Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

Imagine Holder getting the boot. MSM would be covering it 7/24 and do everything to shut the restaurant down.
That ugly white bitch should be at weight watchers meeting any damned way.....good for the restu. people there need to eat in peace and not have to stare at Trumps bitch

Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.

Tigerred isn’t calling refugees “vermin” who are “infesting” America. That would be your racist President. She isn’t ripping children from their parents arms and then lying about it. That evil is being perpetrated by Kristen Neilsen and Donald Trump.

She also doesn’t blame others for her own actions. That would be Republicans.

I’m more apt to listen to her a fellow American than non-citizen.

In case you had not heard, the policy is no longer in force. We need to now fly them all home, its compassionate thing to do.

Flying them all home is hardly the compassionate thing to do. They ran from their homes in fear for their lives.

The compassionate thing to do is to re-unite the families, and then give their claim for asylum a respectful hearing as is their RIGHT under the laws of the USA.

The compassionate thing to do is stop referring to asylum claimants as “vermin”, and “animals”. Treat them as you would like to be treated if you were in their position.

Jeff Sessions quoted the Bible when trying to justify this cruel and callous policy. So I’ll use as Bible quote in response. Do unto others a you would have them do unto you. That’s the very least a country Trump refers to as “Christian”, should be doing. Following Jesus’ commandments.

Take the Challenge Comrade. Use ACTION to show where your heart is.

The Mi Casa Es Su Casa Project.
I could have sworn you wingnuts were saying a business owner has the right to not serve anyone they please?

Just because you have a right to do something doesn't mean that you should, nor that you must. As humans do we not possess judgement, and decency?
Republicans have forfeited the standing to lecture anyone on decency.

Not yet comrade, but if you Communists do this, you can show us all..

The Mi Casa Es Su Casa Project.
We don't HAVE a PC police squad, Old School! That's YOU GUYS!
Yet there you were PC policing. Will you be okay? :itsok:

I'm fine thanks. The guy I voted for to do a job is in office and slowly but surely checking off the things on the agenda he ran on.

The better question is...are YOU okay? The woman you voted for is unemployed and sitting on her sizable rump bemoaning the fact she didn't win the Presidency. Will you be okay?
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

Lets start at the top, and I will type slowly. Separating children from parents has been happening for the past two administrations. Bush did it, and Obama did it. You loons didn't seem to get your panties in a wad until Trump did it.

Separating children from parents happens every time a single parent, with children, is arrested in this country and has been going one for at least two hundred years. You have never seemed to get your knickers snagged over that fact. Perhaps because these are American citizens and not illegal aliens?

Obviously your outrage is as false as your political agenda.
Yes it happened under Obama and Bush
But it happened when parents were charged in serious crimes

Trump institutionalized it to where everyone found across the border has committed a serious crime

Even though that crime is the equivalent of trespassing

Now...Vlad trump wants to curtail due process...Our Country is tittering on the edge of Autocracy. It appears the only institutions standing in the way is a group of Poodles called the GOP Congress and the Judicial system.

The Press needs to keep reporting what a scumball this man is.
What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?
None of us are stating that the government should force the restaurant to serve particular people. We, the people, however, also have the right to vote with our wallets, and thus are allowed to boycott restaurants that we don't agree with, as well as announce our displeasure. When making a political statement, like these people just did, a restaurant risks this sort of backlash.

In short, one of the major differences between the right and the left is that the left prefers to destroy things and throw fits while screaming for the government to infringe on one's rights, while the right prefers to just stop conducting business with the entities in question. The fact that you can't tell the difference only confirms why you're a leftist.
What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?
None of us are stating that the government should force the restaurant to serve particular people. We, the people, however, also have the right to vote with our wallets, and thus are allowed to boycott restaurants that we don't agree with, as well as announce our displeasure. When making a political statement, like these people just did, a restaurant risks this sort of backlash.

In short, one of the major differences between the right and the left is that the left prefers to destroy things and throw fits while screaming for the government to infringe on one's rights, while the right prefers to just stop conducting business with the entities in question. The fact that you can't tell the difference only confirms why you're a leftist.

You really REALLY don't know what u are talking about.
What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?
None of us are stating that the government should force the restaurant to serve particular people. We, the people, however, also have the right to vote with our wallets, and thus are allowed to boycott restaurants that we don't agree with, as well as announce our displeasure. When making a political statement, like these people just did, a restaurant risks this sort of backlash.

