Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

and you think that will have no impact

again are you high?

Low wages have an impact on tens of millions of families
Yes, without them, millions of teenagers find it difficult to break into the job market.

I earned a $2.10 minimum wage on which I was able to pay for college by just working summers

Now, American families have to go into debt to send their kids to college. That debt is a direct result of low wages paid to college aged workers. Businesses make more profit off of low wage workers and American families make up the difference
You need to research why the cost of secondary education has gotten so high. You will find that low wages did not cause the increase.

If I make a $7.25 salary to pay for college, I make $4,000 over a summer
If I make $15 an hour, I make $8000 ...not enough to pay for college, but close

The difference is the amount of money that must be borrowed. Conservative whimper about the impact raising minimum wage has on business while they mock the impact it has on workers
The statement under examination is, "That debt is a direct result of low wages paid to college aged workers". I am positing that the cost of secondary education has increased drastically with no connection to wages paid. Therefore, the statement is false. Student debt is a function of increased college costs.

Also noted that raising the MW will hurt these students the MOST, as it will make finding a summer job harder. Doubling the MW won't help these students.
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?

Minimum wage workers are only about 3% of our workforce.

Then why do cons freak out over min wage ?

Because minimum wage creates a domino effect. See my response in post 515
wages should always outpace inflation.
Why, as they are drivers of inflation?
People just need to research a bit. It's easy now with so much Internet information. Only eat at restaurants or frequent businesses that fit your moral/ethical belief system. There's enough info out there for folks to make informed decisions about businesses. If a business doesn't fit your moral/ethical belief system, don't give it your money. Businesses catch on after awhile. The consumer has more power now than ever before.

Personally, i only spend money at businesses i feel do the right thing. I reward them for that. I'll pay more. If all Americans do that, Businesses will come around. They'll make changes. It's been proven. So, if a restaurant doesn't wanna behave morally and ethically, don't give it your hard-earned money. You as a consumer, do have a lotta power. Go ahead and exercise that power.

I agree with that. But then you need to take it to a more complete logical stance: Businesses should also be able to choose their customers. If they don't want to do business with someone who they believe is not moral or ethical, they have that right as well.

Consumers these days are in the best position they've ever been in. They really do have an incredible amount of power. With so much information on businesses out there, it's pretty easy to make the right decisions. You can spend your money at businesses you feel do the right thing. However, i know it's impossible to do it all the time.

You just have to do some research. There's an awful lot of businesses out there that do the wrong thing. It's like one poster said earlier. He or she is willing to do whatever possible to screw a fellow American. Meaning, they would pay a Worker $1 an hr. if they thought they could get away with it. You're dealing with a lot of bad Americans like that. So as a Consumer, you just need to make sure you're not giving those folks your money.

How do you sleep at night living in a country where you think businesses are mostly evul?

Money is the root of all evil.

Only to people who don't know how to earn and manage it...and who don't have a healthy value system.
/--- Workers should get what they earn and what the employer can afford not what some power hungry politician says they should get so he can consolidate his power base.
Actually.........we have a society that looks out for those least able to defend themselves

Like low wage workers
so a person who chooses to work for a MW job just is utterly incapable of being able do do anything else?

Why do you have such a low opinion of people?

Well it's either that or some sort of superiority complex

Why does RW think that: PROJECTION!

I cannot speak for any RW and if you'd notice I didn't mention any wings in my post

But I have far more faith in the ability of people to better themselves than any of you do

that much is obvious
I believe we don't need our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; how about you?

One of those things is not like the others.
One of those things just doesn't belong.
Can you guess which thing is not like the others
Before we finish this song?
Not to worry, cellblock, you can always find work in your career as fast food server.

The fact of the matter remains that the customer will pay more in order to help the fast food server earn more.
Hey, stupid. He had links to why they aren't going to pay more for minimal labor in fast food. Enjoy talking to your kiosk as the person that used to do that job is now unemployed because you decided they are worth $15 an hour.
Those kiosks will come even if minimum wage stays at $7.25
because they will be cheaper than employees even at 7.25 an hour

So you admit that these claims that automation is being cause by higher minimum wages are horseshit.
It's being accelerated. Thought experiment. Raise the MW to $100/hr and eliminate poverty altogether, correct?

