Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
My my w/o your gun you’re just a big dumb farm boy
When Sarah Huckabee Sanders walked into the Red Hen restaurant in western Virginia, it is a safe bet she just wanted to enjoy a meal. She was in America’s heartland and wanted what everyone else did that evening at the Red Hen — a farm-to-table dinner. What Sanders received, however, is a stark reminder that half a century later, America is still asking who has a seat at the lunch counter, and the dinner table.
Red Hen's LGBT employees should have made sure Sarah Huckabee Sanders got served

Oh when the spin gets turned back around on the lefitst lol. :clap2:
I think they should have splashed wine in her face as she was walking her fat ass out the door.
Just to be clear.

YOU are okay with assaulting people with whom we disagree politically? Do I understand you correctly?
When Sarah Huckabee Sanders walked into the Red Hen restaurant in western Virginia, it is a safe bet she just wanted to enjoy a meal. She was in America’s heartland and wanted what everyone else did that evening at the Red Hen — a farm-to-table dinner. What Sanders received, however, is a stark reminder that half a century later, America is still asking who has a seat at the lunch counter, and the dinner table.
Red Hen's LGBT employees should have made sure Sarah Huckabee Sanders got served

Oh when the spin gets turned back around on the lefitst lol. :clap2:
I think they should have splashed wine in her face as she was walking her fat ass out the door.
I wish they would have too. That's a battery and the assaulter would have gone to jail.

Much better is if someone had put a knife in her chest and cut the throats of the other six in her family.

Democrats have made a point of attacking women. Which one will be the first murdered? Sarah Sanders, Ivanka Trump. Kellyanne Conway. Which will be first?
No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
But a trillion or so in taxcuts mainly to the rich and powerful are fine and dandy?

Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
Hope a woman isn’t present
The Kenyan has a habit of hiding behind women
This wasn't about gay rights.

This was about constant lying to the country. To the entire country.

Gays don't want to destroy our democracy.

Trump's Republicans do.

How do we know?

Simple, they tell us.

Now, stand at attention the way they do in North Korea. NOW! I said NOW!
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
If Obama is wise and he indeed is, unlike OJ....he'll patronize venues that love his black ass.
It's always hilarious when the God haters think they can start talking for Jesus.

He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?
Your positions are all left. So spare me, and why do you avoid answering my post on your lack of compassion? Oh wait because you are dead wrong and can’t defend it.
Sorry if I'm quiet busy and cant read and answer everything.
I'm conservative by nature but have to root for the left because the right decided to go the bigotry, racism, anti immigrants, anti muslims route.
Almost every single minority group voted anti GOP although they are mostly conservatives...why is that ?

Let me know when you have time to discuss the issue you are avoiding, it’s all good to me.
The issue I have....lot of whites in this country who called themselves Christian's are the ones who wants to help the desperate humans who risk their lives to come here, legal or illegal.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
Hope a woman isn’t present
The Kenyan has a habit of hiding behind women
Hiding behind women? Uh, nobody pimps the first lady like that orange redish pink Bitch Trump....the man reeks of exploiting that dumb bitch
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
Hope a woman isn’t present
The Kenyan has a habit of hiding behind women
Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
But gays have done nothing to deserve a denial of service. This woman disseminates evil every day. There is no comparison.


Ahmed, you're dumb as a dog turd, but less pleasant to be around,.

That you are filled with hatred towards America in no ways makes Sanders "deserving" of discrimination. She tried to sit at the "democrats only counter" and was ushered out by the Maoist bigots running the place.

Honestly, a free country is one where anyone engages in business ONLY with those they choose. But if the Communists have laws saying that normals must serve people against their will, then by Allah the Communists will serve those they hate.

Now run along and test your newest suicide vest design.... Make the world a better place.
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
But a trillion or so in taxcuts mainly to the rich and powerful are fine and dandy?

Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.

Might help if you knew where the term "trickle down" came from. First time it was used was by Will Rogers in his sarcastic commentary on Hoover.

The next time it was used was under Reagan who actually tried to put it into action. No, it wasn't the liberals that came up with trickle down, it was Reagan.

Here..................educate yourself........................

Trickle-Down Theory


The first reference to trickle-down economics came from American comedian and commentator Will Rogers, who used it to derisively describe President Herbert Hoover’s stimulus efforts during the Great Depression. More recently, opponents of President Ronald Reagan used the term to attack his income tax cuts.

