Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Any other top rank socialist country (ignoring patriotic sentiment) - FRANCE (#1 Quality of Life AND Place to retire), original EU, Canada, OZ, NZ.

Well then there is the solution to your problem: MOVE!
As I said, stupid, sentiment ignored. As it is, we'll keep trying to fix your greedy idiot GOP mess you morons have produced here, dupe. And guess what, it's basically impossible to retire in those places unless you're VERY rich...

Oh, so not only have you moved the goalposts, you moved them to the other side of the field. But my question was......if you are elderly or less fortunate, what country would you rather be less fortunate or elderly in than the US?
I already said. France, I said. Etc.

You also said you couldn't retire there unless you were wealthy. Well.........which is it?
Forget the moving, dupe. The question is which countries have the best benefits for the retired. Answer: THE ONES I SAID. Not here. And my name is FrancophileHFW.
Pay the 'surcharge.' Help American Workers out. These businesses that are charging the 'surcharge' are real scumbags, but look past that and help American Workers make a living wage. That's what a good American would do.
(francoHFW posted: Any other top rank socialist country (ignoring patriotic sentiment) - FRANCE (#1 Quality of Life AND Place to retire), original EU, Canada, OZ, NZ.)

These places are not half as decent as the worst place in this country so what is your dumbass point. Why the hell would anyone retire to France? The quality of life for what? living in an apartment that smells like mold, having to deal with dirty water, bad utilities, extreme energy costs, narrow streets rude people, marginal healthcare, diseases that have been gone from this country for decades, sewer water in every river, ON AND ON >>>>> you need to try to tell someone who doesn't know anything about the REAL world those damn lies bullshit pump.
It's been rated #1 for quality of life and retirement MANY times. All you said is crap lol. Only Parisian waiters are rude, dupe. etc...Jeebus what a moron ugly American. OUR INFRASTRUCTURE and health is the scandal nowadays... Thanks GOP!
I hope they choke on their 'Robots.' They're greedy Un-American pieces of shite. But i believe in Karmic Justice. They'll pay a price at some point.

Have you bought a car recently? Shopped for groceries?

How much of the construction of that vehicle is done by robots? How much of those groceries are raised on farms using tractors and harvesting machines?

Look at all the horses put out of work by the automobile!
why don't all capitalists do like Henry Ford; and simply double wages and realize gains from efficiency?

They do. Just as Henry Ford invented the assembly line to produce more cars for a cheaper price, restaurants are being forced to buy robots to serve their customers.
That's not good enough. We can do much better. We should expect much more from the richest nation on earth.

This is the best way.

BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

The far left does not understand basic economics!

They think that businesses are not supposed to make money!

More proof why the far left should never be in charge of anything!
I actually think most Americans will pay the 'surcharge', knowing American Workers are being treated well. Most Americans are kind-hearted.

Typical far left Progressive! HAPPY TO PAY...just so it is coming out of someone else's pocket.

Isn't it the responsibility of the worker to place them in the best situation possible to be treated well? Why is that your or MY responsibility?

Then why do cons freak out over min wage ?

Because minimum wage creates a domino effect. See my response in post 515
wages should always outpace inflation.

Well they don't. That's just a fact of life in the USA. If you don't like what you are being paid, you find a job that pays better. That's all.
I prefer unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, until they do.

Correct, because we simply don't have enough people in this country living off of working people.
Only fools and horses should have to work, dear.
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?

If you can't live off of the money you make on job then get another one.

If you are so sorry as to not be able to make more than minimum wage then you are one pathetic asshole.

Minimum wage jobs are for kids working part time in school or the summer for a little extra spending money, not for adults raising a family.

The government should never be in the business of dictating wages and they should never be in the welfare business of taking money away from the people that earn it and giving it away to those that didn't earn it.

Fuck the filthy ass government, right Timmy?
why don't all capitalists do like Henry Ford; and simply double wages and realize gains from efficiency?
Are you seriously this dumb? Do you have any business history education at all? Do you know why Ford raised the wages? It wasn't to make people feel good, it was out of necessity. He was struggling to keep workers sitting on an assembly line all day. And that job came with some drawbacks as well. Such as family visit's to make sure nobody was drinking, having affairs, etc.

Kinda the same intrusions you get when the government sets your wages.
Social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour, by comparison. Why "subsidize the wealthy" but, "blame the poor"?
Pay the 'surcharge', but bitch the business out. It is shameful. But i'll pay it and keep fellow Americans employed at a livable wage. I feel that's the right thing to do in the end. But hopefully, those businesses will be shamed into doing the right thing eventually. Consumers do have a lot of power. They can force change.

Consumers do have a lot of power and they are walking away.

More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches
Published March 12, 2015

Of course, restaurants close for a variety of reasons. But, according to Seattle Magazine, the “impending minimum wage hike to $15 per hour” is playing a “major factor.” That’s not surprising, considering “about 36% of restaurant earnings go to paying labor costs.” Seattle Magazine,

“Washington Restaurant Association’s Anthony Anton puts it this way: “It’s not a political problem; it’s a math problem.”

