Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

The restaurant industry will become so expensive that the low end will be completely automated. Everything will be by machine.

There will still be restaurants with human chefs and servers. These will be highly trained professionals who have gone to school to develop food service careers. They will be highly paid and these restaurants will have prices to match.

The "top poster of the month" doesn't understand that the restaurant industry will become way too expensive; thus, people will stop eating out because it'll break their budget. It already costs a pair of people $30 to go out to eat at a restaurant on a weekend night. For a person making $15 an hour, that's an okay price, but add another $10 and it comes to the point where I can just buy groceries instead.

Ahhj I hurt you ignorant feelings child?a gain their will still be resteraunts ..

Hell if I will ever cook at home.

You know what, I'm going to personally message a mod just so you'll never get that kind of "status" ever again. If I show them the stupid shit you post, they'll laugh so hard they'll shit their pants at how you could even be considered a poster of the month.

Good I will personally e mail your economics teacher to change that D-
You got into a "F"

Poor dumb asses like you might...

Again answer my question child do you know what the profit margins for fast food joints are?


Tons, look at McDonalds and BK for example.

Showing more ignorance are you?

With McDonald's they only own 5% of the stores , the rest are small business owners fool..

So again scared to research the profit margins of fast food restaurants?


Yep, guess McDonald's doesn't profit from those stores just because they're owned by a franchisee... Again, I was right, a string of retarded posts by you.

-McDonalds doesn't make huge profits.
-The free market won't eliminate expensive restaurants.
- The owner of the restaurant needs to drive a Porche or else he's considered "poor."

Here is a example ignoramus..

The Average Profit Margin for a Restaurant

Full-Service Restaurants
Full-service restaurants at all levels spent about 32 percent of each dollar on the cost of food and beverages, 33 percent on salaries and wages, and from 5 percent to 6 percent on restaurant occupancy costs. Profit margins, however, varied according to the cost of the average check per person. Those with checks under $15 showed a profit of 3 percent. Those with checks from $15 to $24.99 boasted the highest profit margin at 3.5 percent. Finally, those with checks of $25 and over had the lowest profits, at 1.8 percent.


Your little link says full service restaurants have an average profit of 3%-3.5% on checks between $15-$25, but then 1.8% on checks over $25. There's no reason for a profit margin to shrink if the check is higher. Your source sucks and is bull shit.

It's the real world kid , like I said go to any small town USA and show me where are all the porshes , or mansions from these rich McDonald's , arbys, pizza hut owners?

You stupid.

Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
If those restaurants can't pay a fair wage they should go under. People will now go to their competition and the extra business will allow them to pay more.

I'm sick of American small business people blaming liberals because their business model sucks. Or their product.
The competition will have no human employees. Any fast food or casual restaurant that has human employees will be crushed by more efficient competition.
Poor dumb asses like you might...

Again answer my question child do you know what the profit margins for fast food joints are?


Tons, look at McDonalds and BK for example.

Showing more ignorance are you?

With McDonald's they only own 5% of the stores , the rest are small business owners fool..

So again scared to research the profit margins of fast food restaurants?


Yep, guess McDonald's doesn't profit from those stores just because they're owned by a franchisee... Again, I was right, a string of retarded posts by you.

-McDonalds doesn't make huge profits.
-The free market won't eliminate expensive restaurants.
- The owner of the restaurant needs to drive a Porche or else he's considered "poor."

Here is a example ignoramus..

The Average Profit Margin for a Restaurant

Full-Service Restaurants
Full-service restaurants at all levels spent about 32 percent of each dollar on the cost of food and beverages, 33 percent on salaries and wages, and from 5 percent to 6 percent on restaurant occupancy costs. Profit margins, however, varied according to the cost of the average check per person. Those with checks under $15 showed a profit of 3 percent. Those with checks from $15 to $24.99 boasted the highest profit margin at 3.5 percent. Finally, those with checks of $25 and over had the lowest profits, at 1.8 percent.


Your little link says full service restaurants have an average profit of 3%-3.5% on checks between $15-$25, but then 1.8% on checks over $25. There's no reason for a profit margin to shrink if the check is higher. Your source sucks and is bull shit.

Owning a McDonald's?

2~4% profit I said you are stupid..

Fast-Food Chains Aren’t as Rich as Protesters Think

: Pay at most restaurants is determined by the franchise owner and not the corporate parent, which often owns a very small percentage of the restaurants under their brand. McDonald's, for example, owns just 11% of their restaurants in the U.S., so it may make more sense for the protesters to be picketing local owners rather than focusing their venom on the corporate entity.

