Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

You have a right to be a racist, sexist homophobe. Don't give up just because some people disagree with you.

Agreed, but you will be demonized by the Left, the Media, Education, Corporate America, and much of Government for expressing that right.
The couple did not deny the baker claimed in refusing service to them because it went against what he claimed were his religious beliefs. it was in their filing.

Who said the baker threw them out of his bakery?

Now the Red Hen?


How can liberals who support open borders refuse to serve anyone?
How can anyone be as dumb as you are?

Hillary Clinton said children of immigrants should go back in 2014

{ The law flew through the Senate with a vote of 80 to 19. (One senator, Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, was not present. John Kerry, the state’s other senator, voted against it.) In the House, the measure passed 283 to 138, with 64 Democrats supporting it. (The Massachusetts delegation was split.) From there it went to then-President George W. Bush, who signed it 12 days before the 2006 mid-term elections.

The number of illegal immigrants in the United States reached about 12 million in 2007, and has since dropped off. }
In 2006, Democrats supported legislation to build border fence - The Boston Globe
And if they think those old Jews on the USSC are going to miss the similarities the next case that comes their way, they'd better think again.

Yes, they will ignore the similarities. U.S. Progressive Jews are largely self loathing. They are anti Israel, and their new religion is the Far Left, and Democrat talking points. Being Jewish has no bearing beyond the Bolshevik tradition of government redistribution of wealth, and the confiscation of earnings.

Bullshit. 'Self-loathing' existing in the eye of the beholder is bullshit. You wouldn't say "ונקלע טאָם" to a progressive Jewish person's face.

Calling things that aren't religion a religion is also bullshit. Religious or religiously can be useful adjectives, though.
You have a right to be a racist, sexist homophobe. Don't give up just because some people disagree with you.

Agreed, but you will be demonized by the Left, the Media, Education, Corporate America, and much of Government for expressing that right.

Oh, I'm a liberal. I think it takes an idiot to be those things, but you were posting as if someone is taking your rights. No one is. Accept your demonization if it's due.
As far as the Red Hen goes fine if that's going to be standard just make sure you apply it equally if any prominent Democrat is asked to leave a restaurant no bitching or complaning about it same standard works for that as well.

It's an individual restaurant, not a policy of Dem owned establishments (oh wish it would be lol how funny to to rightwing snowmen melt).

Sarah was not asked to leave because she is a prominent Republican.
Whoops! The Lexington VA Facebook page and website is inundated with people calling Stephanie Wilkinson the bigot that she is. Here's a sample:


Apparently her restaurant is closed this evening. LOL Was being a bigot and a Liberal hero over one Republican who just wanted to buy dinner at your restaurant with all this hassle now? You're a dumbass Stephanie. You deserve the loss of business even if it's just for one night.

Good job Sarah Huckabee Sanders for getting the word out on this bigot!

The News-Gazette
Good job Sarah Huckabee Sanders for getting the word out to all the bigots and haters! Way to go! Show us your true nature
Oh, I'm a liberal. I think it takes an idiot to be those things, but you were posting as if someone is taking your rights. No one is. Accept your demonization if it's due.

I don't have to accept anything, nor will I, just stating the reality of intolerant, progressive Democrats as evidenced by this restaurant owner who only believes her views are valid. Anti freedom HYPOCRITES.
as usual, I point out facts and back them up--the left/you are the nazis
you just babble on with 0 facts/etc
I've asked on many threads what Trump's big crime is
I've asked what Sander's big crime is
no one can come up with anything
they've tried to say Trump is racist/etc -hahahaha--and I've always proved them wrong
"I've asked on many threads what Trump's big crime is"

Answer Having children

"I've asked what Sander's big crime is"

Answer Sleeping with her dad

"no one can come up with anything"

Answer I just did you babbling imbecile
Wry Catcher said: It's an expression of an honest emotion, serial liars deserve no respect

Joseph Goebbels said: It's an expression of an honest emotion, Jews deserve no respect

I see no difference in the sentiments expressed. These are the true Nazis and we all know what the ultimate solution to the problem was.
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Customer to Owner

