Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

It’s simple civil disobedience. You folks love that tactic, right?

Another one that can dish it out but can’t take it.
It's a great idea, but I'd just not tip.
why hurt a waiter struggling to make a living?

Maybe the waiters should have a heart to heart with the owner and the cook staff?

Why hurt the people that Sanders were dining with? Did the owner think of the lost tip that the Sanders party would have left when she refused service?

Then again, I’m sure the owner, being the social justice warrior that she is, would compensate the staff for the lost tips, right?
This is the first time I’ve ever heard a republican stick up for the workers
relish it,,,it might be the last

As if the left gives a crap about workers
Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.

Refuge? Sure we can look at that on a case by case basis, same with asylum, no issue there, illegally crossing the border is totally different and once you do that, you need to be sent back and no asylum or refuge status.

Again, I have nothing against legal immigration, illegal is a totally different story.

The fat kid analogy is pure BS.

We have legal channels and they should be used as a way to gain citizenship but illegally crossing a border is wrong and they need to be sent back to where they came from immediately, no hearing, nothing, just load them on a plane and tell them they need to try to come in legally.

As for the coyotes? When they are caught they need to be imprisoned for a 5 year minimum for the first offense, no parole, they serve their time and then are flown to southern Mexico, if they are caught again, 15 years a third time 35 years to life. They are making money by exploiting others and they also traffic children, they are as bad as drug dealers and deserve nothing.
Illegals will .ake their way no matter what. The vast majority live peacefully and contribute positively to society they deserve to be integrated. Those that commit crimes can be deported.
Plenty of room in this country to accommodate those who risk their life for a better one.

Hello.......knock knock...anyone home.

You called them "Illegals". What exactly does that mean to you ?
Your positions are all left. So spare me, and why do you avoid answering my post on your lack of compassion? Oh wait because you are dead wrong and can’t defend it.
Sorry if I'm quiet busy and cant read and answer everything.
I'm conservative by nature but have to root for the left because the right decided to go the bigotry, racism, anti immigrants, anti muslims route.
Almost every single minority group voted anti GOP although they are mostly conservatives...why is that ?

Let me know when you have time to discuss the issue you are avoiding, it’s all good to me.
The issue I have....lot of whites in this country who called themselves Christian's are the ones who wants to help the desperate humans who risk their lives to come here, legal or illegal.

Today immigrants don’t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wive’s lives, their children’s live’s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesn’t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
Not everyone can come here legally. We have more than 10 million illegals...most are working hard and living a positive life. Let's give them the green card. More will come to the borders seeking help, give them help case by case.

We did that in the 80’s under Reagan and then we were supposed to tighten the borders and it never happened, Congress failed the American people. We do this again and what assurance do we have that it will work this time? We allow a million immigrants into this country every year, far more than any other country in the world, had these illegals come across legally they could have all been processed, so you are wrong, everyone can enter legally, it’s the fallacy that the media and the left push. It may take months however when trying to better yourself and family the wait is much better than entering illegally and risking you and your family’s, would you not agree?
You openly side with violent criminals, traitors, extreme Islamist terrorists, and homosexuals. You are in no position to accuse anyone else of “disseminat[ing] evil every day”. Evil is all that you stand for.
Perhaps you could provide a link to those accusations you old perv ?
Anyone can go back over your postings, and see what it is that you stand for. Just a few examples, out of many…
There are many, many, many more examples to be found, that prove what I am saying. You stand for pure evil.
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The Red Hen
11 E Washington St, Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 464-4401

Google Maps

Well that does it, I will never eat at the Red Hen again...not that I have ever been to Lexington Va to begin with. It is funny how you snowflakes get all whiny about this but you cheer this...
View attachment 200525
Are you seriously equating a sign on private property on the side of a road to people being accosted while eating dinner in a public restaurant?
Who was accosted? Or are you ignorant about word definitions too?
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.

Refuge? Sure we can look at that on a case by case basis, same with asylum, no issue there, illegally crossing the border is totally different and once you do that, you need to be sent back and no asylum or refuge status.

Again, I have nothing against legal immigration, illegal is a totally different story.

The fat kid analogy is pure BS.

We have legal channels and they should be used as a way to gain citizenship but illegally crossing a border is wrong and they need to be sent back to where they came from immediately, no hearing, nothing, just load them on a plane and tell them they need to try to come in legally.

As for the coyotes? When they are caught they need to be imprisoned for a 5 year minimum for the first offense, no parole, they serve their time and then are flown to southern Mexico, if they are caught again, 15 years a third time 35 years to life. They are making money by exploiting others and they also traffic children, they are as bad as drug dealers and deserve nothing.
Illegals will .ake their way no matter what. The vast majority live peacefully and contribute positively to society they deserve to be integrated. Those that commit crimes can be deported.
Plenty of room in this country to accommodate those who risk their life for a better one.

Hello.......knock knock...anyone home.

You called them "Illegals". What exactly does that mean to you ?

