my life taking care of my family.

Just remember Abraham with Sarah.

That guy, oh that guy was in love with his wife Sarah. Yes indeed.

However, after Sarah died, he cried for her an entire month.

And after that month, our man Abraham, ha! he got married again TWICE and had concubines and LOTS of children. It is in the bible.

You must learn from father Abraham, and stop trying to make profit playing the cry baby for deaths who were buried 70 years ago. One month was enough, you are well far away from the example given by father Abraham.

Let it go.
There are no "new explanations" for the Holocaust or any "controversies surging from the Holocaust records," and it certainly was not "just a common consequence of any war at any time in history."
  • The Nazis made public speeches regarding their desire to wipe an entire religion and calling people of the Jewish faith all sorts of names and accusing them of all sorts of crimes, even the grandmothers, housewives, and children.
  • The Nazis built permanent structures whose sole purpose was to carry out wholesale murder, although in more remote places, they just rounded up the local Jews and shot them in front of open trenches.
  • The Nazis forced everyone of the Jewish faith to wear a symbol indicating their religion, regardless of age, sex, occupation, or any other characteristic.
  • The Nazis purposely rounded up non-combatants, and herded them into ghettos and then extermination camps in a very well-organized fashion.
  • The Nazis stole everything they could from the people they murdered. Occasionally, something valuable is found and returned to the family.
  • The murders of these people were not the result of any confusion in the chaos of battle. They were not "collateral damage."
  • There is plenty of evidence in the form of witness testimony, including both survivors and members of the Allied forces, including an extraordinary amount of photographic evidence, some of it left by the Nazis.
  • After WWII was over, people spent years trying to find out what happened to their loved ones, and many born after the war had to be told what happened to their grandparents and aunts and uncles.
  • There is a history stretching back centuries before the 1930's in Europe of phony people who claimed to worship Jesus as the messiah attempting to wipe out the Jewish religion.
Note that the lesson involves other attempts at genocide as well, Armenian, Greek. Native American also must be mentioned.

Why do some people feel so much better when they learn that somebody who doesn't believe like they do or doesn't look like them is no longer breathing. How disgusting is that.

Most of your "points" are just whistleblower stuff. You mentioned "witness".

Let me tell you this way. The "witness" said he saw Nazis forcing tens of people inside a room, gas was released, and immediately the door was opened and the dead bodies were removed and another group of people was forced to get inside and gas was used again to kill them... and so forth.

What a great stupidity is believing in such a "witness". Look, in order to remove the assumed corpses from a room which was used as a gas chamber, you must have to have an exhaust system to remove the gas, and for prevention reasons you must wait until the room is clear of that poison, and looking at the size of the room, such will take at least hours, not minutes but hours to become safe to enter. And there is not a single evidence that those exhaust systems ever existed. Then, the version of the witness is simply lunacies.

And I am telling you this, not because I have something against a certain ethnic group, but because SCIENCE.

When you apply SCIENCE, such gas chambers never existed.

Do you think that Nazis will proudly take pictures of concentration camps with people dying of starvation? Are you nuts? With what purpose?

Making a review, the pictures were taken with a total different reason.

The Nazis wanted to show the world what the allies bombings are causing in German dominions, destroying food centers, medical posts and manufacturers, destroying roads, bombing 24/7 the 365 days of the year, for 5 years, dropping millions of TONS of bombs, because the motto was to destroy the German machine at all cost.

So, this is the collateral damage. The concentration camps far away from Berlin where in miserable status not because Hitler orders but because the bombings destroying everything.

You can observe a same scenario in Iraq. In order to prevent Iraqi soldiers access to water, then water pools and pipe lines were destroyed with bombs from airplanes. This caused lack of water for people in cities. Even it was a famous picture of an American soldier sharing his water with a Iraqi child. This is called "collateral damage".

Hitler never ordered to kill Jews but to humiliate them, a kick on their butts was allowed.