No. All you'll do is destroy jobs and accelerate the adoption of automation. Same by doubling it overnight. Same effect, only smaller.
People just need to research a bit. It's easy now with so much Internet information. Only eat at restaurants or frequent businesses that fit your moral/ethical belief system. There's enough info out there for folks to make informed decisions about businesses. If a business doesn't fit your moral/ethical belief system, don't give it your money. Businesses catch on after awhile. The consumer has more power now than ever before.

Personally, i only spend money at businesses i feel do the right thing. I reward them for that. I'll pay more. If all Americans do that, Businesses will come around. They'll make changes. It's been proven. So, if a restaurant doesn't wanna behave morally and ethically, don't give it your hard-earned money. You as a consumer, do have a lotta power. Go ahead and exercise that power.

I agree with that. But then you need to take it to a more complete logical stance: Businesses should also be able to choose their customers. If they don't want to do business with someone who they believe is not moral or ethical, they have that right as well.
not for the profit of lucre; Only not for profits, may do that.

Bull Excrement. But thank you for being so blatant in your hypocrisy.
It is more than most teachers get with a degree as a starting salary! I guess Joe Flunky who dropped out of high school deserves the same rate of pay as those who tried to teach them how to get a job.

Most teachers are way underpaid.
no they're not

Maybe where you live and the cost of living is outrageously high.

I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

They would be paid much less if conservatives had their way.
If conservatives had their way, good ones would be paid considerably more, bad ones considerably less.

Just correcting you.
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?

If you can't live off of the money you make on job then get another one.

If you are so sorry as to not be able to make more than minimum wage then you are one pathetic asshole.

Minimum wage jobs are for kids working part time in school or the summer for a little extra spending money, not for adults raising a family.

The government should never be in the business of dictating wages and they should never be in the welfare business of taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it.

Fuck the filthy ass government, right Timmy?
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I live in New England so don't whine about cost of living to me

The average teacher in MA earns almost 75K for working part time job
That ain't underpaid

Where the fuck do you get off saying it is a part-time job?

Also, your "average" teacher has how many years of service?

it's part time

Summers off many weeks and days off during the school year

how is that NOT part time?

How much better would Massachusetts schools be if teachers were paid half of what they're paid now?
50 K isn't half of 75K

So Massachusetts would attract better teachers if they cut and/or capped salaries at 50,000 a year?

how do you figure?
Mass would attract better teachers if they paid excellent teachers $100k, not very good ones $50K.
The best way to not be forced to taking a minimum wage job or have to take welfare is to stop voting for Liberals that screw up the economy with failed Left economics.

It is always comical to see these Moon Bats bitch about not having good jobs when they vote for nitwits like Obama who increased poverty and decreased family income.
Don't eat at those restaurants. They obviously don't care about American Workers. I'm so sick of the Minimum Wage meme. Greedy bastards who don't wanna pay American Workers a living wage, can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. I'm tired of their games. All their threats of replacing Workers with 'Robots', and constantly making struggling folks out to be the 'Bad Guy.'

Our Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment compared to the rest of the world. The richest nation on earth can certainly do better. We need to look out for our Workers. So, don't give your money to folks who don't wanna treat their fellow Americans with dignity. Period, end of story.

Moon Bat. If you think your server should make more money then give them a bigger tip. Problem solved.. However, in the meantime keep your fucking government from forcing me to pay more than fail labor market rates.

