Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Because minimum wage creates a domino effect. See my response in post 515
wages should always outpace inflation.

Well they don't. That's just a fact of life in the USA. If you don't like what you are being paid, you find a job that pays better. That's all.
I prefer unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, until they do.

Correct, because we simply don't have enough people in this country living off of working people.
Only fools and horses should have to work, dear.

No, you don't have to work. You can stay home and starve which is they way it should be for people that don't want to work. People shouldn't have to work? Then WTF do you think happened to those people when we didn't have an overpowering government to take care of them? They died.

Until liberals ruined our government, people always had to work and still should. Anybody physically and mentally capable of taking care of themselves should not get any help from hard working taxpayers.

Then why do homeschooled kids routinely beat their public school counterparts in all testing
Because homeschool kids are spoiled little brats who have had mommy hovering around them their whole lives
Public schools have to take all children regardless of parental motivation

Kids are threatened by the idea of having to go to school, so they do try harder. After all, if you don't do well studying at home, the parents ship you off to school.

I hated going to school when I was a kid, and if we had home schooling at the time, I would have done much better simply by the thought of having to go to school.
Some kids thrive in a public school environment. They are subjected to kids of different backgrounds and teachers trained in multiple fields.
Other kids need mommy to screen the kids they meet and monitor every aspects of their lives
And still government schools with their massive budgets, professionally trained teachers, counsellors, and administrators, can't do as good a job educating kids as parents willing to forego the income from a second job. Sad, isn't it?

That's right! That Mom who dropped out of high school because she got pregnant sure did a bang up job homeschooling her daughter who was diagnosed with a learning disability! Those are the stories you don't get to hear about but public school teachers have to deal with on a daily basis.
too bad you don't know that most parents who home school have college degrees
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.
if we were so rich we wouldn't be 20 trillion in debt
The rest of the world can't believe we treat it's people this way? Then why is the rest of the world trying to get into this country?

I'll tell you why: It's because this country offers the best opportunity for advancement if you're willing to work for it. It's because this country creates a new millionaire every day. It's because if you make the right decisions in life, you will be rewarded financially and personally.

However, if you're going to sit back, not try very hard, not engage in investments or education; expecting the government to force employers to pay you more money than you are worth, then there is no hope for you. You're a loser and will always be a loser.

In the meantime, those foreigners who came here with two dollars in their pocket, barely knowing the language, work night and day to obtain an education, to save enough money to open up their own business, to invest in themselves instead of an I-phone or newest video game.

I'm no longer a Republican because of that warped mentality. We should always look out for our American Workers. Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. We're the wealthiest nation on earth for God's sake.

How we treat our less fortunate and powerless, says everything about what kind of country we are. And right now, we should be ashamed of how we treat our fellow Americans.
Look out for all the people you want to. It's fine. Many today have jobs they are barely qualified for at the current minimum wage. Raising that minimum isn't helping them. A nations wealth has nothing at all to do with an individuals wealth or worth. The fact we have such wealth simply means they have an opportunity to get in that game. It doesn't mean they are guaranteed anything.

I don't feel ashamed, you do. Luckily in America you can do something all on your own to sooth your guilt. Go donate your time and money helping these people. Don't sit on your ass in your living room making up rules for everyone to help except you.

How you treat your elderly and less fortunate, says everything about a nation. And we're doing a miserable job on both fronts. We are the richest nation on earth, no?
So now it's elderly people. Is there any group of people you aren't willing to spend this mythical "nations wealth" on?

How you treat your elderly, children, and overall less fortunate, says everything about your nation. And the US is currently failing bigtime on that.
yeah we have the fattest richest poor people on earth
Here is something for you to contemplate: If you are elderly or less fortunate, what other country than the US would you rather be living in?
Any other top rank socialist country (ignoring patriotic sentiment) - FRANCE (#1 Quality of Life AND Place to retire), original EU, Canada, OZ, NZ.

Well then there is the solution to your problem: MOVE!
As I said, stupid, sentiment ignored. As it is, we'll keep trying to fix your greedy idiot GOP mess you morons have produced here, dupe. And guess what, it's basically impossible to retire in those places unless you're VERY rich...

