Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

how many tomes do I have to explain to you idiots

a small raise at the bottom end is no big deal
it' the call for more than doubling the MW that's the issue

What's a 'small raise?' According to all the research i've done, a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum an average American could survive on. And it would be barely surviving. $15 may be too high, but it has to be in that $10-12 range.

Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
What's a 'small raise?' According to all the research i've done, a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum an average American could survive on. And it would be barely surviving. $15 may be too high, but it has to be in that $10-12 range.

Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...
Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...

You are totally ignorant to business if you think it works like that.

If low skill workers make more money, it doesn't affect the CEO pay one bit. The employer will cut hours, layoff people, increase prices for their products or services, or make employees pay more towards their healthcare benefits.
Why does the MW have to be what a person can "survive" on

If you need to make 500 a week to survive then you work however much you have to to make the 500

why do you think that one 40 hour job should have to pay you 500 a week?

If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts
Dupe believes bs propaganda about those great welfare benefits. EVERYONE would rather have a good job. NOT 7.25 hour. (If min wage kept up with inflation, would be $11)...
Funny how gov't growth SLOWS under Dems and grows like bamboo under the GOP, isn't it, dupe?

Trump's Budget Plan Is Expected To Include Cuts Of Historic Proportions
Crazy stuff, but military spending more than makes up for it...Trump is not GOP, just FOS. LOL.

The nonrich and country's only hope is the Dems getting over 60% and real control. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.

The point is that he will be cutting government and government jobs. Smaller government for sure.
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...

You are totally ignorant to business if you think it works like that.

If low skill workers make more money, it doesn't affect the CEO pay one bit. The employer will cut hours, layoff people, increase prices for their products or services, or make employees pay more towards their healthcare benefits.
Can you read? I said high tax rate to control CEO pay.
Funny how gov't growth SLOWS under Dems and grows like bamboo under the GOP, isn't it, dupe?

Trump's Budget Plan Is Expected To Include Cuts Of Historic Proportions
Crazy stuff, but military spending more than makes up for it...Trump is not GOP, just FOS. LOL.

The nonrich and country's only hope is the Dems getting over 60% and real control. Scott Brown was a catastrophe.

The point is that he will be cutting government and government jobs. Smaller government for sure.
Except some GOP senators won't go for it. Like Trumpcare.
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...

You are totally ignorant to business if you think it works like that.

If low skill workers make more money, it doesn't affect the CEO pay one bit. The employer will cut hours, layoff people, increase prices for their products or services, or make employees pay more towards their healthcare benefits.
the vast vast vast majority of business don't have a CEO but these fucking idiots think that every little business with 4 or 5 employees has a CEO making 500 times what their employees do

Fucking clueless
If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts
Dupe believes bs propaganda about those great welfare benefits. EVERYONE would rather have a good job. NOT 7.25 hour. (If min wage kept up with inflation, would be $11)...
hey if you want a job that pays more than 7.25 an hour then it's up to you to make the labor you sell worth more. If all you can do is put burgers in paper bags you're shit out of luck
and FYI more than half of that states have their own MW that is higher than the federal MW
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...

You are totally ignorant to business if you think it works like that.

If low skill workers make more money, it doesn't affect the CEO pay one bit. The employer will cut hours, layoff people, increase prices for their products or services, or make employees pay more towards their healthcare benefits.
the vast vast vast majority of business don't have a CEO but these fucking idiots think that every little business with 4 or 5 employees has a CEO making 500 times what their employees do

Fucking clueless
Of course not, duh lol. My problem is with giant corps DUH.
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...

You are totally ignorant to business if you think it works like that.

If low skill workers make more money, it doesn't affect the CEO pay one bit. The employer will cut hours, layoff people, increase prices for their products or services, or make employees pay more towards their healthcare benefits.
Can you read? I said high tax rate to control CEO pay.

And control their pay for what??? What's that going to solve? You think that if you take more from a CEO, that will somehow end up in our pockets?

When government starts taxing people based on their hatred of what they do for a living, we might as well say we live under a dictatorship.

What would you think if Republicans said we should tax the shit out of trial lawyers? Then you would be moaning and groaning. Or let the Republicans place an extra tax on entertainment. Movies are too expensive anyway. Let some poor people see those movies too. I say we need a 120% tax on abortions. What do you think of that???
The surcharge BS is just that, raise the price of the food, this surcharging people to death is a pretty deceitful way to make a dime. It's a way to get more money out of a customer.
If you need 500 a week to live it's up to you to earn it any way you can it's not up to an employer to give it to you

If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...

You are totally ignorant to business if you think it works like that.

If low skill workers make more money, it doesn't affect the CEO pay one bit. The employer will cut hours, layoff people, increase prices for their products or services, or make employees pay more towards their healthcare benefits.
the vast vast vast majority of business don't have a CEO but these fucking idiots think that every little business with 4 or 5 employees has a CEO making 500 times what their employees do

Fucking clueless

They also think that CEO's spend their day with their astroturf greens in their office and practice putts all day.

Liberals watch too many movies and then think they are educated.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases


because you have to pay 5 cents more for your disgusting fast food, they should work for subpar wages?
you'll just have to pay five cents more for your fat and salt.

automatic of certain places would have happened anyway. they didn't close normal places they just added income. and they charged a little extra so their billions in profits aren't affected.

stop whining because you can't earn a decent wage and are bitter because big macs are too expensive for you

Just raise the price a dime or quarter, why hide the cost in a surcharge?
The surcharge BS is just that, raise the price of the food, this surcharging people to death is a pretty deceitful way to make a dime. It's a way to get more money out of a customer.

That's what happens with most businesses. But apparently, this business owner wanted to make a statement. When our expenses increase--we pass that increase on to you--the customers.

The message is being sent to the voters that supported the minimum wage increase.
Trump said he would fix the economy for them. Well? We're waiting?

Yeah, not like when the Dow closed at over 20,000 under Obama.

Oh... wait... Never mind...
When we pointed to the stock market doing well you didn't want to hear it. You were worried about blue collar. Don't take your eye off the ball. Real unemployment. What is it? 25%?

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