Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
Is there a point to this thread ???

I don't think so, spam bot.

So you're going onto the ignore list.

Sorry, no choice.
No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get.

You don't live in a real world, do you?

Why do you think the formerly strong black family unit has been destroyed?



In the wake of Hurricane Katrina's destruction of New Orleans, President Bush gave America's poverty pimps and race hustlers new ammunition. The president said, "As all of us saw on television, there is also some deep, persistent poverty in this region as well. And that poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination, which cut off generations from the opportunity of America. We have a duty to confront this poverty with bold action."

The president's espousing such a vision not only supplies ammunition to poverty pimps and race hustlers, it focuses attention away from the true connection between race and poverty.

Though I grow weary of pointing it out, let's do it again. Let's examine some numbers readily available from the Census Bureau's 2004 Current Population Survey and ask some questions. There's one segment of the black population that suffers only a 9.9 percent poverty rate, and only 13.7 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. There's another segment that suffers a 39.5 percent poverty rate, and 58.1 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. Among whites, one segment suffers a 6 percent poverty rate, and only 9.9 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. The other segment suffers a 26.4 percent poverty rate, and 52 percent of its under-5-year-olds are poor. What do you think distinguishes the high and low poverty populations among blacks?

Would you buy an explanation that it's because white people practice discrimination against one segment of the black population and not the other or one segment had a history of slavery and not the other? You'd have to be a lunatic to buy such an explanation. The only distinction between both the black and white populations is marriage -- lower poverty in married-couple families.

In 1960, only 28 percent of black females ages 15 to 44 were never married and illegitimacy among blacks was 22 percent. Today, the never-married rate is 56 percent and illegitimacy stands at 70 percent. If today's black family structure were what it was in 1960, the overall black poverty rate would be in or near single digits. The weakening of the black family structure, and its devastating consequences have nothing to do with the history of slavery or racial discrimination.

Read more:
Ammunition For Poverty Pimps
Good. Would be about time the poor and middle class got a break.

Specifically, how would that help?

The minimum wage worker is qualified to mop floors. His/her hourly pay goes to $20.00 per hour. So from there, everyone's pay is increased a like rate. Accomplished...NOTHING. The three gallons of gas you could buy for $7.50 will now cost the floor mopper $20.00 and so on and so on. What has that $20.00 per hour accomplished Francois? ZIP, ZERO, NADA!
The surcharge BS is just that, raise the price of the food, this surcharging people to death is a pretty deceitful way to make a dime. It's a way to get more money out of a customer.
To pay for higher pay of employees. GOOD.

I am glad they get higher wages, I'm not against workers getting more pay, just put it in the cost of the food prices, why the surcharge? Raise your damn prices 3%-4%, don't be a chicken shit and play games with your customers.
The surcharge BS is just that, raise the price of the food, this surcharging people to death is a pretty deceitful way to make a dime. It's a way to get more money out of a customer.

It's just a lowdown dirty way to punish the 'slaves.' It's intended to turn the People against the Workers. But that's ok, Consumers have a lot more power these days. They can make immoral/unethical Businesses pay. Times have changed.

It doesn't punish anyone but the consumer, they are the ones paying more.
Just raise the price a dime or quarter, why hide the cost in a surcharge?

Exactly how is it "hidden" if it is printed on the receipt?

It is not included in the price, it is added after you order. It's like the damn cell phone companies, the plan is $50, by the time you pay all the other crap it is $63. Just add the price to the dinner, don't play silly games with your customers.
If the employer doesn't feel you're worth $500 a week, he can let you go and do all the work himself.

Or hire somebody that will take the job for less.
Yup, no greatest generation or unions anymore, just greedy idiot GOP CEOs. That's why the gov't is the only hope for workers. $15 min. wage (by stages) and high top tax rates to get CEO pay under control...

You are totally ignorant to business if you think it works like that.

If low skill workers make more money, it doesn't affect the CEO pay one bit. The employer will cut hours, layoff people, increase prices for their products or services, or make employees pay more towards their healthcare benefits.
the vast vast vast majority of business don't have a CEO but these fucking idiots think that every little business with 4 or 5 employees has a CEO making 500 times what their employees do

Fucking clueless
Of course not, duh lol. My problem is with giant corps DUH.
and the very small percentage of CEOS have absolutely no effect on your pay
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.
have you ever employed anyone?

Have you ever made a dozen phone calls to try to get someone in to cover a sick call and have no one say yes?
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts
Dupe believes bs propaganda about those great welfare benefits. EVERYONE would rather have a good job. NOT 7.25 hour. (If min wage kept up with inflation, would be $11)...

Many independent studies have been conducted. And most concluded that a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum required for someone to survive on. And they would just barely survive.
where does it say that every job in the market place must be a job to survive on?

some jobs are just to make a little extra cash

and like I said if you need 500 a week to pay your bills and you can only earn 8 an hour because you have no skills then you have to work enough to earn that 500

That's what people used to do. That's what I did when I was younger.
I never expected one 40 hour a week job to be enough to live on
The surcharge BS is just that, raise the price of the food, this surcharging people to death is a pretty deceitful way to make a dime. It's a way to get more money out of a customer.

It's just a lowdown dirty way to punish the 'slaves.' It's intended to turn the People against the Workers. But that's ok, Consumers have a lot more power these days. They can make immoral/unethical Businesses pay. Times have changed.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts
Dupe believes bs propaganda about those great welfare benefits. EVERYONE would rather have a good job. NOT 7.25 hour. (If min wage kept up with inflation, would be $11)...

