Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

I don't have an issue with this its a privately owned business the owner can lose money however they see fit. Liberals should be screaming for the place to be closed down I mean a woman was discriminated against isn't that sort of their thing ?

If some woman was discriminated against for being a woman. can you really be so stupid?

and they will not be losing $$$
Okay, we'll see if they're in business 1 year from now. I bet not. :funnyface:


{ Lexington, population 7,000, had voted overwhelmingly against Trump in a county that voted overwhelmingly for him. She knew the community was deeply divided over such issues as Confederate flags. She knew, she said, that her restaurant and its half-dozen servers and cooks had managed to stay in business for 10 years by keeping politics off the menu. }

A restaurant owner quietly asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave. It went viral. But she'd do it again.

Yes, really, faggot! Some people are American. Watch what happens. If I was there, I'd damn sure boycott them.
I'm going to Lexington next week. I'll have some fun wearing my MAGA hat and watching the mentally ill freak out.
Seriously, that is simply a douchebag move, and anyone with common decency will realize that.

Are we not all Americans? Are those people that big of asshats?

Bullshit they can claim whatever they want but there is no doubt in my mind they would have never done anything like that to any Democrat for any reason. Learn the correct spelling for get and your cowboy.
There has never been a Democrat like Trump, except when he was one, and if he was in office as a Democrat and had a spokesperson acting like that woman? The people called the owner at home.

Sarah was recognized as what she is - the face of untruths and hate
Just more liberal rationalizing. You guys demonized a baker for not providing one service to a gay couple a wedding cake because he held the religious belief marriage was between a man and a woman but this you guys find totally acceptable. Hypocrisy thy name be liberal.
The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.

The baker never kicked anyone out. Read the court decision if you are unsure of the actual background of the situation. Just simply read the recent SCOTUS on decision and I'm sure you will have a different opinion. And here is an excerpt from the decisions from section I, A:

"Phillips informed the couple that he does not “create” wedding cakes for same-sex weddings. He explained, “I’ll make your birthday cakes, shower cakes, sell you cookies and brownies, I just don’t make cakes for same sex weddings.” The couple left the shop without further discussion."

Your point is wildly incorrect. But if you want to know the truth read the decision or ask the baker or the couple yourself. Just be informed with proper facts so people can know you are telling the truth. That's if you even care.
The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.

The baker never kicked anyone out. Read the court decision if you are unsure of the actual background of the situation. Just simply read the recent SCOTUS on decision and I'm sure you will have a different opinion. And here is an excerpt from the decisions from section I, A:

"Phillips informed the couple that he does not “create” wedding cakes for same-sex weddings. He explained, “I’ll make your birthday cakes, shower cakes, sell you cookies and brownies, I just don’t make cakes for same sex weddings.” The couple left the shop without further discussion."

Your point is wildly incorrect. But if you want to know the truth read the decision or ask the baker or the couple yourself. Just be informed with proper facts so people can know you are telling the truth. That's if you even care.
Yeah, I know. Since this red chicken can kick Sarah out for her gender and creed on moral grounds, that's all the baker needs, too.

Most far-left Liberals and many Democrats are so blind to their ideology, they are willing to risk losing a presidential election again in 2020. Keep alienating anyone who does not have the same belief and I guarantee they will never vote for any of your candidates. You call Republicans and conservatives racist and stupid and expect them to vote for Democrats? This logic is ridiculous. Why do you think so many people freaked out and even cried when Hillary lost? This is because they never saw any other outcome then Hillary winning. Thats alot of confidence. How do Dem's expect to win ever any Republicans or Conservatives when the media, celebrities, and other notable figures continue to call anyone with an opposing view stupid. Good luck with that kind of tactic.
The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.

The baker never kicked anyone out. Read the court decision if you are unsure of the actual background of the situation. Just simply read the recent SCOTUS on decision and I'm sure you will have a different opinion. And here is an excerpt from the decisions from section I, A:

"Phillips informed the couple that he does not “create” wedding cakes for same-sex weddings. He explained, “I’ll make your birthday cakes, shower cakes, sell you cookies and brownies, I just don’t make cakes for same sex weddings.” The couple left the shop without further discussion."