Either way, the restaurant industry overall is a low-margin business that doesn’t have much spare cash in the till. The average profit margin for the whole industry is just 2.4%, according to Capital IQ, and that’s down from 3.2% in 2009,

Table kiosk are here to stay.
It began with primarily only providing a quick way to pay, avoiding both the wait for the customer on someone to bring check/process/bring back card - now many places have them with the ability to order additional items, drinks, desserts etc.
Just around the corner is complete ordering/pay with only a server reacting to your request.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.
Then the business will close entirely, putting everyone out of a job. Do you understand economic reality at all?
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

They're trying. More and more fast food places are implementing self-service kiosks here in California. I don't blame them either.

I so doubt that this is due to the wage increase, shame on them for paying min wage in the state to begin with. The cost of living is high in San Diego, and that is all they make. There comes a time when the worker just needs to say hell with it when the business owners want to get rich off their backs. I bet they do not even cost share health insurance. Self serve, well we all know waitresses do not make min wage.
They make more than MW if they get good tips.
Poor dumb asses like you might...

Again answer my question child do you know what the profit margins for fast food joints are?


Tons, look at McDonalds and BK for example.

Showing more ignorance are you?

With McDonald's they only own 5% of the stores , the rest are small business owners fool..

So again scared to research the profit margins of fast food restaurants?


Yep, guess McDonald's doesn't profit from those stores just because they're owned by a franchisee... Again, I was right, a string of retarded posts by you.

-McDonalds doesn't make huge profits.
-The free market won't eliminate expensive restaurants.
- The owner of the restaurant needs to drive a Porche or else he's considered "poor."

Once again you moron 82% of McDonald's are owned by small business owners....

So again still scared to find out the slim profit margins ?


Why not tell us, we are too dumb. Please provide a link as well. Thanks.

Is this how the left in America really are? I only took night courses at a community college for mold making and once in awhile looked into franchise fees and profit margins of company's...

I thought all Lefty's say they graduated from a four year college on here?

Tons, look at McDonalds and BK for example.

Showing more ignorance are you?

With McDonald's they only own 5% of the stores , the rest are small business owners fool..

So again scared to research the profit margins of fast food restaurants?


Yep, guess McDonald's doesn't profit from those stores just because they're owned by a franchisee... Again, I was right, a string of retarded posts by you.

-McDonalds doesn't make huge profits.
-The free market won't eliminate expensive restaurants.
- The owner of the restaurant needs to drive a Porche or else he's considered "poor."

Once again you moron 82% of McDonald's are owned by small business owners....

So again still scared to find out the slim profit margins ?


Why not tell us, we are too dumb. Please provide a link as well. Thanks.

Is this how the left in America really are? I only took night courses at a community college for mold making and once in awhile looked into franchise fees and profit margins of company's...

I thought all Lefty's say they graduated from a four year college on here?


Only in your mind.
Showing more ignorance are you?

With McDonald's they only own 5% of the stores , the rest are small business owners fool..

So again scared to research the profit margins of fast food restaurants?


Yep, guess McDonald's doesn't profit from those stores just because they're owned by a franchisee... Again, I was right, a string of retarded posts by you.

-McDonalds doesn't make huge profits.
-The free market won't eliminate expensive restaurants.
- The owner of the restaurant needs to drive a Porche or else he's considered "poor."

Once again you moron 82% of McDonald's are owned by small business owners....

So again still scared to find out the slim profit margins ?


Why not tell us, we are too dumb. Please provide a link as well. Thanks.

Is this how the left in America really are? I only took night courses at a community college for mold making and once in awhile looked into franchise fees and profit margins of company's...

I thought all Lefty's say they graduated from a four year college on here?


Only in your mind.

So you post about stuff you never bothered to look into yourself?

Why is that?

Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.

They're trying. More and more fast food places are implementing self-service kiosks here in California. I don't blame them either.

I so doubt that this is due to the wage increase, shame on them for paying min wage in the state to begin with. The cost of living is high in San Diego, and that is all they make. There comes a time when the worker just needs to say hell with it when the business owners want to get rich off their backs. I bet they do not even cost share health insurance. Self serve, well we all know waitresses do not make min wage.
They make more than MW if they get good tips.

Depends on where they work, but yes, a good waitress can make good tips esp. in supper clubs as long as they do not have cheap people.
Let me just add another example. When I order Papa Johns, I have to pay $10.99 for a cheese pizza, pay the owner's sales tax for him, pay a $3.69 delivery fee, and then tip the driver on top of it (paying the employee's wage for the owner).

