Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

If it weren't for the right wing, would we even be having any conversations about the gays. Question: Do any of the Republican candidates want to reinstate DADT?

Pick up any science or technology magazines and it's amazing what is coming out of those "liberal" universities. Funny, how they leave out the accomplishments of all but a couple so called "Christian Universities". Of course, the Christian Universities they do include teach evolution and geology and astronomy and climate change. You know, REAL science.

Yes, there were not blacks or hispanic (those stalwarts of the right) that voted to restrict gay marriage in California.

My guess is that if it were not for gays, we would not be having any conversations about gays.

You might try picking up a flyer for AA. But anytime you want to discuss science, I'm game.

What you are proving is that the Democratic Party is a "coalition" party. If those blacks and Hispanics held beliefs so close to Republicans, then why don't they feel comfortable with the Republican Party?

Now the question I have is why did the Mormons from Utah spend so many millions of dollars in California on attack ads against the gays?

Republicans really know how to do this attack against people they hate. There is one example that is near and dear to my heart. Republicans are always saying, "You have to listen to the generals", and the generals were saying that Gitmo is being used as a recruiting tool for al Qaeda and we should close it. Before Obama was elected, a majority of Americans wanted Gitmo closed. Once Obama is sworn in and begins to close Gitmo, The Republican leadership terrorizes Americans telling them Obama will release terrorists into our back yards. They become so extreme that America finally starts believing their lies and public opinion turns against closing Gitmo. Remember, the Generals were saying it threatens the safety of our soldiers, but Republicans don't care. If they can somehow hurt Obama, then fuck the soldiers, right?

When you look at the swiftboat ads. That Kerry somehow gave medals to himself. Who could believe something like that? Well, the Republican base believes it today.

So Republicans swiftboated the gays. Has there ever been a political party better at attacking people? Gays, blacks, Muslims, Hispanics and so on?

Mormons Bankroll Anti

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has mobilized followers to give an estimated 77% of the total donations that have come in to support California's proposed gay marriage ban, Proposition 8. Californians Against Hate released figures Tuesday showing that $17.67 million was contributed by 59,000 Mormon families since August to groups like Yes on 8. Contributions in support of Prop. 8 total $22.88 million.
You need more time.

Why do I care what Christian Universities teach ?

Making up stuff to argue against....again.

As your anecdotal statement ? Really.

Then I can tell you about five lefties who informed that Barack Obama will be paying their utility bills. Hunh. Imagine that.

Stay on topic.

BTW: Alcohol does not help ADD.

Because that's where conservatives come from. Sorry. I didn't realize I would have to explain that. How embarrassing.

Really ?

The University of Arizona is a "Christian" University ?

The University of Kansas is a "Christian" University ?

Texax Tech is a "Christian" University ?

How silly of me. :doubt:

Most Christian Universities aren't even rated teir four. The reason is because they won't teach "science". Instead, they teach "natural science". I've already explained what that is. Go ahead and name a couple more for all the good it does. You can get a list of EVERY Christian University in the United States and the majority are not rated even teir four for the reason I just gave. But you can get a "BS". Bible Study.
Those who work in engineering (mostly conservatives) realize the limited value of a scientist when it comes to actually putting something in place that both works and is cost effective.

So what was your problem ?

Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?
My last assignment in the Air Force was with a bunch of civil engineers. They were mostly conservative. Most were also Christians.

So, it looks like reality once again kicks your ass. In other words, it's just a normal day.

Quit lying.
I think the major distinction between Some Liberals (Statist Progressives) and Conservatives is that Some Liberals need to rewrite history, control the Polls, and the New Sources, discredit opposition with disinformation, while Conservatives are more concerned about learning from cause and effect. They are Control Freaks. They can't help seeing us as Commodities. I think it's in their DNA. I think they confuse Evolution with Mutation. :D :lmao:

The vast majority of Conservatives don't believe in evolution. They believe in "magical creation".
If it weren't for the right wing, would we even be having any conversations about the gays. Question: Do any of the Republican candidates want to reinstate DADT?

Is it really your contention that the gay agenda is largely embraced and promoted by conservatives?

Pick up any science or technology magazines and it's amazing what is coming out of those "liberal" universities. Funny, how they leave out the accomplishments of all but a couple so called "Christian Universities". Of course, the Christian Universities they do include teach evolution and geology and astronomy and climate change. You know, REAL science.

Now, you are shamelessly dodging reality with rhetorical nonsense.

But since you brought up the subject, what does pure science and a decidedly liberal political perspective have to do with each other?

Anyone who has attended a public, non-Christian, American university within the last 30 years can attest to the pervasive politically liberal mindset of a majority of the faculty.

That being said, anyone who has attended a public, non-Christian, American university within the last 30 years can attest to the strange correlation between the degree to which a professor who taught pure science was of a decidedly liberal persuasion compared to that of professors who taught the more social sciences.

Of the two types of professors, which were typically of a more liberal bent and which were more conservative?

