Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

They call this The Starbuck's Model.
I don't see why they'd use Sarah Huckabee as a model..Them Arkanslaw gals are big on ass but short on brains..
Hillary was First Lady of Arkansas.
And you see her ass?
We all saw her brilliance. Point taken.
We all voted for Bill to get him out of Arkanass..
That doesn't explain his wife's two failed runs.
Eventually someone is going to get seriously injured, or even killed. Then what? You can be assured, if the roles were reversed, and the conservatives were acting like this, the DOJ, would be all over it.
Wait a moment, the liberals are supporting the restaurant owner, right? Aren't these libs, the same people who want bakery shop owners prosecuted, for refusing to make a wedding cake? These people are so evil, they can't even play by their rules. Sick, mentally sick.
Sarah would be welcome at any of my stores if I had some..and my home as well IF I had one. Why? Not because of who she works for or her political stance. But because I want the money! I never made a habit of asking customers what their political leanings were or for whom they worked. I guess that is the new thang nowadays?
Check this out from their Yelp page. Especially the last line:
More business info Takes Reservations Yes Delivery No Take-out No Accepts Credit Cards Yes Accepts Apple Pay No Accepts Google Pay No Good For Dinner Parking Street Bike Parking Yes Good for Kids No Good for Groups No Attire Casual Noise Level Average Alcohol Full Bar Outdoor Seating Yes Wi-Fi No Has TV No Caters Yes Gender Neutral Restrooms Yes
She is a pig and she should be treated as one. I would not welcome her or any trump supporter into my business. And I'm not even a liberal....sick and tired of the fake compassion, bunch of liars and crooks.

So you are an intolerant bigot that hates tolerant bigots, however you are morally superior because you feel you are and is all about you nd your feelings.

I wouldn’t eat at an establishment that discriminated against people of color, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual preference, religion or politics.

I feel you have a right to be a bigoted asshole and not serve people with which you disagree, just post sign that you are a bigoted asshole that reserves the right for you to be a bigoted asshole and I will definitely stay away.
You call me a bigot and you voted for a bigot? HAHAHAHA what an idiot.
I'm not a fan of bigots that vote and help bigots...if that makes me a bigot, GREAT.

Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
I hope they go out of business and end up homeless.
She is a pig and she should be treated as one. I would not welcome her or any trump supporter into my business. And I'm not even a liberal....sick and tired of the fake compassion, bunch of liars and crooks.

So you are an intolerant bigot that hates tolerant bigots, however you are morally superior because you feel you are and is all about you nd your feelings.

I wouldn’t eat at an establishment that discriminated against people of color, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual preference, religion or politics.

I feel you have a right to be a bigoted asshole and not serve people with which you disagree, just post sign that you are a bigoted asshole that reserves the right for you to be a bigoted asshole and I will definitely stay away.
You call me a bigot and you voted for a bigot? HAHAHAHA what an idiot.
I'm not a fan of bigots that vote and help bigots...if that makes me a bigot, GREAT.

Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.
Whoops! The Lexington VA Facebook page and website is inundated with people calling Stephanie Wilkinson the bigot that she is. Here's a sample:


Apparently her restaurant is closed this evening. LOL Was being a bigot and a Liberal hero over one Republican who just wanted to buy dinner at your restaurant with all this hassle now? You're a dumbass Stephanie. You deserve the loss of business even if it's just for one night.

Good job Sarah Huckabee Sanders for getting the word out on this bigot!

The News-Gazette

Who cares. Ms. Wilkinson threw a filthy pig out of her establishment on moral grounds. Aren't people who are refused service supposed to just go away and find another place that will take them without complaining. That is the impression that I got from many people who post on USMB. Sanders should have just gotten into her car and found another place that would accept her business and not complained. She could have had a TV dinner.
Who cares. Ms. Wilkinson threw a filthy pig out of her establishment on moral grounds. Aren't people who are refused service supposed to just go away and find another place that will take them without complaining.

Actually, Ms. Sanders didn't complain. She just told the rest of us what happened, so that we know that this particular restaurant is owned by small minded people that hate our guts.

Which, BTW, is information we need to know. I know I don't want to go somewhere I'm not wanted.
Who cares. Ms. Wilkinson threw a filthy pig out of her establishment on moral grounds. Aren't people who are refused service supposed to just go away and find another place that will take them without complaining.

Actually, Ms. Sanders didn't complain. She just told the rest of us what happened, so that we know that this particular restaurant is owned by small minded people that hate our guts.

Which, BTW, is information we need to know. I know I don't want to go somewhere I'm not wanted.

Ah...but liberals don't think that's right PP! You should have to go there unless they don't WANT you there and then you should leave without making a fuss and never tell anyone about it! (head scratch)

You know what's sad? I have liberals friends who have become so utterly unhinged over Hillary not being President and Trump being President that I don't spend much time with them anymore because they tend to rant about things they saw on CNN and MSNBC and who needs a lecture every time you get together socially.

Perhaps they'll calm down after a few years and start acting like normal human beings but right now they're not someone you want to be around.
Who cares. Ms. Wilkinson threw a filthy pig out of her establishment on moral grounds. Aren't people who are refused service supposed to just go away and find another place that will take them without complaining.

Actually, Ms. Sanders didn't complain. She just told the rest of us what happened, so that we know that this particular restaurant is owned by small minded people that hate our guts.

Which, BTW, is information we need to know. I know I don't want to go somewhere I'm not wanted.

Well good for you. Remember that was people like her that started this "tradition." How is this "small minded"? She got thrown out because of her small-mindedness and shameful immoral conduct. I thought that was what you yokels wanted.
Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

I notice lefties are getting angrier and more intolerant towards republicans, especially against Trumpets. They are actually disgusted with republicans and want them dead. The leftist mob is now attacking members of the Trump administration.

Where is that coming from?

I seems they feel their only shot to steal the White House slipping away; and it's just. The anger comes from the impotence of knowing that they'd be shot and scalped in the streets by their neighbors the second they take up arms against the system they thought they had subverted.

The accelerationism is the key, the more they chimp out the better.

They’re already shooting up Congress and country music concerts and driving garbage trucks in front of trains of Republicans, how far will they take it? Far enough I suspect, it’s only a matter of time. The antifa is already operating as a paramilitary wing of the democratic party sooo... except shit to hit the fan during Trump's second term.

When imaginary "blue wave" fizzles, the left will redouble its efforts to block and delegitimize Trump. Then when he wins reelection in 2020, they'll all hit the streets, masks on and bike locks raised high, only to face 2nd Amendment lovers and run back into their holes and try again sometimes later. The leftist leadership is turning those useful idiots into cannon fodder and for what? A last desperate swipe at the reigns of power so they can keep their supply of dirty money and childrens' blood flowing for another four years?

Yes, they're doing it for "children".
The Left is consumed by hate for those in which they disagree. This restaurant owner made it a "moral" issue, but it is really just her being intolerant of other people's political views. Petty, petulant, childish, and immature. Another far left kook becoming unhinged due to Trump.
What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?

You got the point there.

By the way, did Sarah demanded any special treatment or item that was not on the menu?

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