Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Groveling before our ridiculously bloated rich is not a bad idea after 35 years of Reaganism...see sig.

What an ignorant comment.

I'm hardly "ridiculously bloated rich". I took a meager salary as a young sailor in the Navy and was smart with it. My investments later in life have done well for me. I left my second career when my investments worked generously in my favor. No one gave me a fuckin' thing. I worked for every single thing I have.

The guy was hardly groveling. If anything, he was boasting. Frankly, it was refreshing to see someone who was proud of what his hard work was affording him as opposed to some idiot liberal who thinks the world owes him a comfortable living...
Yes his parents must be so proud he's a waiter. He probably cries himself to sleep at night.

At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.
That is an example of why nobody, should take the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

At-will employment is generally described as follows: "any hiring is presumed to be 'at will'; that is, the employer is free to discharge individuals 'for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all,' and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work."--
Huh? I'll fire any goddamn body I want for any reason I want. You pay the bills you make the rules. A job is not a right.
What's so wrong with handouts? Filthy rich Corporations get em all the time. If the filthy rich can get em, i don't see why the least fortunate among us shouldn't get em.

Keeping more of your own money is not a handout.
Liberals consider keeping some of you money as stealing from the government. We are property of the state.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else
conservatives cheat less on their taxes than do liberals so it seems yo have it ass backwards as usual

Take a Guess: Are America’s Tax Cheating Politicians Mostly Dems or Republicans?
Trump pays no taxes

That has nothing to do with what Skull Pilot posted. Trump didn't cheat on his taxes, liberals do.

Republican views on wages, borders on 'Evil.' It's like they really do hate poor folks. You start talking about helping poor people, they immediately go into rabid Archie Bunker-Mode. They seem very greedy and hateful. It's why i won't call myself a Republican anymore. But that doesn't mean i'm a Democrat either.

Not wanting the filthy ass government to take my money by force and then give it away to some worthless welfare queens or illegal aliens is hardly "Archie Bunker" mode.

I am quite capable of determining who to help with my charity. I don't need the government to force me to give other people money. The government is really lousy at spending the money it takes in and I would not want to give the money given to many of the shitheads that voted in the politics that voted in the laws to take my money.

What I am talking about is basic liberty. The liberty to live your life without the government taking away what you earn and giving it to somebody else.

We don't need a welfare state in this country. What we need is to force people take personal responsibility for their lives and provide for their own welfare.
This is why nobody should take the (for-profit) right wing seriously about the law, or economics;

a welfare State is specifically enumerated in our Constitution not any form of warfare State.

The common Defense is Not, the common Offense or general Warfare.

Only the (national socialist) right wing, never gets it.
Snowflakes are too stupid to understand that economics and market instruments don't GAF about social justice.
At least he isn't a slimy salesman, now that would make any parent cringe, how dishonest of a profession can you get, right up there with ambulance chaser.

Well, that depends on what he's selling.

I used to sell very high-end guitars; in the $10-$30K range. The clientele was very select and they usually knew exactly what they wanted before they ever started talking to me...
Liberals consider keeping some of you money as stealing from the government. We are property of the state.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else

No, we just don't believe that governments job is to be a charity organization. Our founders never wanted that. Governments should govern--charity should raise money for the needy.

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A governments job is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents. "
James Madison, annals of congress, 1794
But we have post-modern progressives to tell us what the author of the Constitution really means.

The Founders INTENTIONALLY left the Constitution open to interpretation.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else

No, we just don't believe that governments job is to be a charity organization. Our founders never wanted that. Governments should govern--charity should raise money for the needy.

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A governments job is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents. "
James Madison, annals of congress, 1794
But we have post-modern progressives to tell us what the author of the Constitution really means.