The pictures had a complete different purpose. But, the winners of the war just changed it and accommodate it to their favor. Hitler was out of power, it was easy to put all the deaths on him.

Besides, here in the US, as an example, 200,000 Indians were murdered in a period of just few years in California alone, in order to take their lands.

The school students never receive this kind of information which happened here, in the US.

Do you think that those assumed murdering of foreign people are more important than the murdering that happened here?

Of course not.

Then, who cares about what happened 70 years ago in the other continent with just a certain ethnic group as well? If you want to cry for that, then fine, but the rest is not obligated to cry with you. I cried my father for a few days, and that's all. I must keep living and continuing my life taking care of my family.

Just remember Abraham with Sarah.

That guy, oh that guy was in love with his wife Sarah. Yes indeed.

However, after Sarah died, he cried for her an entire month.

And after that month, our man Abraham, ha! he got married again TWICE and had concubines and LOTS of children. It is in the bible.

You must learn from father Abraham, and stop trying to make profit playing the cry baby for deaths who were buried 70 years ago. One month was enough, you are well far away from the example given by father Abraham.

Let it go.

This bullshit is not worth replying to in detail. You obviously are delusional. I don't give a shit about your bibble baloney. It is not a justification for anything. And certainly not for the organized massacre of an entire faith, an entire ethnicity, an entire nationality.

I would not wish upon members of your family and community the treatment accorded to the Jews by the Nazis and their sympathizers. But I would love to somehow have you experience the threats on your life and the loss of your own loved ones, all of your relatives, to murderers.
This bullshit is not worth replying to in detail. You obviously are delusional. I don't give a shit about your bibble baloney. It is not a justification for anything. And certainly not for the organized massacre of an entire faith, an entire ethnicity, an entire nationality.

I would not wish upon members of your family and community the treatment accorded to the Jews by the Nazis and their sympathizers. But I would love to somehow have you experience the threats on your life and the loss of your own loved ones, all of your relatives, to murderers.

That is a far away past.

Let it go.
This bullshit is not worth replying to in detail. You obviously are delusional. I don't give a shit about your bibble baloney. It is not a justification for anything. And certainly not for the organized massacre of an entire faith, an entire ethnicity, an entire nationality.

I would not wish upon members of your family and community the treatment accorded to the Jews by the Nazis and their sympathizers. But I would love to somehow have you experience the threats on your life and the loss of your own loved ones, all of your relatives, to murderers.

That is a far away past.

Let it go.

Don't "let it go." What has happened in the past instructs us on the future. The phrase "never again" says it all. Do not repeat this sort of behavior. Learn from humanity's mistakes. All of us humans must learn to respect the losses of other people.

When you sit down at your Thanksgiving table, imagine what you would feel like if the people seated around the table were gone, disappeared, and you never even had a chance to mourn them, much less to replace them in your life. Could you live with the thought that your mother and your wife were stripped naked and died in a gas chamber?
This bullshit is not worth replying to in detail. You obviously are delusional. I don't give a shit about your bibble baloney. It is not a justification for anything. And certainly not for the organized massacre of an entire faith, an entire ethnicity, an entire nationality.

I would not wish upon members of your family and community the treatment accorded to the Jews by the Nazis and their sympathizers. But I would love to somehow have you experience the threats on your life and the loss of your own loved ones, all of your relatives, to murderers.

That is a far away past.

Let it go.

Absolutely not! The ugliness of history instructs humanity in what not to do in the future and the importance of ethics. The phrase "never again" says it all. Never dismiss the suffering and losses of the people who came before you and the ones who live now.

When you sit down at Thanksgiving, think about what you would feel like if all of those people, your loved ones, were not there, absent, disappeared, and you never even knew for sure what happened to them, and you never even had a chance to say goodbye or mourn them. No more hugs from Mom, no more jokes from Dad, no more fussing from your aunts, no more kisses from your wife or fussing from your kids. When your entire family gets wiped out, you eat alone. Would you want this?

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