
A lot of people (usually those who have no actual experience with the topic) are quick to write off kids who are trying to get an education while struggling to get by under living conditions that I seriously doubt anyone reading this could survive, let alone thrive, under. Today a student went to significant effort to contact me outside of class hours to ask for help in completing a big project that has been keeping his grade down. He stayed online, working through the project step by step, until he had finished enough to wrap it up by himself. This student deals with challenges every day that would be hard to explain, and is the kind of young person that the "you can't walk through that neighborhood!" types would be frightened of at first glance. But he is a very intelligent and dedicated student who has a clear understanding of the relationship between education and his future. It is humbling and encouraging to know young people like that will take up the future.
....well, you must be stupid if you think all neighborhoods are the same
...''frightened of''' ==hahhahahahahahahahahahah...please go into detail on that

The detail is that you are just another racist chickenshit.
hahahahhahahaah-more laughs from my BFF
YOU are the racist and bigot
All credit goes to the students.

Every teacher I know is willing to, and in fact does, spend at least as much time and effort. I'm nothing special. The point is that many students are more dedicated to their education than people realize.

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