Research: The intellectual differences between liberals and conservatives

Liberals also generally accept new technology while conservatives, by definition, want nothing to do with progress.

Hence the conservative title.

I do not see liberals being more intelligent, just more open minded.

That must explain why only liberals own computers, only liberals post on the internet, only liberals own "smart" phones, only liberals invest in medical technology.
<end sarcasm>

Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

Your delusions are showing again, did you stop taking your meds? Aren't you the same guy that argues that all rich people are selfish and racists because they do not want to pay higher taxes? Do you have any idea how many of those people got rich off of things they invented?
Just another reason for the dupes to snap out of it, change the channel, and vote the interests of the people and the country rather than the greedy rich/corporations...Haha.

If you actually believed that Congress should vote the interests of the country you would be opposed to the payroll tax holiday.
Just another reason for the dupes to snap out of it, change the channel, and vote the interests of the people and the country rather than the greedy rich/corporations...Haha.

If you actually believed that Congress should vote the interests of the country you would be opposed to the payroll tax holiday.

The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.
At what cost.

The twenty miles we got in Seattle cost a billion. Ridership not meeting expectations.

See, that's where things get messed up, they should have done a research on the population that it's meant for.

Los Angeles has a massive car culture, so naturally the roads are packed 10 hours out of the day. If you have never been to Southern California imagine if your rush hour was 3 times more packed and lasted 5 hours in the morning and 5 hours in the evening.

I spent years in SoCal and usually discovered that it avoiding rush hour parking lots simply meant taking an alternate route. That was in the days before GPS, but I bet you can still avoid the worst of it.

Avoiding the worst of it still ends up with an extra 30 minutes added to your normal travel time. That's a lot of gas and time.
What?? you couldn't be more wrong. You really don't know any real conservatives do you?
The acceptance of new Tech !!! that's just plan a laugh. Total lack of understanding.

You would not be conservative if you were accepting of change.

Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve")[1] is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and supports, at the most, minimal and gradual change in society. Some conservatives seek to preserve things as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, while others oppose modernism and seek a return to the way things were.[2][3] The first established use of the term in a political context was by François-René de Chateaubriand in 1819, following the French Revolution.[4] The term has since been used to describe a wide range of views.

Not changing society does not mean not accepting new technology. If you were half as smart as you think you are you would know that.

I would say technology has a significant impact on society.
Just another reason for the dupes to snap out of it, change the channel, and vote the interests of the people and the country rather than the greedy rich/corporations...Haha.

If you actually believed that Congress should vote the interests of the country you would be opposed to the payroll tax holiday.

The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.


Maybe you can just go back to robbing 7/11's. It's more honest than what you are doing now. :D
If you actually believed that Congress should vote the interests of the country you would be opposed to the payroll tax holiday.

The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.


Maybe you can just go back to robbing 7/11's. It's more honest than what you are doing now. :D

Under Voodoo tax rates we have now, the rich have doubled to quadrupled for the mega rich, while the nonrich and the country have fallen apart. But thanks for illustrating the point of the op.
The non rich have sacrificed for 30 years, and we need DEMAND. The bloated rich need to pay their fair share.


Maybe you can just go back to robbing 7/11's. It's more honest than what you are doing now. :D

Under Voodoo tax rates we have now, the rich have doubled to quadrupled for the mega rich, while the nonrich and the country have fallen apart. But thanks for illustrating the point of the op.

Only in your imagination. Fundamental to live within your means, be it Government, You, or I. Anything lees with the exception of Emergency Sink or Swim funding, is imbecilic and irresponsible. No spin is going to change that. Our Government has no excuse for the amount of money it spends. You encouraging such behavior neither changes or justifies any of it. We are prisoners to debt as a result. How do you measure brain function again? Yeah right. :evil:
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as control over the Oval Office is concerned.
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Are you trying to say Leonardo Da Vinci was stupid? C.S. Lewis? J.R.R Tolkien? Galileo Galile? Rather than believe all those people were less intelligent than they proved themselves to be I prefer to believe you are full of shit.

By the way, the guy that is called the smartest man in America, with an IQ of somewhere around 200, believes in God. Does that prove you are an idiot, or will you simply deny his existence?

If you mean this guy?

Chris Langan:

People who wanted to have children would apply to make sure they have no diseases. Why do we have to do it through genetic engineering? Well, we have to let only the fit breed…. Freedom is not necessarily a right. It is a privilege that you have to earn. A lot of people abuse their freedom and that is something that people have to be trained not to do.


But who? Who does this training?

Chris Langan:

Well, I’d be perfectly willing to do it myself. Just put me in charge.”
He sounds like he's smart like Hitler. Yea Godwins law and all that aside sometimes a comparison is actually valid for fucks sake.