Of course, the answer to that question is purely academic. The more disturbing and far more functional question is:

"Why have you pigeon-holed yourself into a hopelessly broad and mercurial category which you now feel compelled to defend as if your life (or, at least, your ego) depended on it.?"

Embraced? Promoted? No, I suspect most conservatives want the gays dead.
Here we have a famous comment from THE most famous Republican Scientist:

Official Disclaimer

My ideas about irreducible complexity and intelligent design are entirely my own. They certainly are not in any sense endorsed by either Lehigh University in general or the Department of Biological Sciences in particular. In fact, most of my colleagues in the Department strongly disagree with them.

Lehigh University Department of Biological Sciences


Come on Right Wingers. Don't you find that fucking funny? I do! In fact, it's "hilarious"!
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Liberals also generally accept new technology while conservatives, by definition, want nothing to do with progress.

Hence the conservative title.

I do not see liberals being more intelligent, just more open minded.

If people are too open minded, it's easier for people to throw garbage in their head. I suspect that more on the right actually invent new technology. The left likes to wait till wealth is created, then rush in and confiscate it.

Most doctors and business people I know are Republican. A lot of defense lawyers I know are liberals. Welfare recipients always seem to go for the party who promises more freebies.

Interesting that Republican presidents have been experienced in the private sector and owned businesses while the Dem presidents have been lawyers. Tells you a lot about their mind set. Lawyers pick sides, much like the Dems pick groups and then pander to those groups while treating others like they've done something wrong. It's like Obama is suing states on behalf of his loyal illegal aliens and he's going after the wealthy for a settlement for his government dependents. He's not representing the middle class at all. It's like the illegals, the unions and the welfare recipients retained Obama's services to go after the tax payers and he can't help the rest of the country because it would be a conflict of interest.
I was reading an interesting article that looked at the differences in brain structure between samples of people who identified themselves as liberal and people who identified as conserative. The study indicates that conservatives have larger amygdalas while liberals have larger anterior cingulate cortexes.

The amygdala is involved with memory and processing emotional reactions. This suggest that conservatives are more efficient at processing threats.

The anterior cingulate cortex is involved with several autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions like reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy and emotion. This means that liberals may be more efficient at managing conflicting information

Current Biology - Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

This study says that liberals, on average, have higher IQ's than conservatives:

Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent

I can't wait for all of the rants about the supposed "liberal indoctrination" in higher education as a response to this thread. :lol:

I spent 5 years as an undergrad at LSU and 7 as a graduate student, I never got the so called "liberal indoctrination"
I was reading an interesting article that looked at the differences in brain structure between samples of people who identified themselves as liberal and people who identified as conserative. The study indicates that conservatives have larger amygdalas while liberals have larger anterior cingulate cortexes.

The amygdala is involved with memory and processing emotional reactions. This suggest that conservatives are more efficient at processing threats.

The anterior cingulate cortex is involved with several autonomic functions, such as regulating blood pressure and heart rate, as well as rational cognitive functions like reward anticipation, decision-making, empathy and emotion. This means that liberals may be more efficient at managing conflicting information

Current Biology - Political Orientations Are Correlated with Brain Structure in Young Adults

This study says that liberals, on average, have higher IQ's than conservatives:

Why Liberals and Atheists Are More Intelligent

I can't wait for all of the rants about the supposed "liberal indoctrination" in higher education as a response to this thread. :lol:

You either in ignorance or deliberately failed to mention something REALLY important with all of this. The word "conservatism" as used by the authors of these studies does NOT mean "those who favor the free market and a decentralized federal government" and the word "liberal" does NOT mean "those who favor socialism or communism or totalitarianism". Conservatism and liberalism were used the same way they were in other studies of this kind that have been done for years.

Sorry to break the bad news to you - but there are NO studies showing those who believe in the free market system are somehow more stupid than those who believe the historically proven failure of a system of communism will surely work if tried just one more time. Because that isn't true.

The word "conservatism" as used in these studies refers to one's opinions about what should and should not be socially acceptable and nothing more. NOT their opinions about economic systems, NOT their opinions about systems of government and NOT their opinions about the proper role of government. Someone who thinks tampon ads should not be on tv when children would be most likely watching and thought gay marriage should not be legal would be "conservative" and someone who believed drugs should be legalized and that having children out of wedlock should be no big deal would be liberal. But it has nothing to do with either one's opinions with regard to systems of economics and government. And it isn't predictive of voting behavior. For example, blacks tend to measure as "conservative" as the word is used here -they overwhelmingly oppose gay marriage for example. But they also overwhelmingly vote Democrat. Libertarians are social liberals but vote Republican.

And it claims there is a difference in the brains In YOUNG adults. So what? That suggests that difference is not there at all in more mature brains. Does it still look more like the undeveloped brain of a child then? Young adults tend to believe what they FEEL determines "truth" and it takes maturity to realize that feelings are can too often be perverted, irrational, counterproductive, untrustworthy and at times just dead wrong.

