Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

People just need to research a bit. It's easy now with so much Internet information. Only eat at restaurants or frequent businesses that fit your moral/ethical belief system. There's enough info out there for folks to make informed decisions about businesses. If a business doesn't fit your moral/ethical belief system, don't give it your money. Businesses catch on after awhile. The consumer has more power now than ever before.

Personally, i only spend money at businesses i feel do the right thing. I reward them for that. I'll pay more. If all Americans do that, Businesses will come around. They'll make changes. It's been proven. So, if a restaurant doesn't wanna behave morally and ethically, don't give it your hard-earned money. You as a consumer, do have a lotta power. Go ahead and exercise that power.

I agree with that. But then you need to take it to a more complete logical stance: Businesses should also be able to choose their customers. If they don't want to do business with someone who they believe is not moral or ethical, they have that right as well.
not for the profit of lucre; Only not for profits, may do that.

Bull Excrement. But thank you for being so blatant in your hypocrisy.
no, it isn't, simply Because I say so.
And you're willing to make up the difference in higher prices for EVERYTHING?

I do it already. I only purchase products and frequent businesses i know do the right thing. I pay more for it, but i feel better.
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.

Let me tell you something, in a free country, you are only treated the way you want to be treated. If you don't want to do squat to improve your plight, you will be treated accordingly. If you show some effort and responsibility, you will be treated accordingly. If you bust your ass on your job, you will be treated accordingly. If you sit back expecting government to give you will be treated accordingly.
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?

If you can't live off of the money you make on job then get another one.

If you are so sorry as to not be able to make more than minimum wage then you are one pathetic asshole.

Minimum wage jobs are for kids working part time in school or the summer for a little extra spending money, not for adults raising a family.

The government should never be in the business of dictating wages and they should never be in the welfare business of taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it.

Fuck the filthy ass government, right Timmy?
why don't all capitalists do like Henry Ford; and simply double wages and realize gains from efficiency?
And you're willing to make up the difference in higher prices for EVERYTHING?

I do it already. I only purchase products and frequent businesses i know do the right thing. I pay more for it, but i feel better.
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.
Look out for all the people you want to. It's fine. Many today have jobs they are barely qualified for at the current minimum wage. Raising that minimum isn't helping them. A nations wealth has nothing at all to do with an individuals wealth or worth. The fact we have such wealth simply means they have an opportunity to get in that game. It doesn't mean they are guaranteed anything.

I don't feel ashamed, you do. Luckily in America you can do something all on your own to sooth your guilt. Go donate your time and money helping these people. Don't sit on your ass in your living room making up rules for everyone to help except you.
Or maybe they are putting it on the bill to show their customers what happens when they support something as idiotic as a huge minimum wage increase: somebody has to pay for that increase.

Or maybe it's way of letting petty douchebags know not to come back to the restaurant.

That's their option. But many uninformed voters think that when they support things like wage or taxation hikes, somebody other then them are going to pay for it. I'm sure those people who are shocked at the new charge figured it was the owner that was just going to dig deeper in his pockets.

For those who are insulted by learning something, you probably don't want their business anyhow.

I thought restaurants were just going to lay off enough people to make up the difference.
They will if they can't raise prices high enough to offset the increased cost. Most will probably do both.
only "lousy capitalists" cannot make like, Henry Ford.
I do it already. I only purchase products and frequent businesses i know do the right thing. I pay more for it, but i feel better.
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.

Let me tell you something, in a free country, you are only treated the way you want to be treated. If you don't want to do squat to improve your plight, you will be treated accordingly. If you show some effort and responsibility, you will be treated accordingly. If you bust your ass on your job, you will be treated accordingly. If you sit back expecting government to give you will be treated accordingly.

Sorry, but that's just more greedy white Republican 'Archie Bunker' Bullshite. If we refuse to look out for our less fortunate and powerless, we've become an 'Evil Country.'
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?

If you can't live off of the money you make on job then get another one.

If you are so sorry as to not be able to make more than minimum wage then you are one pathetic asshole.

Minimum wage jobs are for kids working part time in school or the summer for a little extra spending money, not for adults raising a family.

