Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

Ain't Skeered, bitch! I will fight for what I believe in.

Y'all got it all fucked up. You'll get straightened out, don't worry.
snippet {
A pint-sized bully who loved to pull girls’ hair and once lobbed rocks at a toddler in his playpen. A loud-mouthed classroom know-all who could never admit he was wrong and boasted of giving the music teacher a black eye. And a sporting show-off who yearned to hear the crowd’s applause . . . but who would smash his baseball bat in fury if he didn’t win.

Arrogant, over-bearing, thin-skinned, determined, and not exactly great with the ladies — does this portrait of a child growing up in Fifties surburban New York sound like a certain grown-up (well, sort of grown-up) currently strutting the world stage?

Even as a child Donald Trump was a horror | Daily Mail Online

That could be me, :fu:
The owner of the business has turned politics into a "moral" issue and as such will have to live with the results. Remind me of the last liberal press secretary who was ever treated like this? Isn't it interesting that people on the left behave in ways that people on the right wouldn't DREAM of doing yet continually complain about how they are treated by the right? I can only hope that someday that owner is treated with the same "courtesy" (eye roll) as she treated Sarah Huckabee Sanders by someone who doesn't agree with her liberal politics!
A comment from their FB page:

"Your behavior toward Sarah Huckabee Sanders shows your lack for what good business sense is. You having no shame is an affirmation you come from “poor stock”.

You just committed business suicide. You won’t be in business by next year.
-by all means, enjoy this moment rolling in your class-less behavior, like the pig you really are."

The Red Hen
Ain't Skeered, bitch! I will fight for what I believe in.

Y'all got it all fucked up. You'll get straightened out, don't worry.
snippet {
A pint-sized bully who loved to pull girls’ hair and once lobbed rocks at a toddler in his playpen. A loud-mouthed classroom know-all who could never admit he was wrong and boasted of giving the music teacher a black eye. And a sporting show-off who yearned to hear the crowd’s applause . . . but who would smash his baseball bat in fury if he didn’t win.

Arrogant, over-bearing, thin-skinned, determined, and not exactly great with the ladies — does this portrait of a child growing up in Fifties surburban New York sound like a certain grown-up (well, sort of grown-up) currently strutting the world stage?

Even as a child Donald Trump was a horror | Daily Mail Online

That could be me, :fu:
LOL..kind of says it all, doesn't it?
Just more liberal rationalizing. You guys demonized a baker for not providing one service to a gay couple a wedding cake because he held the religious belief marriage was between a man and a woman but this you guys find totally acceptable. Hypocrisy thy name be liberal.
What is hypocritical exactly? The gay couple filed a complaint with the authorities, based on discriminating against a protected class. They appealed to the law. Why would you dismiss that so rudely?
What is hypocritical is the way the left treated this baker in comparsion to how they are responding to actions of the restaurant owner the claims of discrimination is false because the baker did not refuse service to gay people or throw them out of his bakery he said he could not provide one service because it went against his religious belief that marriage was between a man and a woman. If the restaurant owner said they couldn't provide a specific service to the Sanders party because it would go against a sincerley held religious belief of their's this would be a different story that however was not the case. This seems to be a case of discriminating against a person because you don't like who they work for or disagree with them on a political issue I would advise everyone left, right, and center to think long and hard before embracing that concept where it could end up taking us won't be pretty.
The owner of the business has turned politics into a "moral" issue and as such will have to live with the results. Remind me of the last liberal press secretary who was ever treated like this? Isn't it interesting that people on the left behave in ways that people on the right wouldn't DREAM of doing yet continually complain about how they are treated by the right? I can only hope that someday that owner is treated with the same "courtesy" (eye roll) as she treated Sarah Huckabee Sanders by someone who doesn't agree with her liberal politics!

2 wrongs don't make a right.
Ain't Skeered, bitch! I will fight for what I believe in.

Y'all got it all fucked up. You'll get straightened out, don't worry.
snippet {
A pint-sized bully who loved to pull girls’ hair and once lobbed rocks at a toddler in his playpen. A loud-mouthed classroom know-all who could never admit he was wrong and boasted of giving the music teacher a black eye. And a sporting show-off who yearned to hear the crowd’s applause . . . but who would smash his baseball bat in fury if he didn’t win.

Arrogant, over-bearing, thin-skinned, determined, and not exactly great with the ladies — does this portrait of a child growing up in Fifties surburban New York sound like a certain grown-up (well, sort of grown-up) currently strutting the world stage?

Even as a child Donald Trump was a horror | Daily Mail Online

That could be me, :fu:
LOL..kind of says it all, doesn't it?

