Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

I hope the restaurant owner reflects upon her actions more and down the road comes to conclusion it would have been better to accommodate Sarah and her family with peace and acceptance.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

So do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve a person because of their political choice?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I didn’t ask what the right wanted, I was asking you what your opinion was, do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve someone because of their political choice?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I wouldn’t know, I’m not a far right conservative nor am I a libertarian. I think discrimination is wrong, I think places that discriminate should put out signs so those that don’t discriminate can stay away from them.

Now, what is your opinion on the issue?
You finally answered my original question so I will answer yours. I also think discrimination is wrong. There are however limits to this, like there are limits to free speech (example yelling fire in a theater to cause panic, inciting a riot, etc.).

So if two gays want a wedding cake made that says "congratulations jake and mike" that is not excessively offensive in any way and they should not be refused service for that. If they want a cake with a giant dildo or a vulgar message they can be refused.

If Sanders was turned away only because she is a republican that is wrong. If there are other things at play like previous issues with staff or owners, or she is promoting policies that would discriminate against staff or owners (real discrimination like blacks aren't allowed, not disagreements like I want to raise taxes in your tax bracket) then it would be acceptable to turn her away.
The ALL committed crimes by crossing the border.

It is illegal for any business to hire an illegal immigrant. So, none can have jobs and therefore need to go back to their own country. Businesses that hire illegal immigrants need to be fined and if they continue to hire them, those in charge need to go to jail.
Caucasians committed crimes too by killing the natives and occupying their land...let's sort that out and we can deal with illegals of nowadays.

What happened to the Indians was criminal and I had absolutely nothing to do with it. What about the Muslims that killed over 3000 innocent people on 911, are you responsible for that?
Those were mostly saudis that did it and their Americans ally.

They were ALL Muslims. It seems you are not wanting to take responsibility for your Muslim religion, however you want me to take responsibility for what happened over a hundred years ago. Why is that?
How do we know they did it? It's a CIA job right and clear. And yes you have to recognize the atrocities committed not long ago by your ancestors and no so long ago against African Americans also. And they and be considerate and compassionate towards those who risk their lives for a better one.

Are you,claiming that the US attacked themselves on 911? You are denying all responsibility of Muslims for the actions on 911?

Secondly, I don’t “have” to do anything, not sure where that stupid BS is coming from.

I acknowledged and recognized what we did to the Indians and Africans were terrible however I can’t change the past.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?
Ask yourself that question. Lefties are the ones having a shit hissy when the baker didn't want to make a gay cake.
So the right should agree with this then since then since they don't want to serve gay customers right?
Sure. I always said it was the business persons right to refuse service to anyone. This includes Sanders. HOWEVER, the bullshit from her just stating the facts AFTER the WAITER reported it, is ludicrous.
The point is...y'all had a hissy about the baker refusing...why? Because the people were gay? So why don't you show the same indignant response to how Sarah was treated????

Wheelie cannot give us his position because that would expose his hypocrisy.
I answered. I'm glad you agree the right's stance is wrong.
So do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve a person because of their political choice?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I didn’t ask what the right wanted, I was asking you what your opinion was, do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve someone because of their political choice?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I wouldn’t know, I’m not a far right conservative nor am I a libertarian. I think discrimination is wrong, I think places that discriminate should put out signs so those that don’t discriminate can stay away from them.

Now, what is your opinion on the issue?
You finally answered my original question so I will answer yours. I also think discrimination is wrong. There are however limits to this, like there are limits to free speech (example yelling fire in a theater to cause panic, inciting a riot, etc.).

So if two gays want a wedding cake made that says "congratulations jake and mike" that is not excessively offensive in any way and they should not be refused service for that. If they want a cake with a giant dildo or a vulgar message they can be refused.

If Sanders was turned away only because she is a republican that is wrong. If there are other things at play like previous issues with staff or owners, or she is promoting policies that would discriminate against staff or owners (real discrimination like blacks aren't allowed, not disagreements like I want to raise taxes in your tax bracket) then it would be acceptable to turn her away.