Trickle-Down and the Laffer Curve

American economist Arthur Laffer, an advisor to the Reagan administration, developed a bell-curve style analysis that plotted the relationship between changes in the official government tax rate and actual tax receipts. This became known as the Laffer Curve.

The nonlinear shape of the Laffer Curve suggested taxes could be too light or too onerous to produce maximum revenue; in other words, a 0 percent income tax rate and a 100 percent income tax rate each produce $0 in receipts to the government. At 0 percent, no tax can be collected; at 100 percent, there is no incentive to generate income. This should mean that specific cuts in tax rates would boost total receipts by encouraging more taxable income.

Laffer’s idea that tax cuts could boost growth and tax revenue was quickly labeled “trickle-down.” Between 1980 and 1988, the top marginal tax rate in the United States fell from 70 to 28 percent. Between 1981 and 1989, total federal receipts increased from $599 to $991 billion. This empirically supported one of the assumptions of the Laffer Curve. However, it neither shows nor proves a correlation between a reduction in top tax rates and economic benefits to low- and medium-income earners.
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
But a trillion or so in taxcuts mainly to the rich and powerful are fine and dandy?

Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.
If the premise behind profits and permanent tax cuts are to benefit the rich only, than why should the working class support it? If the whole purpose of permanent tax cuts for the rich, is to increase productivity, thus hire more people and you say profits should be trickle up for gain only, than why push the shit as an incentive to hire?
He is a Muslim and he wants to tie white Americans today for what happened to African Americans and native Indians back in the 1800’s yet is was in no way responsible for what Muslims did 17 short years ago and even suggests the U S Government is responsible and not Muslims.

He is just a screwed up lefty.
I never said I'm a lefty and never opted for the left. Why you lying?

He seems to really believe he knows what a "lefty" is, and yet can never offer a proper definition. It is used by too many as a pejorative, and echoed about as a meme; which, most supporters of Trump never question. Curiosity is not part of the makeup of a Trump supporter, or so it seems.

Parroting Trump's talking points and tweets doesn't require any critical thinking.

Curiosity does.

Trump supporters have no curiosity because they are intellectually lazy.
What Trump points have I parroted? And BTW, Trump should never be on Twitter, it’s a disaster.

Trump is a disaster, not only his tweets.

I don't categorize your posts, but you seem more likely to have voted for him than for HRC, or any of the lesser party candidates.

So you generalize, there were three candidates from the outset that I would never vote for, Cruz, Clinton and Trump, all were bad choices, so for the second time in the last three elections, I went to a lesser party as they had a bigger upside than the nuts the Dem and GOP gave us.
Gays everywhere should be made to pay for the actions of those at the Red Hen. In fact, the next gay bashing should have the attacker screaming "Red Hen Red Hen" with every blow.


While queers deserve no special privilege, NO ONE should "pay" for the acts of people they have never met and have nothing to do with.

Treat people with respect unless and until they engage in acts that infringe on your rights.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
Hope a woman isn’t present
The Kenyan has a habit of hiding behind women
Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?
The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
But a trillion or so in taxcuts mainly to the rich and powerful are fine and dandy?

Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.
GWB was a lib?? I didn't know that
But gays have done nothing to deserve a denial of service. This woman disseminates evil every day. There is no comparison.
Oh, except holding parades every year since the 1960s in cities and towns across the US, doing deviant sex acts where they've invited kids to watch.

Truly there IS no comparison to that.
The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
But a trillion or so in taxcuts mainly to the rich and powerful are fine and dandy?

Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.
If the premise behind profits and permanent tax cuts are to benefit the rich only, than why should the working class support it? If the whole purpose of permanent tax cuts for the rich, is to increase productivity, thus hire more people and you say profits should be trickle up for gain only, than why push the shit as an incentive to hire?
Dufus has no clue that Americans believe in working hard to increase our prosperity.
When Sarah Huckabee Sanders walked into the Red Hen restaurant in western Virginia, it is a safe bet she just wanted to enjoy a meal. She was in America’s heartland and wanted what everyone else did that evening at the Red Hen — a farm-to-table dinner. What Sanders received, however, is a stark reminder that half a century later, America is still asking who has a seat at the lunch counter, and the dinner table.
Red Hen's LGBT employees should have made sure Sarah Huckabee Sanders got served

Oh when the spin gets turned back around on the lefitst lol. :clap2:
I think they should have splashed wine in her face as she was walking her fat ass out the door.

Well, you would have beaten and raped her, but you are a special type of evil.

You advocate violence against women because women rightfully reject you as the dangerous scum you are.

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