Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

So you are an intolerant bigot that hates tolerant bigots, however you are morally superior because you feel you are and is all about you nd your feelings.

I wouldn’t eat at an establishment that discriminated against people of color, race, ethnicity, sex, sexual preference, religion or politics.

I feel you have a right to be a bigoted asshole and not serve people with which you disagree, just post sign that you are a bigoted asshole that reserves the right for you to be a bigoted asshole and I will definitely stay away.
You call me a bigot and you voted for a bigot? HAHAHAHA what an idiot.
I'm not a fan of bigots that vote and help bigots...if that makes me a bigot, GREAT.

Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.
Jesus would tell them not to break the law, repent, and sin no more.

Moses would tell them not to covet thy neighbor's goods.
You really want to talk about hate Eagle ?? Then look into your WH with Trump leading the way with hate speech From the time he stood on a stage with 16 candidates he's spouted hate Now I'm not saying he is 100% the cause BUT what leader is as callus and hateful as he is ? A great example??
You forget or choose to forget that They started it.
All decent Americans hate those two groups
and it's also ok to hate for political reasons??
hitler and his SA/etc disrupted and kicked out people for political reasons
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)
leftists/dems BLM/ disrupt the meetings of political opponents:
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
More than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Trump rally
....all over the US they [ Democrats/Leftists/BLM/ disrupted the meeting of a political opponent -EXACTLY like hitler's SA did
Donald Trump says his supporters were 'violent' - CNNPolitics

Hitler needed more people to hate him, then the world would be a better place. Lesson learned
as usual, I point out facts and back them up--the left/you are the nazis
you just babble on with 0 facts/etc
I've asked on many threads what Trump's big crime is
I've asked what Sander's big crime is
no one can come up with anything
they've tried to say Trump is racist/etc -hahahaha--and I've always proved them wrong
It's all they got.................worthless drivel...........
Is it that time of the month again, or you all dried up like a prune?
as I stated before---you've got some great evidence there to back up your points :rolleyes-41:
The baker didn’t refuse service. He was asked to draw a pic that was pornographic

Well that is a false statement. According to Mr. Phillips - you know the owner - there was never any discussion of design. As soon as he found out the couple was gay he refused to sell them a wedding cake under the same conditions he sold his products to different sex couples.

No, they were asked to “create” a gay wedding cake

No, there was never any discussion of design. They were there to order a wedding cake (design unknown) and we will never know because according to the baker their was never any question of design.

Are you saying that the baker would have sold them one of his already designed wedding cakes that are shown on his website?

I think a group of conservatives need to teach the Red C*nt that kicking a patron from your establishment "on moral grounds" is not upheld by the SCOTUS. Violating PA laws is not permitted anywhere.

You must have a really large keyboard.
Her job is to give information and inform the public, while on the taxpayer's tit. The "fight" exists in fantasyland.

The vast majority of questions that Ms. Sanders fields are accusatory and disrespectful, Joaquin.

I think the WH needs to bring more centrists into the WH press corps.

Does Info Wars have people in the WH? How about the Savage Nation? Ground Zero?, the EIB? Let's get political balance at the WH

I don't know whether to give you a 'funny' or not. Was that intentional?
He and I were on the same private board for 15+ years That is just a sample of the BS he threw
Wow, ^^^^^ talk about a limped Dick response!
I didn't know they allowed payroll patriots in here. Still drinking down at the local Dishonorable Veteran's Club (POW/MIA flag waver bs artists voting for a man who doesn't like people who get captured)?
Customer to Owner

I’m sorry I can’t pay for this meal, my anti abortion salad didn’t have Russian dressing on it, my build the wall Steak was over cooked and my Chocolate Cake tasted a bit like I’m going to have my taxes increased to cover the cost of illegal immigration.
Typical freeloader conservative

A social justice warrior!

