Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

Nobody is questioning her right to deny service, just the hypocrisy of doing it over the intolerance of someone else's views, and opinions. Nobody is trying to deny her the right to do so.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.

The thing is if a baker can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds, then a restaurant owner can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds. Be careful what you wish for seems applicable here. The Right wanted the bakers to prevail. Now they have, and the Right is pissed off because the pendulum is swinging back on them. Too bad. So sad.
Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.

Refuge? Sure we can look at that on a case by case basis, same with asylum, no issue there, illegally crossing the border is totally different and once you do that, you need to be sent back and no asylum or refuge status.

Again, I have nothing against legal immigration, illegal is a totally different story.

The fat kid analogy is pure BS.

We have legal channels and they should be used as a way to gain citizenship but illegally crossing a border is wrong and they need to be sent back to where they came from immediately, no hearing, nothing, just load them on a plane and tell them they need to try to come in legally.

As for the coyotes? When they are caught they need to be imprisoned for a 5 year minimum for the first offense, no parole, they serve their time and then are flown to southern Mexico, if they are caught again, 15 years a third time 35 years to life. They are making money by exploiting others and they also traffic children, they are as bad as drug dealers and deserve nothing.
Illegals will .ake their way no matter what. The vast majority live peacefully and contribute positively to society they deserve to be integrated. Those that commit crimes can be deported.
Plenty of room in this country to accommodate those who risk their life for a better one.

They steal Americans identies, so they aren’t peaceful and cause a lot of stress, time and money to those that are already living peacefully in this country, so spare me your BS.

I am glad you want to deport those that commit crimes, they committed a crime by entering into this country without going through the proper legal channels, they all by your reasoning, need to be deported.
The Red Hen is getting deluged with bad reviews.
Even more good reviews :thup:

Best advertising the place has ever had
You have to know this is likely to end bad for the restaurant. Very few small businesses can take this kind of heat.
Well, the restaurant is in the middle of Democratville, at city where the Confederate Flag is still adored and the people there miss having slavery, so they aren't going to get much in the way of grief from their own racist community, but.....just maybe, outside pressure will drive the restaurant out of business somehow. One can hope.
The city the restaurant is in went for Hillary by over 60%. They oppose your confederacy. You're retarded.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

So do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve a person because of their political choice?
The Red Hen is getting deluged with bad reviews.
Even more good reviews :thup:

Best advertising the place has ever had
You have to know this is likely to end bad for the restaurant. Very few small businesses can take this kind of heat.
Well, the restaurant is in the middle of Democratville, at city where the Confederate Flag is still adored and the people there miss having slavery, so they aren't going to get much in the way of grief from their own racist community, but.....just maybe, outside pressure will drive the restaurant out of business somehow. One can hope.
The city the restaurant is in went for Hillary by over 60%. They oppose your confederacy. You're retarded.
Yeah, it's a vehemently racist city that still worships the Confederate flag and considers the south losing the Civil War, a bitter disappointment. In other words, it's a strong Democrat area.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

Nobody is questioning her right to deny service, just the hypocrisy of doing it over the intolerance of someone else's views, and opinions. Nobody is trying to deny her the right to do so.
The owner wrote a long response to this situation. She explained that her employees included gays, immigrants, Muslims and others the administration is against. Those people felt oppressed and serile having to serve someone like Sarah who backs up every one of Trump's policies. She showed respect for her employees. I no problem with what she did.
The thing is if a baker can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds, then a restaurant owner can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds. Be careful what you wish for seems applicable here. The Right wanted the bakers to prevail. Now they have, and the Right is pissed off because the pendulum is swinging back on them. Too bad. So sad.

Bad analogy. The big difference is we are just commenting on the owner's hypocrisy, not suggesting Sanders go to court like the Gay people did over a cake to create controversy.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

Nobody is questioning her right to deny service, just the hypocrisy of doing it over the intolerance of someone else's views, and opinions. Nobody is trying to deny her the right to do so.
So shouldn't the right be celebrating this as an example of the freedom they want?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

So do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve a person because of their political choice?
It's a moral choice: just like the bakers who refused to serve gays. You side is completely one sided in the way you look at the world. It's your side of things that is the only side of things that matter or is right--according to you.
The thing is if a baker can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds, then a restaurant owner can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds. Be careful what you wish for seems applicable here. The Right wanted the bakers to prevail. Now they have, and the Right is pissed off because the pendulum is swinging back on them. Too bad. So sad.

