Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

There it is folks, exactly how the left views business owners. They have this bizarre idea that all business owners just need to write bigger checks, and their own personal wealth will cover things.

Fucking amazing.

They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

I think you are overlooking massive costs to the owner. Utilites, insurance, health insurance, frivilous slip-fall & lightswitch too low lawsuits, Unemployment costs, workers comp, mortgage, TAXES (FED, Local, state) Phone, equipment, maintenance, service contracts, TAX prepare, Lawyers, Accountants, Book keepers, Cars, Gas on and on.

You try it.
It's not just expenses. Most small business owners have much bigger investments at risk than their employees would imagine. I have a friend who is a chef and is opening up his own restaurant. He has about $30,000 of his saving going into it plus he has a personal loan of $60,000 and this is not a large restaurant.

The owner should not only collect enough revenue to pay his business expenses and living expenses but also a good return on a high risk investment.

I believe in minimum wage but not at the federal. There is far too much variation in the costs around the country. Even at the state level, a minimum wage in a large city may be totally inappropriate for a small rural town.
I've said this for many years. A $15/hr wage might actually work in San Francisco, it could also be devastating to Hog Wallow Tenn. But remember, those in SF will relish the suffering in Tenn.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

There it is folks, exactly how the left views business owners. They have this bizarre idea that all business owners just need to write bigger checks, and their own personal wealth will cover things.

Fucking amazing.

They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

I think you are overlooking massive costs to the owner. Utilites, insurance, health insurance, frivilous slip-fall & lightswitch too low lawsuits, Unemployment costs, workers comp, mortgage, TAXES (FED, Local, state) Phone, equipment, maintenance, service contracts, TAX prepare, Lawyers, Accountants, Book keepers, Cars, Gas on and on.

You try it.
It's not just expenses. Most small business owners have much bigger investments at risk than their employees would imagine. I have a friend who is a chef and is opening up his own restaurant. He has about $30,000 of his saving going into it plus he has a personal loan of $60,000 and this is not a large restaurant.

The owner should not only collect enough revenue to pay his business expenses and living expenses but also a good return on a high risk investment.

I believe in minimum wage but not at the federal. There is far too much variation in the costs around the country. Even at the state level, a minimum wage in a large city may be totally inappropriate for a small rural town.
I've said this for many years. A $15/hr wage might actually work in San Francisco, it could also be devastating to Hog Wallow Tenn. But remember, those in SF will relish the suffering in Tenn.

$15 bucks an hour in San Francisco is like $8 bucks an hour in hog wallow Tenn.I wouldn't bragg about it if I were you.

Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.

You know you could just get illegal Mexicans to do it, if you want it cheap. Then there'd be lots more food places. But for some reason you have a problem with Mexicans working illegally, but you don't have a problem with Americans working for too little money. Hmmm.
There it is folks, exactly how the left views business owners. They have this bizarre idea that all business owners just need to write bigger checks, and their own personal wealth will cover things.

Fucking amazing.

They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

I think you are overlooking massive costs to the owner. Utilites, insurance, health insurance, frivilous slip-fall & lightswitch too low lawsuits, Unemployment costs, workers comp, mortgage, TAXES (FED, Local, state) Phone, equipment, maintenance, service contracts, TAX prepare, Lawyers, Accountants, Book keepers, Cars, Gas on and on.

You try it.
It's not just expenses. Most small business owners have much bigger investments at risk than their employees would imagine. I have a friend who is a chef and is opening up his own restaurant. He has about $30,000 of his saving going into it plus he has a personal loan of $60,000 and this is not a large restaurant.

The owner should not only collect enough revenue to pay his business expenses and living expenses but also a good return on a high risk investment.

I believe in minimum wage but not at the federal. There is far too much variation in the costs around the country. Even at the state level, a minimum wage in a large city may be totally inappropriate for a small rural town.
I've said this for many years. A $15/hr wage might actually work in San Francisco, it could also be devastating to Hog Wallow Tenn. But remember, those in SF will relish the suffering in Tenn.

$15 bucks an hour in San Francisco is like $8 bucks an hour in hog wallow Tenn.I wouldn't bragg about it if I were you.

Guess what? You can live a better life in Hog Wallow, Tenn on $8/hr than you can on $15/hr in SF. I'll give you an example.

My parents own a cabin in the hills of southern Ohio. The nearest neighbor is the head of maintenance at a plastics company, 85 employees. Makes $15/hr. In my city he would be hired at $35-40/hr in a heartbeat. The guy has the qualifications to be a millrite. He laughs at us. His home and the 9 acres around it have been paid off for many years. He knows his mayor like a brother. The sheriff of his county is his uncle..His 2nd daughter was accepted to Johns Hopkins medical school 2 years ago. Compare that to living on $15/hr in San Fran. In San Fran he could never afford a house, The elites of that city would consider him nothing, his children would be going to garbage schools and there would be no way out. He laughs at us.