I disagree, it is the same, she didn’t say or do anything offensive, she was discriminated against ONLY because of political stands. She was discriminated because her legal personal choices did not agree with the owner. If she was rude, demanding then, the owner can kick her out.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?
Ask yourself that question. Lefties are the ones having a shit hissy when the baker didn't want to make a gay cake.
So the right should agree with this then since then since they don't want to serve gay customers right?
Sure. I always said it was the business persons right to refuse service to anyone. This includes Sanders. HOWEVER, the bullshit from her just stating the facts AFTER the WAITER reported it, is ludicrous.
The point is...y'all had a hissy about the baker refusing...why? Because the people were gay? So why don't you show the same indignant response to how Sarah was treated????

Wheelie cannot give us his position because that would expose his hypocrisy.
I answered. I'm glad you agree the right's stance is wrong.

Yep, both sides are hypocritical.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I didn’t ask what the right wanted, I was asking you what your opinion was, do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve someone because of their political choice?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I wouldn’t know, I’m not a far right conservative nor am I a libertarian. I think discrimination is wrong, I think places that discriminate should put out signs so those that don’t discriminate can stay away from them.

Now, what is your opinion on the issue?
You finally answered my original question so I will answer yours. I also think discrimination is wrong. There are however limits to this, like there are limits to free speech (example yelling fire in a theater to cause panic, inciting a riot, etc.).

So if two gays want a wedding cake made that says "congratulations jake and mike" that is not excessively offensive in any way and they should not be refused service for that. If they want a cake with a giant dildo or a vulgar message they can be refused.

If Sanders was turned away only because she is a republican that is wrong. If there are other things at play like previous issues with staff or owners, or she is promoting policies that would discriminate against staff or owners (real discrimination like blacks aren't allowed, not disagreements like I want to raise taxes in your tax bracket) then it would be acceptable to turn her away.

I disagree, it is the same, she didn’t say or do anything offensive, she was discriminated against ONLY because of political stands. She was discriminated because her legal personal choices did not agree with the owner. If she was rude, demanding then, the owner can kick her out.
It sounds like you agree, not disagree. I wasn't saying Sanders did anything wrong.
I didn’t ask what the right wanted, I was asking you what your opinion was, do you agree with the restaurant owner? Should she not serve someone because of their political choice?
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I wouldn’t know, I’m not a far right conservative nor am I a libertarian. I think discrimination is wrong, I think places that discriminate should put out signs so those that don’t discriminate can stay away from them.

Now, what is your opinion on the issue?
You finally answered my original question so I will answer yours. I also think discrimination is wrong. There are however limits to this, like there are limits to free speech (example yelling fire in a theater to cause panic, inciting a riot, etc.).

So if two gays want a wedding cake made that says "congratulations jake and mike" that is not excessively offensive in any way and they should not be refused service for that. If they want a cake with a giant dildo or a vulgar message they can be refused.

If Sanders was turned away only because she is a republican that is wrong. If there are other things at play like previous issues with staff or owners, or she is promoting policies that would discriminate against staff or owners (real discrimination like blacks aren't allowed, not disagreements like I want to raise taxes in your tax bracket) then it would be acceptable to turn her away.

I disagree, it is the same, she didn’t say or do anything offensive, she was discriminated against ONLY because of political stands. She was discriminated because her legal personal choices did not agree with the owner. If she was rude, demanding then, the owner can kick her out.
It sounds like you agree, not disagree. I wasn't saying Sanders did anything wrong.

Are you saying the owner should have served Sanders?
Ask yourself that question. Lefties are the ones having a shit hissy when the baker didn't want to make a gay cake.
So the right should agree with this then since then since they don't want to serve gay customers right?
Sure. I always said it was the business persons right to refuse service to anyone. This includes Sanders. HOWEVER, the bullshit from her just stating the facts AFTER the WAITER reported it, is ludicrous.
The point is...y'all had a hissy about the baker refusing...why? Because the people were gay? So why don't you show the same indignant response to how Sarah was treated????

