Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

Your positions are all left. So spare me, and why do you avoid answering my post on your lack of compassion? Oh wait because you are dead wrong and canā€™t defend it.
Sorry if I'm quiet busy and cant read and answer everything.
I'm conservative by nature but have to root for the left because the right decided to go the bigotry, racism, anti immigrants, anti muslims route.
Almost every single minority group voted anti GOP although they are mostly conservatives...why is that ?

Let me know when you have time to discuss the issue you are avoiding, itā€™s all good to me.
The issue I have....lot of whites in this country who called themselves Christian's are the ones who wants to help the desperate humans who risk their lives to come here, legal or illegal.

Today immigrants donā€™t have to risk their lives to come to America, they can come here legally and I welcome them, they provide diversity and are a positive influence to our country.

I do have a big issue with illegal immigrants, the first issue is they broke the law to get here, secondly they cannot be employed legally in this country and that creates many social, economic and other legal issues, such as they have to steal identies to work, many being paid under the table which puts them in harms way if they injure themselves on a job or an employer decides to stiff them, or pay them low wages in effect creating a slave market and those are just a few of the issues.

There is a legal way to become a citizen and that is all that is required, millions have done so in the past.

To let them come in illegally and reward them with citizenship will open the door for more illegal crossings, paying coyotes thousands of dollars, risking their lives, the wiveā€™s lives, their childrenā€™s liveā€™s through starving, lack of water, some coyotes will murder them and take the children and sell the children.

If it is all done legally, you eliminate the underground element, you eliminate the risks for families looking for a better life.

My way is compassionate, it is caring and it is looking out for the best interests and less risk of people wanting to come live here.

Your way is dangerous, and doesnā€™t look out for the best interests of the families. Coyotes find ways to take advantage of them financially, children are sold into trafficking, women and children are raped and abused. Unscrupulous employers can pay them low wages, stiff them on wages altogether and the illegals have no recourse. All of that is absolutely eliminated by going the legal route.

So you are right Jesus would denounce fake Christians, would Mohamed denounce Muslim countries that have much harsher and stricter immigration laws than the United States? Would he denounce the killing of gays and or would he, like you, try to blame the United States for setting the whole thing up?
Not everyone can come here legally. We have more than 10 million illegals...most are working hard and living a positive life. Let's give them the green card. More will come to the borders seeking help, give them help case by case.

I think everyone should follow the law. So, if they can't come here legally, they shouldn't come here.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch

Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.

Tigerred isnā€™t calling refugees ā€œverminā€ who are ā€œinfestingā€ America. That would be your racist President. She isnā€™t ripping children from their parents arms and then lying about it. That evil is being perpetrated by Kristen Neilsen and Donald Trump.

She also doesnā€™t blame others for her own actions. That would be Republicans.

Iā€™m more apt to listen to her a fellow American than non-citizen.

In case you had not heard, the policy is no longer in force. We need to now fly them all home, its compassionate thing to do.

Flying them all home is hardly the compassionate thing to do. They ran from their homes in fear for their lives.

The compassionate thing to do is to re-unite the families, and then give their claim for asylum a respectful hearing as is their RIGHT under the laws of the USA.

The compassionate thing to do is stop referring to asylum claimants as ā€œverminā€, and ā€œanimalsā€. Treat them as you would like to be treated if you were in their position.

Jeff Sessions quoted the Bible when trying to justify this cruel and callous policy. So Iā€™ll use as Bible quote in response. Do unto others a you would have them do unto you. Thatā€™s the very least a country Trump refers to as ā€œChristianā€, should be doing. Following Jesusā€™ commandments.

To be honest and accurate, Trump wasn't calling asylum claimants as "vermin" and "animals". Those phrases have been used in connection with gang members, such as MS-13 members.

Trump Uses Language of Exterminators in Attack on ā€˜Illegal Immigrantsā€™
The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
But a trillion or so in taxcuts mainly to the rich and powerful are fine and dandy?

Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.
If the premise behind profits and permanent tax cuts are to benefit the rich only, than why should the working class support it? If the whole purpose of permanent tax cuts for the rich, is to increase productivity, thus hire more people and you say profits should be trickle up for gain only, than why push the shit as an incentive to hire?

The working class should support "profits" BECAUSE profit trickles up not down! You liberals seem to think that businesses run by determining what the owner wants to make and then whatever is left over "trickles down" to the people who work for the business! I'm sorry but that's not the way things happen! If I own a business I hire workers and I pay them a wage that they and I agree on BEFORE a single dime of profit goes into my pocket. I pay them even if I don't make a profit.
But a trillion or so in taxcuts mainly to the rich and powerful are fine and dandy?

Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.
If the premise behind profits and permanent tax cuts are to benefit the rich only, than why should the working class support it? If the whole purpose of permanent tax cuts for the rich, is to increase productivity, thus hire more people and you say profits should be trickle up for gain only, than why push the shit as an incentive to hire?

The working class should support "profits" BECAUSE profit trickles up not down! You liberals seem to think that businesses run by determining what the owner wants to make and then whatever is left over "trickles down" to the people who work for the business! I'm sorry but that's not the way things happen! If I own a business I hire workers and I pay them a wage that they and I agree on BEFORE a single dime of profit goes into my pocket. I pay them even if I don't make a profit.
Far left know nothing about business and nothing about much at all but Feel Everything.
Those tax cuts went out to ALL Americans! It's part of the reason why the economy is doing so well right now and so many more Americans are finding good jobs with good pay checks. Yeah...that's pretty much the definition of "fine and dandy" for me!
I don't have the %'s of those tax cuts going to million and billionaires but look it up It'll amaze you how they get away with crap like that ....Trickle down never works Remember??

Trickle down doesn't work because trickle down only exists in the minds of liberals. Profits trickle UP...not down! They always have and they always will. One of the many reasons why you on the left struggle with economics is that you don't understand basic business realities.
If the premise behind profits and permanent tax cuts are to benefit the rich only, than why should the working class support it? If the whole purpose of permanent tax cuts for the rich, is to increase productivity, thus hire more people and you say profits should be trickle up for gain only, than why push the shit as an incentive to hire?

The working class should support "profits" BECAUSE profit trickles up not down! You liberals seem to think that businesses run by determining what the owner wants to make and then whatever is left over "trickles down" to the people who work for the business! I'm sorry but that's not the way things happen! If I own a business I hire workers and I pay them a wage that they and I agree on BEFORE a single dime of profit goes into my pocket. I pay them even if I don't make a profit.
Far left know nothing about business and nothing about much at all but Feel Everything.

Whenever someone uses the term "trickle down economics" it tells me that they never studied economics in college and they have zero business experience! You might as well hold up a sign that reads "I'm clueless about how businesses work!"
Well that does it, I will never eat at the Red Hen again...not that I have ever been to Lexington Va to begin with. It is funny how you snowflakes get all whiny about this but you cheer this...
View attachment 200525
Are you seriously equating a sign on private property on the side of a road to people being accosted while eating dinner in a public restaurant?
Who was accosted? Or are you ignorant about word definitions too?


Class dismissed

Oh, has this thread changed from the OP? Because Huckabilly wasnā€™t accosted.

Why dont you ask all the lefties that keep changing the subject(like the tard I was responding to). THEN and only then will I take you seriously.

Ok, Grampa. Youā€™re agreeing with me that Sarah Huckabilly wasnā€™t accosted, correct? Thatā€™s a start.
Who was accosted? Or are you ignorant about word definitions too?


Class dismissed

Oh, has this thread changed from the OP? Because Huckabilly wasnā€™t accosted.

Nor was her ā€œpartyā€ thrown out. Only Sanders was asked to leave. The rest of the group left when she left.

Gramps lies a lot. He canā€™t argue honestly.

I never lie. You just do it so often you can't tell the difference

So you havenā€™t claimed that Sanderā€™s party was thrown out, or Neilsonā€™s party was thrown out?
Well that does it, I will never eat at the Red Hen again...not that I have ever been to Lexington Va to begin with. It is funny how you snowflakes get all whiny about this but you cheer this...
View attachment 200525
Are you seriously equating a sign on private property on the side of a road to people being accosted while eating dinner in a public restaurant?
Who was accosted? Or are you ignorant about word definitions too?


Class dismissed

Oh, has this thread changed from the OP? Because Huckabilly wasnā€™t accosted.

I love mike hammer vampire movies
Especially the ones with Ingrid Pitt

I was never a big Stacey Keach fan.
Ok, I just went and read the OP again. This is false, or a lie:

A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

Her party wasnā€™t kicked out, and really, neither was Sarah. The owner asked if she could speak to Sarah in private. They went outside and the owner said she would prefer not to serve her. Sarah said fine, Iā€™ll go.

The owner talked to her predominantly queer staff beforehand, and they told her they were uncomfortable serving her.

This is also false, or a lie:

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

Neither Nielsen or her party was booted from the restaurant. They left of their own choice.

