

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
I can feel it in the air, like never before.

Businesses do not have employees they need.

Inflation is unsustainable and increasing.

Energy is being rationed rather than expanded.

Governments around the world are stopping farmers from using fertilizers needed to keep up with ever increasing demand for food around the world.

All of these things are controlled by world governments around the world as they are pushing the world into a massive reset.

So what will it look like?

Naturally, a one world digital currency is an objective. But what else?

Unaffordable energy causes civil unrest in the EU this winter
Runaway inflation and recession causes hardships in the US as the Fed keeps raising interest rates
I can feel it in the air, like never before.

Businesses do not have employees they need.

Inflation is unsustainable and increasing.

Energy is being rationed rather than expanded.

Governments around the world are stopping farmers from using fertilizers needed to keep up with ever increasing demand for food around the world.

All of these things are controlled by world governments around the world as they are pushing the world into a massive reset.

So what will it look like?

Naturally, a one world digital currency is an objective. But what else?

I predict the voices in your head won't stop unless your delusional paranoia is treated.
The line up for the 2nd Great Depression is set. The hiring of IRS agents for it being part of it. After the 1st great deoression evil fuckers took the land for failure to pay taxes. As the people lost jobs and couldnt pay. In this way you will own nothing. Later the ones who did this shit will own people over a bowl of soup. And people will beg for it.

Keep your powder dry.
I predict the voices in your head won't stop unless your delusional paranoia is treated.
Putin made me do it.

Thank God the FBI raided Trump before he gave the nuclear codes to Putin

Well done.

Wear that tin foil hat proudly.
And yet what is going on isn’t right either, but you will not complain until a Republican is in office…
If the GOP were in control, it would be the end of democracy!!!

We are all gonna die!!!!!!

That is if Trump gets back in, otherwise, it's all good.

Don't forget about Huxley

The line that sticks with me, regarding the Huxley interview, is when he said elections would come down to a selection below that of choice and reason among two candidates as propaganda and control of elections will be off the hook.

I am also struck by now inquisitive Mike Wallace is, compared to the media today who are all glossy eyed and preach Trump hate for the brain dead and to anyone who will listen. The intelligent conversations are what I miss the most.

But Huxley was right, the doom of civilization was going to be the focus of population control, and politically the communist regimes were the best organized at the time to assume this roll in his view.

It's all about hyper-centralized control and population control

Marxism murdered over 100 million last century, and probably will do better this century by a billion or more.
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All hail Emperor Schwab!

I can feel it in the air, like never before.

Businesses do not have employees they need.

Inflation is unsustainable and increasing.

Energy is being rationed rather than expanded.

Governments around the world are stopping farmers from using fertilizers needed to keep up with ever increasing demand for food around the world.

All of these things are controlled by world governments around the world as they are pushing the world into a massive reset.

So what will it look like?

Naturally, a one world digital currency is an objective. But what else?


Looks like someone took the brown acid left over from Woodstock. When you come down from your LSD trip you'll find nothing like this is happening at all.
It's a brave new world my friends, courtesy of the DNC and their mini me who is the GOP.
Looks like someone took the brown acid left over from Woodstock. When you come down from your LSD trip you'll find nothing like this is happening at all.
Yes, everything I hear and see is a lie.

I blame the fake Matrix I'm in, along with all the fake news that controls my fake matrix

Good news though, our political leaders continue to be in tune with the people are they are poised to impeach Trump a 20th time. Recession and inflation are a lie.

Well done Liz.
The line that sticks with me, regarding the Huxley interview, is when he said elections would come down to a selection below that of choice and reason among two candidates as propaganda and control of elections will be off the hook.

I am also struck by now inquisitive Mike Wallace is, compared to the media today who are all glossy eyed and preach Trump hate for the brain dead and to anyone who will listen. The intelligent conversations are what I miss the most.

There is no such thing as "Trump hate". There is the recognition by intelligent people that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the Republic. That's not "hate", that's a proven fact.
And yet what is going on isn’t right either, but you will not complain until a Republican is in office…

German producer prices skyrocket​

German producer prices saw their highest jump on record, according to official data out Friday.
“The outlook for the further development [of the economy] is currently noticeably gloomy,” the ministry said in its report.

Darn that Biden!! say Repubs.
There is no such thing as "Trump hate". There is the recognition by intelligent people that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the Republic. That's not "hate", that's a proven fact.
So Trump is Hitler but we don't hate Hitler?

Now I understand

How foolish of me.

Can I ever be uncancelled and forgiven?
I can feel it in the air, like never before.

Businesses do not have employees they need.

Inflation is unsustainable and increasing.

Energy is being rationed rather than expanded.

Governments around the world are stopping farmers from using fertilizers needed to keep up with ever increasing demand for food around the world.

All of these things are controlled by world governments around the world as they are pushing the world into a massive reset.

So what will it look like?

Naturally, a one world digital currency is an objective. But what else?


My prediction is you have a very active imagination

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