Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

He implies, you infer. If you infer something he didn't imply, and then you accuse him of an "implication" that only exists in your muddled mind, you may be an Always-Trumper - marked by a determination to stay ignorant.
Nobody cares. Try sticking to the he topic

Of course! Ignorance is always best, in some eyes.

Professional liar-to-the-public isn't a protected class. The restaurateur was completely within her rights asking Sanders to leave, injudicious though it may have been.

Sanders doubled-down, lying in her tweet that she treats people respectfully, even those she disagrees with. If SH Sanders had any self-respect, she would quit her job as a liar-for-hire.
Why else would a worker vote for trickle down economics?
trickle down can also mean MONEY CIRCULATION..................

More people work.........more spend..........more circulation............

Unemployment numbers are down......still use misguided ways to get it.......but it's very low historically........and when more work......less need assistance........and more spend............Which is good for America.
How’s your nest egg? You gonna get to retire at 67? Be honest. Most of you the honest answer is no
And with Republican House voting to cut SS and medicare the children of Republicans will get the shitty end of repubs stick ,,Starve the beast??
The unintended consequences of unfunded liabilities..........will mean the children will never see programs are 2/3rds of our spending and growing and REALITY all nations that are stupid will implode our country
How about taking the theft out of those social programs ,,,, Before cutting off your nose to spite your face?
What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?
If only Sarah Sander's had one drop of black blood in her. In that unlikely event, I wonder how fast that little shack can burn down with a strike of one match?
This would be fun

A large crowd of Conservatives show up at the restaurant. Order large meals, eat the meals, linger, order desert and a few drinks.

When the staff brings the tickets, write on the bill that you are a conservative and wouldn’t want the staff to feel offended by accepting payment. Then quietly get up and leave.
And the crooked cops don’t do anything about it.

Or they shoot you in the back three time while you’re trying to get away. That’d be fun

It’s simple civil disobedience. You folks love that tactic, right?

Another one that can dish it out but can’t take it.
It's a great idea, but I'd just not tip.

Less chance of being arrested that way.
This would be fun

A large crowd of Conservatives show up at the restaurant. Order large meals, eat the meals, linger, order desert and a few drinks.

When the staff brings the tickets, write on the bill that you are a conservative and wouldn’t want the staff to feel offended by accepting payment. Then quietly get up and leave.
And the crooked cops don’t do anything about it.

Or they shoot you in the back three time while you’re trying to get away. That’d be fun

It’s simple civil disobedience. You folks love that tactic, right?

Another one that can dish it out but can’t take it.
It's a great idea, but I'd just not tip.
why hurt a waiter struggling to make a living?
Why else would a worker vote for trickle down economics?
trickle down can also mean MONEY CIRCULATION..................

More people work.........more spend..........more circulation............

Unemployment numbers are down......still use misguided ways to get it.......but it's very low historically........and when more work......less need assistance........and more spend............Which is good for America.
How’s your nest egg? You gonna get to retire at 67? Be honest. Most of you the honest answer is no
And with Republican House voting to cut SS and medicare the children of Republicans will get the shitty end of repubs stick ,,Starve the beast??
The unintended consequences of unfunded liabilities..........will mean the children will never see programs are 2/3rds of our spending and growing and REALITY all nations that are stupid will implode our country
How about taking the theft out of those social programs ,,,, Before cutting off your nose to spite your face?
What mean reform.........exposing those who get it but don't deserve it...........

Or do you mean when the system took it out of General Fund and spent every cent of it.............replaced it with a stack of IOU's...............I can post UNSUSTAINABLE REPORTS for a very long time............GAO............and other agencies who every year say it..............It's a ticking time bomb.
Sanders doubled-down, lying in her tweet that she treats people respectfully, even those she disagrees with. If SH Sanders had any self-respect, sh
If you and other libtards would understand the optics of your shenighans, you would stop with this pointless lunacy. You think it's cute, but normal, fair minded voters are saying to themselves "Do I really want these bozos in charge of my government?"

2016 was but a forerunner of what is coming to your side in 2018 and 2020.
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What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?
If only Sarah Sander's had one drop of black blood in her. In that unlikely event, I wonder how fast that little shack can burn down with a strike of one match?