“He estimates that a common budget breakdown among sustaining Seattle restaurants so far has been the following: 36 percent of funds are devoted to labor, 30 percent to food costs and 30 percent go to everything else (all other operational costs). The remaining 4 percent has been the profit margin, and as a result, in a $700,000 restaurant, he estimates that the average restauranteur in Seattle has been making $28,000 a year.

“With the minimum wage spike, however, he says that if restaurant owners made no changes, the labor cost in quick service restaurants would rise to 42 percent and in full service restaurants to 47 percent.”

More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches - Shift Washington
Or maybe it's way of letting petty douchebags know not to come back to the restaurant.

That's their option. But many uninformed voters think that when they support things like wage or taxation hikes, somebody other then them are going to pay for it. I'm sure those people who are shocked at the new charge figured it was the owner that was just going to dig deeper in his pockets.

For those who are insulted by learning something, you probably don't want their business anyhow.

I thought restaurants were just going to lay off enough people to make up the difference.
They will if they can't raise prices high enough to offset the increased cost. Most will probably do both.
only "lousy capitalists" cannot make like, Henry Ford.
You can't out capitalist mandates. It can't be done.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages.
I actually think most Americans will pay the 'surcharge', knowing American Workers are being treated well. Most Americans are kind-hearted.

Typical far left Progressive! HAPPY TO PAY...just so it is coming out of someone else's pocket.

Isn't it the responsibility of the worker to place them in the best situation possible to be treated well? Why is that your or MY responsibility?


It's the GOP, stupid- Reaganism rolls on

The Demise of the American Middle Class In Numbers.

Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 –
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 =
4 =
5/6 =

Overview =
Pay the 'surcharge', but bitch the business out. It is shameful. But i'll pay it and keep fellow Americans employed at a livable wage. I feel that's the right thing to do in the end. But hopefully, those businesses will be shamed into doing the right thing eventually. Consumers do have a lot of power. They can force change.

Consumers do have a lot of power and they are walking away.

More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches
Published March 12, 2015

Of course, restaurants close for a variety of reasons. But, according to Seattle Magazine, the “impending minimum wage hike to $15 per hour” is playing a “major factor.” That’s not surprising, considering “about 36% of restaurant earnings go to paying labor costs.” Seattle Magazine,

“Washington Restaurant Association’s Anthony Anton puts it this way: “It’s not a political problem; it’s a math problem.”

“He estimates that a common budget breakdown among sustaining Seattle restaurants so far has been the following: 36 percent of funds are devoted to labor, 30 percent to food costs and 30 percent go to everything else (all other operational costs). The remaining 4 percent has been the profit margin, and as a result, in a $700,000 restaurant, he estimates that the average restauranteur in Seattle has been making $28,000 a year.

“With the minimum wage spike, however, he says that if restaurant owners made no changes, the labor cost in quick service restaurants would rise to 42 percent and in full service restaurants to 47 percent.”

More Seattle restaurants close doors as $15 minimum wage approaches - Shift Washington
Hasn't even STARTED yet lol. Great link LOL
I do.

A huge minimum wage increase has a domino effect causing inflation. If your wage goes up, but the cost of everything around you increases as well, how are you ahead?

Here in Cleveland they put the issue of a $15.00 minimum wage to vote in their all Democrat Council. They voted it down. Why? Because they knew it would chase businesses into the suburbs. So then they asked the county to join in so that wouldn't happen. The county wouldn't consider it for the same reason. It would chase industry to surrounding counties.

Why are politicians so interested in people making more money? The more money people make, the more taxes they pay. And if an increase causes a domino effect, then it's better yet, because everybody is making more money and paying more taxes.
We would not need a huge minimum wage increase if we had allowed wages to increase with inflation for the last eight years

Employers have profited from frozen wages for eight years

Time to pay the piper

No, not really. The less it costs to run a business, the less their product or service costs to the customer. Increase wages, their customers would likely have to pay that bill.

The customer is already paying $8 for a stinking burger. The owner obviously doesn't care about passing on cost
The business owner has profited off of a frozen minimum wage
The employees have had to make do with less

Time to even the playing field

$15 to make up for the last eight years and the next eight when we finally get around to raising it again

the employees could have left and found another job.

and all raising the MW to 15 an hour will do is decrease the purchasing power of everyone who already make 15 an hour or more

because the price of absolutely everything will go up and current MW wage workers really won't be much better off after all the price increases hit

It also gets people off the dole !
no it won't
People just need to research a bit. It's easy now with so much Internet information. Only eat at restaurants or frequent businesses that fit your moral/ethical belief system. There's enough info out there for folks to make informed decisions about businesses. If a business doesn't fit your moral/ethical belief system, don't give it your money. Businesses catch on after awhile. The consumer has more power now than ever before.

Personally, i only spend money at businesses i feel do the right thing. I reward them for that. I'll pay more. If all Americans do that, Businesses will come around. They'll make changes. It's been proven. So, if a restaurant doesn't wanna behave morally and ethically, don't give it your hard-earned money. You as a consumer, do have a lotta power. Go ahead and exercise that power.