Many independent studies have been conducted. And most concluded that a $10-12 Minimum Wage is the minimum required for someone to survive on. And they would just barely survive.

I don't know how your studies concluded that when the cost of living is so different depending on where you go.

$10.00 an hour in NYC or California is like $6.00 an hour here.
I know successful guys too who should have never went to college. All they did was start their own business.

I'm glad I went to college. Makes it a lot easier to get a job.

Well, in the case of my waiter, that's not what happened. When my daughter turned 21 she moved to New York. She couldn't get a job because of all the college grads waiting and bussing tables, many with advanced degrees...

Your waiter might be sorry one day. Have you ever been a waiter? I'd rather be an electrical engineer.

And that would be great, but the reality is that the one job offer he got in New York barely would've paid him a living wage for New York.

My best friend graduated from the University of Rochester (New York) with an advanced degree in neurobiology. He works as a software designer now when he's not touring as a guitar player...

And everyone inflates their salary. Always take half off what someone tells you they make.

I based my comment on what I tipped him and on what I've seen as customary in high-end restaurants. It's not unusual to see four figure checks in a restaurant like this with a large party. Four figure checks carry rather sizable tips. The only people leaving a $20 tip in a place like this are people who want to ensure they get shitty service the next time through.

When our waiter said he had no desire to give up his waiter gig, I had no reason to doubt him...
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.
no rich guy ever took a dime from me
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

Libs tend to put the palms of their hands against their ears and sing aloud when they hear the truth.

Some of our customers use temporary help to check out the workers first and to have the flexibility during variable sales activities in their company. Many have told me when they get busy and ask the temps if the can work more hours, many refuse. Why? Because it cuts into their food stamp allowance. They must keep their income at a certain level to keep getting SNAP's cards.

Of course the company would never hire workers like that from the temp agency, so not only are these people financially holding themselves back because of government, they are also giving up an opportunity to gain full-time employment and get out of temporary services.

It's the same with these minimum wage workers. Give them a raise, and they will cut back from working 25 hours a week to 15 hours a week. What's accomplished by that?

No offense, but that's absolute greedy white Republican BULLSHITE! Most Workers take all the hours they can get. Y'all really do live in some bizarre greedy fantasy bubble. You seem to hate poor folks. It's pretty evil.

You must live in your mothers basement. Get out in the real world and see what's going on instead of reading lib blogs.

A few years ago one of my tenants became increasingly late with rent. I asked them to come to my apartment to discuss the problem. It was a couple with two kids, a large dog, and three cats.

He worked 40 hours a week but she stayed home "supposedly" home schooling the kids. He had no option to work overtime at his company, so I suggested that on the weekends, he watch the kids and she could get a part-time job at Walmart or McDonald's to make ends meet.

She didn't even entertain my solution. Why? Because she was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps, and any income would work against that stipend.

So I had no choice but to evict them, and later sued him for back rent which of course he didn't pay. I had to get his wages garnished for over a year.

Now they have an eviction on their record which any landlord can dig up on the computer. They lost their home and had to scramble to find a new place to live. All for what? Food stamps.

So don't tell me what goes on. I work in industry every day and get to talk to a lot of people.
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.
The surcharge BS is just that, raise the price of the food, this surcharging people to death is a pretty deceitful way to make a dime. It's a way to get more money out of a customer.

It's just a lowdown dirty way to punish the 'slaves.' It's intended to turn the People against the Workers. But that's ok, Consumers have a lot more power these days. They can make immoral/unethical Businesses pay. Times have changed.
If the economy goes up, wages go up. Always has.

You cannot grasp that simple fact, hate is your substitute for thinking. If artificial wages worked why not mandate $50 minimum?
If y'all Republican Archie Bunker-types cared about your fellow Americans, you would understand why.
I'm not a republican

but hey why don't you open a business and pay everyone 1000 a week to show how much you care?

Again, more Republican drama queen exaggerations. The sky won't fall as a result of raising the Minimum Wage. Y'all always claim it will, but it never has before. So just relax, these struggling folks aren't gonna get 'Rich' by making a few more bucks.

Who says they're going to make any more? If they are collecting government handouts, they will work less hours and earn the same amount of money to keep them government goodies coming in.
these idiots also don't know the difference between qualifying for government handouts and actually needing government handouts

What's so wrong with handouts? Filthy rich Corporations get em all the time. If the filthy rich can get em, i don't see why the least fortunate among us shouldn't get em.

Keeping more of your own money is not a handout.

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What's so wrong with handouts? Filthy rich Corporations get em all the time. If the filthy rich can get em, i don't see why the least fortunate among us shouldn't get em.

Keeping more of your own money is not a handout.
Liberals consider keeping some of you money as stealing from the government. We are property of the state.
What's so wrong with handouts? Filthy rich Corporations get em all the time. If the filthy rich can get em, i don't see why the least fortunate among us shouldn't get em.

Keeping more of your own money is not a handout.
Liberals consider keeping some of you money as stealing from the government. We are property of the state.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else
Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

Hey, if my kid was a waiter or waitress at a restaurant like that, and they enjoyed it (which our waiter clearly did) I would be proud of him. The kid was makin' bank. If he's crying himself to sleep at night, they're tears of joy...

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