I am getting sick and tired of you greedy little Moon Bats forcing me to pay money into your welfare bucket and you can be the ones to go to hell.
It is one thing to be a teacher, and another thing to teach. So many "Teachers are just indoctrinators who are there for the check. They are union protected and they are so far below the actual baseline of intellect required to be a teacher it is pathetic. The problem is The Unions of today have nothing in common with the unions that built America. It is a FACT that they have become political PACs and are run for the most part by people who are paid operatives of the dimshit party.
Schools with union teachers perform better than non-Union schools

Then why do homeschooled kids routinely beat their public school counterparts in all testing
Because homeschool kids are spoiled little brats who have had mommy hovering around them their whole lives
Public schools have to take all children regardless of parental motivation

Kids are threatened by the idea of having to go to school, so they do try harder. After all, if you don't do well studying at home, the parents ship you off to school.

I hated going to school when I was a kid, and if we had home schooling at the time, I would have done much better simply by the thought of having to go to school.
Some kids thrive in a public school environment. They are subjected to kids of different backgrounds and teachers trained in multiple fields.
Other kids need mommy to screen the kids they meet and monitor every aspects of their lives
And still government schools with their massive budgets, professionally trained teachers, counsellors, and administrators, can't do as good a job educating kids as parents willing to forego the income from a second job. Sad, isn't it?
Waitresses and bartenders aren't going to whine about getting 15 an hour because a lot of them can make 20 or more an hour when tips are included.

No one will tip a waitress who makes 15 an hour

15 bucks where?

Minnesota Restaurant Adds Minimum Wage Surcharge To Customer Bills - Say Anything

That place put on a surcharge because the minimum wage was raised to 8 bucks.

There's a nice tidbit in that link. Look at the bill. This restaurant is getting 8 bucks for a cheeseburger, but they're claiming they can't afford to pay the help 8 bucks an hour.


As the price of Hamburger went up, restaurants had no qualms charging $8 for a burger and passing on the cost
Now that ground beef prices have come down, they keep selling $8 burgers
But feel a need to hold their employees up for scorn


And they choose to humiliate their employees, by putting a wage surcharge on the bill, a way of saying it's the help's fault your meal costs what it costs,

but where is the beef surcharge? The fuel surcharge? the boss's wife wants a new car surcharge?

Eh. Blame the least of us, the employees, for the woes of the well off.

There was no beef surcharge when the price of a burger nearly doubled
Who ever heard of paying $8 for a burger?

What is the purpose of that 35 cent min wage surcharge?

Get the customer to take the 35 cents out of the tip
Which puts the worker right back to where he was before he got the raise. Good job.
Kids are threatened by the idea of having to go to school, so they do try harder. After all, if you don't do well studying at home, the parents ship you off to school.

I hated going to school when I was a kid, and if we had home schooling at the time, I would have done much better simply by the thought of having to go to school.
Some kids thrive in a public school environment. They are subjected to kids of different backgrounds and teachers trained in multiple fields.
Other kids need mommy to screen the kids they meet and monitor every aspects of their lives

And you think there's something wrong with that?

What could possibly be wrong with homeschooling?
Means I don't have pay to educate the little brat

Not now, but as it continues it's popularity, we may be able to syphon some of those school dollars to pay parents to educate their kids, and who knows, maybe other kids nearby their home as well.
My problem with homeschooling is why does it need to be all or nothing?
Why not homeschool for English, history and subjects you are comfortable with and send your kid to regular school for science labs, foreign language and advanced mathematics?
If you use an online curriculum that makes teachers available, you can teach your kids at home and give them a premium education without having to be proficient in every subject.
Or maybe they are putting it on the bill to show their customers what happens when they support something as idiotic as a huge minimum wage increase: somebody has to pay for that increase.

Or maybe it's way of letting petty douchebags know not to come back to the restaurant.

That's their option. But many uninformed voters think that when they support things like wage or taxation hikes, somebody other then them are going to pay for it. I'm sure those people who are shocked at the new charge figured it was the owner that was just going to dig deeper in his pockets.

For those who are insulted by learning something, you probably don't want their business anyhow.

I thought restaurants were just going to lay off enough people to make up the difference.
They will if they can't raise prices high enough to offset the increased cost. Most will probably do both.
Or why not reduce wages to zero, force people to work for nothing, and really get that trickle down thing going?
You farted. I asked why not pay them $100/hr if your theory works.