Power to the people (and shit like that)
No, just a defender of truth, justice and the American way
Which is KARMA in the future............we'll see.......
Sanders should just be glad that there are other restaurants that will serve her kind. No real harm

A minor inconvenience
Her kind.................LOL

Perhaps your kind deserves the same treatment............and we can watch the entire country implode.........

Your HATE is spreading like a wildfire...............and your side is pouring gasoline on it for political reasons........not caring the outcome of what happens when you pour gas on a fire.
Some people just don’t fit in with decent society

A restaurant must have standards
How FASCIST OF YOU....................

Your one line trolling is pretty standard............It is an art form for you.......
Are you claiming that someone who refuses to serve someone because of personal objections is a FACIST?
I say being so skewed as you people are that you are tending in that direction. Doesn't make you Hitler though as your side uses all the time. More to the point of Mocking you as you mock others all the time with your one liner legendary posts.

In regards to that trend..........I only need to point towards Berkley.......who riot if a Conservative dares talk there.........They have no problem saying Fuck the Flag................These Millenials needed to have ass spanked growing up more.
Customer to Owner

I’m sorry I can’t pay for this meal, my anti abortion salad didn’t have Russian dressing on it, my build the wall Steak was over cooked and my Chocolate Cake tasted a bit like I’m going to have my taxes increased to cover the cost of illegal immigration.
You call me a bigot and you voted for a bigot? HAHAHAHA what an idiot.
I'm not a fan of bigots that vote and help bigots...if that makes me a bigot, GREAT.

Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.
Jesus would tell them not to break the law, repent, and sin no more.

Moses would tell them not to covet thy neighbor's goods.
Listen to Moses ? The guy who broke the tablet that held the 5 commandments that are missing The guy who led the Jews across the dessert to find the only place that didn't have oil?
Customer to Owner

I’m sorry I can’t pay for this meal, my anti abortion salad didn’t have Russian dressing on it, my build the wall Steak was over cooked and my Chocolate Cake tasted a bit like I’m going to have my taxes increased to cover the cost of illegal immigration.
Who did I vote for? It wasn’t Trump or Clinton tell me who I voted for.

You are a hateful, judge mental, intolerant bigot, and that is the best part of your hideous personality.
Nope I love all. If you didn't vote him you spend days and nights defending him, that makes a racist and a bigot.

You are nothing but a liar, that is all I know about you but that is a enough. I side for and against depending on the issue as far as separating parents and children entering illegally, the need to fly them back home.

I will accept all legal immigrants, I have no issue.

We should follow the laws.
Jesus would help those seeking refuge why cant we be kind ? Plenty of land, jobs and resources. Share food at least that might help us lose some weight....we are like that fat kid that dont le ro share his food. Be kind you might need help one day.
Jesus would tell them not to break the law, repent, and sin no more.

Moses would tell them not to covet thy neighbor's goods.
Listen to Moses ? The guy who broke the tablet that held the 5 commandments that are missing The guy who led the Jews across the dessert to find the only place that didn't have oil?
They had dessert in the desert.

Don't covet your neighbor's goods.
Whoops! The Lexington VA Facebook page and website is inundated with people calling Stephanie Wilkinson the bigot that she is. Here's a sample:


Apparently her restaurant is closed this evening. LOL Was being a bigot and a Liberal hero over one Republican who just wanted to buy dinner at your restaurant with all this hassle now? You're a dumbass Stephanie. You deserve the loss of business even if it's just for one night.

Good job Sarah Huckabee Sanders for getting the word out on this bigot!

The News-Gazette
Good job Sarah Huckabee Sanders for getting the word out to all the bigots and haters! Way to go! Show us your true nature
Ok..........this NEWB troll is worthless to me...........enough already.

You are the weakest link.............goodbye.
Let’s just call the whole thing justice

Huck Sanders supports putting up signs saying gays will not be served....let her see what it feels like to be denied service
Let’s just call the whole thing justice

Huck Sanders supports putting up signs saying gays will not be served....let her see what it feels like to be denied service
Exactly! Retain the right to refuse service to anyone.

It's about time some of you started coming over to the side of righteousness.

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