Oh, so not only have you moved the goalposts, you moved them to the other side of the field. But my question was......if you are elderly or less fortunate, what country would you rather be less fortunate or elderly in than the US?
I already said. France, I said. Etc.
OK see ya don't let the door hit you in your ample ass on the way out
Pay the 'surcharge', but bitch the business out. It is shameful. But i'll pay it and keep fellow Americans employed at a livable wage. I feel that's the right thing to do in the end. But hopefully, those businesses will be shamed into doing the right thing eventually. Consumers do have a lot of power. They can force change.
make up your mind you said your wouldn't patronize those "evil" businesses
Wait. You want to force wage increases, but you're asking people not to pay for it? Interesting. You sure they're the bastards?

The greedy assholes constantly make struggling folks out to be the 'Bad Guy.' These are just fellow Americans struggling to get by. You don't wanna a pay a fellow American a living wage, you can go to hell.

I'm sick of all the bitching & whining about the Minimum Wage. Our Minimum Wage is pathetic. We're the richest nation on earth for God's sake. We should treat our fellow Americans better.
And you're willing to make up the difference in higher prices for EVERYTHING?

I do it already. I only purchase products and frequent businesses i know do the right thing. I pay more for it, but i feel better.
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.
We don't, you just stupidly think so. Most people are not making minimum wage because they've been working for a while. Unlike you I lived within my means and didn't expect my neighbor to share his earnings so I could live the same.

Wages aren't going up until the economy goes up. The liberal's policies (not party) suppresses growth. More jobs=more opportunities=better pay. Your mindset demonstrates you might have been a party member but you were never a conservative.
Because homeschool kids are spoiled little brats who have had mommy hovering around them their whole lives
Public schools have to take all children regardless of parental motivation

Kids are threatened by the idea of having to go to school, so they do try harder. After all, if you don't do well studying at home, the parents ship you off to school.

I hated going to school when I was a kid, and if we had home schooling at the time, I would have done much better simply by the thought of having to go to school.
Some kids thrive in a public school environment. They are subjected to kids of different backgrounds and teachers trained in multiple fields.
Other kids need mommy to screen the kids they meet and monitor every aspects of their lives
And still government schools with their massive budgets, professionally trained teachers, counsellors, and administrators, can't do as good a job educating kids as parents willing to forego the income from a second job. Sad, isn't it?

That's right! That Mom who dropped out of high school because she got pregnant sure did a bang up job homeschooling her daughter who was diagnosed with a learning disability! Those are the stories you don't get to hear about but public school teachers have to deal with on a daily basis.
too bad you don't know that most parents who home school have college degrees
And they were bullied in public school, went to private school and think public school is like prison (a lot are), they live in a bad zip code or they have money
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.

Here is something for you to contemplate: If you are elderly or less fortunate, what other country than the US would you rather be living in?

That's not good enough. We can do much better. We should expect much more from the richest nation on earth.
The problem is that the further we go to socialism the less wealthy we become. We have far too many demanding access to their neighbor's earnings. You are part of the problem.
Like i said, y'all are the reason i don't call myself a Republican anymore. You're heartless.

I am also not a Republican anymore either because they are a party of big government just like the stupid Democrats.

I am a very generous person. I believe in the Bible where it says that charity should come from the heart, family and church. The government does not practice charity. It promotes greed and thievery by using the force of government to transfer money from the people that earn it to the people that didn't earn it and that is wrong.

I am quite capable of determining the people that deserves help. I don't need some filthy corrupt dumbass politician, who was elected by special interest groups, taking my money by force and giving it away to the special interest groups that elected him/her.

There are many reasons why I am not a Liberal. Near the top of the list is that I am not greedy and I don't like the idea of using the government to steal money. I have the personal responsibility to take care of my own welfare and I don't need the government to steal money from other people to pay my bills.
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?

Minimum wage workers are only about 3% of our workforce.

Then why do cons freak out over min wage ?
because you moron the call is for a 15 an hour MW which is more than double what it is now

a modest increase is no big deal but the whiners are asking for more than double
That's what you get when you have frozen the wage for eight years

Employers have profited off of low paid labor
Time to pay up
Hey let's be real, America is by far the richest nation on earth. But it does seem like it has no interest in taking care of its elderly or least fortunate. So what does that say about the nation? I guess i'll have to let folks contemplate that for themselves.

