Rescue? Note The Ambassador's Pants Are On Backwards And His Belt Is Unbuckled

We do know Bush was totally incompetent at reacting to reports of AlQaeda and planes etc., and Pubs were great at distracting Clinton with BJ BS...

Trying to rewrite history? I was pretty sure Clinton perjured himself and was charged with obstruction of justice. Maybe if he had not lied in court there would not have been a problem.

The 9-11 commission found Clinton and Bush at fault. To blame this on cons/Bush is pure BS.
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Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.

Perhaps Bammy's inaction will get you killed....we'll see who gives a shit then.

If he's a terrorist, I think we can rest fairly secure that he won't be killed any time soon.
Blood on the hands of Obama and Hilary Clinton....and the media says buttkiss.
Though I think I'll wait until after the election...fingering terrorists this time around seems to land the people who report them in jail....
Though I think I'll wait until after the election...fingering terrorists this time around seems to land the people who report them in jail.... you don't want to risk anything yourself. It's all about you rather than doing your patriotic duty for our country. I see.

Anyone else want to step up and do their duty? FBI — Homepage
These days investigations into terrorism seem to wax exceedingly slow..and the oddest people go to jail when it happens.
Though I think I'll wait until after the election...fingering terrorists this time around seems to land the people who report them in jail.... you don't want to risk anything yourself. It's all about you rather than doing your patriotic duty for our country. I see.

Anyone else want to step up and do their duty? FBI — Homepage

Did you want to kill Americans kid?
Blood on the hands of Obama and Hilary Clinton....and the media says buttkiss.

Maybe they're waiting for some facts. They did have Hillary on warning about taking e-mails out of context, and mentioning the Stata Dept's investigation starts reporting on Monday. Duh.
Issa must've kicked your ass since you talk about him in every thread.:eusa_whistle:

Oh, the desperation of the idiot fringe...

Why didn't you nominate a better candidate?

Don't blame Obama, you screwed your own pooch.

And stop with the pathetic conspiracy theories. Issa is a tool.
Though I think I'll wait until after the election...fingering terrorists this time around seems to land the people who report them in jail.... you don't want to risk anything yourself. It's all about you rather than doing your patriotic duty for our country. I see.

Anyone else want to step up and do their duty? FBI — Homepage

Did you want to kill Americans kid?

Of course not...but Allie seems to think that a few of us here are terrorists. She needs to do her duty as an American citizen and make a report to the FBI. FBI — Homepage That is, unless she's really unAmerican.
I think you're a terrorist if you support or try to cover for terrorists.

Does that make bode and franco terrorists?
The election's on Sunday?

Here is what Hillary actually said.

"I appreciate that you and your committee are deeply interested in finding out what happened leading up to and during the attacks in Benghazi, and are looking for ways to prevent it from happening again. I share that commitment," Clinton wrote in the letter, obtained by The Cable. "Nobody will hold this department more accountable than we hold ourselves -- we served with Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, and Tyrone Woods."
Clinton said that the State Department's Accountability Review Board will begin work this week and the letter revealed the names of all five board members. In addition to former Deputy Secretary of State Thomas Pickering, who will lead the board, the other members will be former Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen (ret.),Catherine Bertini, Hugh Turner, and Richard Shinnick.
Clinton asked Issa to withhold any final conclusions about the Benghazi attack until the review board finishes its work and reports to Congress, which could come as early as November or as late as early next year. She pledged to work with Issa's committee and asked him to submit any requests for information or witnesses at hearings to the State Department's Office of Legislative Affairs.
Clinton was responding to a Monday letter from Issa, first reported by The Daily Beast, claiming that committee had received information "from individuals with direct knowledge of the events in Libya" that the Sept. 11 attack was "the latest in a long line of attacks" on Western diplomatic assets in Benghazi.

Clinton promises answers on Benghazi attack | The Cable

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