Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

Yet there you were PC policing. Will you be okay? :itsok:

I'm fine thanks. The guy I voted for to do a job is in office and slowly but surely checking off the things on the agenda he ran on.

The better question is...are YOU okay? The woman you voted for is unemployed and sitting on her sizable rump bemoaning the fact she didn't win the Presidency. Will you be okay?
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
I'm fine thanks. The guy I voted for to do a job is in office and slowly but surely checking off the things on the agenda he ran on.

The better question is...are YOU okay? The woman you voted for is unemployed and sitting on her sizable rump bemoaning the fact she didn't win the Presidency. Will you be okay?
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
Seems nogood you only missed by 13 million ,,,and that was 2016 figures Bet it's more now
I'm fine thanks. The guy I voted for to do a job is in office and slowly but surely checking off the things on the agenda he ran on.

The better question is...are YOU okay? The woman you voted for is unemployed and sitting on her sizable rump bemoaning the fact she didn't win the Presidency. Will you be okay?
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
You said hundreds of million will lose it.
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
You said hundreds of million will lose it.
If I said that IF,,,I misswrote Thought I wrote 100's of millions$$ I should have said dollars
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
You said hundreds of million will lose it.
how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
You said hundreds of million will lose it.
how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
My only error knowgood was expecting you to know what the house passed and to know they couldn't cut 100's of millions of people That I was referring to dollars. I'll be more careful when posting to you
No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
You said hundreds of million will lose it.
how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Since there are only about 44 million people on Medicare. You proved yourself a liar and a stupid one at that.
Speaking of liars nogood
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired ...
Social Security & Medicare Current Facts & Figures 2016 - Retired Americans
Jan 21, 2016 - Nearly 165 million workers contribute to Medicare through payroll taxes. Approximately 57 million people receive Medicare benefits, including: 47.9 million individuals 65. 9.1 million disabled individuals.
You said hundreds of million will lose it.
how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
Here eagle,,,,,,,,,,House GOP plan would cut Medicare, Social Security to balance budget – The Denver Post
You call me a bigot and you voted for a bigot? HAHAHAHA what an idiot.
I'm not a fan of bigots that vote and help bigots...if that makes me a bigot, GREAT.

Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.
Jesus would tell them not to break the law, repent, and sin no more.

Moses would tell them not to covet thy neighbor's goods.
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.
Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.
Jesus would tell them not to break the law, repent, and sin no more.

Moses would tell them not to covet thy neighbor's goods.
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.
The illegals have broken the law. Enforcing it is not the sin. Therefore to the lawbreaker He forgives, if he repents and stops doing it.

Do not covet thy neighbor's goods.
Customer to Owner

I’m sorry I can’t pay for this meal, my anti abortion salad didn’t have Russian dressing on it, my build the wall Steak was over cooked and my Chocolate Cake tasted a bit like I’m going to have my taxes increased to cover the cost of illegal immigration.
Typical freeloader conservative

A social justice warrior!

Power to the people (and shit like that)
No, just a defender of truth, justice and the American way

Look, up in the sky, it’s super twat!
Sarah Sanders says restaurant owner in Virginia told her to leave

Will visit this restuarant the next time I am in Alexandria....for sure! BIG TIP!
If it is still standing. is the rule that was violated....Do your job MODS

  • No Direct or implied threats of violence/harm towards another member, or members family and/or threats with the intent of interfering in or disrupting a member's life. Moderation may act on obvious Stalking and Harassment of members on the forums.L
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.
I speak for Jesus Weather,,,,,,you are in a shit load of trouble

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