Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

How’s your nest egg? You gonna get to retire at 67? Be honest. Most of you the honest answer is no
And with Republican House voting to cut SS and medicare the children of Republicans will get the shitty end of repubs stick ,,Starve the beast??
The unintended consequences of unfunded liabilities..........will mean the children will never see programs are 2/3rds of our spending and growing and REALITY all nations that are stupid will implode our country
How about taking the theft out of those social programs ,,,, Before cutting off your nose to spite your face?
What mean reform.........exposing those who get it but don't deserve it...........

Or do you mean when the system took it out of General Fund and spent every cent of it.............replaced it with a stack of IOU's...............I can post UNSUSTAINABLE REPORTS for a very long time............GAO............and other agencies who every year say it..............It's a ticking time bomb.
Mostly doctors who are ripping of medicare Every week I hear of another multi million $ scam
Because of Gov't inefficiency and allowing it to happen...........and yet we feed the beast............Look at the lobbies...........and follow the money.
Dude, if you have never seen her hold a press conference, you're excused on account of ignorance. She belittles, demeans, and insults. She doesn't treat people respectfully. In this case, "good optics" can only come through a journalistic cleansing by the right wing media.

Actually, she fights back, and counterpunches when leftard journalists from the Fake News Media attack first.

Just like her boss.

Her job is to give information and inform the public, while on the taxpayer's tit. The "fight" exists in fantasyland.
Apparently the supreme court says they can do just what they did….
No. SCOTUS only ruled for the baker. The judgement can't be used to protect the The Red Shithouse restaurant from a PA violation. Trump supporters should invade the restaurant, taking up all the seats and ordering only water.
Her job is to give information and inform the public, while on the taxpayer's tit. The "fight" exists in fantasyland.

The vast majority of questions that Ms. Sanders fields are accusatory and disrespectful, Joaquin.

I think the WH needs to bring more centrists into the WH press corps.

Does Info Wars have people in the WH? How about the Savage Nation? Ground Zero?, the EIB? Let's get political balance at the WH
She is a pig and she should be treated as one. I would not welcome her or any trump supporter into my business. And I'm not even a liberal....sick and tired of the fake compassion, bunch of liars and crooks.
You'll never own a business in the first place, jackass.
Her job is to give information and inform the public, while on the taxpayer's tit. The "fight" exists in fantasyland.

The vast majority of questions that Ms. Sanders fields are accusatory and disrespectful, Joaquin.

I think the WH needs to bring more centrists into the WH press corps.

Does Info Wars have people in the WH? How about the Savage Nation? Ground Zero?, the EIB? Let's get political balance at the WH

I don't know whether to give you a 'funny' or not. Was that intentional?
Apparently the supreme court says they can do just what they did….
No. SCOTUS only ruled for the baker. The judgement can't be used to protect the The Red Shithouse restaurant from a PA violation. Trump supporters should invade the restaurant, taking up all the seats and ordering only water.

Alternatively, the President and White House staff could behave in ways worthy of respect.
This would be fun

A large crowd of Conservatives show up at the restaurant. Order large meals, eat the meals, linger, order desert and a few drinks.

When the staff brings the tickets, write on the bill that you are a conservative and wouldn’t want the staff to feel offended by accepting payment. Then quietly get up and leave.
And the crooked cops don’t do anything about it.

Or they shoot you in the back three time while you’re trying to get away. That’d be fun

It’s simple civil disobedience. You folks love that tactic, right?

Another one that can dish it out but can’t take it.
It's a great idea, but I'd just not tip.
why hurt a waiter struggling to make a living?

Maybe the waiters should have a heart to heart with the owner and the cook staff?

Why hurt the people that Sanders were dining with? Did the owner think of the lost tip that the Sanders party would have left when she refused service?

Then again, I’m sure the owner, being the social justice warrior that she is, would compensate the staff for the lost tips, right?
The owner only thinks conservatives are more comfortable with their own kind.
Other restaurants would have served harm done
Which is KARMA in the future............we'll see.......
Sanders should just be glad that there are other restaurants that will serve her kind. No real harm

A minor inconvenience
Her kind.................LOL

Perhaps your kind deserves the same treatment............and we can watch the entire country implode.........

Your HATE is spreading like a wildfire...............and your side is pouring gasoline on it for political reasons........not caring the outcome of what happens when you pour gas on a fire.
Some people just don’t fit in with decent society

A restaurant must have standards
How FASCIST OF YOU....................

Your one line trolling is pretty standard............It is an art form for you.......
Are you claiming that someone who refuses to serve someone because of personal objections is a FACIST?
You know, I went to the website of this place, and it's an independent little place, and is not part of a chain. You guys said that the baker could refuse service to anyone they wanted because of moral beliefs, so why can't the owner of this restaurant do the same?
I think they should be able to do what they did, but you loons said that no one should be denied service, quite the hypocrites.
Then again, I’m sure the owner, being the social justice warrior that she is, would compensate the staff for the lost tips, right?

Man with no name, I know you are being facetious. As you know, Progressive SJW's are notoriously CHEAP. They would want others (you and me) to compensate the staff through forced government mandate, but believe they should be exempt.
Then again, I’m sure the owner, being the social justice warrior that she is, would compensate the staff for the lost tips, right?

That would depend on what's in the Union Contract that a devout progressive like Ms. Wilkerson signed.

Unless Wilkerson's staff are hypocrites too, and are free riders refusing to pay tribute to union thugs.
There is no discrimination as long as there are restaurants who are willing to serve her kind
There is no discrimination as long as there are restaurants who are willing to serve her kind

Not true. There were plenty of restaurants willing to serve blacks in Atlanta, but Jimmy Carter's running mate Lester Maddox was still discriminating when he didn't serve conservative blacks.
The owner only thinks conservatives are more comfortable with their own kind.
Other restaurants would have served harm done
Which is KARMA in the future............we'll see.......
Sanders should just be glad that there are other restaurants that will serve her kind. No real harm

A minor inconvenience
Her kind.................LOL

Perhaps your kind deserves the same treatment............and we can watch the entire country implode.........

Your HATE is spreading like a wildfire...............and your side is pouring gasoline on it for political reasons........not caring the outcome of what happens when you pour gas on a fire.
Some people just don’t fit in with decent society

A restaurant must have standards

Then it’s not open to the public as it is advertised, it’s a private club and she is guilty of deceptive advertising.

Might want to rethink that.
Sarah Sanders: Trump OK With Businesses Hanging Antigay Signs

"The lawyer for the solicitor general's office for the administration said today in the Supreme Court if it would be legal, possible for a baker to put a sign in his window saying we don't bake cakes for gay weddings," The New York Timess Michael Shear asked. "Does the president agree that that would be OK?"

"The president certainly supports religious liberty and that's something he talked about during the campaign and has upheld since taking office," Sanders replied.

When pressed on whether that included support for signs that deny service to gay people, Sanders responded, "I believe that would include that."

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