Here is something for you to contemplate: If you are elderly or less fortunate, what other country than the US would you rather be living in?

That's not good enough. We can do much better. We should expect much more from the richest nation on earth.
The problem is that the further we go to socialism the less wealthy we become. We have far too many demanding access to their neighbor's earnings. You are part of the problem.
Raising minimum wage is not socialism

Save us from your drama
What good is an employer if their employees have to live off welfare to survive?

Minimum wage workers are only about 3% of our workforce.

Then why do cons freak out over min wage ?
because you moron the call is for a 15 an hour MW which is more than double what it is now

a modest increase is no big deal but the whiners are asking for more than double
That's what you get when you have frozen the wage for eight years

Employers have profited off of low paid labor
Time to pay up

You say that now but when all the price increases hit you'll be whining about greedy business owners
We would not need a huge minimum wage increase if we had allowed wages to increase with inflation for the last eight years

Employers have profited from frozen wages for eight years

Time to pay the piper

No, not really. The less it costs to run a business, the less their product or service costs to the customer. Increase wages, their customers would likely have to pay that bill.

The customer is already paying $8 for a stinking burger. The owner obviously doesn't care about passing on cost
The business owner has profited off of a frozen minimum wage
The employees have had to make do with less

Time to even the playing field

$15 to make up for the last eight years and the next eight when we finally get around to raising it again

the employees could have left and found another job.

and all raising the MW to 15 an hour will do is decrease the purchasing power of everyone who already make 15 an hour or more

because the price of absolutely everything will go up and current MW wage workers really won't be much better off after all the price increases hit
Why do you believe that?

In the short run, we may see structural forms of unemployment, that could be solved by Congress, doing what they enjoy doing--micromanaging our tax codes.

In the long run, more people will simply be spending, more money. The laws of demand and supply, will apply, like usual.
spending more but not getting more because the price increases will decrease the purchasing power of more people than it increases and it will not increase the purchasing power for those making under 15 an hour enough to make up for the decrease in purchasing power of everyone else
dude; three to four percent price inflation is normal. only the right wing likes to, hearsay and soothsay "doomsdays" economic scenarios, without even any "doomsday tax rates".
/---- You fail to grasp the basic principals of business, There job is to make a profit, it's not a social program. Why not open a business and show us how it's done. Well go ahead snowflake.

I care about the good of the nation . Not the desires of some biz who wants slave labor .

AW lil timmy call lassie and get a lick or two!!! The government has no reason or any business setting a wage. They have no idea what a business can afford to pay it's workers. The lies that it helps anything especially the min wage workers is LUDICROUS!! All it helps is the lying scum politicans that idiots vote for.
Fifteen dollars an hour competes favorably with the cost of social services.

Oh man, now you're gonna get the greedy white Republican folk all worked up. They really do hate poor people. You start talking about helping poor Americans, they immediately go full-on Archie Bunker-Mode.

Greedy white Republican folk are very predictable. It's a good thing they're Dinosaurs. They'll be extinct soon. And then American Workers will begin being treated with respect & dignity again.
we have the richest "poor" people in the world how much more help do they need?
How many more bailouts do the "rich", need?
People just need to research a bit. It's easy now with so much Internet information. Only eat at restaurants or frequent businesses that fit your moral/ethical belief system. There's enough info out there for folks to make informed decisions about businesses. If a business doesn't fit your moral/ethical belief system, don't give it your money. Businesses catch on after awhile. The consumer has more power now than ever before.

Personally, i only spend money at businesses i feel do the right thing. I reward them for that. I'll pay more. If all Americans do that, Businesses will come around. They'll make changes. It's been proven. So, if a restaurant doesn't wanna behave morally and ethically, don't give it your hard-earned money. You as a consumer, do have a lotta power. Go ahead and exercise that power.
you cannot get a business's payroll figures from the internet
i don't mind, "working with the law", of large numbers.
you don't even understand the law of large numbers
nothing but diversion instead of a valid argument, right winger?
No, not really. The less it costs to run a business, the less their product or service costs to the customer. Increase wages, their customers would likely have to pay that bill.