I’m sorry I can’t pay for this meal, my anti abortion salad didn’t have Russian dressing on it, my build the wall Steak was over cooked and my Chocolate Cake tasted a bit like I’m going to have my taxes increased to cover the cost of illegal immigration.
or the KKK
or white supremacists
All decent Americans hate those two groups
and it's also ok to hate for political reasons??
hitler and his SA/etc disrupted and kicked out people for political reasons
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)
leftists/dems BLM/ disrupt the meetings of political opponents:
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
More than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Trump rally
....all over the US they [ Democrats/Leftists/BLM/ disrupted the meeting of a political opponent -EXACTLY like hitler's SA did
Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

Hitler needed more people to hate him, then the world would be a better place. Lesson learned
as usual, I point out facts and back them up--the left/you are the nazis
you just babble on with 0 facts/etc
I've asked on many threads what Trump's big crime is
I've asked what Sander's big crime is
no one can come up with anything
they've tried to say Trump is racist/etc -hahahaha--and I've always proved them wrong
It's all they got.................worthless drivel...........
Is it that time of the month again, or you all dried up like a prune?
Wry Catcher said: It's an expression of an honest emotion, serial liars deserve no respect

Josef Gerbels said: It's an expression of an honest emotion, Jews deserve no respect

These are the true Nazis.

The sign of a true Nazi is someone who forces artists to create art.
All decent Americans hate those two groups
and it's also ok to hate for political reasons??
hitler and his SA/etc disrupted and kicked out people for political reasons
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)
leftists/dems BLM/ disrupt the meetings of political opponents:
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
More than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Trump rally
....all over the US they [ Democrats/Leftists/BLM/ disrupted the meeting of a political opponent -EXACTLY like hitler's SA did
Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

Hitler needed more people to hate him, then the world would be a better place. Lesson learned
as usual, I point out facts and back them up--the left/you are the nazis
you just babble on with 0 facts/etc
I've asked on many threads what Trump's big crime is
I've asked what Sander's big crime is
no one can come up with anything
they've tried to say Trump is racist/etc -hahahaha--and I've always proved them wrong
It's all they got.................worthless drivel...........
Is it that time of the month again, or you all dried up like a prune?

Wow, ^^^^^ talk about a limped Dick response!
Sarah Sanders: Trump OK With Businesses Hanging Antigay Signs

"The lawyer for the solicitor general's office for the administration said today in the Supreme Court if it would be legal, possible for a baker to put a sign in his window saying we don't bake cakes for gay weddings," The New York Timess Michael Shear asked. "Does the president agree that that would be OK?"

"The president certainly supports religious liberty and that's something he talked about during the campaign and has upheld since taking office," Sanders replied.

When pressed on whether that included support for signs that deny service to gay people, Sanders responded, "I believe that would include that."

The problem here seems to be the business did not put up a sign that says......We do not serve lying assholes here

If they all did, you’d have no place to go
Is liberalism considered an "immutable" characteristic? The Colorado baker refused to back a cake for a Liberal concept like Gay Marriage.

Plenty of homosexuals throughout history had no use for Gay Marriage either, even those who had the power to change it. Alexander the Great and James I liked it in the butt as much as anyone, and even though they were absolute monarch who could have legalized it they did not.

All the Colorado baker was doing was discriminating on the basis of POLITICAL belief, not an immutable characteristic
I think a group of conservatives need to teach the Red C*nt that kicking a patron from your establishment "on moral grounds" is not upheld by the SCOTUS. Violating PA laws is not permitted anywhere.
Customer to Owner

I’m sorry I can’t pay for this meal, my anti abortion salad didn’t have Russian dressing on it, my build the wall Steak was over cooked and my Chocolate Cake tasted a bit like I’m going to have my taxes increased to cover the cost of illegal immigration.
Typical freeloader conservative
Customer to Owner

I’m sorry I can’t pay for this meal, my anti abortion salad didn’t have Russian dressing on it, my build the wall Steak was over cooked and my Chocolate Cake tasted a bit like I’m going to have my taxes increased to cover the cost of illegal immigration.
Typical freeloader conservative

A social justice warrior!

Power to the people (and shit like that)

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