$10.99 (pizza) + 0.91 (tax) + $3.69 (delivery fee) + $5.00 (tip) = $20.59 for one fucking pizza. But damn, that pizza shop owner must be poor!!
Where do you think the space rent comes from? Who pays the electric bill, the gas bill? Who buys cleaning supplies and disinfectant. Who paid for the stoves, grills, ovens? Who pays business insurance? Where does the phone bill money come from? Advertising? The food, flour, olives, pepperoni, who pays for all that?

That cheese pizza might end up with a one dollar in actual profit.
There are a LOT of people out there, who have NO idea what it's like to run a business, who think that all business owners are "rich".

The wage increases are inevitable, so are the price increases, and we move on.

And other business owners don't pay rent, for cleaning supplies, electricity, etc?
Um, yes. And they all have different profit margins. From industry to industry, from business to business, from month to month.

You know that, right?
The restaurant industry will become so expensive that the low end will be completely automated. Everything will be by machine.

There will still be restaurants with human chefs and servers. These will be highly trained professionals who have gone to school to develop food service careers. They will be highly paid and these restaurants will have prices to match.

The "top poster of the month" doesn't understand that the restaurant industry will become way too expensive; thus, people will stop eating out because it'll break their budget. It already costs a pair of people $30 to go out to eat at a restaurant on a weekend night. For a person making $15 an hour, that's an okay price, but add another $10 and it comes to the point where I can just buy groceries instead.

Ahhj I hurt you ignorant feelings child?a gain their will still be resteraunts ..

Hell if I will ever cook at home.

You know what, I'm going to personally message a mod just so you'll never get that kind of "status" ever again. If I show them the stupid shit you post, they'll laugh so hard they'll shit their pants at how you could even be considered a poster of the month.
It's only the number of posts Bear made. Are you new here? Don't know what it means?
He clearly doesn't know much of anything.
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.
If those restaurants can't pay a fair wage they should go under. People will now go to their competition and the extra business will allow them to pay more.

I'm sick of American small business people blaming liberals because their business model sucks. Or their product.
The competition will have no human employees. Any fast food or casual restaurant that has human employees will be crushed by more efficient competition.

That is going to apply to virtually every business than can be automated- and that is a heck of a lot of businesses from trucking to warehousing to retail sales.
Let me just add another example. When I order Papa Johns, I have to pay $10.99 for a cheese pizza, pay the owner's sales tax for him, pay a $3.69 delivery fee, and then tip the driver on top of it (paying the employee's wage for the owner).

$10.99 (pizza) + 0.91 (tax) + $3.69 (delivery fee) + $5.00 (tip) = $20.59 for one fucking pizza. But damn, that pizza shop owner must be poor!!
Razor thin profits, more than likely. Nobody ever got rich running a pizza parlor. And you are not paying sales tax for them, they have to turn it over to the state, plus their own end. Duh.
There it is folks, exactly how the left views business owners. They have this bizarre idea that all business owners just need to write bigger checks, and their own personal wealth will cover things.

Fucking amazing.

They will when people stop going to their restaurant because the prices are too expensive. Capitalism isn't a left sided mindset.

Proving how stupid you really are?


How do you get "top poster of the month" with the stupid shit you post?

Raise the prices enough and people will stop going and will start eating at home.

Poor dumb asses like you might...

Again answer my question child do you know what the profit margins for fast food joints are?


Tons, look at McDonalds and BK for example.
Only about 10% of McDs are owned by the corporation. Do you even know what a franchise is?
Restaurant die-off is first course of California’s $15 minimum wage

In a pair of affluent coastal California counties, the canary in the mineshaft has gotten splayed, spatchcocked and plated over a bed of unintended consequences, garnished with sprigs of locally sourced economic distortion and non-GMO, “What the heck were they thinking?”

The result of one early experiment in a citywide $15 minimum wage is an ominous sign for the state’s poorer inland counties as the statewide wage floor creeps toward the mark.

Consider San Francisco, an early adopter of the $15 wage. It’s now experiencing a restaurant die-off, minting jobless hash-slingers, cashiers, busboys, scullery engineers and line cooks as they get pink-slipped in increasing numbers. And the wage there hasn’t yet hit $15.

As the East Bay Times reported in January, at least 60 restaurants around the Bay Area had closed since September alone.

A recent study by Michael Luca at Harvard Business School and Dara Lee Luca at Mathematica Policy Research found that every $1 hike in the minimum wage brings a 14 percent increase in the likelihood of a 3.5-star restaurant on Yelp! closing.

Another telltale is San Diego, where voters approved increasing the city’s minimum wage to $11.50 per hour from $10.50, this after the minimum wage was increased from $8 an hour in 2015 – meaning hourly costs have risen 43 percent in two years.