The government should never be in the business of dictating wages and they should never be in the welfare business of taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it.

Fuck the filthy ass government, right Timmy?
why don't all capitalists do like Henry Ford; and simply double wages and realize gains from efficiency?
Are you seriously this dumb? Do you have any business history education at all? Do you know why Ford raised the wages? It wasn't to make people feel good, it was out of necessity. He was struggling to keep workers sitting on an assembly line all day. And that job came with some drawbacks as well. Such as family visit's to make sure nobody was drinking, having affairs, etc.

Kinda the same intrusions you get when the government sets your wages.
I do it already. I only purchase products and frequent businesses i know do the right thing. I pay more for it, but i feel better.
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.
Look out for all the people you want to. It's fine. Many today have jobs they are barely qualified for at the current minimum wage. Raising that minimum isn't helping them. A nations wealth has nothing at all to do with an individuals wealth or worth. The fact we have such wealth simply means they have an opportunity to get in that game. It doesn't mean they are guaranteed anything.

I don't feel ashamed, you do. Luckily in America you can do something all on your own to sooth your guilt. Go donate your time and money helping these people. Don't sit on your ass in your living room making up rules for everyone to help except you.

How you treat your elderly and less fortunate, says everything about a nation. And we're doing a miserable job on both fronts. We are the richest nation on earth, no?
Or maybe they are putting it on the bill to show their customers what happens when they support something as idiotic as a huge minimum wage increase: somebody has to pay for that increase.

Or maybe it's way of letting petty douchebags know not to come back to the restaurant.

That's their option. But many uninformed voters think that when they support things like wage or taxation hikes, somebody other then them are going to pay for it. I'm sure those people who are shocked at the new charge figured it was the owner that was just going to dig deeper in his pockets.

For those who are insulted by learning something, you probably don't want their business anyhow.

I thought restaurants were just going to lay off enough people to make up the difference.
They will if they can't raise prices high enough to offset the increased cost. Most will probably do both.
only "lousy capitalists" cannot make like, Henry Ford.
You can't out capitalist mandates. It can't be done.
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.
Look out for all the people you want to. It's fine. Many today have jobs they are barely qualified for at the current minimum wage. Raising that minimum isn't helping them. A nations wealth has nothing at all to do with an individuals wealth or worth. The fact we have such wealth simply means they have an opportunity to get in that game. It doesn't mean they are guaranteed anything.

I don't feel ashamed, you do. Luckily in America you can do something all on your own to sooth your guilt. Go donate your time and money helping these people. Don't sit on your ass in your living room making up rules for everyone to help except you.

How you treat your elderly and less fortunate, says everything about a nation. And we're doing a miserable job on both fronts. We are the richest nation on earth, no?
So now it's elderly people. Is there any group of people you aren't willing to spend this mythical "nations wealth" on?
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.

Here is something for you to contemplate: If you are elderly or less fortunate, what other country than the US would you rather be living in?
We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.
Look out for all the people you want to. It's fine. Many today have jobs they are barely qualified for at the current minimum wage. Raising that minimum isn't helping them. A nations wealth has nothing at all to do with an individuals wealth or worth. The fact we have such wealth simply means they have an opportunity to get in that game. It doesn't mean they are guaranteed anything.

I don't feel ashamed, you do. Luckily in America you can do something all on your own to sooth your guilt. Go donate your time and money helping these people. Don't sit on your ass in your living room making up rules for everyone to help except you.

How you treat your elderly and less fortunate, says everything about a nation. And we're doing a miserable job on both fronts. We are the richest nation on earth, no?
So now it's elderly people. Is there any group of people you aren't willing to spend this mythical "nations wealth" on?

How you treat your elderly, children, and overall less fortunate, says everything about your nation. And the US is currently failing bigtime on that.
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.

Let me tell you something, in a free country, you are only treated the way you want to be treated. If you don't want to do squat to improve your plight, you will be treated accordingly. If you show some effort and responsibility, you will be treated accordingly. If you bust your ass on your job, you will be treated accordingly. If you sit back expecting government to give you will be treated accordingly.

Sorry, but that's just more greedy white Republican 'Archie Bunker' Bullshite. If we refuse to look out for our less fortunate and powerless, we've become an 'Evil Country.'