Your point is wildly incorrect. But if you want to know the truth read the decision or ask the baker or the couple yourself. Just be informed with proper facts so people can know you are telling the truth. That's if you even care.
Yeah, I know. Since this red chicken can kick Sarah out for her gender and creed on moral grounds, that's all the baker needs, too.


I'm wasting my time talking to you. You don't really care. All emotion, no logic. Best wishes. BTW, great job in posting a picture that was Photo shopped by Time mag, and now you have posted another layered image with more foolishness. Did you do that yourself? You get a gold star for effort!
The baker can kick out gays on moral grounds. Case closed.

The baker never kicked anyone out. Read the court decision if you are unsure of the actual background of the situation. Just simply read the recent SCOTUS on decision and I'm sure you will have a different opinion. And here is an excerpt from the decisions from section I, A:

"Phillips informed the couple that he does not “create” wedding cakes for same-sex weddings. He explained, “I’ll make your birthday cakes, shower cakes, sell you cookies and brownies, I just don’t make cakes for same sex weddings.” The couple left the shop without further discussion."

Your point is wildly incorrect. But if you want to know the truth read the decision or ask the baker or the couple yourself. Just be informed with proper facts so people can know you are telling the truth. That's if you even care.
Yeah, I know. Since this red chicken can kick Sarah out for her gender and creed on moral grounds, that's all the baker needs, too.


I'm wasting my time talking to you. You don't really care. All emotion, no logic. Best wishes. BTW, great job in posting a picture that was Photo shopped by Time mag, and now you have posted another layered image with more foolishness. Did you do that yourself? You get a gold star for effort!
Your pseudo-intellectual faux-tificating notwithstanding, you amuse me. Be more angry next time.
again--the leftists/etc show their hypocrisy = Trump is the hater/racist/jerk---------no, the left is undeniably, blatantly showing THEY are the haters
you consider standing up to 'that woman' and what she stands for as being hateful?
standing up for what, specifically?? if they did this to Obama or some black, you would yell RACISM/HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wouldn't you??
there you go again with race.

get a life
...not me---the MSM/blacks/etc constantly bring race into an issue--when it has NOTHING to do with it
....I'm pointing out the hypocrisy and bullshit
..I'm pointing out the injustice
..I'm pointing out a perfect analogy
She is a pig and she should be treated as one. I would not welcome her or any trump supporter into my business. And I'm not even a liberal....sick and tired of the fake compassion, bunch of liars and crooks.

So you are an intolerant bigot that hates tolerant bigots, however you are morally superior because you feel you are and is all about you nd your feelings.

I wouldn’t eat at an establishment that discriminated against people of color, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual preference, religion or politics.

I feel you have a right to be a bigoted asshole and not serve people with which you disagree, just post sign that you are a bigoted asshole that reserves the right for you to be a bigoted asshole and I will definitely stay away.
You call me a bigot and you voted for a bigot? HAHAHAHA what an idiot.
I'm not a fan of bigots that vote and help bigots...if that makes me a bigot, GREAT.

Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.
I don't have an issue with this its a privately owned business the owner can lose money however they see fit. Liberals should be screaming for the place to be closed down I mean a woman was discriminated against isn't that sort of their thing ?

If some woman was discriminated against for being a woman. can you really be so stupid?

and they will not be losing $$$
Sarah Sanders is a women and she was discriminated against. If she had been a Liberal and asked to leave the left wouldn't mention her political leaning just the fact that she is a women and discriminated against.
I don't have an issue with this its a privately owned business the owner can lose money however they see fit. Liberals should be screaming for the place to be closed down I mean a woman was discriminated against isn't that sort of their thing ?

If some woman was discriminated against for being a woman. can you really be so stupid?

and they will not be losing $$$
Sarah Sanders is a women and she was discriminated against. If she had been a Liberal and asked to leave the left wouldn't mention her political leaning just the fact that she is a women and discriminated against.
Her political leaning is her creed.
The business can kick her out, and people can then refuse to patronize them because of it. Good riddance.
Sarah Sanders is a women and she was discriminated against. If she had been a Liberal and asked to leave the left wouldn't mention her political leaning just the fact that she is a women and discriminated against.
Whatever planet you are living on must be losing it's oxygen atmosphere

If Sarah had another political leaning and Tweeted as she did, no one could deny the facts. Your hatred is blinding you

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