The cost increases have pushed San Diego restaurants to the brink, Stephen Zolezzi, president of the Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County, told the San Diego Business Journal. Watch for the next mass die-off there...

Luckily, I live in the central coast area between L.A. and San Francisco, so this area hasn't gone as extreme left as those parts of California.


Run to a GOP state, like Texas or WI really any in the eastern south if you want to eat out, I bet their food is the same price.

Owning one in GOP Ohio, I think qualifies me to weigh in on the subject. No, the prices are not as high, and the plates are fuller. And the gas it takes to get here, is less expensive. Sorry.
There is a reason why there is a mass exodus from California. They can't get anything right. Oh, and your gas is going to be taxed some more, again... because your cows fart.

Cow farts? Kill the cows and go vegan............

What of all the people (especially obese and those with digestive or health problems) and other animals (farm, zoo and wild) that fart methane?

There are a lot of real mental nuts in CA. What happened to common sense?

California exports its poor to Texas, other states, while wealthier ...
Mar 5, 2017 - Every year from 2000 through 2015, more people leftCalifornia than ... Not surprisingly, the state's exodus of poor people is notable in Los ...
As Trump Tax Cuts Emerge, High 13.3% California Tax Spells Exodus
Nov 21, 2016 - The promise of Trump tax cuts excites many, and is already triggering some 'pay me in 2017' requests. ... California's Proposition 55 extended the “temporary” 13.3% tax rate on California’s high-income earners, the highest marginal tax rate in the nation.
Unlivable: Exodus from California Increases Due to Cost of Living ...
Jun 23, 2016 - Crippling home prices, traffic congestion, high taxes and the rising cost of living have all contributed to an increase in “net outward migration” ...
Readers weigh in on Bay Area exodus - The Mercury News
Mar 31, 2017 - Readers weigh in on exodus of Bay Area's disgruntled masses ... Moving to a small town in CA only reduces the cost of housing – the rest of it ...
California's skyrocketing housing costs, taxes prompt exodus of ...
Jun 20, 2016 - Faced with the exorbitant rising costs of Bay Area living, Priya Govindarajan and Ajay Patel pack up their apartment in San Francisco, Calif., ...
The restaurant industry will become so expensive that the low end will be completely automated. Everything will be by machine.

There will still be restaurants with human chefs and servers. These will be highly trained professionals who have gone to school to develop food service careers. They will be highly paid and these restaurants will have prices to match.

The "top poster of the month" doesn't understand that the restaurant industry will become way too expensive; thus, people will stop eating out because it'll break their budget. It already costs a pair of people $30 to go out to eat at a restaurant on a weekend night. For a person making $15 an hour, that's an okay price, but add another $10 and it comes to the point where I can just buy groceries instead.

Ahhj I hurt you ignorant feelings child?a gain their will still be resteraunts ..

Hell if I will ever cook at home.

You know what, I'm going to personally message a mod just so you'll never get that kind of "status" ever again. If I show them the stupid shit you post, they'll laugh so hard they'll shit their pants at how you could even be considered a poster of the month.
It's only the number of posts Bear made. Are you new here? Don't know what it means?
He clearly doesn't know much of anything.

I clearly do..prove I am wrong here tard I will be waiting...

Yep, guess McDonald's doesn't profit from those stores just because they're owned by a franchisee... Again, I was right, a string of retarded posts by you.

-McDonalds doesn't make huge profits.
-The free market won't eliminate expensive restaurants.
- The owner of the restaurant needs to drive a Porche or else he's considered "poor."

Once again you moron 82% of McDonald's are owned by small business owners....

So again still scared to find out the slim profit margins ?


Why not tell us, we are too dumb. Please provide a link as well. Thanks.

Is this how the left in America really are? I only took night courses at a community college for mold making and once in awhile looked into franchise fees and profit margins of company's...

I thought all Lefty's say they graduated from a four year college on here?


Only in your mind.

So you post about stuff you never bothered to look into yourself?

Why is that?


I never wanted to own one, but I've worked at supper clubs putting myself through college. If a business can't pay their employees a good living wage they should shut their door. Also its such a easy google so I let you do it.
Maybe they should not pass the wage increase on to the consumer. Sooner or later these business owners need to take the hit.
Then the business will close entirely, putting everyone out of a job. Do you understand economic reality at all?

It is tragically remarkable that people can graduate college and not understand the most basic economic principles as well as the understanding that many-many small businesses operate on quite thin margins. Hell even many large businesses run a thin margin line.

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