The customer is already paying $8 for a stinking burger. The owner obviously doesn't care about passing on cost
The business owner has profited off of a frozen minimum wage
The employees have had to make do with less

Time to even the playing field

$15 to make up for the last eight years and the next eight when we finally get around to raising it again

the employees could have left and found another job.

and all raising the MW to 15 an hour will do is decrease the purchasing power of everyone who already make 15 an hour or more

because the price of absolutely everything will go up and current MW wage workers really won't be much better off after all the price increases hit
Why do you believe that?

In the short run, we may see structural forms of unemployment, that could be solved by Congress, doing what they enjoy doing--micromanaging our tax codes.

In the long run, more people will simply be spending, more money. The laws of demand and supply, will apply, like usual.
spending more but not getting more because the price increases will decrease the purchasing power of more people than it increases and it will not increase the purchasing power for those making under 15 an hour enough to make up for the decrease in purchasing power of everyone else
dude; three to four percent price inflation is normal. only the right wing likes to, hearsay and soothsay "doomsdays" economic scenarios, without even any "doomsday tax rates".
and you think more than doubling the MW will result in just a 3-4% price increase?
People just need to research a bit. It's easy now with so much Internet information. Only eat at restaurants or frequent businesses that fit your moral/ethical belief system. There's enough info out there for folks to make informed decisions about businesses. If a business doesn't fit your moral/ethical belief system, don't give it your money. Businesses catch on after awhile. The consumer has more power now than ever before.

Personally, i only spend money at businesses i feel do the right thing. I reward them for that. I'll pay more. If all Americans do that, Businesses will come around. They'll make changes. It's been proven. So, if a restaurant doesn't wanna behave morally and ethically, don't give it your hard-earned money. You as a consumer, do have a lotta power. Go ahead and exercise that power.
you cannot get a business's payroll figures from the internet
i don't mind, "working with the law", of large numbers.
you don't even understand the law of large numbers
nothing but diversion instead of a valid argument, right winger?

that was a fact, wingnut
wages should always outpace inflation.

Well they don't. That's just a fact of life in the USA. If you don't like what you are being paid, you find a job that pays better. That's all.
I prefer unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, until they do.

Correct, because we simply don't have enough people in this country living off of working people.
Only fools and horses should have to work, dear.

No, you don't have to work. You can stay home and starve which is they way it should be for people that don't want to work. People shouldn't have to work? Then WTF do you think happened to those people when we didn't have an overpowering government to take care of them? They died.

Until liberals ruined our government, people always had to work and still should. Anybody physically and mentally capable of taking care of themselves should not get any help from hard working taxpayers.
This is an example of why nobody, should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

It is about equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation purposes. It really is that simple.


it is about increasing the efficiency of our economy by solving for that market failure of capitalism, like usual.

capitalism's, "natural rate of unemployment" is a simple natural rate of capital inefficiency, from a more social, perspective.
Well they don't. That's just a fact of life in the USA. If you don't like what you are being paid, you find a job that pays better. That's all.
I prefer unemployment compensation on an at-will basis, until they do.

Correct, because we simply don't have enough people in this country living off of working people.
Only fools and horses should have to work, dear.

No, you don't have to work. You can stay home and starve which is they way it should be for people that don't want to work. People shouldn't have to work? Then WTF do you think happened to those people when we didn't have an overpowering government to take care of them? They died.

Until liberals ruined our government, people always had to work and still should. Anybody physically and mentally capable of taking care of themselves should not get any help from hard working taxpayers.
This is an example of why nobody, should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

It is about equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation purposes. It really is that simple.


it is about increasing the efficiency of our economy by solving for that market failure of capitalism, like usual.

capitalism's, "natural rate of unemployment" is a simple natural rate of capital inefficiency, from a more social, perspective.

There is no equal protection under the law for unemployment. Learn what equal protection means. Unemployment is an insurance in case you lose your job through no fault of your own. You can't make a medical claim against your auto insurance company if you were not in an accident. Your auto insurance will only pay a claim if you were injured while driving your car. That's how insurance works.

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