In short, one of the major differences between the right and the left is that the left prefers to destroy things and throw fits while screaming for the government to infringe on one's rights, while the right prefers to just stop conducting business with the entities in question. The fact that you can't tell the difference only confirms why you're a leftist.

You really REALLY don't know what u are talking about.
And you really don't know how to make your point, since you're providing no citations or counter points to support your assertion. Likely because you don't have any.

I'd also like to point out that "you" is a word, not a letter, however I'd like to assure you that you're not disappointing anyone, we know what you expect from you.
Collecting a welfare check, paid for out of the wages of others who do real work, and have their earnings taxed to support your worthless parasitic ass, does not make you a worker.
I probably make more than you shit head

Drama Queen.

The violent equation is purely leftist
Ok, fine. What did you mean by "it’s on them"?
The topic.......the OP.........the Red Hen...........

There will be blow back because of this unless you live in fantasy land.......People will protest them and boycott them.......left will probably go there to eat.......Only time will tell the outcome of that................and a new CHAOS crisis will begin as usual.

In Florida..........Republican .......think Attorney General was threatened just for going to a movie. Had to be escorted out by the police.
They are openly protesting at someone else's home.........Think Miller............

And the Lunatic from California Maxine Water Head is openly telling supporters to harass the Point of INCITING VIOLENCE.......

It is IDIOCY................and if they keep throwing gas on the flames it will explode............Reps are supposed to be the ones trying to calm the storm......not thrown gasoline on a tender box.

Democraps never change.....


You have any evidence they don’t serve conservatives? Or are you just being stupid again?

Given your sig..............why the hell would we give a damn what you think on anything..........Mr. Mueller..........dug anything up......or are you now looking to see if he stole Milk Money as a kid.


Poor snowflake, what does that have to do with Sanders being ushered out of a restaurant? Other than that, I couldn’t give a shit about your hurt feelings.
Evil, hate filled, and racist.

Yep, you're a democrat.

Tigerred isn’t calling refugees “vermin” who are “infesting” America. That would be your racist President. She isn’t ripping children from their parents arms and then lying about it. That evil is being perpetrated by Kristen Neilsen and Donald Trump.

She also doesn’t blame others for her own actions. That would be Republicans.

I’m more apt to listen to her a fellow American than non-citizen.

In case you had not heard, the policy is no longer in force. We need to now fly them all home, its compassionate thing to do.

Flying them all home is hardly the compassionate thing to do. They ran from their homes in fear for their lives.

The compassionate thing to do is to re-unite the families, and then give their claim for asylum a respectful hearing as is their RIGHT under the laws of the USA.

The compassionate thing to do is stop referring to asylum claimants as “vermin”, and “animals”. Treat them as you would like to be treated if you were in their position.

Jeff Sessions quoted the Bible when trying to justify this cruel and callous policy. So I’ll use as Bible quote in response. Do unto others a you would have them do unto you. That’s the very least a country Trump refers to as “Christian”, should be doing. Following Jesus’ commandments.

To be honest and accurate, Trump wasn't calling asylum claimants as "vermin" and "animals". Those phrases have been used in connection with gang members, such as MS-13 members.

Trump Uses Language of Exterminators in Attack on ‘Illegal Immigrants’
What does infest mean?

to spread or swarm in or over in a troublesome manner.
Ok, fine. What did you mean by "it’s on them"?
The topic.......the OP.........the Red Hen...........

There will be blow back because of this unless you live in fantasy land.......People will protest them and boycott them.......left will probably go there to eat.......Only time will tell the outcome of that................and a new CHAOS crisis will begin as usual.

In Florida..........Republican .......think Attorney General was threatened just for going to a movie. Had to be escorted out by the police.
They are openly protesting at someone else's home.........Think Miller............

And the Lunatic from California Maxine Water Head is openly telling supporters to harass the Point of INCITING VIOLENCE.......

It is IDIOCY................and if they keep throwing gas on the flames it will explode............Reps are supposed to be the ones trying to calm the storm......not thrown gasoline on a tender box.

Democraps never change.....


You have any evidence they don’t serve conservatives? Or are you just being stupid again?

Given your sig..............why the hell would we give a damn what you think on anything..........Mr. Mueller..........dug anything up......or are you now looking to see if he stole Milk Money as a kid.


