Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

Just another reason for the dupes to snap out of it, change the channel, and vote the interests of the people and the country rather than the greedy rich/corporations...Haha.

If you actually believed that Congress should vote the interests of the country you would be opposed to the payroll tax holiday.

The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.

"Take stuff from those greedy bastards and give it to me!!"
Not all conservatives are dumb, some are bought off (Cain, Rubio) or just greedy. LOL

So, where does that leave Pelosi and all the other Democrats that have been likewise bought off? Or don't they count?

People who know what they're talking about are dominated by liberals...

Pelosi et al are not bought off, as you can tell by "policies". LOL

What was that silly person? Geez, you make this way too easy. But then, you have to be smart to make it hard don't you?

"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An explicit ban on insider trading by federal lawmakers could narrow existing law covering the conduct, a top Securities and Exchange Commission official warned on Tuesday.

Any changes need to be "carefully calibrated" so that they do not hurt insider trading prosecutions outside of Congress, enforcement director Robert Khuzami told a House panel.

The House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday considered legislation that would prohibit members of Congress and their staff from trading in securities or commodities based on non-public information gleaned through their jobs.

The bill has languished in Congress for the past five years, but saw renewed interest after a recent television report on "60 Minutes" that found some lawmakers profited from inside information."

SEC warns on congressional insider trading ban - Yahoo! News
If you actually believed that Congress should vote the interests of the country you would be opposed to the payroll tax holiday.

The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.

"Take stuff from those greedy bastards and give it to me!!"

Notice he said "we need....". Therein lies your problem. He can't do for himself and Al Sharpton has convinced him others can and should.
Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

Those who work in engineering (mostly conservatives) realize the limited value of a scientist when it comes to actually putting something in place that both works and is cost effective.

So what was your problem ?

Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?
My last assignment in the Air Force was with a bunch of civil engineers. They were mostly conservative. Most were also Christians.

So, it looks like reality once again kicks your ass. In other words, it's just a normal day.
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as control over the Oval Office is concerned.

This is such a fantasy of the right wing. It's hilarious. Repeated again and again by route. Young kids who have been indoctrinated into mysterious liberal ideology where they think they are "above" everyone else. But once they leave and enter the "real world" they realize their education had no real value and once they threw off that "indoctrination" they discovered "conservative values" and the true meaning of "morals" and the secret to "wealth".

Pathetic. If the right wing spent as much time studying "real things" instead of imagining this mess, we would all be a lot better off.
The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work?"

The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, "How does it work?"

The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"

The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"
The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work?"

The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, "How does it work?"

The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"

The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"

And RDean keeps asking why it won't work.
I think the major distinction between Some Liberals (Statist Progressives) and Conservatives is that Some Liberals need to rewrite history, control the Polls, and the New Sources, discredit opposition with disinformation, while Conservatives are more concerned about learning from cause and effect. They are Control Freaks. They can't help seeing us as Commodities. I think it's in their DNA. I think they confuse Evolution with Mutation. :D :lmao:
The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.

"Take stuff from those greedy bastards and give it to me!!"

Notice he said "we need....". Therein lies your problem. He can't do for himself and Al Sharpton has convinced him others can and should.
Liberalism: Ideas so good, they have to be mandated by law!
The graduate with a Science degree asks, "Why does it work?"

The graduate with an Engineering degree asks, "How does it work?"

The graduate with an Accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?"

The graduate with a Liberal Arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?"

And RDean keeps asking why it won't work.
Rderp is a witless buffoon convinced of his own intellectual superiority based on little more than a medal he got for participation in 4th grade.
I think the major distinction between Some Liberals (Statist Progressives) and Conservatives is that Some Liberals need to rewrite history, control the Polls, and the New Sources, discredit opposition with disinformation, while Conservatives are more concerned about learning from cause and effect. They are Control Freaks. They can't help seeing us as Commodities. I think it's in their DNA. I think they confuse Evolution with Mutation. :D :lmao:
Progressives don't understand human nature. That's why their policies always fail.

People who know what they're talking about are dominated by liberals...
Wrong. You're dominated by liberals because you're an easily-led sheep incapable of independent thought.

I bet he has a Government check to prove it too. I think RD and Francho both, have the perfect Profile for Government work. :lol:
Hey, now...I'm a government employee. My fellow employees and I are orders of magnitude smarter than Derp and Franky.
Wrong. You're dominated by liberals because you're an easily-led sheep incapable of independent thought.

I bet he has a Government check to prove it too. I think RD and Francho both, have the perfect Profile for Government work. :lol:
Hey, now...I'm a government employee. My fellow employees and I are orders of magnitude smarter than Derp and Franky.

Oops! :lol: I think you have natural immunities. ;) :):):)
Just another reason for the dupes to snap out of it, change the channel, and vote the interests of the people and the country rather than the greedy rich/corporations...Haha.

