Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.
We don't, you just stupidly think so. Most people are not making minimum wage because they've been working for a while. Unlike you I lived within my means and didn't expect my neighbor to share his earnings so I could live the same.

Wages aren't going up until the economy goes up. The liberal's policies (not party) suppresses growth. More jobs=more opportunities=better pay. Your mindset demonstrates you might have been a party member but you were never a conservative.

If 'most people' aren't making Minimum Wage, what's the harm in raising it?

how many tomes do I have to explain to you idiots

a small raise at the bottom end is no big deal
it' the call for more than doubling the MW that's the issue

What's a 'small raise?' According to all the research i've done, a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum an average American could survive on. And it would be barely surviving. $15 may be too high, but it has to be in that $10-12 range.

Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
Because god forbid their workers make enough to pay rent....if you can't afford to pay workers a livable age then you shouldn't be in business!
Then keep doing that. Why the hell should it be everyone else's problem to make you feel better?

We should be looking out for our fellow Americans. Pay em a living wage. It'll get em off the Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.

The average Republican approach on wages borders on 'Evil.' Yet most of them consider themselves 'Good Christians.' Our Minimum Wage is truly embarrassing. The rest of the world can't believe such a wealthy nation would treat its People so poorly.
We don't, you just stupidly think so. Most people are not making minimum wage because they've been working for a while. Unlike you I lived within my means and didn't expect my neighbor to share his earnings so I could live the same.

Wages aren't going up until the economy goes up. The liberal's policies (not party) suppresses growth. More jobs=more opportunities=better pay. Your mindset demonstrates you might have been a party member but you were never a conservative.

If 'most people' aren't making Minimum Wage, what's the harm in raising it?

how many tomes do I have to explain to you idiots

a small raise at the bottom end is no big deal
it' the call for more than doubling the MW that's the issue

It will be raised to $15 in increments

There was no warning when the price of ground beef doubled. Business adapted

not the same thing because the rise in price of just one thing didn't effect the total operating costs like a doubling of the MW will

you see you can't just hold all other variables constant in your calculations and still think your result is going to mean anything.
We don't, you just stupidly think so. Most people are not making minimum wage because they've been working for a while. Unlike you I lived within my means and didn't expect my neighbor to share his earnings so I could live the same.

Wages aren't going up until the economy goes up. The liberal's policies (not party) suppresses growth. More jobs=more opportunities=better pay. Your mindset demonstrates you might have been a party member but you were never a conservative.

If 'most people' aren't making Minimum Wage, what's the harm in raising it?

how many tomes do I have to explain to you idiots

a small raise at the bottom end is no big deal
it' the call for more than doubling the MW that's the issue

What's a 'small raise?' According to all the research i've done, a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum an average American could survive on. And it would be barely surviving. $15 may be too high, but it has to be in that $10-12 range.

Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

The 1700-1800's are gone forever. They ain't coming back. Big Brother is only growing bigger. We're a 'Big Government' Nation. There is no going back. You may as well start accepting that.

You have as much 'freedom' as your Government allows you to have. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it is the reality. I don't mind helping our Workers out. Our current Minimum Wage is a sad embarrassment, compared to other developed nations around the world.

The concepts of liberty and personal responsibility are just as valid now as they were in 1776.

As long as there are greedy assholes that use the government to steal what they are unable (or more likely unwilling) to earn themselves then this will continue.

We need to break that cycle and move away from this destructive welfare state. That is the only sane path.

I used to be like you. You'll get it one day. We're a 'Big Government' Nation. There is no turning back. Once you accept the reality, you'll stop being so angry and frustrated. I have to work within the current System. I can't live fantasies, like 'the good ole 1700-1800's are coming back.' It just ain't gonna happen.
why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

Because $26,000 a year is not much money.

Why do you feel the need to begrudge working people a decent living?

What have they ever done to you to inspire such pettiness?

If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Depending upon what the business is, that may be a very appropriate wage.
doesn't matter all businesses have to pay enough for people to live and if he really "cared" like he says then he should just do it after all labor costs have nothing to do with running a business
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

there are many skill sets that are not worth 500 a week

if all you can to is clean a toilet then you will never earn 500 a week
If 'most people' aren't making Minimum Wage, what's the harm in raising it?

how many tomes do I have to explain to you idiots

a small raise at the bottom end is no big deal
it' the call for more than doubling the MW that's the issue

What's a 'small raise?' According to all the research i've done, a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum an average American could survive on. And it would be barely surviving. $15 may be too high, but it has to be in that $10-12 range.

Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Republican views on wages, borders on 'Evil.' It's like they really do hate poor folks. You start talking about helping poor people, they immediately go into rabid Archie Bunker-Mode. They seem very greedy and hateful. It's why i won't call myself a Republican anymore. But that doesn't mean i'm a Democrat either.

Not wanting the filthy ass government to take my money by force and then give it away to some worthless welfare queens or illegal aliens is hardly "Archie Bunker" mode.

I am quite capable of determining who to help with my charity. I don't need the government to force me to give other people money. The government is really lousy at spending the money it takes in and I would not want to give the money given to many of the shitheads that voted in the politics that voted in the laws to take my money.

What I am talking about is basic liberty. The liberty to live your life without the government taking away what you earn and giving it to somebody else.

We don't need a welfare state in this country. What we need is to force people take personal responsibility for their lives and provide for their own welfare.