Bad analogy. The big difference is we are just commenting on the owner's hypocrisy, not suggesting Sanders go to court like the Gay people did over a cake to create controversy.
OMG it is about serving someone or not. It is a perfect analogy.
The Red Hen is getting deluged with bad reviews.
Even more good reviews :thup:

Best advertising the place has ever had
You have to know this is likely to end bad for the restaurant. Very few small businesses can take this kind of heat.
Well, the restaurant is in the middle of Democratville, at city where the Confederate Flag is still adored and the people there miss having slavery, so they aren't going to get much in the way of grief from their own racist community, but.....just maybe, outside pressure will drive the restaurant out of business somehow. One can hope.
The city the restaurant is in went for Hillary by over 60%. They oppose your confederacy. You're retarded.
Yeah, it's a vehemently racist city that still worships the Confederate flag and considers the south losing the Civil War, a bitter disappointment. In other words, it's a strong Democrat area.
Nah they oppose the Confederacy. It's the GOP that celebrates the republican... oops... I mean Confederate flag these days. Lexington is an oasis in a sea of retarded, pro-Confederate flyover country.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

Nobody is questioning her right to deny service, just the hypocrisy of doing it over the intolerance of someone else's views, and opinions. Nobody is trying to deny her the right to do so.
So shouldn't the right be celebrating this as an example of the freedom they want?
Exactly, exactly, exactly!
The owner wrote a long response to this situation. She explained that her employees included gays, immigrants, Muslims and others the administration is against. Those people felt oppressed and serile having to serve someone like Sarah who backs up every one of Trump's policies. She showed respect for her employees. I no problem with what she did.

Again, you are wrong. The Administration is not against gays, immigrants, nor Muslims. They are against ILLEGAL ALIENS coming here unvetted, and were temporarily against UNVETTED Muslims coming here from radical countries that sponsor terrorists. Where do you get this crap?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

Nobody is questioning her right to deny service, just the hypocrisy of doing it over the intolerance of someone else's views, and opinions. Nobody is trying to deny her the right to do so.
So shouldn't the right be celebrating this as an example of the freedom they want?
The town she lives is in voted 100% against Trump. Does not at all support his xenophobic, Islamaphobic and homophobic behaviors and attitudes.
The owner wrote a long response to this situation. She explained that her employees included gays, immigrants, Muslims and others the administration is against. Those people felt oppressed and serile having to serve someone like Sarah who backs up every one of Trump's policies. She showed respect for her employees. I no problem with what she did.

Again, you are wrong. The Administration is not against gays, immigrants, nor Muslims. They are against ILLEGAL ALIENS coming here unvetted, and were temporarily against UNVETTED Muslims coming here from radical countries that sponsor terrorists. Where do you get this crap?
They most certainly are against gays, muslims and immigrants. Don't try to sell your delusions to me.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

So do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve a person because of their political choice?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?
So shouldn't the right be celebrating this as an example of the freedom they want?

So shouldn't the Left be ashamed of someone that isn't inclusive, and tolerant of someone else's political views? It is like Sanders was making a political speech there, she was just trying to have a quiet dinner with her family.
So shouldn't the right be celebrating this as an example of the freedom they want?

So shouldn't the Left be ashamed of someone that isn't inclusive, and tolerant of someone else's political views? It is like Sanders was making a political speech there, she was just trying to have a quiet dinner with her family.
So shouldn't the right be celebrating this as an example of the freedom they want?
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.

Refuge? Sure we can look at that on a case by case basis, same with asylum, no issue there, illegally crossing the border is totally different and once you do that, you need to be sent back and no asylum or refuge status.

Again, I have nothing against legal immigration, illegal is a totally different story.

The fat kid analogy is pure BS.

We have legal channels and they should be used as a way to gain citizenship but illegally crossing a border is wrong and they need to be sent back to where they came from immediately, no hearing, nothing, just load them on a plane and tell them they need to try to come in legally.

As for the coyotes? When they are caught they need to be imprisoned for a 5 year minimum for the first offense, no parole, they serve their time and then are flown to southern Mexico, if they are caught again, 15 years a third time 35 years to life. They are making money by exploiting others and they also traffic children, they are as bad as drug dealers and deserve nothing.
Illegals will .ake their way no matter what. The vast majority live peacefully and contribute positively to society they deserve to be integrated. Those that commit crimes can be deported.
Plenty of room in this country to accommodate those who risk their life for a better one.

They steal Americans identies, so they aren’t peaceful and cause a lot of stress, time and money to those that are already living peacefully in this country, so spare me your BS.

I am glad you want to deport those that commit crimes, they committed a crime by entering into this country without going through the proper legal channels, they all by your reasoning, need to be deported.
I would deport those that are committing crimes. Those that have jobs and are assimilating they need to be legalized. He k most faired better the whites who killed millions of natives to settle here.

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