Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

Nobody is questioning her right to deny service, just the hypocrisy of doing it over the intolerance of someone else's views, and opinions. Nobody is trying to deny her the right to do so.
The owner wrote a long response to this situation. She explained that her employees included gays, immigrants, Muslims and others the administration is against. Those people felt oppressed and serile having to serve someone like Sarah who backs up every one of Trump's policies. She showed respect for her employees. I no problem with what she did.

Then her employees are ill-informed and are some of the dumbest people on the planet. Or, the more likely scenario is the owner is not only a bigot, but she's a lying piece of garbage.

Trump said he's not touching any same sex laws and so far he hasn't.

Immigrants are fine under Trump and will prosper with the booming economy. Trump is after ILLEGAL immigrants who have commit crimes. So theres another ill-informed position.

Trump also is not touching Muslims living here. But it's understandable why he wanted to block immigrants from terrosist hotbeds. Any sane person would agree.

The reality is Stephanie Wilkinson is a bigot and now a liar. Everyone knows this now. She is losing money as we type as her restaurant was closed last night. I hope it was worth it for her.
Trump administration dismantles LGBT-friendly policies
A Big Victory for LGBT People, and a Big Loss for the Trump Administration
Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S.
Whoops! The Lexington VA Facebook page and website is inundated with people calling Stephanie Wilkinson the bigot that she is. Here's a sample:


Apparently her restaurant is closed this evening. LOL Was being a bigot and a Liberal hero over one Republican who just wanted to buy dinner at your restaurant with all this hassle now? You're a dumbass Stephanie. You deserve the loss of business even if it's just for one night.

Good job Sarah Huckabee Sanders for getting the word out on this bigot!

The News-Gazette
The restaurant did not close

Dishonest Conservatives reported to Yelp that they had closed
The thing about leftist restaurant owners that refuse to serve her is that their business is done.

Just checked their website... They are still open.

4.5 star rating on Google based on 654 reviews.

They'll be fine.

They're done, believe me, and who knows how many Democrats will convert, due to what they did..

That's the reality of this situation, Sparky.

The reality is, Sarah will probably be fired in a month because she is failing so badly at lying...
The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.
The baker did not kick the faggots out.
In fact, he offered to sell them any ready made cake he had in his store.
What he refused to do was use his creative talents to design them a cake.
Get it straight Libby
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?
Ask yourself that question. Lefties are the ones having a shit hissy when the baker didn't want to make a gay cake.
So the right should agree with this then since then since they don't want to serve gay customers right? No one has to serve anyone they disagree with?
I would ask that if you are refusing service to customers that you at least have the courtesy to make it known prior to me entering your business.

I shouldn't have to ask the receptionist if the owner is a bigot, racist, homophobe, etc.

Not being a Republican I will start asking the receptionist if they will be refusing service to Republicans or gays, blacks or anyone else.

Whether I like the response will allow me to decide whether I will give them my business.

I will be asking this question of any and every business I enter.
Then her employees are ill-informed and are some of the dumbest people on the planet. Or, the more likely scenario is the owner is not only a bigot, but she's a lying piece of garbage.

Trump said he's not touching any same sex laws and so far he hasn't.

Immigrants are fine under Trump and will prosper with the booming economy. Trump is after ILLEGAL immigrants who have commit crimes. So theres another ill-informed position.

Trump also is not touching Muslims living here. But it's understandable why he wanted to block immigrants from terrosist hotbeds. Any sane person would agree.

The reality is Stephanie Wilkinson is a bigot and now a liar. Everyone knows this now. She is losing money as we type as her restaurant was closed last night. I hope it was worth it for her.

This deserves to be repeated. Well said. Pure hypocrisy.
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I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?

Nobody is questioning her right to deny service, just the hypocrisy of doing it over the intolerance of someone else's views, and opinions. Nobody is trying to deny her the right to do so.
The owner wrote a long response to this situation. She explained that her employees included gays, immigrants, Muslims and others the administration is against. Those people felt oppressed and serile having to serve someone like Sarah who backs up every one of Trump's policies. She showed respect for her employees. I no problem with what she did.

Then her employees are ill-informed and are some of the dumbest people on the planet. Or, the more likely scenario is the owner is not only a bigot, but she's a lying piece of garbage.

Trump said he's not touching any same sex laws and so far he hasn't.

Immigrants are fine under Trump and will prosper with the booming economy. Trump is after ILLEGAL immigrants who have commit crimes. So theres another ill-informed position.

Trump also is not touching Muslims living here. But it's understandable why he wanted to block immigrants from terrosist hotbeds. Any sane person would agree.

