Restaurant Owner Wants The Right To Refuse Service

I just explained it to you, nitwit. Congress claims the Commerce Clause gives it authority to regulate business. That's the only way the provisions on the Civil Rights bill outlawing discrimination by hotels and restaurants could pass Constitutional muster. The only problem with that is that for 150 years the Supreme Court ruled that the commerce clause did not give Congress authority to regulate hotels and restaurants.

I hope that was so clear that even a moron like you could understand it, but then I'm something of an optimist.

Ha,ha, you must be losing because you've already resorted to typical of those who can't handle when they are handed their ass on a platter.

If you are so me a link where the Civil Rights Act has been overturned and no longer can charge businesses with discrimination for refusing to serve anyone based on race, color, or gender......I'll be waiting....

And, I already gave you a link to a recent case where a bakery was found guilty of discrimination. If you are so smart and so up to date, post me up a link showing that the Supreme Court has overturned the Civil Rights Act, and then explain how Oregon could find this Bakery guilty......MORAN.

"Duuuhh. You answered my question, but what about answering my question? Oh, you commented on how fucking stupid I sound, re-asking the same question you just answered, so I must be WINNING!"

I guess if you measure your success by how many times you can get people to recognize that you're a moron, you win all the time, huh? :slap:

Mertex is a special kind of stupid. After you just got done explaining 5 times why the commerce clause doesn't allow the government to prohibit discrimination by hotels and restaurants, she/he asks you what the commerce clause has to do with discrimination by hotels and restaurants.
Reading some of the posts here remind how hypocritical the left is.

They say that a business can't refuse to provide a service to some people because of the color of their skin or who they sleep with, yet they say that the same business can refuse to provide a service to me because I carry a firearm.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

I guess you're not smart to figure it out, so here, let me help you.

The color of someone's skin doesn't rub off on you or cause you cancer, or itching, or anything like that, who a person sleeps with is none of anyone's business unless they are the same person you are sleeping with, but a firearm can cause bodily harm.....especially when being toted by people that don't have a brain cell in their head. It's a safety issue, for the other patrons as well as for the dummy carrying it.

Hope that clears it up for you.......or not......:razz::razz:

I guess that you are not smart enough to realize that I have the RIGHT to carry the firearm and that in refusing me service, they are violating my rights.
I guess you are not smart enough to realize they are not refusing you service...they will serve you if you don't bring your weapon inside their establishment.

Now if they feel "unsafe" because of that, and that, according to you, gives them the right refuse service.. Then any business owner can claim that they feel "unsafe" if people of a certain color, race, religion, or sexual flavor are in their business and can refuse service to them.

See how that works?
No that doesn't work....there is a law that sides with the owner to keep your gun out, on the other hand, there's a law that sides with the person being discriminated because of race, color, religion, etc., that says the owner can't do that. See how that works...
you're going against the law when you insist in bringing your gun, and the owner is going against the law when he isn't rocket should be able to grasp that.

No exceptions....the law is the law.
Ha,ha, you must be losing because you've already resorted to typical of those who can't handle when they are handed their ass on a platter.

If you are so me a link where the Civil Rights Act has been overturned and no longer can charge businesses with discrimination for refusing to serve anyone based on race, color, or gender......I'll be waiting....

And, I already gave you a link to a recent case where a bakery was found guilty of discrimination. If you are so smart and so up to date, post me up a link showing that the Supreme Court has overturned the Civil Rights Act, and then explain how Oregon could find this Bakery guilty......MORAN.

"Duuuhh. You answered my question, but what about answering my question? Oh, you commented on how fucking stupid I sound, re-asking the same question you just answered, so I must be WINNING!"

I guess if you measure your success by how many times you can get people to recognize that you're a moron, you win all the time, huh? :slap:

Mertex is a special kind of stupid. After you just got done explaining 5 times why the commerce clause doesn't allow the government to prohibit discrimination by hotels and restaurants, she/he asks you what the commerce clause has to do with discrimination by hotels and restaurants.

But, you're the one that is stupid because you still haven't provided any link to show that the commerce clause doesn't allow the government to prohibit discrimination. Just because you keep saying it doesn't make it so.....moran.....