That young adults are more liberal as the word is defined in these studies (and is NOT with regard to what system of economics and government one subscribes to) is not and never has been a secret but something every older generation has known about the upcoming one going back thousands of years! Seriously. You mean it really takes a "study" to know what has been common knowledge all along? Really impressed you, huh? Or did you think the study actually had something to do with the opinions a person held about the proper role of government and an economic system because they used the words "conservatism" and "liberal" and YOU had a NEED to assume it referred to the opinions regarding economics and government or how someone voted? Probably a mistake of being a hasty youth reading something into it that didn't exist. Because you have to be a moron to think those who think the historically proven failure of a system of government will surely work if given just one more chance actually have a higher IQ honey.

You would no doubt like these to be studies that totally contradict those that correlate the level of education to voting behavior -but these aren't trying to do that. And couldn't anyway. There ARE numerous studies that correlate the level of education to voting behavior though. And sorry to tell you but those studies have shown those who vote Democrat -tend to have a lower level of education than those who vote Republican. Not only have studies proven this -so have polls where people have been polled regarding the way they vote and their education, including the most recent Harris poll on this. Which is all just common sense anyway if you just thought about it.

Think about who votes Democrat, ok? Take lawyers out of the equation and who is largely left? The least educated among us, those most likely to be receiving government handouts of some kind - and NOT coincidentally also those most likely to be promised increases in their government handouts if they vote Democrat. Duh. Oh and among those who vote Democrat -be sure to count most of Hollywood too -where the average level of education is 10th grade.

The "liberals and atheists are more intelligent" bullshit -is just that. Bullshit. Get real -it is something liberals and atheists desperately WANT to believe but not true even though someone wanted this outcome SO much, he managed to get what so many others could not! ROFL

Young adults think differently, they behave differently, they are often still in school, still lack much real world experience and it is also a fact that a person's IQ drops a couple of points every decade starting in their 30s until it plateaus in their 60s. But that last fact isn't correlated with either wisdom or common sense, neither of which is measured in an IQ test -which isn't really measuring raw intelligence anyway. What the authors are calling "liberal" refers to the individual's belief system regarding social values. If you think its an eye opener that young adults tend to be more socially liberal than their older parents -that would certainly suggest you lack critical thinking skills given the fact our society didn't reach this level of permissiveness overnight, did it? No -it took many generations, each more liberal in their social values than the one before. I didn't even need a study to know that -what does it say about you that you did? (And that isn't even getting into the studies showing the permissiveness and restrictiveness of social norms are cyclical in nature and not related to intelligence whatsoever.
The definitive explanation of the differences between liberal and conservative this guy, at 19, I was hard core with my fascination of Marx went anywhere without my copy of the German Ideology. Was going to college and of course, was smarter than the typical idiot who believed the myth of capitalism, free markets etc.............then was exposed to Thomas Sowell. Really did make you feel like you were a dumbass if you were beholden to liberal idea's.........because he is brilliant at illustrating how good intentions and the desire tho have everything run by government = shitty public policy which destroys whole societies........................

You end up realizing that persuing "visions" is gay and makes no sense.

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The definitive explanation of the differences between liberal and conservative minds..............

The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube
Dr. Thomas Sowell!
The definitive explanation of the differences between liberal and conservative minds..............

The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube
Dr. Thomas Sowell!

Indeed..........especially those on the far left can never answer the questions regarding any policy debate...... "At what cost? or "Compared to what?". It is not at all of interest to them........whats important is, only, "If the intentions are noble, it must be done!!!":D:D a center right country, a majority of the public is able to comprehend the end of the day....... life is about recognizing necessary tradeoffs!!

I want to point out that failure of the far left to recognize this is NOT an issue of is an issue of thought processing. There is a huge difference between intelligence and thought processing.............
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The definitive explanation of the differences between liberal and conservative minds..............

The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube
Dr. Thomas Sowell!

Indeed..........especially those on the far left can never answer the questions regarding any policy debate...... "At what cost? or "Compared to what?". It is not at all of interest to them........whats important is, only, "If the intentions are noble, it must be done!!!":D:D
And they will be the first to admit that the road they've paved to Hell is with Good Intentions.

Symbolism over substance every time.
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Analytic vs. Holistic Thinking | in Chapter 07: Cognition | from Psychology: An Introduction by Russ Dewey

Indeed T.......our far left pals are far more advanced than us in "Holistic Thinking" and I have to give them credit for that. There is an important place in society for these types of thinkers. You just cant put them in charge of anything............and Obama is the perfect illustration of a holistic thinker, by the way.

Marx and Alinsky would be proud of thier prodigy, wouldn't they?
Here I thought the "I'm smarter than you" arguments stopped on the playground in about grade 5.
Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?
My last assignment in the Air Force was with a bunch of civil engineers. They were mostly conservative. Most were also Christians.

So, it looks like reality once again kicks your ass. In other words, it's just a normal day.

Quit lying.
I don't have to lie, derp. Reality is on my side.

You, whose ass reality kicks on a regular basis, lie all the time.

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