Poor snowflake, what does that have to do with Sanders being ushered out of a restaurant? Other than that, I couldn’t give a shit about your hurt feelings.

Here's a quarter call someone who cares.
when you deny one person's liberty because you don't like what they say, then we are all losing our liberty over that
What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?
None of us are stating that the government should force the restaurant to serve particular people. We, the people, however, also have the right to vote with our wallets, and thus are allowed to boycott restaurants that we don't agree with, as well as announce our displeasure. When making a political statement, like these people just did, a restaurant risks this sort of backlash.

In short, one of the major differences between the right and the left is that the left prefers to destroy things and throw fits while screaming for the government to infringe on one's rights, while the right prefers to just stop conducting business with the entities in question. The fact that you can't tell the difference only confirms why you're a leftist.

You really REALLY don't know what u are talking about.
And you really don't know how to make your point, since you're providing no citations or counter points to support your assertion. Likely because you don't have any.

I'd also like to point out that "you" is a word, not a letter, however I'd like to assure you that you're not disappointing anyone, we know what you expect from you.

So noted....Now u sober up so u can type without encircling yourself. U know what I mean?
when you deny one person's liberty because you don't like what they say, then we are all losing our liberty over that

Free speech has consequences.

As it is with actions. Miller whispered in trump's ear..."Let's separate children from their parents as they cross the border." Of course...the Great Orange Leader nearly wet his pants with excitement. He will be loved by all and the bleeding hearts will have to suck it up.

What happened? The policy was a major clusterf*ck and he had to sign an EO to correct the huge mistake.

While I do not agree with the owner of the Red Hen asking Ms. Alternative Facts to was her right. That being one suffered emotion damage. No one was barred from seeing their family. The worst wound was one of embarrassment and public ridicule.

The difference in the two instances should be quite clear. And no one knows if or when these kids will be reunited with their parents. It bares a striking resemblance to the Nazi separation of Jewish families in 1930'x Germany. The policy was born of ignorance and hate. Those are right up the alley of the Torturer in Chief.
when you deny one person's liberty because you don't like what they say, then we are all losing our liberty over that

Free speech has consequences.

As it is with actions. Miller whispered in trump's ear..."Let's separate children from their parents as they cross the border." Of course...the Great Orange Leader nearly wet his pants with excitement. He will be loved by all and the bleeding hearts will have to suck it up.

What happened? The policy was a major clusterf*ck and he had to sign an EO to correct the huge mistake.

While I do not agree with the owner of the Red Hen asking Ms. Alternative Facts to was her right. That being one suffered emotion damage. No one was barred from seeing their family. The worst wound was one of embarrassment and public ridicule.

The difference in the two instances should be quite clear. And no one knows if or when these kids will be reunited with their parents. It bares a striking resemblance to the Nazi separation of Jewish families in 1930'x Germany. The policy was born of ignorance and hate. Those are right up the alley of the Torturer in Chief.
Tell us what you think unaccompanied minor means.
What happened to free speech ?! What happened to letting businesses serve whomever they want ?
None of us are stating that the government should force the restaurant to serve particular people. We, the people, however, also have the right to vote with our wallets, and thus are allowed to boycott restaurants that we don't agree with, as well as announce our displeasure. When making a political statement, like these people just did, a restaurant risks this sort of backlash.

In short, one of the major differences between the right and the left is that the left prefers to destroy things and throw fits while screaming for the government to infringe on one's rights, while the right prefers to just stop conducting business with the entities in question. The fact that you can't tell the difference only confirms why you're a leftist.

You really REALLY don't know what u are talking about.
And you really don't know how to make your point, since you're providing no citations or counter points to support your assertion. Likely because you don't have any.

I'd also like to point out that "you" is a word, not a letter, however I'd like to assure you that you're not disappointing anyone, we know what you expect from you.

So noted....Now u sober up so u can type without encircling yourself. U know what I mean?
Oh look, still no counterpoints or citations. I guess you're completely okay with making posts which have no content whatsoever. Your lack of an argument only reinforces the conclusion that you can't make one.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.

Sarah is a vile repulsive woman who makes a living defending the indefensible.

It sounds like it was handled appropriately. -- I find you and your boss disgusting, please leave my place of business. No civil rights issue, just you make me sick, now good-bye.

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