2-for-2 in the false/lying there, tyroneweaver. What do you have to say for yourself?
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Funny thing happened on the way to truth

You people celebrated when Joe Biden was turned away from a place of business

Radford bakery that turned Biden away sells out of 'freedom cookies

Radford bakery that turned Biden away sells out of 'freedom cookies'

and it got lost in the craziness of that week, but there is one thread that jumped right out of usmb into my screen

Furious Over Ā‘You DidnĀ’t Build That,Ā’ Small Biz Owner Shuts Store Door on Biden
Funny what kind of breadcrumbs you people leave behind
Wingnut Todd Starnes today:


Wingnut Todd Starnes when it was Biden:




  • upload_2018-6-25_0-33-33.png
    333.9 KB · Views: 20
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch

Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.

Tigerred isnā€™t calling refugees ā€œverminā€ who are ā€œinfestingā€ America. That would be your racist President. She isnā€™t ripping children from their parents arms and then lying about it. That evil is being perpetrated by Kristen Neilsen and Donald Trump.

She also doesnā€™t blame others for her own actions. That would be Republicans.

Iā€™m more apt to listen to her a fellow American than non-citizen.

In case you had not heard, the policy is no longer in force. We need to now fly them all home, its compassionate thing to do.

Flying them all home is hardly the compassionate thing to do. They ran from their homes in fear for their lives.

The compassionate thing to do is to re-unite the families, and then give their claim for asylum a respectful hearing as is their RIGHT under the laws of the USA.

The compassionate thing to do is stop referring to asylum claimants as ā€œverminā€, and ā€œanimalsā€. Treat them as you would like to be treated if you were in their position.

Jeff Sessions quoted the Bible when trying to justify this cruel and callous policy. So Iā€™ll use as Bible quote in response. Do unto others a you would have them do unto you. Thatā€™s the very least a country Trump refers to as ā€œChristianā€, should be doing. Following Jesusā€™ commandments.

To be honest and accurate, Trump wasn't calling asylum claimants as "vermin" and "animals". Those phrases have been used in connection with gang members, such as MS-13 members.

Trump Uses Language of Exterminators in Attack on ā€˜Illegal Immigrantsā€™
False. He called immigrants vermin and animals.
Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch

Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.

Tigerred isnā€™t calling refugees ā€œverminā€ who are ā€œinfestingā€ America. That would be your racist President. She isnā€™t ripping children from their parents arms and then lying about it. That evil is being perpetrated by Kristen Neilsen and Donald Trump.

She also doesnā€™t blame others for her own actions. That would be Republicans.

Iā€™m more apt to listen to her a fellow American than non-citizen.

In case you had not heard, the policy is no longer in force. We need to now fly them all home, its compassionate thing to do.

Flying them all home is hardly the compassionate thing to do. They ran from their homes in fear for their lives.

The compassionate thing to do is to re-unite the families, and then give their claim for asylum a respectful hearing as is their RIGHT under the laws of the USA.

The compassionate thing to do is stop referring to asylum claimants as ā€œverminā€, and ā€œanimalsā€. Treat them as you would like to be treated if you were in their position.

Jeff Sessions quoted the Bible when trying to justify this cruel and callous policy. So Iā€™ll use as Bible quote in response. Do unto others a you would have them do unto you. Thatā€™s the very least a country Trump refers to as ā€œChristianā€, should be doing. Following Jesusā€™ commandments.

I never called them vermin, I call them what they are illegal immigrants, as far as Sessions I really donā€™t care what he says. So letā€™s get the BS out of the way.

They entered into the US illegally, they paid a Coyote to sneak in and probably paid between $4,000 to $10,000 to get smuggled in, you risked your wife and childrenā€™s lives, the Coyotes will take kids and traffic them, the have raped the wives and children, they have even killed those that paid the money, they have used the families as mules. They canā€™t get jobs legally, unscrupulous employers can exploit them further by low wages, poor work conditions and possibly getting stiffed for their work. Now, after they get caught being here illegally they want asylum?

Why didnā€™t they come to the US border apply for asylum immediately? The process takes six months and two hearings, so the claim for asylum is only because they got caught, also the United States is under no obligation to grant asylum. Also making it tougher to come here illegally will deter others and hopefully spare the families of the high risk of coming here.

Maybe we can drive or fly them to the Canadian border and then you can openly welcome illegal immigrants and get a fresh start, also Canada is a much better country than the United States, at least that is what many Canadians will tell me.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Funny thing happened on the way to truth

You people celebrated when Joe Biden was turned away from a place of business

Radford bakery that turned Biden away sells out of 'freedom cookies

Radford bakery that turned Biden away sells out of 'freedom cookies'

and it got lost in the craziness of that week, but there is one thread that jumped right out of usmb into my screen

Furious Over Ā‘You DidnĀ’t Build That,Ā’ Small Biz Owner Shuts Store Door on Biden
Funny what kind of breadcrumbs you people leave behind

And the business is wrong for doing so, just as wrong, bigoted, ignorant and stupid as the nuts from the Red Barn.

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