People are still being found guilty of discrimination, so if you're so right, then how can that be? Think about it, if you can....which I'm beginning to think you are not capable of.

I thought we did away with that when we got rid of the Jim Crow laws.

If he wants to refuse service because they're not wearing the appropriate clothing, or because they are rude, then yes, he has a right to refuse service, but not due to any of the reasons you listed above. I can just see what a disabled vet would do if someone refuse him service.....
That only happens in liberal owned establishments.

I thought we did away with that when we got rid of the Jim Crow laws.

If he wants to refuse service because they're not wearing the appropriate clothing, or because they are rude, then yes, he has a right to refuse service, but not due to any of the reasons you listed above. I can just see what a disabled vet would do if someone refuse him service.....
That only happens in liberal owned establishments.

Yeah right, because we're the ones here whining about not being able to discriminate.

I thought we did away with that when we got rid of the Jim Crow laws.

If he wants to refuse service because they're not wearing the appropriate clothing, or because they are rude, then yes, he has a right to refuse service, but not due to any of the reasons you listed above. I can just see what a disabled vet would do if someone refuse him service.....
That only happens in liberal owned establishments.

Yeah right, because we're the ones here whining about not being able to discriminate.

No, it's because liberals have a track record of discriminating against vets and current members of the military. You're only against discrimination if you're not the ones doing it.

You have to understand that all libertarians are more competent and knowledgeable about the law than the Supreme Court Justices. One or two of them actually got a mail order degree from Devry University.
Reading some of the posts here remind how hypocritical the left is.

They say that a business can't refuse to provide a service to some people because of the color of their skin or who they sleep with, yet they say that the same business can refuse to provide a service to me because I carry a firearm.

What a bunch of hypocrites.

There’s nothing ‘hypocritical’ about ‘the left,’ there’s just your ignorance of the law.

Public accommodations laws are not comprehensive, they were never intended to be, where Federal laws are limited to race, gender, religion, and national origin; Federal public accommodations laws don’t address sexual orientation, for example, meaning a business owner is allowed to refuse service to a gay American if his state doesn’t have such a law, something that should make you and others on the right happy.

Consequently, just as a business owner can refuse service to a gay American, so too may he refuse service to someone with a firearm.
I see those who support hypocrisy are out in force. Along with those who make assumptions about what other people know.

Face.. you on the left don't mind discrimination when the person being discriminated against is a person you don't like.

Molon Labe
I guess you're not smart to figure it out, so here, let me help you.

The color of someone's skin doesn't rub off on you or cause you cancer, or itching, or anything like that, who a person sleeps with is none of anyone's business unless they are the same person you are sleeping with, but a firearm can cause bodily harm.....especially when being toted by people that don't have a brain cell in their head. It's a safety issue, for the other patrons as well as for the dummy carrying it.

Hope that clears it up for you.......or not......:razz::razz:

I guess that you are not smart enough to realize that I have the RIGHT to carry the firearm and that in refusing me service, they are violating my rights.
I guess you are not smart enough to realize they are not refusing you service...they will serve you if you don't bring your weapon inside their establishment.

Now if they feel "unsafe" because of that, and that, according to you, gives them the right refuse service.. Then any business owner can claim that they feel "unsafe" if people of a certain color, race, religion, or sexual flavor are in their business and can refuse service to them.

See how that works?
No that doesn't work....there is a law that sides with the owner to keep your gun out, on the other hand, there's a law that sides with the person being discriminated because of race, color, religion, etc., that says the owner can't do that. See how that works...
you're going against the law when you insist in bringing your gun, and the owner is going against the law when he isn't rocket should be able to grasp that.

No exceptions....the law is the law.

[ame=]I AM THE LAW! - YouTube[/ame]
How many white liberals have their kids in private schools to avoid the blacks and hispanics in public schools?
How many white liberals have their kids in private schools to avoid the blacks and hispanics in public schools?

Here I thought it was because they wanted their children to have the best education money could buy. Is that the reason Black and Hispanic parents put their children in private school too?
Nobody wants to be around the negro, unintelligent and a violent people

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