Because you created a textbook strawman.
How so? You said paying them more boosts the economy. Looks like you ran away from it pretty quick!

I stated the indisputable fact that when a low wage person makes more money they will spend more money.

Do you wish to dispute that?

but you refuse to acknowledge that as labor costs rise the price of goods and services also rise

so if you want to make small increases in the MW it's no big deal but the recent calls for more than doubling the current fed MW are a completely different matter
They refuse to acknowledge that over half the workforce makes $20/hr or less. Does any sane person think someone making $18/hr is going to be happy seeing totally uneducated, unskilled, untrained workers making almost as much as he is? Not a chance. Jack the MW from $7.25 to $15/hr and you create massive ripple effects that will cause changes in the entire job market.
Because you created a textbook strawman.
How so? You said paying them more boosts the economy. Looks like you ran away from it pretty quick!

I stated the indisputable fact that when a low wage person makes more money they will spend more money.

Do you wish to dispute that?

I do.

A huge minimum wage increase has a domino effect causing inflation. If your wage goes up, but the cost of everything around you increases as well, how are you ahead?

Here in Cleveland they put the issue of a $15.00 minimum wage to vote in their all Democrat Council. They voted it down. Why? Because they knew it would chase businesses into the suburbs. So then they asked the county to join in so that wouldn't happen. The county wouldn't consider it for the same reason. It would chase industry to surrounding counties.

Why are politicians so interested in people making more money? The more money people make, the more taxes they pay. And if an increase causes a domino effect, then it's better yet, because everybody is making more money and paying more taxes.
We would not need a huge minimum wage increase if we had allowed wages to increase with inflation for the last eight years

Employers have profited from frozen wages for eight years

Time to pay the piper

Complaining about employers' profits is not a solution. The better way for wages to go up is when a healthy employment market exists and companies are competing for labor. When cash is sitting on the sidelines and jobs are scarce, artificial means (i.e. Mandates) have the opposite effect.
Good point. During the recent oil boom, McDonalds workers could make almost $20/hr in some places.
Don't eat at those restaurants. They obviously don't care about American Workers. I'm so sick of the Minimum Wage meme. Greedy bastards who don't wanna pay American Workers a living wage, can go to hell as far as i'm concerned. I'm tired of their games. All their threats of replacing Workers with 'Robots', and constantly making struggling folks out to be the 'Bad Guy.'

Our Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment compared to the rest of the world. The richest nation on earth can certainly do better. We need to look out for our Workers. So, don't give your money to folks who don't wanna treat their fellow Americans with dignity. Period, end of story.

Wait. You want to force wage increases, but you're asking people not to pay for it? Interesting. You sure they're the bastards?

The greedy assholes constantly make struggling folks out to be the 'Bad Guy.' These are just fellow Americans struggling to get by. You don't wanna a pay a fellow American a living wage, you can go to hell.

I'm sick of all the bitching & whining about the Minimum Wage. Our Minimum Wage is pathetic. We're the richest nation on earth for God's sake. We should treat our fellow Americans better.
And you're willing to make up the difference in higher prices for EVERYTHING?
You farted. I asked why not pay them $100/hr if your theory works.

Because you created a textbook strawman.
How so? You said paying them more boosts the economy. Looks like you ran away from it pretty quick!

I stated the indisputable fact that when a low wage person makes more money they will spend more money.

Do you wish to dispute that?

but you refuse to acknowledge that as labor costs rise the price of goods and services also rise

so if you want to make small increases in the MW it's no big deal but the recent calls for more than doubling the current fed MW are a completely different matter
They refuse to acknowledge that over half the workforce makes $20/hr or less. Does any sane person think someone making $18/hr is going to be happy seeing totally uneducated, unskilled, untrained workers making almost as much as he is? Not a chance. Jack the MW from $7.25 to $15/hr and you create massive ripple effects that will cause changes in the entire job market.
You're assuming these left wing idiots think that far ahead. They don't.

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