Wheelie cannot give us his position because that would expose his hypocrisy.
I answered. I'm glad you agree the right's stance is wrong.

Yep, both sides are hypocritical.
Yeah both sides are holding this up as a show of hypocrisy by the other. I think the side that approves of owners discriminating being outraged is more hypocritical, and the other side is using the incident to make a point of what happens if you want that to be policy. I will leave it at that.
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

I wouldn’t know, I’m not a far right conservative nor am I a libertarian. I think discrimination is wrong, I think places that discriminate should put out signs so those that don’t discriminate can stay away from them.

Now, what is your opinion on the issue?
You finally answered my original question so I will answer yours. I also think discrimination is wrong. There are however limits to this, like there are limits to free speech (example yelling fire in a theater to cause panic, inciting a riot, etc.).

So if two gays want a wedding cake made that says "congratulations jake and mike" that is not excessively offensive in any way and they should not be refused service for that. If they want a cake with a giant dildo or a vulgar message they can be refused.

If Sanders was turned away only because she is a republican that is wrong. If there are other things at play like previous issues with staff or owners, or she is promoting policies that would discriminate against staff or owners (real discrimination like blacks aren't allowed, not disagreements like I want to raise taxes in your tax bracket) then it would be acceptable to turn her away.

I disagree, it is the same, she didn’t say or do anything offensive, she was discriminated against ONLY because of political stands. She was discriminated because her legal personal choices did not agree with the owner. If she was rude, demanding then, the owner can kick her out.
It sounds like you agree, not disagree. I wasn't saying Sanders did anything wrong.

Are you saying the owner should have served Sanders?
Yes, if it is just over normal politics.
So the right should agree with this then since then since they don't want to serve gay customers right?
Sure. I always said it was the business persons right to refuse service to anyone. This includes Sanders. HOWEVER, the bullshit from her just stating the facts AFTER the WAITER reported it, is ludicrous.
The point is...y'all had a hissy about the baker refusing...why? Because the people were gay? So why don't you show the same indignant response to how Sarah was treated????

Wheelie cannot give us his position because that would expose his hypocrisy.
I answered. I'm glad you agree the right's stance is wrong.

Yep, both sides are hypocritical.
Yeah both sides are holding this up as a show of hypocrisy by the other. I think the side that approves of owners discriminating being outraged is more hypocritical, and the other side is using the incident to make a point of what happens if you want that to be policy. I will leave it at that.

I have a slightly different take but we are close. Thanks!
Caucasians committed crimes too by killing the natives and occupying their land...let's sort that out and we can deal with illegals of nowadays.

What happened to the Indians was criminal and I had absolutely nothing to do with it. What about the Muslims that killed over 3000 innocent people on 911, are you responsible for that?
Those were mostly saudis that did it and their Americans ally.

They were ALL Muslims. It seems you are not wanting to take responsibility for your Muslim religion, however you want me to take responsibility for what happened over a hundred years ago. Why is that?
How do we know they did it? It's a CIA job right and clear. And yes you have to recognize the atrocities committed not long ago by your ancestors and no so long ago against African Americans also. And they and be considerate and compassionate towards those who risk their lives for a better one.

Are you,claiming that the US attacked themselves on 911? You are denying all responsibility of Muslims for the actions on 911?

Secondly, I don’t “have” to do anything, not sure where that stupid BS is coming from.

I acknowledged and recognized what we did to the Indians and Africans were terrible however I can’t change the past.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

LOOK, people being migrating for thousands of years legal or not legal that's debatable....just because a bunch of people wrote laws, now all of sudden they want to prevent others from coming in. I say there is plenty of work food, and space let them in like god made a way for you and your ancestors to come in on the expense of indigenous people...don't close the door and have it all for yourself.
I'm sure if shit hit the fan here in the US (civil war, depression,etc....) millions of americans might seek refuge somewhere else legall or you want others to reject them? and let them die here in the US?
I think the restaurant owner may have a loophole. Is Sanders against the state recognizing gay marriage? The state part is important as Sanders can believe what she wants but can't impose her beliefs on others.