The reality is Stephanie Wilkinson is a bigot and now a liar. Everyone knows this now. She is losing money as we type as her restaurant was closed last night. I hope it was worth it for her.
Trump administration dismantles LGBT-friendly policies
A Big Victory for LGBT People, and a Big Loss for the Trump Administration
Donald Trump Calls for Barring Muslims From Entering U.S.

Well anyone can post lies from liberal rag. HAHA
The left is completely out of control and has now reduced themselves to the childish behavior of disrupting Republicans at eating establishments.

The restaurants are complicit in this bullshit because they ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN rather than removing the people acting like unhinged lunatics.

Let these establishments know what you think. Call them, boycott them.
What's wrong? Don't you know that lying and kidnapping and caging children are immoral?
What's wrong? Don't you know that lying and kidnapping and caging children are immoral?

You are lying. Nobody is CAGING children, nor are they kidnapping anyone. They are enforcing existing U.S. LAW. Obama did the same thing.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.

The thing is if a baker can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds, then a restaurant owner can refuse to serve someone on moral grounds. Be careful what you wish for seems applicable here. The Right wanted the bakers to prevail. Now they have, and the Right is pissed off because the pendulum is swinging back on them. Too bad. So sad.
The baker didn’t refuse service. He was asked to draw a pic that was pornographic
They could have a cake on the shelf of their choosing
The baker didn’t refuse service. He was asked to draw a pic that was pornographic

Well that is a false statement. According to Mr. Phillips - you know the owner - there was never any discussion of design. As soon as he found out the couple was gay he refused to sell them a wedding cake under the same conditions he sold his products to different sex couples.

The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.
The baker did not kick the faggots out.
In fact, he offered to sell them any ready made cake he had in his store.
What he refused to do was use his creative talents to design them a cake.
Get it straight Libby
Cooking someone's dinner is just as creative.

So if someone who lies to the entire country and supports kidnapping and caging children and babies, you would cook their dinner? What kind of person would that make you?

You know Trump lies about everything. She goes along with it. So she's a liar too.

Republicans even think caging children and separating them from their parents is funny.

Eventually someone is going to get seriously injured, or even killed. Then what? You can be assured, if the roles were reversed, and the conservatives were acting like this, the DOJ, would be all over it.
Wait a moment, the liberals are supporting the restaurant owner, right? Aren't these libs, the same people who want bakery shop owners prosecuted, for refusing to make a wedding cake? These people are so evil, they can't even play by their rules. Sick, mentally sick.

You are not allowed to kick someone out of your restaurant who is black, Muslim or gay

You can kick someone out for being an asshole
I thought the right wanted business owners to have the freedom to bar whomever they want, so why such a sudden outrage here? Or is that just the libertarian right and not far right conservatives?
Your post is so full of crap
I can go to any store of my choosing and be gayer than a fruit cake and buy anything off the shelf
But you can’t make me draw a pic I view as offensive
The baker didn’t refuse service. He was asked to draw a pic that was pornographic

Well that is a false statement. According to Mr. Phillips - you know the owner - there was never any discussion of design. As soon as he found out the couple was gay he refused to sell them a wedding cake under the same conditions he sold his products to different sex couples.

Republicans just can't stop lying. About everything. It may be a virus they caught from Trump.
The Baker scenario with the Gays is a bad analogy. Nobody is forcing the owner, through the court system to serve Trump supporters.

I hope people show up in MAGA hats, and shirts to see if they are also thrown out, and denied service. Perfectly within the right of the restaurant owner, but bad for business.
You are not allowed to kick someone out of your restaurant who is black, Muslim or gay

You can kick someone out for being an asshole

I better way to express this is:

"You are not allowed to kick someone out of your restaurant because they are black, Muslim or gay

You can kick someone out for being an asshole"

The baker didn’t refuse service. He was asked to draw a pic that was pornographic
Well that is a false statement. According to Mr. Phillips - you know the owner - there was never any discussion of design. As soon as he found out the couple was gay he refused to sell them a wedding cake under the same conditions he sold his products to different sex couples.

Republicans just can't stop lying. About everything. It may be a virus they caught from Trump.

I'm a Republican.

You are not allowed to kick someone out of your restaurant who is black, Muslim or gay

You can kick someone out for being an asshole

How was Sanders being an asshole? Her, and her family were just trying to quietly enjoy their meal. There was not mention, nor display of politics by them at all.
How was Sanders being an asshole? Her, and her family were just trying to quietly enjoy their meal. There was not mention, nor display of politics by them at all.

Sanders displays her politics everyday on national television.


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