Been over that over and over again, he doesn’t seem to understand the difference between, legal, illegal, refugees and seeking asylum.
I could have sworn you wingnuts were saying a business owner has the right to not serve anyone they please?
The Red Hen
11 E Washington St, Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 464-4401

Google Maps

Well that does it, I will never eat at the Red Hen again...not that I have ever been to Lexington Va to begin with. It is funny how you snowflakes get all whiny about this but you cheer this...
View attachment 200525
Are you seriously equating a sign on private property on the side of a road to people being accosted while eating dinner in a public restaurant?
Who was accosted? Or are you ignorant about word definitions too?


Class dismissed
When Sarah Huckabee Sanders walked into the Red Hen restaurant in western Virginia, it is a safe bet she just wanted to enjoy a meal. She was in America’s heartland and wanted what everyone else did that evening at the Red Hen — a farm-to-table dinner. What Sanders received, however, is a stark reminder that half a century later, America is still asking who has a seat at the lunch counter, and the dinner table.
Red Hen's LGBT employees should have made sure Sarah Huckabee Sanders got served

Oh when the spin gets turned back around on the lefitst lol. :clap2:
I think they should have splashed wine in her face as she was walking her fat ass out the door.
Just to be clear.

YOU are okay with assaulting people with whom we disagree politically? Do I understand you correctly?
I’m just sayin’, if someone splashes wine in Sanders face and I’m a witness, I’d probably say it was an accident.
That would be a yes.
I could have sworn you wingnuts were saying a business owner has the right to not serve anyone they please?

Just because you have a right to do something doesn't mean that you should, nor that you must. As humans do we not possess judgement, and decency?
Why else would a worker vote for trickle down economics?
trickle down can also mean MONEY CIRCULATION..................

More people work.........more spend..........more circulation............

Unemployment numbers are down......still use misguided ways to get it.......but it's very low historically........and when more work......less need assistance........and more spend............Which is good for America.
How’s your nest egg? You gonna get to retire at 67? Be honest. Most of you the honest answer is no
And with Republican House voting to cut SS and medicare the children of Republicans will get the shitty end of repubs stick ,,Starve the beast??
The unintended consequences of unfunded liabilities..........will mean the children will never see programs are 2/3rds of our spending and growing and REALITY all nations that are stupid will implode our country
You’ve been convinced of this but it’s a lie. We’ve all paid in. Put the money you took back.
That I took back................LOL...........

The career politicians did that buddy..............I have never used it............Have you.......

And it has a snowballs chance in hell of sustaining given what's coming.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
Hope a woman isn’t present
The Kenyan has a habit of hiding behind women
Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch

Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
Hope a woman isn’t present
The Kenyan has a habit of hiding behind women
Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch

Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.
Nice loving creatures aren't they.............We need shots just to post here.
The owners made their bed and now get to sleep in it. See if they are still in business a year from now.
Let me get this straight, Trump at his Klan rallies, without one ounce of hesitation when confronted with people that don't like his stupid ass, yells....GET EM OUTTA HERE......AND OUT THEY GO. Keep in mind this man is being paid by tax payers, he's the chief of all the people, not just the Klan when the press secretary feels the residual of his racist rhetoric, get over it bitch!!
So you'll applaud when Obama gets booted?
Hope a woman isn’t present
The Kenyan has a habit of hiding behind women
Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch

Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.

Tigerred isn’t calling refugees “vermin” who are “infesting” America. That would be your racist President. She isn’t ripping children from their parents arms and then lying about it. That evil is being perpetrated by Kristen Neilsen and Donald Trump.

She also doesn’t blame others for her own actions. That would be Republicans.
The Red Hen
11 E Washington St, Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 464-4401

Google Maps

Well that does it, I will never eat at the Red Hen again...not that I have ever been to Lexington Va to begin with. It is funny how you snowflakes get all whiny about this but you cheer this...
View attachment 200525
Are you seriously equating a sign on private property on the side of a road to people being accosted while eating dinner in a public restaurant?
Who was accosted? Or are you ignorant about word definitions too?


Class dismissed

Oh, has this thread changed from the OP? Because Huckabilly wasn’t accosted.
The Red Hen
11 E Washington St, Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 464-4401

Google Maps

Well that does it, I will never eat at the Red Hen again...not that I have ever been to Lexington Va to begin with. It is funny how you snowflakes get all whiny about this but you cheer this...
View attachment 200525
Are you seriously equating a sign on private property on the side of a road to people being accosted while eating dinner in a public restaurant?
Who was accosted? Or are you ignorant about word definitions too?


Class dismissed

Oh, has this thread changed from the OP? Because Huckabilly wasn’t accosted.

Nor was her “party” thrown out. Only Sanders was asked to leave. The rest of the group left when she left.
The owners made their bed and now get to sleep in it. See if they are still in business a year from now.
The same woman that owns Red Hen also owns House Mountain Yarns, a knit shop. That won't last long. Angry knitters are already screaming at yarn vendors.

The telephone number for the restaurant is no longer working. At last, the left's tactics used against them. Long past time.

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