The 1700-1800's are gone forever. They ain't coming back. Big Brother is only growing bigger. We're a 'Big Government' Nation. There is no going back. You may as well start accepting that.

You have as much 'freedom' as your Government allows. I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it is the reality. I don't mind helping our Workers out. Our current Minimum Wage is a sad embarrassment, compared to other developed nations around the world.
I'm not at all embarrassed by our minimum fact I am quite proud that we are not at all like those other "developed" nations who are completely dependent on us for funding their scamming schemes like "climate change" slush fund agendas because they cannot afford to do it without us...I am embarrassed for Americans who fall for it

Like i said, you ain't getting your 1700-1800's back. You're only banging your head against a brick wall thinking those days are coming back. You'll only live in a permanent state of frustration on that.
Again, just arguing something you pretend is being said as opposed to what is actually being said...You can keep your 17 & 1800's battle, continue fighting that battle while the 21'st and 22'nd centuries are being conquered while you're not looking.

We are a 'Big Government' Nation. And i don't have a problem helping our Workers out. It's money well-spent. Less of our fellow Americans will be dependent on Government Entitlements, and they'll feel they're worth something.
Would the sky fall if that were not true?[/QUOTE]
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I used to be like you. You'll get it one day. We're a 'Big Government' Nation. There is no turning back. Once you accept the reality, you'll stop being so angry and frustrated. I have to work within the current System. I can't live fantasies, like 'the good ole 1700-1800's are coming back.' It just ain't gonna happen.

Don't be weak.

We can disassemble this filthy ass welfare state. All we have to do is do it. There will be a lot of crying and wailing from the welfare queens but who gives a shit? I know I don't.

The fantasy is that we can sustain the welfare state. We are $20 trillion in debt and for the last eight year we haven't even been able to get 3% economic growth. That is what Left economics gives us. Poverty has increased, family income has decreased while we are taking almost 40% of the GDP for the combined cost of government.

That needs to stop now.
how many tomes do I have to explain to you idiots

a small raise at the bottom end is no big deal
it' the call for more than doubling the MW that's the issue

What's a 'small raise?' According to all the research i've done, a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum an average American could survive on. And it would be barely surviving. $15 may be too high, but it has to be in that $10-12 range.

Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

again not a republican and I have said over and over an increase on the low end is no big deal the call for more than doubling the MW is another matter entirely but you obviously have you head so far up your own ass that it's your private little echo chamber

I used to be like you. You'll get it one day. We're a 'Big Government' Nation. There is no turning back. Once you accept the reality, you'll stop being so angry and frustrated. I have to work within the current System. I can't live fantasies, like 'the good ole 1700-1800's are coming back.' It just ain't gonna happen.

Don't be weak.

We can disassemble this filthy ass welfare state. All we have to do is do it. There will be a lot of crying and wailing from the welfare queens but who gives a shit? I know I don't.

The fantasy is that we can sustain the welfare state. We are $20 trillion in debt and for the last eight year we haven't even been able to get 3% economic growth. That is what Left economics gives us. Poverty has increased, family income has decreased while we are taking almost 40% of the GDP for the combined cost of government.

That needs to stop now.

Again, you're only gonna live in a permanent state of anger and frustration. The 1700-1800's are gone forever. Big Government will only continue to get bigger. It's what the People want. So i have to work within that System. Fantasies only lead to anger and frustration.
What's a 'small raise?' According to all the research i've done, a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum an average American could survive on. And it would be barely surviving. $15 may be too high, but it has to be in that $10-12 range.

Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

again not a republican and I have said over and over an increase on the low end is no big deal the call for more than doubling the MW is another matter entirely but you obviously have you head so far up your own ass that it's your private little echo chamber

Nah, y'all are just fear mongering again. You want your slaves, and you throw hysterical hissy-fits every time you think that's being threatened. But like i said, the sky won't fall if the Minimum Wage is increased. Y'all are just lying about that again.
Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

again not a republican and I have said over and over an increase on the low end is no big deal the call for more than doubling the MW is another matter entirely but you obviously have you head so far up your own ass that it's your private little echo chamber

Nah, y'all are just fear mongering again. You want your slaves, and you throw hysterical hissy-fits every time you think that's being threatened. But like i said, the sky won't fall if the Minimum Wage is increased. Y'all are just lying about that again.

if you think the freedom to agree to work for wages offered and to quit a job any time you want is slavery then you are even dumber than I thought
and that's saying something
Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

again not a republican and I have said over and over an increase on the low end is no big deal the call for more than doubling the MW is another matter entirely but you obviously have you head so far up your own ass that it's your private little echo chamber

Nah, y'all are just fear mongering again. You want your slaves, and you throw hysterical hissy-fits every time you think that's being threatened. But like i said, the sky won't fall if the Minimum Wage is increased. Y'all are just lying about that again.

it depends on the increase Dipshit
Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

again not a republican and I have said over and over an increase on the low end is no big deal the call for more than doubling the MW is another matter entirely but you obviously have you head so far up your own ass that it's your private little echo chamber

Nah, y'all are just fear mongering again. You want your slaves, and you throw hysterical hissy-fits every time you think that's being threatened. But like i said, the sky won't fall if the Minimum Wage is increased. Y'all are just lying about that again.
Will the sky fall if there is no increase? heck, will it fall if the minimum wage is abolished? when was the last time the sky did fall?

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