RESPONSE T: KingFace On the Trump Effect In Black Communities


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
I posted a video of KingFace talking about his support for Trump. Here is a nice online response you guys should here:

Here is the original video:

Crossroads with JOSHUA PHILIPP: In this episode of Crossroads we speak with KingFace, community leader and Instagram personality, about his own story of personal change and personal improvement, how President Donald Trump has impacted Black communities, and what it means to care about your community.

Trump helping black communities thrive - Delaware Gazette


African American voters will be hard-pressed to justify casting their ballots for a Democrat next year. In just under three years, we’ve made incredible progress thanks to President Trump’s common-sense policies.

Despite the socialist Democrats’ ongoing campaign to obstruct Donald Trump’s economic agenda, the president has kept his core promise to our community. By eliminating job-killing regulations and cutting taxes for the middle class, he has given millions of African Americans a chance to thrive in a strong and growing economy.

Since Donald Trump’s inauguration, the U.S. economy has created a whopping 1,017,000 new jobs for African Americans, including many right here in Ohio. Today, the national black unemployment rate is at an all-time low of 5.5 percent. Unemployment for black women is even lower, at just 4.4 percent. More importantly, the overall black-white employment gap is smaller than it has ever been. It is great to see so many African American men and women back in the workforce — more than ever before, in fact.

In addition, President Trump’s “Opportunity Zones” initiative is spurring even more economic growth in underdeveloped communities around the country. Through targeted tax incentives, the initiative is projected to generate approximately $100 billion of new private investment in communities that need it most.

That focus on expanding economic opportunity for minorities has been a major priority for the Trump administration. That’s why the president was so committed to reforming the criminal justice system. By eliminating the sentencing disparities caused by the horrendous Clinton-era crime bill, which disproportionately affected African Americans, President Trump is giving thousands of unfairly sentenced black inmates a second chance at the American Dream.

The FIRST STEP Act also included significant reforms to address recidivism, such as helping prisons improve their rehabilitation programs and allowing non-violent inmates to earn early-release credits for good behavior more easily. Thanks to this legislation, non-violent inmates will now be equipped with the professional and social skills they need to become productive members of society following their release.

President Trump also understands that the foundation of economic success is a quality education. That’s why he signed a $360 million grant to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities last year — by far the most that any president has ever appropriated for HBCUs. Even America’s first black president, Barack Obama, never allocated that much money to HBCUs.
I posted a video of KingFace talking about his support for Trump. Here is a nice online response you guys should here:

Hello. Succinctly, veteran social commentator Mr. David Carroll explains how to become an admired SUPPORTER of America's large #Segregation-minded, FEMALE-dominated, LIBERAL-leaning #IntraRacialDiscrimination & HATE practicing #ProBlackCommunity:

Patricia Dickson_Candace Owens__01.png

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Chris L published:
That focus on expanding economic opportunity for minorities has been a major priority for the Trump administration. That’s why the president was so committed to reforming the criminal justice system.

Hello. Addressing inmates at Ironwood State Prison, Dr. Robert K. Ross, MD offers SCIENTIFIC medical research for AVOIDING interaction with our Criminal Justice System, as well as improving many citizen's emotional well-being & physical health.

#EBCD (Early Brain & Child Development) Scientist Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD, Explains To Oprah Why Kids Are Hurting:

Dr. Perry's detailed presentation:

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Lol! 10 percent. That's as good as it is going to get for trump among blacks.

Internalized racism is defined by Dr. Karen D. Pike as, the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated." In a study named “The Psychology of Racism”, Robin Nicole Johnson points out that internalized racism entails both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color." Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

Internalized racism reinforces racism. Internalized racism keeps racism alive. It creates a justification for racism. This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem, or that it does not exist. As this happens, people in racially oppressed groups internalize the validity of their own oppression. Because they have done so they find no reason to question or fight the system.

This thread has shown us 3 examples of blacks with internalized racism.
Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking.

Hello, IM2. Can I trouble you to briefly describe the difference between the way citizens of African descent think, and the way citizens of Euro descent think?

By the way IM2, aren't you the same PRO BLACK practicing USMB member who up until May 2019 ignorantly believed I was a person of African descent, resulting with you repeatedly BULLYING and denigrating me as a "boot-licking lawn jockey", while refusing to reply to my comments to your posts?

IM2, obama white house guests.jpg

Lol! 10 percent. That's as good as it is going to get for trump among blacks.

Internalized racism is defined by Dr. Karen D. Pike as, the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated." In a study named “The Psychology of Racism”, Robin Nicole Johnson points out that internalized racism entails both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color." Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking. This is the literal meaning of acting white and it has nothing to do with getting good grades or going to college.

Internalized racism reinforces racism. Internalized racism keeps racism alive. It creates a justification for racism. This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem, or that it does not exist. As this happens, people in racially oppressed groups internalize the validity of their own oppression. Because they have done so they find no reason to question or fight the system.

This thread has shown us 3 examples of blacks with internalized racism.

Becky...I got a pretty good feeling you're in for a rude awakening after those demographic numbers come in after the 2020 election..

Black Free-Thinker vs White Liberal.jpg

Bolstering this image, Childhood Trauma victim Tommy Sotomayor and Danielle, a 'black female conservative', lament HATEFUL #MichelleObama admiring liberals threatening #VIOLENCE toward #AmericanCitizens peacefully sharing their concerns Re: #SocialIssues affecting American citizens of #AfricanDescent:

Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking.

Hello, IM2. Can I trouble you to briefly describe the difference between the way citizens of African descent think, and the way citizens of Euro descent think?

By the way IM2, aren't you the same PRO BLACK practicing USMB member who up until May 2019 ignorantly believed I was a person of African descent, resulting with you repeatedly BULLYING and denigrating me as a "boot-licking lawn jockey", while refusing to reply to my comments to your posts?

View attachment 303608

Ignore him, he/she is not who they pretend. They're the most racist poster on USMB irrespective of their true race and sex
This is good news....

Hopefully we won't see many racist white folks freaking out about being a minority anymore..

Now they will feel more at ease knowing that more and more blacks are voting Republican....

Maybe by the next election, up to 60 or 70% of the black vote will be republican....

just wish they would talk more about policies and less about how Trump makes them "feel" or thinking a black guy on YouTube who has already admitted he does what he does to get paid is enough to convince black voters to vote for Trump or republican in general
Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking.

Hello, IM2. Can I trouble you to briefly describe the difference between the way citizens of African descent think, and the way citizens of Euro descent think?

By the way IM2, aren't you the same PRO BLACK practicing USMB member who up until May 2019 ignorantly believed I was a person of African descent, resulting with you repeatedly BULLYING and denigrating me as a "boot-licking lawn jockey", while refusing to reply to my comments to your posts?

View attachment 303608

Ignore him, he/she is not who they pretend. They're the most racist poster on USMB irrespective of their true race and sex

Keep thinking that.
Internalized racism reinforces racism. Internalized racism keeps racism alive. It creates a justification for racism. This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem, or that it does not exist. As this happens, people in racially oppressed groups internalize the validity of their own oppression. Because they have done so they find no reason to question or fight the system.

Internalized racism reinforces racism. Internalized racism keeps racism alive. It creates a justification for racism. This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem, or that it does not exist. As this happens, people in racially oppressed groups internalize the validity of their own oppression. Because they have done so they find no reason to question or fight the system.


Thanks sparky. That sure was informative.

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