Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

Those who work in engineering (mostly conservatives) realize the limited value of a scientist when it comes to actually putting something in place that both works and is cost effective.

So what was your problem ?

Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?

Why yes I do. A good friend of mine is a failure analysis engineer and a devout Catholic (I call him a papist for fun!) and while I am very liberal when it comes to individual rights I am also a fiscal conservative and have a PhD at the end of my name. So where does that leave your "theory"?
Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

I'm sure you enjoy your fantasy world and probably even believe it.

I believe the truth.

You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as control over the Oval Office is concerned.

This is such a fantasy of the right wing. It's hilarious. Repeated again and again by route. Young kids who have been indoctrinated into mysterious liberal ideology where they think they are "above" everyone else. But once they leave and enter the "real world" they realize their education had no real value and once they threw off that "indoctrination" they discovered "conservative values" and the true meaning of "morals" and the secret to "wealth".

Pathetic. If the right wing spent as much time studying "real things" instead of imagining this mess, we would all be a lot better off.

Is it really your contention that university is not dominated by professors of a decidely liberal persuasion?

What is pathetic is your powers of reading comprehension, if not your perception of socio-political mood swings over the last 50 years.

Liberals have certainly NOT been more concerned with "real things" than conservatives, at least not since 1960. Indeed, liberals have been proud to crow about their transcendentalism since JFK was elected president.

One need only comment on present liberal points of contention. What do liberals seem most concerned with right now?:

Gay marriage.

With everything that is wrong in the world right now, the liberals in America are seemingly fixated on "gay marriage" as if it were the most important issue of our time.

Tell me, is gay marriage one of the "real things" of which you are referring?
Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

Those who work in engineering (mostly conservatives) realize the limited value of a scientist when it comes to actually putting something in place that both works and is cost effective.

So what was your problem ?

Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?

Back in the liquor cabinet I see.

How about you sober up and try it again ?
Just another reason for the dupes to snap out of it, change the channel, and vote the interests of the people and the country rather than the greedy rich/corporations...Haha.

I like at the way you laugh at your own "jokes".

It is a sign that all the teasing you took in school for being so stupid might finally be wearing off.

Of course, it does not mean those teasing you were wrong.
Not all conservatives are dumb, some are bought off (Cain, Rubio) or just greedy. LOL

So, where does that leave Pelosi and all the other Democrats that have been likewise bought off? Or don't they count?

People who know what they're talking about are dominated by liberals...

Pelosi et al are not bought off, as you can tell by "policies". LOL
Those who work in engineering (mostly conservatives) realize the limited value of a scientist when it comes to actually putting something in place that both works and is cost effective.

So what was your problem ?

Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?

Back in the liquor cabinet I see.

How about you sober up and try it again ?

Why do you think that so many Christian Universities teach "natural science". You do know what "natural science" is?

You know, like "bees pollinate flowers" and "green stuff in plants turns sunlight to food"?

It's why so many stay away from evolution, geology and astronomy. Do you know a Right Winger who claimed to be a PHD actually said to me that "God put light in transit" which is why we see the stars. Otherwise, we wouldn't know there were stars there.
Not all conservatives are dumb, some are bought off (Cain, Rubio) or just greedy. LOL

So, where does that leave Pelosi and all the other Democrats that have been likewise bought off? Or don't they count?

People who know what they're talking about are dominated by liberals...

Pelosi et al are not bought off, as you can tell by "policies". LOL

You mean like making stupid statements like "We have to pass this (health care disaster) bill so we can find out what's in it.

310,000,000 people in this country and that is the best we can do for SOTH ?

We are in sad shape.

People who know what they are talking about are not dominated by anyone.

The only thing liberals dominate are their paperboys. Pervs.
Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?

Back in the liquor cabinet I see.

How about you sober up and try it again ?

Why do you think that so many Christian Universities teach "natural science". You do know what "natural science" is?

You know, like "bees pollinate flowers" and "green stuff in plants turns sunlight to food"?

It's why so many stay away from evolution, geology and astronomy. Do you know a Right Winger who claimed to be a PHD actually said to me that "God put light in transit" which is why we see the stars. Otherwise, we wouldn't know there were stars there.

You need more time.

Why do I care what Christian Universities teach ?

Making up stuff to argue against....again.

As your anecdotal statement ? Really.

Then I can tell you about five lefties who informed that Barack Obama will be paying their utility bills. Hunh. Imagine that.

Stay on topic.

BTW: Alcohol does not help ADD.
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as control over the Oval Office is concerned.

This is such a fantasy of the right wing. It's hilarious. Repeated again and again by route. Young kids who have been indoctrinated into mysterious liberal ideology where they think they are "above" everyone else. But once they leave and enter the "real world" they realize their education had no real value and once they threw off that "indoctrination" they discovered "conservative values" and the true meaning of "morals" and the secret to "wealth".

Pathetic. If the right wing spent as much time studying "real things" instead of imagining this mess, we would all be a lot better off.

Is it really your contention that university is not dominated by professors of a decidely liberal persuasion?

What is pathetic is your powers of reading comprehension, if not your perception of socio-political mood swings over the last 50 years.

Liberals have certainly NOT been more concerned with "real things" than conservatives, at least not since 1960. Indeed, liberals have been proud to crow about their transcendentalism since JFK was elected president.

