Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

Really stupid to piss off at least HALF of your customer base. If I lived down there I'd NEVER set foot in the place. I bet many down there feel the same way.
so--I ask you, would it have been ok to kick out Obama?? yes or no?
For not liking his politics or believing he was a secret Muslim? One would be yes, the other no. I'm sure given enough time and effort, you could figure it out
so it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race/religion/etc??
Yes. How else do we get scum like her out of our national life?
so--I ask you, would it have been ok to kick out Obama?? yes or no?
For not liking his politics or believing he was a secret Muslim? One would be yes, the other no. I'm sure given enough time and effort, you could figure it out
so it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race/religion/etc??
Her creed is the legal term.

What does her "creed" have anything to do with this? She is supposed to be a public servant, not some clergy person for her 'team.'
so--I ask you, would it have been ok to kick out Obama?? yes or no?
For not liking his politics or believing he was a secret Muslim? One would be yes, the other no. I'm sure given enough time and effort, you could figure it out
so it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race/religion/etc??
Yes. How else do we get scum like her out of our national life?
ok got it--hate is ok with you can hate, as long as it's YOU doing the hating
but Trump can't hate?? that's wrong....
or the KKK
or white supremacists
or Republicans
or conservatives??
What does her "creed" have anything to do with this? She is supposed to be a public servant, not some clergy person for her 'team.'

So gay, and lesbian beliefs are OK, but not political beliefs? What's the difference?
so--I ask you, would it have been ok to kick out Obama?? yes or no?
For not liking his politics or believing he was a secret Muslim? One would be yes, the other no. I'm sure given enough time and effort, you could figure it out
so it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race/religion/etc??
Her creed is the legal term.

What does her "creed" have anything to do with this? She is supposed to be a public servant, not some clergy person for her 'team.'
You conflate religion with creed.
Bullshit they can claim whatever they want but there is no doubt in my mind they would have never done anything like that to any Democrat for any reason. Learn the correct spelling for get and your cowboy.
There has never been a Democrat like Trump, except when he was one, and if he was in office as a Democrat and had a spokesperson acting like that woman? The people called the owner at home.

Sarah was recognized as what she is - the face of untruths and hate
Just more liberal rationalizing. You guys demonized a baker for not providing one service to a gay couple a wedding cake because he held the religious belief marriage was between a man and a woman but this you guys find totally acceptable. Hypocrisy thy name be liberal.

There's nothing "liberal" about that. Possibly Marxist authoritarian.

That's just political asshattery that has no place in America.

They won't be in business next year though, they made their bed.
so--I ask you, would it have been ok to kick out Obama?? yes or no?
For not liking his politics or believing he was a secret Muslim? One would be yes, the other no. I'm sure given enough time and effort, you could figure it out
so it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race/religion/etc??
Yes. How else do we get scum like her out of our national life?
Ohhhh you know and the sooner the better. Let's get this party started.
so it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race/religion/etc??

it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race .. people like you hate more than half of America because of their politics

it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their religion, as long as their religion is not pushed into your life.

and it's always ok to hate someone because of their etcs
so it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race/religion/etc??

it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their race .. people like you hate more than half of America because of their politics

it's ok to hate someone for their politics but not their religion, as long as their religion is not pushed into your life.

and it's always ok to hate someone because of their etcs

Do you condone the antics of these restauranteurs? IMO, it's despicable.
Yes. How else do we get scum like her out of our national life?
You mean like Obama, Michelle, Biden, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary, Chelsea, etc? VOTE THEM OUT, which of course has already happened, thankfully.

Then we get the likes of trump, pigpence, ivanka sittin' on her daddy's lap, mcconnell, sanders, porters, cohens, manaforts, banonns, and then who got the jeffresses, the grahams, the perkins, the falwells, the hagee's. All scum. Fifthy, dirty people.

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