The nativists are restless. They've gone from walking out on the check to burning them out, skipping the armed robbery completely.
I’m thinking that Sanders was lured to the restaurant under the false pretense that this was open to the public, then after being seated was informed it was a private club.

Exactly right, 100%.

Nothing on the Red Hen website, no signs outside the joint, indicate it is a Leftist Only Establishment.

If they had a massive Homosexual Flag in front, and the staff all wore pink genitalia hats, people would know.

As it was, Ms. Wilkerson portrayed her beanery as someplace that is affirming of all ideologies, a lie.
trickle down can also mean MONEY CIRCULATION..................

More people work.........more spend..........more circulation............

Unemployment numbers are down......still use misguided ways to get it.......but it's very low historically........and when more work......less need assistance........and more spend............Which is good for America.
How’s your nest egg? You gonna get to retire at 67? Be honest. Most of you the honest answer is no
And with Republican House voting to cut SS and medicare the children of Republicans will get the shitty end of repubs stick ,,Starve the beast??
The unintended consequences of unfunded liabilities..........will mean the children will never see programs are 2/3rds of our spending and growing and REALITY all nations that are stupid will implode our country
How about taking the theft out of those social programs ,,,, Before cutting off your nose to spite your face?
What mean reform.........exposing those who get it but don't deserve it...........

Or do you mean when the system took it out of General Fund and spent every cent of it.............replaced it with a stack of IOU's...............I can post UNSUSTAINABLE REPORTS for a very long time............GAO............and other agencies who every year say it..............It's a ticking time bomb.
Mostly doctors who are ripping of medicare Every week I hear of another multi million $ scam
You know what happens when you allow one Republican to eat in your establishment. They tell their friends and then more and more will want to be served

You gotta nip it in the bud

The main problem here is that Ms. Wilkerson doesn't have an announcement on her website declaring her joint to be a Conservative-Free establishment. If it did, Ms. Sanders would have never made the reservations.

Although I'd say she's crazy. My grandfather served anyone in his store who had money. Did you ask broads their politics when you sold them a brassiere, ed? Did you ask them if they were a "D"?


Indeed it is. They should also announce if they have homos working in the kitchens or handling food at any point. this should actually be required by law if they serve children, so parents can make intelligent decisions re their kids' health and exposure to nasty epidemics and pedophiles.
Sanders doubled-down, lying in her tweet that she treats people respectfully, even those she disagrees with. If SH Sanders had any self-respect, sh
If you and other libtard would understand the optics of your shenighans, you would stop with this pointless lunacy. You think it's cute, but normal, fair minded voters are saying to themselves "Do I really want these bozos in charge of my government?"

2016 was but a forerunner of what is coming to your side in 2018 and 2020.

Dude, if you have never seen her hold a press conference, you're excused on account of ignorance. She belittles, demeans, and insults. She doesn't treat people respectfully. In this case, "good optics" can only come through a journalistic cleansing by the right wing media.
Dude, if you have never seen her hold a press conference, you're excused on account of ignorance. She belittles, demeans, and insults. She doesn't treat people respectfully. In this case, "good optics" can only come through a journalistic cleansing by the right wing media.

Actually, she fights back, and counterpunches when leftard journalists from the Fake News Media attack first.

Just like her boss.
Dude, if you have never seen her hold a press conference, you're excused on account of ignorance. She belittles, demeans, and insults. She doesn't treat people respectfully. In this case, "good optics" can only come through a journalistic cleansing by the right wing media.

Actually, she fights back, and counterpunches when leftard journalists from the Fake News Media attack first.

Just like her boss.
fake news? just more trump BS he handed down to you sheep
The Left is consumed by hate for those in which they disagree. This restaurant owner made it a "moral" issue, but it is really just her being intolerant of other people's political views. Petty, petulant, childish, and immature. Another far left kook becoming unhinged due to Trump.
If this baker has "moral issues," so does this restaurateur. She may be a Christian. Ever think of that?
I have a big sign in front of my business that says 'No honkeys, rednecks, evangelicals, pro-lifers, gun nuts, homophobes or deplorables.

Oops, I get my tenses mixed up some times. Make that "had". I HAD a sign in front of my business......

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