Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

"Some who defend baker’s right to refuse service to gay couples, whine re ppl refusing service to a person who’s the face of a deceitful Administration. What’s good for the goose, is good for the Red Hen. Difference is, being gay is not a choice. Being an accomplice to Trump, is." - Supercilious Ana Navarro
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
Going Deeper....

Go deeper: The story behind Sarah Sanders' boot from a VA restaurant

I actually have mixed feelings about this. I am not totally on board with the owner's decision to ask Sarah to leave....but it is their right.

The owner allowed her staff to talk her into it. I think that was an unforced error...not unlike separating children from their families.

I will still visit the establishment when in that area. I am sure many others will and many others won't.

The violent brain dead faction of the Trumpette are a concern. We have seen that even on this board.....There was NOTHING violent in what the owner did.
Nothing violent in exercising the right to choose where people spend money either............

They could have just let them eat in peace and not play politics............what comes their way is their own doing.
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?
Your positions are all left. So spare me, and why do you avoid answering my post on your lack of compassion? Oh wait because you are dead wrong and can’t defend it.
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?

He seems to really believe he knows what a "lefty" is, and yet can never offer a proper definition. It is used by too many as a pejorative, and echoed about as a meme; which, most supporters of Trump never question. Curiosity is not part of the makeup of a Trump supporter, or so it seems.
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?

He seems to really believe he knows what a "lefty" is, and yet can never offer a proper definition. It is used by too many as a pejorative, and echoed about as a meme; which, most supporters of Trump never question. Curiosity is not part of the makeup of a Trump supporter, or so it seems.

Parroting Trump's talking points and tweets doesn't require any critical thinking.

Curiosity does.

Trump supporters have no curiosity because they are intellectually lazy.
Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?

He seems to really believe he knows what a "lefty" is, and yet can never offer a proper definition. It is used by too many as a pejorative, and echoed about as a meme; which, most supporters of Trump never question. Curiosity is not part of the makeup of a Trump supporter, or so it seems.

Parroting Trump's talking points and tweets doesn't require any critical thinking.

Curiosity does.

Trump supporters have no curiosity because they are intellectually lazy.
What Trump points have I parroted? And BTW, Trump should never be on Twitter, it’s a disaster.
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?

He seems to really believe he knows what a "lefty" is, and yet can never offer a proper definition. It is used by too many as a pejorative, and echoed about as a meme; which, most supporters of Trump never question. Curiosity is not part of the makeup of a Trump supporter, or so it seems.

Parroting Trump's talking points and tweets doesn't require any critical thinking.

Curiosity does.

Trump supporters have no curiosity because they are intellectually lazy.
What Trump points have I parroted? And BTW, Trump should never be on Twitter, it’s a disaster.

I'm talking about the average Trump supporter. Here in Amarillo, when I have ran into them, they say that Trump is making America great again, but when I ask how, they initially point to his replacing Obama, and then talk about all the things he's done via EO.

Only problem is..................those things that are done by EO's can be reversed by the next incoming president.
Jesus would denounce the fake Christians here in the US and declare the orange aa the anti christ.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?
Your positions are all left. So spare me, and why do you avoid answering my post on your lack of compassion? Oh wait because you are dead wrong and can’t defend it.
Sorry if I'm quiet busy and cant read and answer everything.
I'm conservative by nature but have to root for the left because the right decided to go the bigotry, racism, anti immigrants, anti muslims route.
Almost every single minority group voted anti GOP although they are mostly conservatives...why is that ?
Last edited:
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?

He seems to really believe he knows what a "lefty" is, and yet can never offer a proper definition. It is used by too many as a pejorative, and echoed about as a meme; which, most supporters of Trump never question. Curiosity is not part of the makeup of a Trump supporter, or so it seems.

Parroting Trump's talking points and tweets doesn't require any critical thinking.

Curiosity does.

Trump supporters have no curiosity because they are intellectually lazy.
What Trump points have I parroted? And BTW, Trump should never be on Twitter, it’s a disaster.

Trump is a disaster, not only his tweets.

I don't categorize your posts, but you seem more likely to have voted for him than for HRC, or any of the lesser party candidates.
These two events are indisputable evidence that our Nation is dangerously divided. The political Left has devolved to a level that represents an existential threat to America as we have known it. Their foolish ignorance has evolved as a menacing political cancer. They live and work among us and the situation has reached the level which can no longer be tolerated. But what we can do about it has become a troubling question.

My granddaughter's friend, a smart, pretty, seventeen year-old just finished high-school and will start college in the fall. I recently learned she jokingly refers to me as "the Fuhrer," which would offend and worry me if this girl were politically astute. But she isn't. In fact she is pitifully ignorant in the way of existing political realities. Worse, my granddaughter tells me she is "a lot smarter" than most of their contemporaries.

Do any of you have access to young minds and their political contents? If so I would be interested in knowing more about what today's kids are thinking.
Lexington went for Hillary, but the surrounding county was strongly Trump.

The Red Hen may have committed business seppuku. They are only a 3-star restaurant, and I would suspect a good percentage of their clientele support Trump.

NOTE: Just looked at YELP. It's down to 2 1/2 stars. :auiqs.jpg:
It's too soon to tell. Give it awhile to ferment.

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