If you actually believed that Congress should vote the interests of the country you would be opposed to the payroll tax holiday.

The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.

The bloated rich, whoever they are, get the same payroll tax holiday.

By the way, thanks for proving me right, you have no real clue about why the payroll tax holiday is a really bad thing, do you?
If it weren't for the right wing, would we even be having any conversations about the gays. Question: Do any of the Republican candidates want to reinstate DADT?

Is it really your contention that the gay agenda is largely embraced and promoted by conservatives?

Pick up any science or technology magazines and it's amazing what is coming out of those "liberal" universities. Funny, how they leave out the accomplishments of all but a couple so called "Christian Universities". Of course, the Christian Universities they do include teach evolution and geology and astronomy and climate change. You know, REAL science.

Now, you are shamelessly dodging reality with rhetorical nonsense.

But since you brought up the subject, what does pure science and a decidedly liberal political perspective have to do with each other?

Anyone who has attended a public, non-Christian, American university within the last 30 years can attest to the pervasive politically liberal mindset of a majority of the faculty.

That being said, anyone who has attended a public, non-Christian, American university within the last 30 years can attest to the strange correlation between the degree to which a professor who taught pure science was of a decidedly liberal persuasion compared to that of professors who taught the more social sciences.

Of the two types of professors, which were typically of a more liberal bent and which were more conservative?

Of course, the answer to that question is purely academic. The more disturbing and far more functional question is:

"Why have you pigeon-holed yourself into a hopelessly broad and mercurial category which you now feel compelled to defend as if your life (or, at least, your ego) depended on it.?"
See, that's where things get messed up, they should have done a research on the population that it's meant for.

Los Angeles has a massive car culture, so naturally the roads are packed 10 hours out of the day. If you have never been to Southern California imagine if your rush hour was 3 times more packed and lasted 5 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the evening.

I spent years in SoCal and usually discovered that it avoiding rush hour parking lots simply meant taking an alternate route. That was in the days before GPS, but I bet you can still avoid the worst of it.

Avoiding the worst of it still ends up with an extra 30 minutes added to your normal travel time. That's a lot of gas and time.

Avoiding a 90 minute stop and go traffic jam adds 30 minutes to your trip? My experience is that it actually makes the trip faster, but maybe you take a different route.
You would not be conservative if you were accepting of change.

Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve")[1] is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to the way things were.[2][3] The first established use of the term in a political context was by François-René de Chateaubriand in 1819, following the French Revolution.[4] The term has since been used to describe a wide range of views.

Not changing society does not mean not accepting new technology. If you were half as smart as you think you are you would know that.

I would say technology has a significant impact on society.

Not in ways most conservatives actually worry about.
If you mean this guy?

He sounds like he's smart like Hitler. Yea Godwins law and all that aside sometimes a comparison is actually valid for fucks sake.

Source: Smartest Man in the World Espouses Virtues of Eugenics

Really, I've read this guys work and it is pathetic, he may be fairly intelligent but he knows next to nothing about reality.

Quick edit, Einstein was 163.

When asked, Stephen Hawkings had this to say;

Hawking was asked about his IQ in a 2004 newspaper interview, and replied, "I have no idea. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers." Yet when asked "Are you saying you are not a genius?", Hawking replied "I hope I'm near the upper end of the range."[56]

Lesson of the day: Having a high IQ does not make you smart in the traditional sense. It just means you're better at taking tests.

I was mocking rdean, not trying to prove anything. I actually read his theories myself, my thought was that I could do a better job. He obviously prefers to fit the facts into his theories rather than the other way around. If his IQ is actually as high as people think he is he might just be insane. Doesn't make him wrong, as I am smart enough to know I don't know everything.

You mean "anything".

I know enough to prove your statement was wrong, does that mean you know less than nothing?
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as control over the Oval Office is concerned.

This is such a fantasy of the right wing. It's hilarious. Repeated again and again by route. Young kids who have been indoctrinated into mysterious liberal ideology where they think they are "above" everyone else. But once they leave and enter the "real world" they realize their education had no real value and once they threw off that "indoctrination" they discovered "conservative values" and the true meaning of "morals" and the secret to "wealth".

Pathetic. If the right wing spent as much time studying "real things" instead of imagining this mess, we would all be a lot better off.

Is it really your contention that university is not dominated by professors of a decidely liberal persuasion?

What is pathetic is your powers of reading comprehension, if not your perception of socio-political mood swings over the last 50 years.

Liberals have certainly NOT been more concerned with "real things" than conservatives, at least not since 1960. Indeed, liberals have been proud to crow about their transcendentalism since JFK was elected president.

One need only comment on present liberal points of contention. What do liberals seem most concerned with right now?:

Gay marriage.

With everything that is wrong in the world right now, the liberals in America are seemingly fixated on "gay marriage" as if it were the most important issue of our time.

Tell me, is gay marriage one of the "real things" of which you are referring?

Welcome to rdean land.

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