The Founders INTENTIONALLY left the Constitution open to interpretation.
Not that open. The general welfare clause is badly twisted by progressives. If they were right why even have the rest of the Constitution? Government could collect and spend whatever it wants.
Keeping more of your own money is not a handout.
Liberals consider keeping some of you money as stealing from the government. We are property of the state.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else
conservatives cheat less on their taxes than do liberals so it seems yo have it ass backwards as usual

Take a Guess: Are America’s Tax Cheating Politicians Mostly Dems or Republicans?
Trump pays no taxes

That has nothing to do with what Skull Pilot posted. Trump didn't cheat on his taxes, liberals do.
Could I interest you in a nice bridge
a welfare State is specifically enumerated in our Constitution not any form of warfare State.
That's exactly why drugs are illegal. You fried your noodle.
this is why, i never take the right wing seriously about the law and Always argue the point:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Congress shall have Power

To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Both terms, "promote and provide" are specifically enumerated in regard to the general welfare, but not the common defense.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else

No, we just don't believe that governments job is to be a charity organization. Our founders never wanted that. Governments should govern--charity should raise money for the needy.

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A governments job is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents. "
James Madison, annals of congress, 1794
But we have post-modern progressives to tell us what the author of the Constitution really means.

The Founders INTENTIONALLY left the Constitution open to interpretation.
There is No Thing, ambiguous about our social Contract and supreme law of the land.

Only lousy reading comprehension.
but he doesn't CHEAT like the liberals do
Cheating is how Trump made his fortune

You must have attended Trump University

so where did he cheat on his taxes like all your favorite democrat pols did?
Democrats pay taxes......Trump doesnt

And you know that how????????

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Trump admitted it

I don't recall that; at least nothing he mean seriously.

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a welfare State is specifically enumerated in our Constitution not any form of warfare State.
That's exactly why drugs are illegal. You fried your noodle.
this is why, i never take the right wing seriously about the law and Always argue the point:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The Congress shall have Power

To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;
but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
Both terms, "promote and provide" are specifically enumerated in regard to the general welfare, but not the common defense.
This is why I don't take potheads seriously. Providing for the general welfare for the United States is not the same thing as providing welfare for all the citizens.

Enough Is Enough: Why General Welfare Limits Spending
Hamilton’s broad reading met with opposition from many of the other Founders. James Madison repeatedly argued that the power to tax and spend did not confer upon Congress the right to do whatever it thought to be in the best interest of the nation, but only to further the ends specifically enumerated elsewhere in the Constitution, a position supported by Thomas Jefferson.
Liberals consider keeping some of you money as stealing from the government. We are property of the state.
Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else

No, we just don't believe that governments job is to be a charity organization. Our founders never wanted that. Governments should govern--charity should raise money for the needy.

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A governments job is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents. "
James Madison, annals of congress, 1794
But we have post-modern progressives to tell us what the author of the Constitution really means.

Rightwinger is a perfect example of that. The government needs to do whatever the people want. If the people want government to buy us each a new house, they better because that's what government is for in their opinion.

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Conservatives consider not contributing to society to be a virtue

I got mine......Fuck everyone else

No, we just don't believe that governments job is to be a charity organization. Our founders never wanted that. Governments should govern--charity should raise money for the needy.

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A governments job is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents. "
James Madison, annals of congress, 1794
But we have post-modern progressives to tell us what the author of the Constitution really means.

Rightwinger is a perfect example of that. The government needs to do whatever the people want. If the people want government to buy us each a new house, they better because that's what government is for in their opinion.
I filtered out his wisdom LONG ago. The author of the Constitution doesn't agree and we would have been a socialist state from day one.
When Trumpcare takes away small business health insurance subsidies, will the restaurant owners tack that onto their bills with another surcharge?
No, we just don't believe that governments job is to be a charity organization. Our founders never wanted that. Governments should govern--charity should raise money for the needy.

Sent from my iPhone using

A governments job is to do what needs doing as determined by We the People

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution that grants congress the right, of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents. "
James Madison, annals of congress, 1794
But we have post-modern progressives to tell us what the author of the Constitution really means.

The Founders INTENTIONALLY left the Constitution open to interpretation.
There is No Thing, ambiguous about our social Contract and supreme law of the land.

Only lousy reading comprehension.

Okay, so when you read the Constitution, ONLY the Constitution, how do you know that the free speech protection in the 1st Amendment won't protect you for speech, for example, inciting a riot, or speech that is libelous, or the old favorite, yelling fire in a crowded theatre?

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