If it says you're a faggot, yes!
What is hypocritical is the way the left treated this baker in comparsion to how they are responding to actions of the restaurant owner the claims of discrimination is false because the baker did not refuse service to gay people or throw them out of his bakery he said he could not provide one service because it went against his religious belief that marriage was between a man and a woman.

If the restaurant owner said they couldn't provide a specific service to the Sanders party because it would go against a sincerley held religious belief of their's this would be a different story that however was not the case. This seems to be a case of discriminating against a person because you don't like who they work for or disagree with them on a political issue I would advise everyone left, right, and center to think long and hard before embracing that concept where it could end up taking us won't be pretty.
The couple did not deny the baker claimed in refusing service to them because it went against what he claimed were his religious beliefs. it was in their filing.

Who said the baker threw them out of his bakery?

Now the Red Hen?

What is hypocritical is the way the left treated this baker in comparsion to how they are responding to actions of the restaurant owner the claims of discrimination is false because the baker did not refuse service to gay people or throw them out of his bakery he said he could not provide one service because it went against his religious belief that marriage was between a man and a woman.

If the restaurant owner said they couldn't provide a specific service to the Sanders party because it would go against a sincerley held religious belief of their's this would be a different story that however was not the case. This seems to be a case of discriminating against a person because you don't like who they work for or disagree with them on a political issue I would advise everyone left, right, and center to think long and hard before embracing that concept where it could end up taking us won't be pretty.
The couple did not deny the baker claimed in refusing service to them because it went against what he claimed were his religious beliefs. it was in their filing.

Who said the baker threw them out of his bakery?

Now the Red Hen?


"The Red Hen" is done.

They made their bed, now they have to lay in it.
Just more liberal rationalizing. You guys demonized a baker for not providing one service to a gay couple a wedding cake because he held the religious belief marriage was between a man and a woman but this you guys find totally acceptable. Hypocrisy thy name be liberal.
What is hypocritical exactly? The gay couple filed a complaint with the authorities, based on discriminating against a protected class. They appealed to the law. Why would you dismiss that so rudely?
What is hypocritical is the way the left treated this baker in comparsion to how they are responding to actions of the restaurant owner the claims of discrimination is false because the baker did not refuse service to gay people or throw them out of his bakery he said he could not provide one service because it went against his religious belief that marriage was between a man and a woman. If the restaurant owner said they couldn't provide a specific service to the Sanders party because it would go against a sincerley held religious belief of their's this would be a different story that however was not the case. This seems to be a case of discriminating against a person because you don't like who they work for or disagree with them on a political issue I would advise everyone left, right, and center to think long and hard before embracing that concept where it could end up taking us won't be pretty.
The Business Reserves the Right to Refuse Service to Whomever it Pleases.

Had the baker..whose side I'm one, btw...simply refused to bake the cake..there would have been no case..but he had to run his mouth...and make his "point'--then the Gay couple had to run their mouths and make their "point".

My point..too much running off at the mouth about your "Principles"--live your principles..and stop trying to make some elusive 'point.' No one who matters really cares...churning the internet froth for two news-cycles is not worth the inconvenience it will cause you.
The owner of the business has turned politics into a "moral" issue and as such will have to live with the results. Remind me of the last liberal press secretary who was ever treated like this? Isn't it interesting that people on the left behave in ways that people on the right wouldn't DREAM of doing yet continually complain about how they are treated by the right? I can only hope that someday that owner is treated with the same "courtesy" (eye roll) as she treated Sarah Huckabee Sanders by someone who doesn't agree with her liberal politics!

2 wrongs don't make a right.

They do if you believe in Karma, Marion...and I do! :)
Ain't Skeered, bitch! I will fight for what I believe in.

Y'all got it all fucked up. You'll get straightened out, don't worry.
snippet {
A pint-sized bully who loved to pull girls’ hair and once lobbed rocks at a toddler in his playpen. A loud-mouthed classroom know-all who could never admit he was wrong and boasted of giving the music teacher a black eye. And a sporting show-off who yearned to hear the crowd’s applause . . . but who would smash his baseball bat in fury if he didn’t win.

Arrogant, over-bearing, thin-skinned, determined, and not exactly great with the ladies — does this portrait of a child growing up in Fifties surburban New York sound like a certain grown-up (well, sort of grown-up) currently strutting the world stage?

Even as a child Donald Trump was a horror | Daily Mail Online

That could be me, :fu:
LOL..kind of says it all, doesn't it?

If it says you're a faggot, yes!
ROTFL..ahh Mary--you never disappoint. You compared yourself to an unflattering portrait of Trump..and you did so proudly!

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