Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

...not me---the MSM/blacks/etc constantly bring race into an issue--when it has NOTHING to do with it
....I'm pointing out the hypocrisy and bullshit
..I'm pointing out the injustice
..I'm pointing out a perfect analogy
what you are doing is anything but analogy.

what you are doing is playing a race card'
Just more liberal rationalizing. You guys demonized a baker for not providing one service to a gay couple a wedding cake because he held the religious belief marriage was between a man and a woman but this you guys find totally acceptable. Hypocrisy thy name be liberal.
What is hypocritical exactly? The gay couple filed a complaint with the authorities, based on discriminating against a protected class. They appealed to the law. Why would you dismiss that so rudely?
I don't have an issue with this its a privately owned business the owner can lose money however they see fit. Liberals should be screaming for the place to be closed down I mean a woman was discriminated against isn't that sort of their thing ?

If some woman was discriminated against for being a woman. can you really be so stupid?

and they will not be losing $$$
Sarah Sanders is a women and she was discriminated against. If she had been a Liberal and asked to leave the left wouldn't mention her political leaning just the fact that she is a women and discriminated against.

I'm a woman, too. Women are as responsible for their behavior on the same basis as men. The lying bitch who chooses to work for a whore got her comeuppance. May the same thing happen to betsey-bibble bitch and the rest of them.

Besides, isn't she supposed to be a home to spread 'em when hubby snaps his fingers at her?
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...not me---the MSM/blacks/etc constantly bring race into an issue--when it has NOTHING to do with it
....I'm pointing out the hypocrisy and bullshit
..I'm pointing out the injustice
..I'm pointing out a perfect analogy
what you are doing is anything but analogy.

what you are doing is playing a race card'
so--I ask you, would it have been ok to kick out Obama?? yes or no?
Obama was one of the most radical, anti American Presidents we have ever had. Would libs feel the same way if Valerie Jarrett, or Biden were thrown out?
so--I ask you, would it have been ok to kick out Obama?? yes or no?
For not liking his politics or believing he was a secret Muslim? One would be yes, the other no. I'm sure given enough time and effort, you could figure it out
The left is completely out of control and has now reduced themselves to the childish behavior of disrupting Republicans at eating establishments.

The restaurants are complicit in this bullshit because they ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN rather than removing the people acting like unhinged lunatics.

Let these establishments know what you think. Call them, boycott them.

This is hilarious. The right complain when they don't get served, but DEMAND to be able to choose who they serve and don't serve.

Double standards and hypocrisy.
Obama was one of the most radical, anti American Presidents we have ever had. Would libs feel the same way if Valerie Jarrett, or Biden were thrown out?
Of course they wouldn't like it, they;d whine just like you're doing.

But it wouldn't alter the fact that it would have been legal, as long as it wasn't because Joe was supposed to be gay lover of Obama, and Valerie was thrown out for being a man dressed as a woman.
I'm thinking of those Blacks guys at the Starbucks. Where did people stand? What were their arguments

there must be threads on that one in here somewhere
The left is completely out of control and has now reduced themselves to the childish behavior of disrupting Republicans at eating establishments.

The restaurants are complicit in this bullshit because they ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN rather than removing the people acting like unhinged lunatics.

Let these establishments know what you think. Call them, boycott them.

This is hilarious. The right complain when they don't get served, but DEMAND to be able to choose who they serve and don't serve.

Double standards and hypocrisy.
Where did I make any such demand for service, idiot. The only demand I made is for consumers to show these morons the same level of respect they offered Sarah.
I'm a woman, too. Women are as responsible for their behavior on the same basis as men. The lying bitch who chooses to work for a whore got her comeuppance. May the same thing happen to betsey-bibble bitch and the rest of them.

This joint let in whomever they want, but the fact they are discriminating against conservatives doesn't bode well for them, IMHO.

President Trump allow libs to drink in his joints, he knows the hospitality business. Keith Olbermann was even greeted as a tenant in a Trump property in New York.

I don't give this place much of a chance for long term survival in declaring war on such a big segment of the dining public.
The restaurant owner is free to kick her out, and we are free to comment. People are also free to NOT GO THERE.
The restaurant owner is free to kick her out, and we are free to comment. People are also free to NOT GO THERE.

And people are free to go there. I would like the place to be fumigated first, since sanders actually was seated.
So much for tolerance, inclusiveness, diversity of thought, and trying to bridge the political divide in a civilized manner.

The Left just loves to divide, and polarize.
The restaurant is experiencing the consequences of their actions. To the owners credit, she says she would do It again. Let's see how long she feels that way.
The restaurant is experiencing the consequences of their actions. To the owners credit, she says she would do It again. Let's see how long she feels that way.

She is banking that the public has a short memory, which it often does. She probably also feels that area mostly agrees with her which may, or may not be true. The challenge will be to survive any short term, or even longer term drop in revenue. She rolled the dice, and will have to live with the consequences. Such is life.

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