One need only comment on present liberal points of contention. What do liberals seem most concerned with right now?:

Gay marriage.

With everything that is wrong in the world right now, the liberals in America are seemingly fixated on "gay marriage" as if it were the most important issue of our time.

Tell me, is gay marriage one of the "real things" of which you are referring?

If it weren't for the right wing, would we even be having any conversations about the gays. Question: Do any of the Republican candidates want to reinstate DADT?

Pick up any science or technology magazines and it's amazing what is coming out of those "liberal" universities. Funny, how they leave out the accomplishments of all but a couple so called "Christian Universities". Of course, the Christian Universities they do include teach evolution and geology and astronomy and climate change. You know, REAL science.
Back in the liquor cabinet I see.

How about you sober up and try it again ?

Why do you think that so many Christian Universities teach "natural science". You do know what "natural science" is?

You know, like "bees pollinate flowers" and "green stuff in plants turns sunlight to food"?

It's why so many stay away from evolution, geology and astronomy. Do you know a Right Winger who claimed to be a PHD actually said to me that "God put light in transit" which is why we see the stars. Otherwise, we wouldn't know there were stars there.

You need more time.

Why do I care what Christian Universities teach ?

Making up stuff to argue against....again.

As your anecdotal statement ? Really.

Then I can tell you about five lefties who informed that Barack Obama will be paying their utility bills. Hunh. Imagine that.

Stay on topic.

BTW: Alcohol does not help ADD.

Because that's where conservatives come from. Sorry. I didn't realize I would have to explain that. How embarrassing.
If it weren't for the right wing, would we even be having any conversations about the gays. Question: Do any of the Republican candidates want to reinstate DADT?

Pick up any science or technology magazines and it's amazing what is coming out of those "liberal" universities. Funny, how they leave out the accomplishments of all but a couple so called "Christian Universities". Of course, the Christian Universities they do include teach evolution and geology and astronomy and climate change. You know, REAL science.

Yes, there were not blacks or hispanic (those stalwarts of the right) that voted to restrict gay marriage in California.

My guess is that if it were not for gays, we would not be having any conversations about gays.

You might try picking up a flyer for AA. But anytime you want to discuss science, I'm game.
Why do you think that so many Christian Universities teach "natural science". You do know what "natural science" is?

You know, like "bees pollinate flowers" and "green stuff in plants turns sunlight to food"?

It's why so many stay away from evolution, geology and astronomy. Do you know a Right Winger who claimed to be a PHD actually said to me that "God put light in transit" which is why we see the stars. Otherwise, we wouldn't know there were stars there.

You need more time.

Why do I care what Christian Universities teach ?

Making up stuff to argue against....again.

As your anecdotal statement ? Really.

Then I can tell you about five lefties who informed that Barack Obama will be paying their utility bills. Hunh. Imagine that.

Stay on topic.

BTW: Alcohol does not help ADD.

Because that's where conservatives come from. Sorry. I didn't realize I would have to explain that. How embarrassing.

Really ?

The University of Arizona is a "Christian" University ?

The University of Kansas is a "Christian" University ?

Texax Tech is a "Christian" University ?

How silly of me. :doubt:
Thanks for the idiotic psychobabble, you're always good for a laugh- and the illustration of the op.

Once again showing that you babysitter is more interested in her TV program than helping you to look anything but stupid.

We have Pelosi making stupid statements and we have you making stupid statements about Pelosi. Hhhhmmmmm..... I really hate to think what that might mean. :eek:
Pelosi said we have to pass ACA (and implement it) so the duped will get the idea...the amount of misinformation and fear mongering YOU believe is astounding.
Pelosi said we have to pass ACA (and implement it) so the duped will get the idea...the amount of misinformation and fear mongering YOU believe is astounding.

Yes, that was astounding logic.

In other words.....we can't tell you what's in it now.

But after we pass it, we can tell you then.

But hey...don't ask me what changed along the way.

Or it might be....we don't want to tell you what's in it because then you might not want us to pass it (which most of American didn't want anyway).

But why quibble with the facts.

It has been said well and famously that politicians only really commit a gaffe when they tell the truth without meaning to. Add House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the list.

Speaking Tuesday to the 2010 Legislative Conference for the National Association of Counties, Pelosi began the windup of her healthcare pitch by alluding to the controversies over the healthcare bill and the process by which it has reached its current state. Then, just after saying, "It's going to be very, very exciting," Pelosi gaffed, telling the local elected officials assembled that Congress "[has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy."

This is the same Nancy Pelosi who, only weeks earlier, was bragging about the transparency of the process that produced the bill that is currently stalled in Congress. The same Pelosi who brushed aside concerns raised by organizations like Let Freedom Ring!--where I am a senior fellow--that members of Congress actually commit to reading the bill before voting for it and that it be posted online for at least 72 hours before any vote so that the American people can read it, too.

In fact, as supporters of the current healthcare bill will no doubt point out, the bill Pelosi and the White House are trying to move to the president's desk passed the Senate at Christmas. It has been on the Web for well over 72 hours; indeed it has been discussed and dissected by healthcare policy experts repeatedly over the last two months. But if that is the case, why is Pelosi telling the National Association of Counties that the bill has to pass before they--and the rest of us "can find out what's in it." What is she hiding?
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