We take care of our "powerless" pretty damn good. In most cases, our less fortunate are less fortunate because they made the choice to be that way.
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.

Here is something for you to contemplate: If you are elderly or less fortunate, what other country than the US would you rather be living in?

That's not good enough. We can do much better. We should expect much more from the richest nation on earth.
We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.

The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.

Let me tell you something, in a free country, you are only treated the way you want to be treated. If you don't want to do squat to improve your plight, you will be treated accordingly. If you show some effort and responsibility, you will be treated accordingly. If you bust your ass on your job, you will be treated accordingly. If you sit back expecting government to give you will be treated accordingly.

Sorry, but that's just more greedy white Republican 'Archie Bunker' Bullshite. If we refuse to look out for our less fortunate and powerless, we've become an 'Evil Country.'

We take care of our "powerless" pretty damn good. In most cases, our less fortunate are less fortunate because they made the choice to be that way.

That's some pretty hateful warped thinking. Like i said, y'all are the reason i don't call myself a Republican anymore.
The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.

Let me tell you something, in a free country, you are only treated the way you want to be treated. If you don't want to do squat to improve your plight, you will be treated accordingly. If you show some effort and responsibility, you will be treated accordingly. If you bust your ass on your job, you will be treated accordingly. If you sit back expecting government to give you will be treated accordingly.

Sorry, but that's just more greedy white Republican 'Archie Bunker' Bullshite. If we refuse to look out for our less fortunate and powerless, we've become an 'Evil Country.'

We take care of our "powerless" pretty damn good. In most cases, our less fortunate are less fortunate because they made the choice to be that way.

That's some pretty hateful warped thinking. Like i said, y'all are the reason i don't call myself a Republican anymore.

How is that warped thinking? Poverty is a choice--not an affliction in most cases. If you live in poverty, it's because you don't have money. If you need money, there is only one way to get it--work.

But if you make bad choices in life like not seeking a profession, not securing a good paying job with a company, not gaining an education, starting a family you can't support and will forever keep you poor, that's not because of bad luck--it's because of bad choices.

Being a Republican promotes people making wise choices in life, so it's no surprise you are not a Republican. Being a Republican promotes personal responsibility, so again, it's not a surprise you are not a Republican.
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.

Here is something for you to contemplate: If you are elderly or less fortunate, what other country than the US would you rather be living in?
Any other top rank socialist country (ignoring patriotic sentiment) - FRANCE (#1 Quality of Life AND Place to retire), original EU, Canada, OZ, NZ.
I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.

Let me tell you something, in a free country, you are only treated the way you want to be treated. If you don't want to do squat to improve your plight, you will be treated accordingly. If you show some effort and responsibility, you will be treated accordingly. If you bust your ass on your job, you will be treated accordingly. If you sit back expecting government to give you will be treated accordingly.

Sorry, but that's just more greedy white Republican 'Archie Bunker' Bullshite. If we refuse to look out for our less fortunate and powerless, we've become an 'Evil Country.'

We take care of our "powerless" pretty damn good. In most cases, our less fortunate are less fortunate because they made the choice to be that way.

That's some pretty hateful warped thinking. Like i said, y'all are the reason i don't call myself a Republican anymore.

How is that warped thinking? Poverty is a choice--not an affliction in most cases. If you live in poverty, it's because you don't have money. If you need money, there is only one way to get it--work.

But if you make bad choices in life like not seeking a profession, not securing a good paying job with a company, not gaining an education, starting a family you can't support and will forever keep you poor, that's not because of bad luck--it's because of bad choices.

Being a Republican promotes people making wise choices in life, so it's no surprise you are not a Republican. Being a Republican promotes personal responsibility, so again, it's not a surprise you are not a Republican.
Quite mad lol. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.

Here is something for you to contemplate: If you are elderly or less fortunate, what other country than the US would you rather be living in?
Any other top rank socialist country (ignoring patriotic sentiment) - FRANCE (#1 Quality of Life AND Place to retire), original EU, Canada, OZ, NZ.

Well then there is the solution to your problem: MOVE!

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