I agree with that. But then you need to take it to a more complete logical stance: Businesses should also be able to choose their customers. If they don't want to do business with someone who they believe is not moral or ethical, they have that right as well.

Consumers these days are in the best position they've ever been in. They really do have an incredible amount of power. With so much information on businesses out there, it's pretty easy to make the right decisions. You can spend your money at businesses you feel do the right thing. However, i know it's impossible to do it all the time.

You just have to do some research. There's an awful lot of businesses out there that do the wrong thing. It's like one poster said earlier. He or she is willing to do whatever possible to screw a fellow American. Meaning, they would pay a Worker $1 an hr. if they thought they could get away with it. You're dealing with a lot of bad Americans like that. So as a Consumer, you just need to make sure you're not giving those folks your money.

How do you sleep at night living in a country where you think businesses are mostly evul?

Money is the root of all evil.
then you better give all your money away or better yet just burn it
/--- Workers should get what they earn and what the employer can afford not what some power hungry politician says they should get so he can consolidate his power base.
Actually.........we have a society that looks out for those least able to defend themselves

Like low wage workers
so a person who chooses to work for a MW job just is utterly incapable of being able do do anything else?

Why do you have such a low opinion of people?

Well it's either that or some sort of superiority complex

Why does RW think that: PROJECTION!

I cannot speak for any RW and if you'd notice I didn't mention any wings in my post

But I have far more faith in the ability of people to better themselves than any of you do

that much is obvious
I believe we don't need our wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; how about you?

Why do you keep asking me the same question when I have already answered it more than once?
I do.

A huge minimum wage increase has a domino effect causing inflation. If your wage goes up, but the cost of everything around you increases as well, how are you ahead?

Here in Cleveland they put the issue of a $15.00 minimum wage to vote in their all Democrat Council. They voted it down. Why? Because they knew it would chase businesses into the suburbs. So then they asked the county to join in so that wouldn't happen. The county wouldn't consider it for the same reason. It would chase industry to surrounding counties.

Why are politicians so interested in people making more money? The more money people make, the more taxes they pay. And if an increase causes a domino effect, then it's better yet, because everybody is making more money and paying more taxes.
We would not need a huge minimum wage increase if we had allowed wages to increase with inflation for the last eight years

Employers have profited from frozen wages for eight years

Time to pay the piper

No, not really. The less it costs to run a business, the less their product or service costs to the customer. Increase wages, their customers would likely have to pay that bill.

The customer is already paying $8 for a stinking burger. The owner obviously doesn't care about passing on cost
The business owner has profited off of a frozen minimum wage
The employees have had to make do with less

Time to even the playing field

$15 to make up for the last eight years and the next eight when we finally get around to raising it again

the employees could have left and found another job.

and all raising the MW to 15 an hour will do is decrease the purchasing power of everyone who already make 15 an hour or more

because the price of absolutely everything will go up and current MW wage workers really won't be much better off after all the price increases hit
Why do you believe that?

In the short run, we may see structural forms of unemployment, that could be solved by Congress, doing what they enjoy doing--micromanaging our tax codes.

In the long run, more people will simply be spending, more money. The laws of demand and supply, will apply, like usual.
spending more but not getting more because the price increases will decrease the purchasing power of more people than it increases and it will not increase the purchasing power for those making under 15 an hour enough to make up for the decrease in purchasing power of everyone else
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?
/---- You fail to grasp the basic principals of business, There job is to make a profit, it's not a social program. Why not open a business and show us how it's done. Well go ahead snowflake.

I care about the good of the nation . Not the desires of some biz who wants slave labor .

AW lil timmy call lassie and get a lick or two!!! The government has no reason or any business setting a wage. They have no idea what a business can afford to pay it's workers. The lies that it helps anything especially the min wage workers is LUDICROUS!! All it helps is the lying scum politicans that idiots vote for.
Fifteen dollars an hour competes favorably with the cost of social services.

Oh man, now you're gonna get the greedy white Republican folk all worked up. They really do hate poor people. You start talking about helping poor Americans, they immediately go full-on Archie Bunker-Mode.

Greedy white Republican folk are very predictable. It's a good thing they're Dinosaurs. They'll be extinct soon. And then American Workers will begin being treated with respect & dignity again.
we have the richest "poor" people in the world how much more help do they need?
People just need to research a bit. It's easy now with so much Internet information. Only eat at restaurants or frequent businesses that fit your moral/ethical belief system. There's enough info out there for folks to make informed decisions about businesses. If a business doesn't fit your moral/ethical belief system, don't give it your money. Businesses catch on after awhile. The consumer has more power now than ever before.

Personally, i only spend money at businesses i feel do the right thing. I reward them for that. I'll pay more. If all Americans do that, Businesses will come around. They'll make changes. It's been proven. So, if a restaurant doesn't wanna behave morally and ethically, don't give it your hard-earned money. You as a consumer, do have a lotta power. Go ahead and exercise that power.
you cannot get a business's payroll figures from the internet
i don't mind, "working with the law", of large numbers.
you don't even understand the law of large numbers

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