If Sanders is against the state recognizing gay marriage the restaurant owner has an argument to refuse service to someone that wants to discriminate against their or their staffs' constitutional rights.
The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.

Well, Sanders has morals, and the restaurant owners don't, they kicked her out on amoral grounds.

Fags are mentally ill and morals play no part in their lives, either. They can't make rational decisions.
What happened to the Indians was criminal and I had absolutely nothing to do with it. What about the Muslims that killed over 3000 innocent people on 911, are you responsible for that?
Those were mostly saudis that did it and their Americans ally.

They were ALL Muslims. It seems you are not wanting to take responsibility for your Muslim religion, however you want me to take responsibility for what happened over a hundred years ago. Why is that?
How do we know they did it? It's a CIA job right and clear. And yes you have to recognize the atrocities committed not long ago by your ancestors and no so long ago against African Americans also. And they and be considerate and compassionate towards those who risk their lives for a better one.

Are you,claiming that the US attacked themselves on 911? You are denying all responsibility of Muslims for the actions on 911?

Secondly, I don’t “have” to do anything, not sure where that stupid BS is coming from.

I acknowledged and recognized what we did to the Indians and Africans were terrible however I can’t change the past.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

LOOK, people being migrating for thousands of years legal or not legal that's debatable....just because a bunch of people wrote laws, now all of sudden they want to prevent others from coming in. I say there is plenty of work food, and space let them in like god made a way for you and your ancestors to come in on the expense of indigenous people...don't close the door and have it all for yourself.
I'm sure if shit hit the fan here in the US (civil war, depression,etc....) millions of americans might seek refuge somewhere else legall or you want others to reject them? and let them die here in the US?

The door isn’t closed, never has been closed and the laws to immigrate to this country have been the same for many decades. So I am confused by your statement. Also I have stated repeatedly, I welcome all immigrants that come here legally, so the door is wide open.

Those seeking refuge and asylum have an easier path than a normal immigrant so I have no idea what you are talking about on this point either.

You seem to not read or maybe not able to comprehend my posts
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.
The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."
Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."
This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.
The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds
To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.

Hard Left Democrats, ever the sore losers, are now resorting to this bad behavior as their last resort to show contempt for the other half of the nation because they do not believe in the peaceful transition of power, they don't believe in fair play, they are bad sports, they know they've been losing horribly for years because of their little whiny crybaby mentality and just aren't good Americans. They are the emerging American ISIS.

Time to round them up and deport them, preferably to some Third World Paradise, where they can get the full Diversity Experience and can't hide out in the Burbs.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
I think the restaurant owner may have a loophole. Is Sanders against the state recognizing gay marriage? The state part is important as Sanders can believe what she wants but can't impose her beliefs on others.

If Sanders is against the state recognizing gay marriage the restaurant owner has an argument to refuse service to someone that wants to discriminate against their or their staffs' constitutional rights.

Why does she need a loophole, there is no law requiring her to serve Sanders.
The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.

Well, Sanders has morals, and the restaurant owners don't, they kicked her out on amoral grounds.

Fags are mentally ill and morals play no part in their lives, either. They can't make rational decisions.
That's opinion, not law.

It's obvious medical fact, and leftists don't care about law, so nobody else need concern themselves with it either.
I think the restaurant owner may have a loophole. Is Sanders against the state recognizing gay marriage? The state part is important as Sanders can believe what she wants but can't impose her beliefs on others.

If Sanders is against the state recognizing gay marriage the restaurant owner has an argument to refuse service to someone that wants to discriminate against their or their staffs' constitutional rights.

Why does she need a loophole, there is no law requiring her to serve Sanders.
Loophole was a bad choice of words. Replace with good argument.

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