Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

We don't HAVE a PC police squad, Old School! That's YOU GUYS!
Yet there you were PC policing. Will you be okay? :itsok:

I'm fine thanks. The guy I voted for to do a job is in office and slowly but surely checking off the things on the agenda he ran on.

The better question is...are YOU okay? The woman you voted for is unemployed and sitting on her sizable rump bemoaning the fact she didn't win the Presidency. Will you be okay?
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Apparently the supreme court says they can do just what they did….
No. SCOTUS only ruled for the baker. The judgement can't be used to protect the The Red Shithouse restaurant from a PA violation. Trump supporters should invade the restaurant, taking up all the seats and ordering only water.

Alternatively, the President and White House staff could behave in ways worthy of respect.

Little chance of that happening
Sarah Sanders: Trump OK With Businesses Hanging Antigay Signs

"The lawyer for the solicitor general's office for the administration said today in the Supreme Court if it would be legal, possible for a baker to put a sign in his window saying we don't bake cakes for gay weddings," The New York Timess Michael Shear asked. "Does the president agree that that would be OK?"

"The president certainly supports religious liberty and that's something he talked about during the campaign and has upheld since taking office," Sanders replied.

When pressed on whether that included support for signs that deny service to gay people, Sanders responded, "I believe that would include that."

The problem here seems to be the business did not put up a sign that says......We do not serve lying assholes here
Why should people be forced to not only accept the Gay lifestyle, and agenda, but embrace, agree, and effectively promote something in which they disagree? I thought this was still a free country?
There is no discrimination as long as there are restaurants who are willing to serve her kind

Not true. There were plenty of restaurants willing to serve blacks in Atlanta, but Jimmy Carter's running mate Lester Maddox was still discriminating when he didn't serve conservative blacks.

It's true that Maddox's Pickrick Restaurant discriminated against black people. It's not true that Lester Maddox and Jimmy Carter were running mates.
It's true that Maddox's Pickrick Restaurant discriminated against black people. It's not true that Lester Maddox and Jimmy Carter were running mates.

Maddox served as Carter's Lieutenant Governor in the Democrat Party when Mr. Peanut was Georgia's guv.
The problem here seems to be the business did not put up a sign that says......We do not serve lying assholes here

So I guess Obama should not have been served after emphatically saying you can keep your doctor, you can keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD! And that your healthcare insurance costs would go down? All lies like "you didn't build that!"
Please quit morphing the story. Sanders said she was asked to leave because she worked for @POTUS, not because she was a conservative.

Some pinhead was posting as if half the country works for @POTUS.
It's true that Maddox's Pickrick Restaurant discriminated against black people. It's not true that Lester Maddox and Jimmy Carter were running mates.

Maddox served as Carter's Lieutenant Governor in the Democrat Party when Mr. Peanut was Georgia's guv.

Yes, but they weren't running mates. Those offices are filled by separate elections, they frequently don't get along, and they are not always of the same party.
Why should people be forced to not only accept the Gay lifestyle, and agenda, but embrace, agree, and effectively promote something in which they disagree? I thought this was still a free country?

And why should anyone be forced to accept a Conservative lifestyle. They are not born that way, they are Conservatives by CHOICE

Get the fuk out of here Sarah Sanders
The problem here seems to be the business did not put up a sign that says......We do not serve lying assholes here

So I guess Obama should not have been served after emphatically saying you can keep your doctor, you can keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD! And that your healthcare insurance costs would go down? All lies like "you didn't build that!"
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare plans

And why should anyone be forced to accept a Conservative lifestyle. They are not born that way, they are Conservatives by CHOICE

Get the fuk out of here Sarah Sanders

Nobody is saying you do, but the Media, and Democrats, say I must not only accept, but agree with the Gay agenda. If I don't I am Racist, Sexist, and a Homophobe deplorable.
The left is completely out of control and has now reduced themselves to the childish behavior of disrupting Republicans at eating establishments.

The restaurants are complicit in this bullshit because they ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN rather than removing the people acting like unhinged lunatics.

Let these establishments know what you think. Call them, boycott them.
This is going to backfire with the Supremes. They think it's driving a point home but what it's really doing is driving the last few nails in the coffin of their false premise being exposed to the Supremes. They are not innate. They are a cult that has become militant and has seized what used to be the good democratic party and turned it into a fascist child-pervert religion. Like 1930s Germany where they too also had parades inviting youth to watch. And if they think those old Jews on the USSC are going to miss the similarities the next case that comes their way, they'd better think again.
And why should anyone be forced to accept a Conservative lifestyle. They are not born that way, they are Conservatives by CHOICE

Get the fuk out of here Sarah Sanders

Nobody is saying you do, but the Media, and Democrats, say I must not only accept, but agree with the Gay agenda. If I don't I am Racist, Sexist, and a Homophobe deplorable.

You have a right to be a racist, sexist homophobe. Don't give up just because some people disagree with you.
And if they think those old Jews on the USSC are going to miss the similarities the next case that comes their way, they'd better think again.

Yes, they will ignore the similarities. U.S. Progressive Jews are largely self loathing. They are anti Israel, and their new religion is the Far Left, and Democrat talking points. Being Jewish has no bearing beyond the Bolshevik tradition of government redistribution of wealth, and the confiscation of earnings.
The problem here seems to be the business did not put up a sign that says......We do not serve lying assholes here

So I guess Obama should not have been served after emphatically saying you can keep your doctor, you can keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD! And that your healthcare insurance costs would go down? All lies like "you didn't build that!"
98 percent of Americans kept their healthcare plans


I kept my doctor. I don't know why everyone was whining - particularly conservatives on this board. They're all rich, self-made and didn't need O-care. Surely they kept their doctors. Unless their employer changed carriers and plans, as some do every couple of years.

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