Source: Smartest Man in the World Espouses Virtues of Eugenics

Really, I've read this guys work and it is pathetic, he may be fairly intelligent but he knows next to nothing about reality.

Quick edit, Einstein was 163.

When asked, Stephen Hawkings had this to say;

Hawking was asked about his IQ in a 2004 newspaper interview, and replied, "I have no idea. People who boast about their I.Q. are losers." Yet when asked "Are you saying you are not a genius?", Hawking replied "I hope I'm near the upper end of the range."[56]

Lesson of the day: Having a high IQ does not make you smart in the traditional sense. It just means you're better at taking tests.

I was mocking rdean, not trying to prove anything. I actually read his theories myself, my thought was that I could do a better job. He obviously prefers to fit the facts into his theories rather than the other way around. If his IQ is actually as high as people think he is he might just be insane. Doesn't make him wrong, as I am smart enough to know I don't know everything.

You mean "anything".
That must explain why only liberals own computers, only liberals post on the internet, only liberals own "smart" phones, only liberals invest in medical technology.
<end sarcasm>

Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

I'm sure you enjoy your fantasy world and probably even believe it.

I believe the truth.
That must explain why only liberals own computers, only liberals post on the internet, only liberals own "smart" phones, only liberals invest in medical technology.
<end sarcasm>

Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

That isn't entirely true.

Gov. Jerry Brown is using the California education system like a bank, making withdraws to shore up his budget deficit. He has cut 1 billion dollars from the public education system and caused a Crisis. At the same time he is giving public money to illegal immigrants to go to school.

Are you talking about the economy he inherited from Ahhnold?
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as controlling the Oval Office is concerned.

Agreed. Indoctrination, Pavlovian Response, Rewarding Ideology one approves, punishing the opposition. Throwing Anyone that stirs up the status Quo under the bus. In the end we all suffer because of it.
That must explain why only liberals own computers, only liberals post on the internet, only liberals own "smart" phones, only liberals invest in medical technology.
<end sarcasm>

Conservatives do those things.

But when it comes to "only liberals invent smart phones, the Internet and Medical Technology", then we might be a little nearer the mark. After all, Republicans slash education and smear scientists.

Those who work in engineering (mostly conservatives) realize the limited value of a scientist when it comes to actually putting something in place that both works and is cost effective.

So what was your problem ?

Mostly conservatives work in engineering? You think so? That's hilarious. The conservatives on this board say a degree is "just a piece of paper". Do you know any engineers without a degree? Or who believe in "magical creation"? Or think the Grand Canyon was caused by "Noah's Flood"?
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as control over the Oval Office is concerned.
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as controlling the Oval Office is concerned.

Agreed. Indoctrination, Pavlovian Response, Rewarding Ideology one approves, punishing the opposition. Throwing Anyone that stirs up the status Quo under the bus. In the end we all suffer because of it.

I apologize for the tautology. I thought my first post did not go through.
It has been my observation that higher education and a particularly liberal political bent go hand in hand. Of course, that may only be an expected observation considering the degree to which liberal professors dominate college campuses. Indeed, one can only expect a certain degree of political indoctrination from any person fresh out of university. We see this effect all the time on political forums such as this:

Some 22 year-old, who has recently graduated summa cum laude from PCU, is utterly convinced that he or she has the game all figured out: "If you want to appear intelligent you should reflexively, not only subscribe to liberal ideologies, but vigorously defend them as if they were your own."

Of course, later on, these very same avid liberal protagonists will get married, have children, and get truly acquainted with the world. Then a roughly predictable number of them will become rabid conservatives, utterly convinced that liberals are little more than a horde of dipshit moonbats with their heads up their asses (which they often are).

However, a much less predictable number of especially intelligent citizens will at some point recognize that the true game has always been concerned with managing mass political perspective so that a relatively equal number of knee-jerk liberals and hard-core conservatives exist on both sides of the political spectrum. This way, the ruling elite need only sway the swing voters in one direction or another in order to control the political climate of the nation, at least as far as control over the Oval Office is concerned.

This is such a fantasy of the right wing. It's hilarious. Repeated again and again by route. Young kids who have been indoctrinated into mysterious liberal ideology where they think they are "above" everyone else. But once they leave and enter the "real world" they realize their education had no real value and once they threw off that "indoctrination" they discovered "conservative values" and the true meaning of "morals" and the secret to "wealth".

Pathetic. If the right wing spent as much time studying "real things" instead of imagining this mess, we would all be a lot better off.
Not all conservatives are dumb, some are bought off (Cain, Rubio) or just greedy. LOL

So, where does that leave Pelosi and all the other Democrats that have been likewise bought off? Or don't they count?

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