Responsible Gun owners? – dead 34yo

How do you know it wouldn't have bothered me? You don't do you, you are SO bent on deciding that guns are good that you have to deomize in your own mind anyone who says different. You have to actually choose to invent your own worldview and you make the decision to judge people, something I was taught in Sunday school not to do.

Guns are good in the hands of the right people. Guns are why the strongest among us don't rule us like medieval knights of the past. You think banning good people from owning guns will eliminate all gun crime, which is not only naive, but stupid as well.

Of course you would allow the government to keep its guns, and by proxy criminals as well.

Your worldview is for the simplistic and stupid, nothing more, nothing less.

My worldview works throughout mainland Europe where both gun crime and murder rates are significantly lower than the US. Guns are not a necessity, they are designed for killing and have no place in a civilized society. The second amendment is an anachronism.

And what about other crimes? Your yobs know they don't have to face an armed victim, leaving them able to use the "might equals right" approach to criminality.

mainland europe is also a festering stinkhole of sinking populations, and rising ethnic tension due to immigrants.
But then...if no one had a gun all would probably be alive.
It always perplexes me that the "pro life" bunch is invariably "pro gun"...with few or no restrictions in dealing death...

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when was the last time a fetus tried to kill its ex-wife/girlfriend?
Guns are good in the hands of the right people. Guns are why the strongest among us don't rule us like medieval knights of the past. You think banning good people from owning guns will eliminate all gun crime, which is not only naive, but stupid as well.

Of course you would allow the government to keep its guns, and by proxy criminals as well.

Your worldview is for the simplistic and stupid, nothing more, nothing less.

My worldview works throughout mainland Europe where both gun crime and murder rates are significantly lower than the US. Guns are not a necessity, they are designed for killing and have no place in a civilized society. The second amendment is an anachronism.

And what about other crimes? Your yobs know they don't have to face an armed victim, leaving them able to use the "might equals right" approach to criminality.

mainland europe is also a festering stinkhole of sinking populations, and rising ethnic tension due to immigrants.

I honestly think you believe that, and that the standard of living statistics that show their cities to be better to live in than anywhere else in the world obviously just lies.
My worldview works throughout mainland Europe where both gun crime and murder rates are significantly lower than the US. Guns are not a necessity, they are designed for killing and have no place in a civilized society. The second amendment is an anachronism.

And what about other crimes? Your yobs know they don't have to face an armed victim, leaving them able to use the "might equals right" approach to criminality.

mainland europe is also a festering stinkhole of sinking populations, and rising ethnic tension due to immigrants.

I honestly think you believe that, and that the standard of living statistics that show their cities to be better to live in than anywhere else in the world obviously just lies.

European culture is based upon the concept of governmental control of the right to use force, and to posses the tools required to use force. its based on feudalistic views, and the monarchies that ran Europe (and the ones that still do). Power flows from the state to the people.

Here we believe the opposite, power flows from the people to the state. The people retain their right to defend themselves using arms, and that is what our country was founded on.

How good is a high standard of living when you can't find jobs for your young people, and the largest growing part of your population does not share your worldview? European national groups are breeding themselves out of existence, and their replacements have no love of high standards of living, of rights for the individual, and of freedom in general.
But then...if no one had a gun all would probably be alive.
It always perplexes me that the "pro life" bunch is invariably "pro gun"...with few or no restrictions in dealing death...

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Yeah, because shooting someone is the only way to kill them.


Of course not...but shooting is most efficient and immediate...without allowing time to think things thru and find alternatives to death as a "solution"

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But then...if no one had a gun all would probably be alive.
It always perplexes me that the "pro life" bunch is invariably "pro gun"...with few or no restrictions in dealing death...

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Yeah, because shooting someone is the only way to kill them.


Of course not...but shooting is most efficient and immediate...without allowing time to think things thru and find alternatives to death as a "solution"

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So baseball bats, knives, and hammers automatically stop a person mid assault and make them question the motive behind pummeling their victim to a pulp?
Or he just could have tried to kill her in private, with his bare hands, a knife, a bat, etc.

But that death wouldn't have bothered you, because it didn't involve the evil tube of projectile acceleration via explosive combustion.

Gun grabbers don't care when a bigger man beats their woman to death, as long as a gun isn't involved.

How do you know it wouldn't have bothered me? You don't do you, you are SO bent on deciding that guns are good that you have to deomize in your own mind anyone who says different. You have to actually choose to invent your own worldview and you make the decision to judge people, something I was taught in Sunday school not to do.

Guns are good in the hands of the right people. Guns are why the strongest among us don't rule us like medieval knights of the past. You think banning good people from owning guns will eliminate all gun crime, which is not only naive, but stupid as well.

Of course you would allow the government to keep its guns, and by proxy criminals as well.

Your worldview is for the simplistic and stupid, nothing more, nothing less.

So, when we go to the theater, we just need to ask each armed patron if they're a "good person".
Had he not been allowed to own a gun then he wouldn't have tried to kill her in public and so would still be alive today. Another unnecessary gun death that could have easily been avoided if the ownership of firearms had been outlawed.

What other rights do you feel us Americans are undeserving of, comrade?
Had he not been allowed to own a gun then he wouldn't have tried to kill her in public and so would still be alive today. Another unnecessary gun death that could have easily been avoided if the ownership of firearms had been outlawed.

False Dilemma

A false dilemma is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option
My worldview works throughout mainland Europe where both gun crime and murder rates are significantly lower than the US. Guns are not a necessity, they are designed for killing and have no place in a civilized society. The second amendment is an anachronism.

And what about other crimes? Your yobs know they don't have to face an armed victim, leaving them able to use the "might equals right" approach to criminality.

mainland europe is also a festering stinkhole of sinking populations, and rising ethnic tension due to immigrants.

I honestly think you believe that, and that the standard of living statistics that show their cities to be better to live in than anywhere else in the world obviously just lies.

How many "no-go" areas in major cities will it take before reality sinks through that thick skull of yours?

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