Of course if you're on the left you despise this man. He's white, happy and not dependent on the govt.
They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

I think you are overlooking massive costs to the owner. Utilites, insurance, health insurance, frivilous slip-fall & lightswitch too low lawsuits, Unemployment costs, workers comp, mortgage, TAXES (FED, Local, state) Phone, equipment, maintenance, service contracts, TAX prepare, Lawyers, Accountants, Book keepers, Cars, Gas on and on.

You try it.
It's not just expenses. Most small business owners have much bigger investments at risk than their employees would imagine. I have a friend who is a chef and is opening up his own restaurant. He has about $30,000 of his saving going into it plus he has a personal loan of $60,000 and this is not a large restaurant.

The owner should not only collect enough revenue to pay his business expenses and living expenses but also a good return on a high risk investment.

I believe in minimum wage but not at the federal. There is far too much variation in the costs around the country. Even at the state level, a minimum wage in a large city may be totally inappropriate for a small rural town.
I've said this for many years. A $15/hr wage might actually work in San Francisco, it could also be devastating to Hog Wallow Tenn. But remember, those in SF will relish the suffering in Tenn.

$15 bucks an hour in San Francisco is like $8 bucks an hour in hog wallow Tenn.I wouldn't bragg about it if I were you.

Guess what? You can live a better life in Hog Wallow, Tenn on $8/hr than you can on $15/hr in SF. I'll give you an example.

My parents own a cabin in the hills of southern Ohio. The nearest neighbor is the head of maintenance at a plastics company, 85 employees. Makes $15/hr. In my city he would be hired at $35-40/hr in a heartbeat. The guy has the qualifications to be a millrite. He laughs at us. His home and the 9 acres around it have been paid off for many years. He knows his mayor like a brother. The sheriff of his county is his uncle..His 2nd daughter was accepted to Johns Hopkins medical school 2 years ago. Compare that to living on $15/hr in San Fran. In San Fran he could never afford a house, The elites of that city would consider him nothing, his children would be going to garbage schools and there would be no way out. He laughs at us.

Of course if you're on the left you despise this man. He's white, happy and not dependent on the govt.

I am also a maint guy in plastics I make $28 in South Carolina... No plastics job pays $35/$40 bucks an hour in a city ..if there is show me where to apply...

I think you are overlooking massive costs to the owner. Utilites, insurance, health insurance, frivilous slip-fall & lightswitch too low lawsuits, Unemployment costs, workers comp, mortgage, TAXES (FED, Local, state) Phone, equipment, maintenance, service contracts, TAX prepare, Lawyers, Accountants, Book keepers, Cars, Gas on and on.

You try it.
It's not just expenses. Most small business owners have much bigger investments at risk than their employees would imagine. I have a friend who is a chef and is opening up his own restaurant. He has about $30,000 of his saving going into it plus he has a personal loan of $60,000 and this is not a large restaurant.

The owner should not only collect enough revenue to pay his business expenses and living expenses but also a good return on a high risk investment.

I believe in minimum wage but not at the federal. There is far too much variation in the costs around the country. Even at the state level, a minimum wage in a large city may be totally inappropriate for a small rural town.
I've said this for many years. A $15/hr wage might actually work in San Francisco, it could also be devastating to Hog Wallow Tenn. But remember, those in SF will relish the suffering in Tenn.

$15 bucks an hour in San Francisco is like $8 bucks an hour in hog wallow Tenn.I wouldn't bragg about it if I were you.

Guess what? You can live a better life in Hog Wallow, Tenn on $8/hr than you can on $15/hr in SF. I'll give you an example.

My parents own a cabin in the hills of southern Ohio. The nearest neighbor is the head of maintenance at a plastics company, 85 employees. Makes $15/hr. In my city he would be hired at $35-40/hr in a heartbeat. The guy has the qualifications to be a millrite. He laughs at us. His home and the 9 acres around it have been paid off for many years. He knows his mayor like a brother. The sheriff of his county is his uncle..His 2nd daughter was accepted to Johns Hopkins medical school 2 years ago. Compare that to living on $15/hr in San Fran. In San Fran he could never afford a house, The elites of that city would consider him nothing, his children would be going to garbage schools and there would be no way out. He laughs at us.

Of course if you're on the left you despise this man. He's white, happy and not dependent on the govt.

I am also a maint guy in plastics I make $28 in South Carolina... No plastics job pays $35/$40 bucks an hour in a city ..if there is show me where to apply...

You are setting your sights to low. The man I'm speaking of has the abilities of a millrite. Typical farm boy. You could present him with anything from plastic injections equipment to an ocean freighter to a locomotive, he'll figure it out. He's been in my plant once while we were diagnosing the problems with an hydraulic power press. Took him about 2 minutes to figure out the problem. I, and my people had already figured that out, in about the same time, but he'd never seen an hydraulic press before.

You want to make good money in maintenance, come to Cleveland, Ohio and get into the reopening of some Ford plants. Of course you if aren't related to any union folks don't bother.
Republicans don't want people who work in restaurants to be able to afford to eat there.
Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to "hate on the poor" but blame the left.

Cutting healthcare and foodstamps for the poor and cutting taxes for the "rich", really is "making the rich richer and the poor, poorer via the Institution of Public Policy; yet, the right wing prefers to, "blame the poor".
While I agree a balance must be achieved, simply mandating wages and taxing the public to pay for more and more social services for longer and longer periods of time is not the answer either.

Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?

No , just let them pay a decent wage. If they can't run a efficient restaurant they should close.
I find that attitude almost sickening. Think about it, you have a restaurant that's hanging in there, no one getting rich but everyone making a living. Enter the govt. Everyone loses their job. Watch the leftists celebrate.

So you want slave labor. Great, the truth is now known. Bad management, close the door.
Republicans don't want people who work in restaurants to be able to afford to eat there.
Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to "hate on the poor" but blame the left.

Cutting healthcare and foodstamps for the poor and cutting taxes for the "rich", really is "making the rich richer and the poor, poorer via the Institution of Public Policy; yet, the right wing prefers to, "blame the poor".
While I agree a balance must be achieved, simply mandating wages and taxing the public to pay for more and more social services for longer and longer periods of time is not the answer either.


So what is your answer, I know pay more per hour, and those people pay more in taxes. The young care for the aged, but in this country, we have SS, which most have paid into for years, and Medicare which we also paid in to , and pay monthly for this HI, too bad the gov steals from it.
Yes, he did; he found an, efficiency to exploit and it merited an efficiency wage. The right wing is simply, clueless and Causeless if they don't believe in capital opportunities at every turn. Why blame the poor, in that case, right wingers.
Since you've been made aware of what you are doing, you cannot avoid lying if you do not stop.
You have no "gospel Truth" at your command; that is why you need a valid argument; clueless and Causeless wonder.

he's good at that. once he goes into his "Clueless and Causeless" blather it's just an indication that he's run out of wind.
Yes, he did; he found an, efficiency to exploit and it merited an efficiency wage. The right wing is simply, clueless and Causeless if they don't believe in capital opportunities at every turn. Why blame the poor, in that case, right wingers.

There's that blather again.
He would not/could not have raised wages that far if he did not:

1. Have the revenue stream and cash reserves to do so.
2. Have a product he knew had enormous demand. Bill Gates was in a similar situation with the personal computer boom. The truth is, only a few business owners are in the exact right place at the exact right time to capitalize on something like that.

To intimate, as you continually do, that all businesses today could double labor costs overnight with no negative repercussions is disingenuous at the least, outright lying at the worst. Either way, stop it.
Yes, he did; he found an, efficiency to exploit and it merited an efficiency wage. The right wing is simply, clueless and Causeless if they don't believe in capital opportunities at every turn. Why blame the poor, in that case, right wingers.
Since you've been made aware of what you are doing, you cannot avoid lying if you do not stop.
You have no "gospel Truth" at your command; that is why you need a valid argument; clueless and Causeless wonder.
Nothing but nonsense and repeal, is all the right wing has.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
I eat in Seattle fairly often where they have the $15 minimum wage. The only change I've seen is some restaurants have raised their prices. Possibly a few marginally profitable restaurants have closed. Other than that it's about the same. New restaurants are opening daily, the population is growing over 1,000 a week, and unemployment has dropped to 2.9%, not exactly the predicted disaster when the minimum wage increase was proposed.

Why would anyone eat in Seattle when the same restaurant is usually down the road in Tacoma, Renton, Bellevue, Puyallup, or any other number of cities without the added costs?
Driving time. I've eaten all over King and Pierce country and Seattle has the best restaurants by far unless you're satisfied with restaurants like Denny's, Pizza Hut and other family style restaurants.

I was not really impressed with anything in that area except the prices being $2-3 more per entree than anywhere else I have dined in the US.

Then again, it seems everything up there is overpriced. My son lives in a home that cost 3 times as much as mine. I have more square footage, about 50 times the land area, and my taxes are not even in the same zip code as what he pays. Gasoline is about $1,00 a gallon more there!
Let me just add another example. When I order Papa Johns, I have to pay $10.99 for a cheese pizza, pay the owner's sales tax for him, pay a $3.69 delivery fee, and then tip the driver on top of it (paying the employee's wage for the owner).

$10.99 (pizza) + 0.91 (tax) + $3.69 (delivery fee) + $5.00 (tip) = $20.59 for one fucking pizza. But damn, that pizza shop owner must be poor!!

Nope, only $10.99 is for pizza.

So, how much of that goes to owner?
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

They're trying. More and more fast food places are implementing self-service kiosks here in California. I don't blame them either.

I so doubt that this is due to the wage increase, shame on them for paying min wage in the state to begin with. The cost of living is high in San Diego, and that is all they make. There comes a time when the worker just needs to say hell with it when the business owners want to get rich off their backs. I bet they do not even cost share health insurance. Self serve, well we all know waitresses do not make min wage.

Why worker doesn't do it? It's not like worker is held on gun point and forced to work.
California exports its poor to Texas, other states, while wealthier people move in

Then why are billions of more dollars leaving than moving in?

I thought Progressives supported low-income households. Instead, you are telling us you favor kicking them out of "your" state. How compassionate!
Just one metric. We recently legalized pot and expect billions to come in.

It's not "legal" I can't wait till Trump starts arresting you bum's

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or politics.

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